Life: A Spiritual War

1. Understanding the Tenets, the Elementalist understands that consciousness is the prima materia and that the material world was dreamed up for the sake of entertainment.

2. The fact that our physical forms are bound to pass away means that accumulating wealth and status in this part of the Great Fractal cannot be the ultimate meaning of life.

3. Therefore, the meaning of life must be spiritual.

4. Physical wars should be fought and won – the Elementalist is one who overcomes and not one who undergoes. But the physical war is only ever a microcosm of the spiritual war.

5. All spiritual wars are fought to entertain the gods.

6. All physical wars are fought to entertain the gods.

7. All physical wars are spiritual wars when viewed from a higher perspective.

8. The Normie and the Tard believe that life is fundamentally a physical war, in which the biological organism struggles to maintain bodily integrity while gathering the resources necessary to meet its metabolic needs.

9. The Elementalist laughs at both like a reveller would laugh at a stumbling, half-blind drunk.

10. The Ham understands life to be fundamentally a spiritual war. However, the Ham falsely believes that it’s possible to win this war by causing enough suffering to the people they hate.

11. The Elementalist observes the Ham and steels himself for battle.

12. The gods are more entertained by spiritual war than by physical war.

13. To observe two men fighting physically is entertaining, but only from the perspective of a base frequency.

14. To observe a man fighting spiritually is entertaining from the perspective of higher frequencies.

15. Humankind primarily entertains the gods by struggling to win spiritual battles.

16. The gods are immensely entertained by the struggle of those born into adverse circumstances. In particular, they are entertained by the struggle of such people to not commit suicide.

17. To resist suicidal ideation is to entertain the gods. To stagnate in suicidal ideation is to bore the gods.

18. To stagnate in homicidal ideation is to bore the gods. To resist homicidal ideation entertains the gods when that ideation comes from below, and bores the gods when that ideation comes from above.

19. The gods are most entertained by the transmutation of suicidal and homicidal ideation into arts, sciences and spiritual expressions.

20. The Furthest Emanation of the Divine is the Principle of Evil, whose will is to increase the suffering of all conscious beings.

21. The Divine emanated the Principle of Evil so that the gods could be entertained by opposing it, and therein it plays a role in all spiritual wars.

22. The frequency developed in this world becomes the frequency carried into eternity after the death of the physical body. The intensity of this world affords a great opportunity to raise that frequency, and the Elementalist rejoices for that reason.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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