Elemental Elementalism

Elemental Elementalism is the holy scripture of the religion of the new age of the world.

The paperback version of Elemental Elementalism is available from Amazon for USD12.99.

The Kindle version of Elemental Elementalism is available from Amazon for USD6.99.

In this time of great transition, many old religious ideas are dying. The truths that underpin all genuine spiritual traditions, however, still exist. Elemental Elementalism details the tenets and associated beliefs of Elementalism, the religion of the Age of Aquarius.

Beginning with the astonishing assertion that consciousness is the prima materia and, therefore, the ground of all being, Elemental Elementalism updates the perennial spiritual wisdom for the digital age. Across 60 chapters, arranged in three parts, Elemental Elementalism is a nuclear artillery barrage against the twin falsehoods of nihilistic, atheistic materialism and the Adharmic religions such as the Abrahamic cults.

The first part of the book, Elemental Foundations, explains the foundational ideas and dogma of Elementalism. These include the Four Tenets, the Great Fractal, the Quadrijitu, the Masculine Elements, the Feminine Elements, the Great Axes, the Fundamental Attitudes and the Good News of Elementalism.

The second part of the book, Elemental Conceptions, describes the Elementalist position on a range of timeless philosophical issues. Elementalist ideas about the creation of God and the physical world, good and evil, free will, the meaning of life, Heaven and Hell, pleasure and pain, death, justice and virtue are all covered.

The third part of the book, Elemental Prescriptions, details a complete moral code and a guide to how to behave in our ever-changing, massively confusing modern world. This moral code includes the Major and Minor Aspirations, new sets of angels and demons for a new age, how to deal with various groups of people and moral hierarchies of beings, worlds and classes.

Elemental Elementalism is an essential read for anyone who has seen beyond the material illusion but is wary of mainstream religion, especially as it is practiced in the West.

Elemental Elementalism is the holy scripture of the religion of Elementalism.

The Four Tenets of Elementalism are The Foundational Tenet, The Divisional Tenet, The Expanded Tenet and The Absolute Tenet.

The Foundational Tenet relates to the prima materia.

The Divisional Tenet relates to the distinction between consciousness and the contents of consciousness.

The Expansive Tenet relates to the nature of the contents of consciousness.

The Absolute Tenet relates to the moral reality of existence.

Elementalist Foundations

The First Tenet Of Elementalism
The Second Tenet Of Elementalism
The Third Tenet Of Elementalism
The Fourth Tenet Of Elementalism
An Introduction To Great Fractal Theory
Navigating The Great Fractal
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Assortative Reincarnation
Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations
The Quadrijitu
The Great Masculine Axis
The Masculine Elements
The Fundamental Masculine Attitude
The Great Feminine Axis
The Feminine Elements
The Fundamental Feminine Attitude
Elemental Illusions And Elemental Delusions
The Good News Of Elementalism
Who Was I Before This Life? Where Was I Before This Life?

Elementalist Conceptions

The Elementalist Conception of The Creation of God
The Elementalist Conception of The Creation of the Physical World
The Elementalist Conception of How Life Began
The Elementalist Conception of The Inherent Horror of Life
he Elementalist Conception of Good and Evil
The Elementalist Conception of Order and Chaos
The Elementalist Conception of Heaven and Hell
The Elementalist Conception of Truth and Falsehood
The Elementalist Conception of The Meaning of Life
The Elementalist Conception of Free Will
The Elementalist Conception of How Everything Evens Out
The Elementalist Conception of Love and Hate
The Elementalist Conception of Pleasure and Pain
The Elementalist Conception of The Triune God
The Elementalist Conception of Time
The Elementalist Conception of The Multiverse
The Elementalist Conception of Death
The Elementalist Conception of Resurrection
The Elementalist Conception of Justice
The Elementalist Conception of Virtue
The Elementalist Conception of War and Peace

Elementalist Proscriptions

Life: A Spiritual War
The Elementalist Exhortation Against Suicide
The Major Aspiration
The Minor Aspiration
Balancing the Higher and Lower Selves
Towards A Demonology of the Age of Aquarius
Towards An Angelology of the Age of Aquarius
Normies, Tards and Hams
How To Deal With Normies
How To Deal With Tards
How To Deal With Hams
The Origins Of Slavery
The Elemental Hierarchy Of Beings
The Elemental Hierarchy Of Worlds
The Elemental Hierarchy Of Class
The Elemental Hierarchy Of Consciousness
How To Deal With Extreme Suffering
That Which Entertains The Gods
Arise, Ye Priests of The Religion of The Age of Aquarius!
How To Self-Initiate As An Elementalist

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