Making sense of geopolitics demands that people understand how the world has been arranged over the past 250 years. Many different great powers have come and gone in this time, but the most powerful one remains, namely: the alliance between Anglos and Jews. This the Anglo-Judaic Empire.
The infamous Rothschild family shot to prominence through profiteering off the Napoleonic Wars. Niall Ferguson wrote in The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World that the Rothschilds had single-handedly determined the outcome of the Napoleonic Wars in favour of Britain. The profits realised from this eventuality were colossal.
As a paper from Waikato University has shown (link goes to .pdf), Rothschild financiers played a key role in funding gold exploration in the early days of New Zealand, as they also did in Australia and South Africa. Rothschild finance powered colonial adventures in India as well.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild was the biggest name in these dealings. Mayer Amschel Rothschild instructed his five sons to take up a position in each of the major European nations; Nathan was the son assigned to Britain. Nathan established so much power that he was able to make the claim that he controlled the British Empire. It is in such arrangements that the Anglo-Judaic Empire has its genesis.
Were it not for Rothschild influence, Britain may never have had the power to colonise New Zealand, at least not to the extent that they did. Had the Rothschilds thrown their financial weight behind France in the Napoleonic Wars, then France would have likely been the superpower of the 19th Century, and New Zealand would have likely become French.
A 1929 article from the Otago Daily Times exemplifies the nature of this relationship. The article claims that the Rothschilds were instrumental in securing peace in Europe between the Napoleonic Wars and World War One. Whether true or not, it underlines the extent to which Anglos propagandise in support of their fellow imperialists.
During World War One, the Rothschilds played the major role in securing American support for the Allied war effort. The Balfour Declaration was a promise made by British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour to British Zionist Lord Walter Rothschild in 1917, guaranteeing the Jews a “national home” in Palestine, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. This national homeland, of course, later became known as Israel.
The Balfour Declaration won the support of world Jewry against the German Empire. As a consequence, German Jews stopped supporting the German war effort, leading to the collapse of the German Army in 1918. This withdrawal of support led to the “Dolchstosslegende” that was famous in inter-war Germany.
Such arrangements are at the heart of the Anglo-Judaic Empire. Anglo hard power and Jewish soft power combine to create a monster that now rules over the globe.
The immense toll paid by Britain in World War One led to the Anglo-Judaic Empire replacing the British Empire as the world’s leading power. This new alliance reached its zenith shortly after World War II. Having declared war upon, and then having defeated, their major European rival in Germany, there were no longer any major rivals to Anglo-Judaic control. As a consequence, the societies of the world have become Anglo-Judaised over the last 70 years. Anglo-Judaic values have promulgated.
One of the foremost of those values is near-total godlessness. Anglos and Jews are the two most godless people on Planet Earth. As a result, their pre-eminence has led to a decline in spirituality all around the world. This is most clearly seen in modern psychiatry, which has been warped by Anglos and Jews into a materialist mockery of the supposed “healing of the soul”.
Near-total godlessness is also seen in the near-total absence of belief in reincarnation and karma, and the resulting soulless scrabble for money that characterises life in the Anglo-Judaic Empire’s constituent countries. In the Anglo-Judaic Empire, merit is a question of wealth. No-one cares about learning, wisdom, devotion, rectitude or character. Hence why a multibillionaire is odds-on favourite to win the American Presidential Election next year.
A related value is usury. The Anglo-Judaic Empire has enslaved the world through usury, including their own populations, who can no longer afford houses. In Australia, Canada and New Zealand, younger generations are effectively locked out of housing unless they inherit (see this article for an examination of how bad it is in New Zealand).
Perhaps the most salient Anglo-Judaic value is globalism. The Anglos were the first to build an empire that spanned the entire globe, so for them globalism feels natural. Jews, for their part, love globalism as it provides a blueprint for their long-held goal of destroying all the nations of the world and bringing them under a one world government controlled by world Jewry. The Anglo-Judaic alliance is natural as long as globalism is a major factor.
Today, the workings of the Anglo-Judaic Empire are most visible when it comes to the Empire’s unquestioning support for Israel.
America gifts billions to Israel annually, one of the major reasons why Israel can afford universal healthcare for its citizens, something America cannot (seemingly, at least). This is hard to make sense of if you think of America and Israel as separate countries. It’s easy to understand once you realise that Israel is a frontier outpost of the Anglo-Judaic Empire.
The Project For A New American Century, as part of which mostly Jewish intellectuals convinced the gormless George W Bush to invade Iraq, was the most impactful Anglo-Judaic action this century. That Anglo politicians are still invading countries on mostly Jewish orders shows that the Anglo-Judaic Empire is still the world’s major force as of 2023.
The Anglo-Judaic Empire is also clearly visible through American soft power, especially Hollywood. The Anglo-Jewish alliance uses Hollywood to normalise their cultural values across the world. This is why movies such as Schindler’s List are made into cultural icons.
With the decline of Christianity in the Anglosphere, Anglos no longer see Jews as God’s chosen race. This is the split that will eventually destroy the Anglo-Judaic Empire. Without Christianity, there is no strong reason to care about Israel. Neither is there any reason to see Jews as wise elder brothers in faith.
The future of the Anglo-Judaic Empire seems to have a set course already. Inevitably this empire will attack China before China overtakes it, as could be predicted by anyone aware of Thucydides’s Trap. What happens after then is anyone’s guess.
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