The Cruelty Is The Point

Many have been surprised by the decisions made by the Sixth National Government. Taking food away from hungry children and giving the money to landlords seems pointlessly cruel. So does ticking up an eleven-figure debt that our grandchildren will labour to settle, just for tax cuts. Perhaps the most egregious is maintaining cannabis prohibition in the face of the mountain of international evidence that it doesn’t work.

What motivates these decisions?

A cursory examination of New Zealand political history shows that previous National governments have also been motivated by cruelty. The Fifth National Government slashed the mental health system and continued to withhold medicinal cannabis. The Fourth National Government slashed the welfare system and destroyed unions. All of these measures were blamed on Labour at the time, but in reality were motivated by simple cruelty.

Cruelty is, in fact, one of the major human motivations. The rush of sadism can be one of the most powerful of all. Ted Bundy once said “When you feel the last bit of breath leaving their body, you’re looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God!” Similar feelings of grandeur flow through the National MP who cuts food programs for children.

It can be seen from the way that bullies abuse each other at school, psychopathic bosses abuse workers in the office and spouses abuse each other behind closed doors, cruelty and sadism are powerful motivators for action in many different times and places. People wired up this way readily find an outlet in National and ACT party politics.

Once the central motivating role of cruelty in National party psychology is realised, it’s much easier to understand National party policy.

This was seen most evidently during the cannabis referendum. National party supporters, who generally opposed law reform in this area, were not moved by arguments around the immense alleviation of human suffering that easy access to cannabis would allow. To the contrary – National voters, who seldom use cannabis themselves (preferring booze, painkillers and television), understood that cannabis prohibition usually destroyed Other People.

This also explains why National party voters were seldom moved by appeals to the fact that Maoris suffer more heavily than other races from cannabis prohibition. Given that National voters hate Maori people and want them to suffer, why would they then care about Maoris getting locked up because of cannabis prohibition? To the National mindset, that’s more of an argument to support prohibition.

John Ehrlichmann, Presidential Advisor under Richard Nixon, once said: “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Same deal in New Zealand. Of course the National party and their lackeys like Mike Hosking and Bob McCoskrie know the science. The science has been established for decades: cannabis is medicinal, and any amount of misuse is less harmful than misuse of alcohol. But by lying about it, the National party can target their enemies. Not hippies and blacks, but hippies and Maoris.

National party policy cannot be understood unless it is appreciated that the intent of such policy is to destroy people the National party hates. This is primarily the poor. National hates Maori people more because they are poor than because they are Maori – proof for this assertion comes from the fact that National voters don’t seem to hate Asians.

The central motivating role of cruelty in National party policy can be seen in this year’s benefit cuts. The indexing of benefit increases to inflation instead of wages has cost the average beneficiary $6 per week, which saves the Government a pittance in comparison to what they’re paying out in landlord tax cuts. But it’s not the saving money that motivates such cuts – it’s tightening the stranglehold on beneficiaries.

Nietzsche wrote, in Thus Spake Zarathustra, to “distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful”. There was excellent reason for this. The impulse to punish is fuelled by resentment, which is the basis of slave morality. This impulse is referred to as a “justice boner” in modern Internet parlance, reflecting the fact that its ultimately motivated by pre-human, even reptilian, brain structure.

Unfortunately, the stupidity of Labour and the Greens means that the cruelty of National and ACT is something the rest of us must endure for as long as the two-party democratic system exists.

As long as democracy exists, it will appeal primarily to the lowest common denominator and thereby enable the most bestial and sadistic impulses of humanity. This is why the National and ACT parties have produced, and continue to produce, a parade of sadistic beasts: Shipley, Richardson, Prebble, Key, Brownlee, Bennett, Collins, van Velden et al., ad infinitum.


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Clean And Dirty Information, And How To Tell The Difference

This essay describes a concept in information science. This is a concept that is of extreme importance in today’s Post-Truth Age, now that the media is even more full of propaganda than usual. It relates to the art and science of deciding whether a given set of information is trustworthy.

There are already conceptions of clean vs. dirty data. However, those conceptions are inadequate, because cleanliness is considered the same thing as accuracy. As such, they are not useful, because it would be simpler and easier just to use the term ‘accurate’ instead of ‘clean’.

A useful conception of clean vs. dirty information has to take into account the moral dimension of the people promulgating the information. Essentially, then, clean information comes from a clean source who cares about the truth only, with no view to the propaganda value of the information, and dirty information comes from a dirty source, who doesn’t care about the truth at all.

This division is very simple, but applying it in the real world of propaganda is highly complex.

For one thing, it takes great knowledge of the world and of the people in it to make accurate judgments about other people’s biases. The usual, poorly-educated approach is to trust people based on whether they have attributes in common with oneself: race, class, education, occupation etc. The more qualities they have in common, the more trusted.

Another poorly-educated approach used by many people is to determine truth based on whether the speaker has a high rank in the listener’s herd or not. So one’s pastor, boss, father or club leader becomes the authority to which one listens. All that matters is a high position in a friendly dominance hierarchy. This was the approach described in detail by Edward Bernays in Propaganda.

It can safely be said that all information from a political source is dirty. Any press release put out by a political party can be considered filthy. So can any article or book written by a member of a political party. The greater the influence of politics on any source of information, the dirtier it is.

It can also safely be said that most information from religious sources, particularly Abrahamic ones, is dirty. This is especially true of those who are seeking to gain followers for money or political power. Anyone who says that you have to obey them or suffer everlasting pushishment in a Hell Realm can be confidently written off as a dirty source. But in this regard, as with others, the world’s religions vary greatly.

Here it’s necessary to look at the reputations of the people pushing the information. Have they murdered their way around the world over the centuries? Do they regularly sexually abuse their children? Do they practice barbarisms such as infant genital mutilation? Do they have transparently sadistic animal slaughter protocols?

Perhaps there was once a time when the mainstream media was a clean source of information. This was back in the times when honest people chose to become journalists for the sake of spreading the truth (i.e. before the Charlie Mitchells took over). Today, no rational or intelligent person can trust anything in the mainstream media.

It used to be possible to trust scientists, because a lot of the people drawn to academia are the sort of person who values truth above merely material concerns such as political power or wealth. But then corporations started buying research favourable to their products. It turns out that scientists are only slightly harder to buy than politicians.

Who actually does tell the truth?

In order to reliably tell the truth, a person has to believe that there are positive consequences for speaking truth and negative consequences for telling lies. They have to believe in something like karma, or at least the Law of Attraction, before they can be trusted to put the truth before their own interests.

This is to say that it’s possible to trust genuinely spiritual people. But there, again, is another major problem: usually it’s impossible to tell if someone is genuinely spiritual or not. The low-IQ approach is to trust people at the top of the same religious herd as yourself. High-IQ people go on the reputation of the source among other high-IQ people.

If you would ask the ten most intelligent people you know who they consider clean sources of information, and if more than one of them suggested the same source, you could be reasonably sure that source was clean. This is the same logic as academic peer review, and, while an effective way of distinguishing clean from dirty, it’s far from infallible.

The tough news is that there’s no truly reliable way to tell if someone is a clean source of information other than going through everything they have written or said, comparing all facts therein stated to known truths, and subjecting their logic to the most rigourous examination. If they regularly make predictions that turn out to be false, that’s a good sign they’re a dirty source.

Perhaps the two rules of thumb are firstly: never trust an authority figure, because they have reason to lie to you. Secondly: prefer to trust someone who is trusted by smart people and distrusted by dumb people.

The great thing about clean information is that it can be absorbed without the need to take time and energy correcting for bias. A truly clean source of information is worth gold in the information marketplace of 2023. In this age of pervasive AI-generated content though, best of luck finding it.


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The Anglo-Judaic Empire

Making sense of geopolitics demands that people understand how the world has been arranged over the past 250 years. Many different great powers have come and gone in this time, but the most powerful one remains, namely: the alliance between Anglos and Jews. This the Anglo-Judaic Empire.

The infamous Rothschild family shot to prominence through profiteering off the Napoleonic Wars. Niall Ferguson wrote in The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World that the Rothschilds had single-handedly determined the outcome of the Napoleonic Wars in favour of Britain. The profits realised from this eventuality were colossal.

As a paper from Waikato University has shown (link goes to .pdf), Rothschild financiers played a key role in funding gold exploration in the early days of New Zealand, as they also did in Australia and South Africa. Rothschild finance powered colonial adventures in India as well.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild was the biggest name in these dealings. Mayer Amschel Rothschild instructed his five sons to take up a position in each of the major European nations; Nathan was the son assigned to Britain. Nathan established so much power that he was able to make the claim that he controlled the British Empire. It is in such arrangements that the Anglo-Judaic Empire has its genesis.

Were it not for Rothschild influence, Britain may never have had the power to colonise New Zealand, at least not to the extent that they did. Had the Rothschilds thrown their financial weight behind France in the Napoleonic Wars, then France would have likely been the superpower of the 19th Century, and New Zealand would have likely become French.

A 1929 article from the Otago Daily Times exemplifies the nature of this relationship. The article claims that the Rothschilds were instrumental in securing peace in Europe between the Napoleonic Wars and World War One. Whether true or not, it underlines the extent to which Anglos propagandise in support of their fellow imperialists.

During World War One, the Rothschilds played the major role in securing American support for the Allied war effort. The Balfour Declaration was a promise made by British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour to British Zionist Lord Walter Rothschild in 1917, guaranteeing the Jews a “national home” in Palestine, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. This national homeland, of course, later became known as Israel.

The Balfour Declaration won the support of world Jewry against the German Empire. As a consequence, German Jews stopped supporting the German war effort, leading to the collapse of the German Army in 1918. This withdrawal of support led to the “Dolchstosslegende” that was famous in inter-war Germany.

Such arrangements are at the heart of the Anglo-Judaic Empire. Anglo hard power and Jewish soft power combine to create a monster that now rules over the globe.

The immense toll paid by Britain in World War One led to the Anglo-Judaic Empire replacing the British Empire as the world’s leading power. This new alliance reached its zenith shortly after World War II. Having declared war upon, and then having defeated, their major European rival in Germany, there were no longer any major rivals to Anglo-Judaic control. As a consequence, the societies of the world have become Anglo-Judaised over the last 70 years. Anglo-Judaic values have promulgated.

One of the foremost of those values is near-total godlessness. Anglos and Jews are the two most godless people on Planet Earth. As a result, their pre-eminence has led to a decline in spirituality all around the world. This is most clearly seen in modern psychiatry, which has been warped by Anglos and Jews into a materialist mockery of the supposed “healing of the soul”.

Near-total godlessness is also seen in the near-total absence of belief in reincarnation and karma, and the resulting soulless scrabble for money that characterises life in the Anglo-Judaic Empire’s constituent countries. In the Anglo-Judaic Empire, merit is a question of wealth. No-one cares about learning, wisdom, devotion, rectitude or character. Hence why a multibillionaire is odds-on favourite to win the American Presidential Election next year.

A related value is usury. The Anglo-Judaic Empire has enslaved the world through usury, including their own populations, who can no longer afford houses. In Australia, Canada and New Zealand, younger generations are effectively locked out of housing unless they inherit (see this article for an examination of how bad it is in New Zealand).

Perhaps the most salient Anglo-Judaic value is globalism. The Anglos were the first to build an empire that spanned the entire globe, so for them globalism feels natural. Jews, for their part, love globalism as it provides a blueprint for their long-held goal of destroying all the nations of the world and bringing them under a one world government controlled by world Jewry. The Anglo-Judaic alliance is natural as long as globalism is a major factor.

Today, the workings of the Anglo-Judaic Empire are most visible when it comes to the Empire’s unquestioning support for Israel.

America gifts billions to Israel annually, one of the major reasons why Israel can afford universal healthcare for its citizens, something America cannot (seemingly, at least). This is hard to make sense of if you think of America and Israel as separate countries. It’s easy to understand once you realise that Israel is a frontier outpost of the Anglo-Judaic Empire.

The Project For A New American Century, as part of which mostly Jewish intellectuals convinced the gormless George W Bush to invade Iraq, was the most impactful Anglo-Judaic action this century. That Anglo politicians are still invading countries on mostly Jewish orders shows that the Anglo-Judaic Empire is still the world’s major force as of 2023.

The Anglo-Judaic Empire is also clearly visible through American soft power, especially Hollywood. The Anglo-Jewish alliance uses Hollywood to normalise their cultural values across the world. This is why movies such as Schindler’s List are made into cultural icons.

With the decline of Christianity in the Anglosphere, Anglos no longer see Jews as God’s chosen race. This is the split that will eventually destroy the Anglo-Judaic Empire. Without Christianity, there is no strong reason to care about Israel. Neither is there any reason to see Jews as wise elder brothers in faith.

The future of the Anglo-Judaic Empire seems to have a set course already. Inevitably this empire will attack China before China overtakes it, as could be predicted by anyone aware of Thucydides’s Trap. What happens after then is anyone’s guess.


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Weaponised Psychiatry Is Still Used Everywhere

Most people consider the mental health system to be part of the wider health system. This isn’t true at all. In reality, the mental health system is part of the criminal justice system. In the same way the political Establishment uses the Police, it also uses psychiatrists to destroy their enemies. Psychiatry in the West today is a weapon used to stifle dissent.

In the Soviet Union, dissidents were destroyed for being mentally ill. Dissidence itself was a crime; anyone who did not slavishly obey the authorities risked being diagnosed with “sluggish schizophrenia“. Anyone who pointed out that the Holodomor was a genocide risked getting locked up in a psychiatric institute, never to be seen again.

Like most crimes committed by authoritarians last century, the same thing is happening in Anglo countries today. As with all other crimes committed by Anglo governments, the mainstream media strenuously denies that it’s happening.

A New Zealand woman named Pamela Taylor is now copping the same treatment from the New Zealand mental health system that freethinkers copped in the Soviet Union. Taylor, like those destroyed by Soviet psychiatry, is a dissenter. She attended the Parliament Lawn protests last year, and is well aware of the criminal nature of our current ruling class.

Earlier this week the Police dragged Taylor away to a psychiatric facility in Dunedin where a Dr Nigel Fanshaw “deemed her to have mental dysfunction”. Apparently the psychiatric assessment was ordered by a Family Court Judge in connection with an ongoing dispute with the father of her children, and was prompted by Taylor’s view on the Coronavirus vaccine and the fact that she attended the Wellington protests last year.

Taylor is no longer being held in psychatric “care”, but the damage has been done. As honest legal scholars have pointed out for decades now, the process is the punishment. Simply being forced through the mental health system will serve as a lesson not to question the Government again.

Normies don’t realise it, but the mental health system is tougher than the criminal justice system.

If you chop someone’s head off and rape the corpse, and then get arrested, you will have a lawyer with you at every step of the process to make sure your rights aren’t violated. If you can’t afford a lawyer you’re given one for free by the state. This lawyer will ensure that, if your rights are violated, you will get away with whatever you did (or at least get massive compensation).

No such respect is granted to you if you’re under suspicion of having a mental illness.

If you’re under suspicion of having a mental illness, you can be hauled in front of a psychiatrist for a mental health assessment, without any right to protest. You can be put under the Mental Health Act and have your freedom taken off you, without any recourse to a lawyer, without any recourse to appeal, without any rights at all.

The decision whether to put you under the Mental Health Act will usually be made by one psychiatrist only. You will not have a lawyer present to ensure your rights are not violated. If a bad decision is made, you will not be informed of your rights to overturn that decision (you have no such rights anyway). You can then be hauled off and force medicated.

Psychiatric medication is capable of producing many and varied changes in human behaviour, but one of the most predictable is sedation. These “chemical lobotomies” are ideal ways to smash dissenters. In principle, it doesn’t matter if those so lobotomised are really dissenters or not, as being unable to work is also considered a form of dissent.

All of this horror is justified by the delusion that, because psychiatrists have done nine years of tertiary study, they must be smarter and morally superior to everyone else. In reality, psychiatrists are some of the most depraved and despicable members of our society. Almost all of them are hard-core materialists who believe that spirituality is a mental illness. Having no spiritual sense, they follow the societal herd on all moral questions.

And so, if a psychiatrist puts a patient under the Mental Health Act, that psychiatrist is not obliged to explain their reasoning. It’s assumed that any attempt to explain would be futile owing to the inherent subhumanity of the patient. No such assumptions of subhumanity are made about rapists and murderers, who are given full rights to appeal.

People under suspicion of mental illness are lower than rapists and murderers in New Zealand: that’s weaponised psychiatry.

The grim, brutal truth is that the mental health system is twins with the criminal justice system. Its purpose is primarily to destroy the enemies of the Establishment. The mental health system isn’t there to help, it’s there to punish. Dissenters like Pamela Taylor and VJM Publishing are the prime targets of it.

Weaponised psychiatry is used all over the world today to keep the herds of human livestock under control. This is not only true of the Soviet Union and its descendants but also of America and New Zealand, where psychiatrists routinely violate the Human Rights Act with no consequences. All it takes is a person or group arrogant enough to believe that they can decide what other people’s best interests are.


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