The Anglo-Judaic Empire

Making sense of geopolitics demands that people understand how the world has been arranged over the past 250 years. Many different great powers have come and gone in this time, but the most powerful one remains, namely: the alliance between Anglos and Jews. This the Anglo-Judaic Empire.

The infamous Rothschild family shot to prominence through profiteering off the Napoleonic Wars. Niall Ferguson wrote in The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World that the Rothschilds had single-handedly determined the outcome of the Napoleonic Wars in favour of Britain. The profits realised from this eventuality were colossal.

As a paper from Waikato University has shown (link goes to .pdf), Rothschild financiers played a key role in funding gold exploration in the early days of New Zealand, as they also did in Australia and South Africa. Rothschild finance powered colonial adventures in India as well.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild was the biggest name in these dealings. Mayer Amschel Rothschild instructed his five sons to take up a position in each of the major European nations; Nathan was the son assigned to Britain. Nathan established so much power that he was able to make the claim that he controlled the British Empire. It is in such arrangements that the Anglo-Judaic Empire has its genesis.

Were it not for Rothschild influence, Britain may never have had the power to colonise New Zealand, at least not to the extent that they did. Had the Rothschilds thrown their financial weight behind France in the Napoleonic Wars, then France would have likely been the superpower of the 19th Century, and New Zealand would have likely become French.

A 1929 article from the Otago Daily Times exemplifies the nature of this relationship. The article claims that the Rothschilds were instrumental in securing peace in Europe between the Napoleonic Wars and World War One. Whether true or not, it underlines the extent to which Anglos propagandise in support of their fellow imperialists.

During World War One, the Rothschilds played the major role in securing American support for the Allied war effort. The Balfour Declaration was a promise made by British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour to British Zionist Lord Walter Rothschild in 1917, guaranteeing the Jews a “national home” in Palestine, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. This national homeland, of course, later became known as Israel.

The Balfour Declaration won the support of world Jewry against the German Empire. As a consequence, German Jews stopped supporting the German war effort, leading to the collapse of the German Army in 1918. This withdrawal of support led to the “Dolchstosslegende” that was famous in inter-war Germany.

Such arrangements are at the heart of the Anglo-Judaic Empire. Anglo hard power and Jewish soft power combine to create a monster that now rules over the globe.

The immense toll paid by Britain in World War One led to the Anglo-Judaic Empire replacing the British Empire as the world’s leading power. This new alliance reached its zenith shortly after World War II. Having declared war upon, and then having defeated, their major European rival in Germany, there were no longer any major rivals to Anglo-Judaic control. As a consequence, the societies of the world have become Anglo-Judaised over the last 70 years. Anglo-Judaic values have promulgated.

One of the foremost of those values is near-total godlessness. Anglos and Jews are the two most godless people on Planet Earth. As a result, their pre-eminence has led to a decline in spirituality all around the world. This is most clearly seen in modern psychiatry, which has been warped by Anglos and Jews into a materialist mockery of the supposed “healing of the soul”.

Near-total godlessness is also seen in the near-total absence of belief in reincarnation and karma, and the resulting soulless scrabble for money that characterises life in the Anglo-Judaic Empire’s constituent countries. In the Anglo-Judaic Empire, merit is a question of wealth. No-one cares about learning, wisdom, devotion, rectitude or character. Hence why a multibillionaire is odds-on favourite to win the American Presidential Election next year.

A related value is usury. The Anglo-Judaic Empire has enslaved the world through usury, including their own populations, who can no longer afford houses. In Australia, Canada and New Zealand, younger generations are effectively locked out of housing unless they inherit (see this article for an examination of how bad it is in New Zealand).

Perhaps the most salient Anglo-Judaic value is globalism. The Anglos were the first to build an empire that spanned the entire globe, so for them globalism feels natural. Jews, for their part, love globalism as it provides a blueprint for their long-held goal of destroying all the nations of the world and bringing them under a one world government controlled by world Jewry. The Anglo-Judaic alliance is natural as long as globalism is a major factor.

Today, the workings of the Anglo-Judaic Empire are most visible when it comes to the Empire’s unquestioning support for Israel.

America gifts billions to Israel annually, one of the major reasons why Israel can afford universal healthcare for its citizens, something America cannot (seemingly, at least). This is hard to make sense of if you think of America and Israel as separate countries. It’s easy to understand once you realise that Israel is a frontier outpost of the Anglo-Judaic Empire.

The Project For A New American Century, as part of which mostly Jewish intellectuals convinced the gormless George W Bush to invade Iraq, was the most impactful Anglo-Judaic action this century. That Anglo politicians are still invading countries on mostly Jewish orders shows that the Anglo-Judaic Empire is still the world’s major force as of 2023.

The Anglo-Judaic Empire is also clearly visible through American soft power, especially Hollywood. The Anglo-Jewish alliance uses Hollywood to normalise their cultural values across the world. This is why movies such as Schindler’s List are made into cultural icons.

With the decline of Christianity in the Anglosphere, Anglos no longer see Jews as God’s chosen race. This is the split that will eventually destroy the Anglo-Judaic Empire. Without Christianity, there is no strong reason to care about Israel. Neither is there any reason to see Jews as wise elder brothers in faith.

The future of the Anglo-Judaic Empire seems to have a set course already. Inevitably this empire will attack China before China overtakes it, as could be predicted by anyone aware of Thucydides’s Trap. What happens after then is anyone’s guess.


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Looks Like We’re Communists Again

With the announcement this week of a Sixth National Government and its two coalition partners, New Zealand society will now go through some moderate changes. Some cosmetic changes will be made regarding language in Government communications. Taxes will be raised slightly on poor people and lowered slightly for landlords. Nothing fundamental will change, but perceptions will.

One of the most obvious changes will be in the mainstream media. The New Zealand mainstream media has, until now, been paid to cheerlead for the Sixth Labour Government through the Public Interest Journalism Fund, which bunged $55 million to propaganda organs like Stuff.

Some think that the mainstream media will have to be “objective” now that the Marxists are out of power. This is a delusion. In reality, the mainstream media will cheerlead for the capitalists from now on, just as they did up until 2017. Many supposedly left-wing journalists will make an apparent total flip to the right-wing in coming months.

Related to this will be the closure of the more blatant propaganda outlets, such as the Disinformation Project and the Spinoff. People like Kate Hannah and Sanjana Hattotuwa, employed by a leftist government to smear and harass their enemies, will be out of jobs.

Another change will be in the alternative media – and the public perceptions of the alternative media.

VJM Publishing will not change our approach or our focus. We will continue to provide information to those who have seen beyond, from an Elementalist and an alternative centrist perspective. We will continue to provide a high-quality, properly-referenced alternative to the corporatist dross that passes for information today.

We will continue to go hard at the political establishment, and against the constant lies they tell in order to divide and conquer the peoples of the world. However, whatever VJM Publishing does, we will be told that it’s a reaction to the political fashions of the time. And so, perceptions of us will change.

From when this company was founded to 2017, John Key’s Fifth National Government was in charge of New Zealand. As a consequence, our criticism of the then Government led to us being dismissed as Communists. Logical and reasonable criticisms of the housing crisis were written off as Marxist propaganda.

Then, when Jacinda Ardern became the Prime Minister, all the narratives flipped. One of those was the perception of VJM Publishing. Now that we criticised an apparently left-learning government, we were no longer Communists. Now we were Nazis.

All of our criticisms of Labour’s globalist approach – exemplified by their doubling the refugee quota in 2017 – were twisted around and became “Nazi tropes”. All of the reasoning that opposed refugee resettlement from a working-class perspective was ignored. Labour was in charge, and if you don’t agree with them you’re a Nazi.

So now that the right-leaning wing of the Establishment is back in control, the herd will start calling us Communists again. We will continue to criticise the Government for inaction on housing, mental health, wages and child abuse, only now we’ll get called Communists for that instead of getting called Nazis.

It won’t change our attitude. Telling the truth is the highest of all actions. We are now in a time of universal deceit. Therefore, as per Orwell, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. We will continue to tell the truth, and the ruling class will continue to decry us as enemies of society. It’ll be fun!


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Where To Now For The Freedom Movement?

Another General Election has been held in New Zealand. The special votes are yet to be counted, but one thing is already clear: the political establishment won the election, and the freedom movement lost. While we wait to see exactly which form of the political establishment will rule over us for the next three years, there’s an opportunity to take stock of where we are and where we’re going.

Let’s recount the history of the actual freedom movement.

In a New Zealand context the freedom movement truly began with the opposition to World War One. New Zealand introduced conscription in 1916. This meant the Government forced Kiwis to fight overseas to kill the enemies of the international bankers who rule the Anglo world. Naturally, sane people opposed this, leading to them becoming labelled as “conscientious objectors“.

Conscription is a major freedom issue. There are few more egregious examples of totalitarianism than forcing men to kill people they don’t know for reasons they don’t understand. The conscientious objectors to conscription in World Wars One and Two were therefore the first real freedom fighters in New Zealand. Archibald Baxter was a household name for this reason.

The battle against globalist military adventurism continued with the battles against compulsory military training, which didn’t end in New Zealand until 1972. The basic principle remained: freedom fighters oppose the Government forcing people to do things that aren’t in their interest.

When forced militarism ended in the wake of the end of the Vietnam War, the globalist control freaks opened up a new front against the peoples of the world in the form of the Drug War. Locking people up in prison for using medicinal substances or spiritual sacraments might not be as brutal as conscripting them into battle, but the callous sadism of it was enough to spark resistance.

The names of the freedom fighters who resisted the War on Drugs are numerous. Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Terence McKenna, Jack Herer and many others fought for the freedom to explore our own minds free of government interference. Inspired by such people, the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party was founded in 1996.

After the 20th Century ended we got 9/11 and the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act introduced restrictions on civil liberties that were previously considered unthinkable. First and foremost, it allowed for widespread spying on and surveillance of American citizens by the American Government. Incredible volumes of information were collected on everyone in an effort to predict the next terrorist attack.

These measures were soon copied by other Anglo nations, leading to the Search and Surveillance Act in New Zealand. The end result was a new wave of freedom fighters. Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are among the best known of those who resisted the new totalitarianism, this being more like Big Brother than even Orwell had predicted.

Recently we have seen the Covid pandemic excuse a new suite of totalitarian measures from the authorities. Vaccine mandates outraged a large number of people and led to the Parliament Lawn protests in 2022. These protests were one of the major achievements of the freedom movement in New Zealand, and created another new wave of people who understood the value of freedom for its own sake.

Looking back at all of these battles, some patterns are evident.

First, the freedom movement is primarily a movement against government coercion. It’s not terrorism to understand that governments often have different interests to their citizens. When those interests clash, governments often use their monopoly on violence to force the citizens to do the governments’ bidding.

The freedom movement isn’t primarily a moral crusade. It isn’t primarily a temperance, chastity or Puritanical movement. It might contain elements of those things on occasion, but the number one enemy is government forcing the citizens to do things against their own interests (as determined by the citizens). The freedom movement is certainly not about using the power of government to coerce others to behave morally.

Second, the freedom movement is against the freedom to cause harm to others. We must observe Zechariah Chafee’s maxim that “Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins.” As such, no marital rapists, pedophiles, armed robbers, slavery advocates, hard drug traffickers, cheap labour importers or vaccine mandate supporters need be included.

These two points give us a much better idea of what we can agree freedom is, and therefore what the freedom movement is about.

Kelvyn Alp’s suggestion was to not worry about freedom so much, and to focus on truth instead. This means facts and evidence first and foremost. This makes sense as freedoms are usually downstream from perceptions of truth. Unfortunately there are many different ideas about what truth is, and many different ideas about how to determine truth from falsehood.

It seems that the freedom movement can’t make any progress until we develop a coherent fundamental philosophy. This will have to include the values and beliefs commonly agreed upon by those who genuinely desire freedom. Perhaps the model to follow is the American Constitutional Convention that took place after the American Revolution.


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What Would Be A Fair Wage Today, In Housing Terms?

A recent post on Plebbit’s r/newzealand subforum involved a Boomer crying about having to pay a farmhand $28 per hour. The Boomer seemed surprised that “a young guy in his late twenties” wasn’t grateful for the opportunity. Simple economic psychology explains why – and everyone younger than Boomers understands it.

If said farmhand works 40 hours a week for 50 weeks a year, he’ll earn a gross pay of $56,000. After income tax, that works out to $45,323. After rent is sucked out of him, he’s left with the princely sum of $37,003. Let’s say that he’s capable of living as cheaply as the average beneficiary, on about $350 per week or so. That leaves him with $18,803 in savings per year to go towards owning a house one day.

The average New Zealand house price is now $893,639. This means it would take our farmhand 47.53 years to save up enough money. Assuming he’s now 29, he should have enough money by roughly age 77. And this is assuming that house prices don’t rise in this time.

The obvious objection here is that our farmhand would get a mortgage. So let’s do the maths on that.

The WestPac mortgage calculator suggests that a person on a wage of $56,000 p.a. should be able to afford a mortgage of $249,360. If they already had a 20% deposit saved, they could potentially buy a house worth $311,700.

A TradeMe Property search reveals that there is almost nowhere that you can buy a house in New Zealand for $311,700. For reference, even leasehold land in Hokitika, a town more remote than 99% of New Zealand, is going for $249,000 right now. Almost everything else at that price is a bare section.

So with a 30-year mortgage, our farmhand could potentially aim to own enough land to pitch a tent on by the time he was 60. Finding a fertile woman as a 60-year old man living in a tent would no doubt prove an absurd challenge.

Buying an actual home is simply impossible on $28/hour. Homeownership and raising a family are unachievable dreams on such a wage. Ergo, it isn’t a fair wage, it’s exploitation. Which raises an obvious question: what would be a fair wage for a full-time worker today?

The first assumption is that the most accurate measure of a fair wage is the extent to which it provides for a decent (not luxurious) lifestyle, and this primarily means homeownership. People are not happy making high wages if all they can afford is televisions and takeaways and the money doesn’t stretch to establishing a home.

The second assumption is that the Boomers themselves got a fair deal. Thus, I will assume that the housing situation in 1992 (when the average Boomer would have been about 36-37) is representative of the Boomer life experience. This certainly meant homeownership; for many Boomers, it meant owning so many homes that they could live off the rents of the young for life.

In 1992 the average New Zealand house price was $109,000. Also in 1992, the average hourly wage was about $15. This works out to 7,266 hours of saved labour to own the average house.

If the average house price now is $893,639, we can divide that by 7,266 hours of labour, and then multiply the resulting hourly wage by 2,000 hours in the year, to find the annual wage that would give a late-20s farmhand today the same chance of owning a home that a late-20s Boomer had in 1992 (this is the youngest possible Boomer, and all older ones will have had an even easier time).

Therefore, a fair wage today, per annum, would be about $245,978. Only a wage of no less than $245,978 would allow today’s worker to own a home with the same ease that the Boomers enjoyed. Any less than that, and today’s worker is forced to work hours that Boomers were not forced to, in order to enjoy the same standard of living.

Note that this figure implies absolutely zero standard of living increase from all the technological advancement of the last 31 years. Let’s just assume (for the sake of humility, perhaps) that the corporates deserve all of the profits from all of that advancement, which includes the advent of the personal computer, the Internet, the cellphone etc. Let’s assume that our farmhand deserves a zero share of this bounty.

That still leaves us with a wage of $245,978 (some $123 per hour) minimum for today’s farmhand to have the same standard of living as a farmhand in 1992. Such a wage is necessary if he wants to buy today’s $893,639 average house with 7,266 hours of saved labour, as the average Boomer was privileged enough to do.

Of course, the average farmer or business owner would rather go out of business than pay a wage anywhere near that. Which leaves many people asking honestly where the New Zealand economy can possibly go from here.


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