Normies, Tards and Hams

1. Normies, Tards and Hams are the principal opponents of the Elementalist.

2. A Normie doesn’t get it.

3. A Tard can’t get it.

4. A Ham won’t get it.

5. Most non-Elementalists are Normies.

6. The Normie is the common man who has not been introduced to Elementalism. He may not have heard of it, or he may have heard of it and not considered it important.

7. The Normie is not an enemy of the Elementalist, but rather someone who doesn’t understand the Four Tenets and their applications.

8. The Normie is the most likely of the three to convert to Elementalism.

9. Many people who are currently Normies are Elementalists to be. They are waiting to be exposed to the right information at the right time with the right energy, frequency and vibration.

10. Normies are found in almost every walk of life and in almost every position.

11. Tards are relatively few in number.

12. The Tard is someone who is not intelligent enough to get it.

13. The Tard is sometimes, but not always, an enemy of the Elementalist, and like the Normie they don’t understand the value of the Four Tenets and their applications.

14. The Tard is the least likely to convert to Elementalism, because they can’t understand it.

15. The difference between the Tard and the Normie is that the Tard is not intelligent enough to understand Elementalism no matter how it is presented.

16. Like the Normies, Hams are also very common.

17. The Ham is someone who refuses to get it.

18. The Ham refuses to get it because they are liars, wedded to lies. Lying is in their souls, and it finds expression in their every action.

19. The worst lies of the Ham are Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Baha’i.

20. All Hams are followers of the Principle of Evil.

21. The Ham is the primary enemy of the Elementalist.

22. All throughout human history, Hams have sought to destroy anyone who speaks spiritual truths. They will seek to destroy Elementalists.

23. The Ham is more likely to convert to Elementalism than the Tard, but less likely than the Normie.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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The Law Of Attraction

1. The Law of Attraction is the name given to the observation that the energy a person sends out into the Great Fractal is matched by the energy they receive from the Great Fractal.

2. The Normie, the Tard and the Ham all believe that it’s possible to gain advantage over the world by dominating it through the application of force and will.

3. They don’t realise that, by becoming more aggressive, they make the world around them more aggressive. As such, the Normie, the Tard and the Ham are always fighting.

4. The Elementalist laughs at all three, knowing that the Great Fractal is something to be surfed and not something to be raped.

5. The cause and effect of the Law of Attraction are subtly linked, as they are with most spiritual laws. Therefore the causal link is not as obvious as with physical, emotional and mental laws.

6. The Law of Attraction is as intractable and inescapable as any physical, emotional or mental law.

7. Every decision a person makes, no matter how small, alters the frequency of their consciousness. These alterations therefore determine the beings and environments attracted by that person in the future.

8. The energy of every decision made by a person is stored fractally in the frequency of their consciousness.

9. It can be said that each person’s frequency of consciousness is an expression of the Great Fractal into the spiritual plane.

10. Other beings can detect this frequency of consciousness, and tend to react accordingly.

11. As within, so without: what one perceives in the material world is a reflection of what exists in the spiritual world.

12. The Law of Attraction, then, describes on the metaphysical planes what Newton’s Third Law of Motion describes on the physical plane.

13. High-frequency people attract high-frequency people, because they feel at peace with each other.

14. When a high-frequency person meets a low-frequency one, the high-frequency one tends to come across as cold and unfriendly. These energies drive the two apart.

15. High-vibration people attract high-vibration people, because they can exult in each other.

16. When a high-vibration person meets a low-vibration one, the high-vibration one tends to come across as intimidating and dangerous. These energies drive the two apart.

17. Low-frequency people attract low-frequency people, because they can relate to each other.

18. When a low-frequency person meets a high-frequency one, the low-frequency one tends to come across as untrustworthy and devious. These energies drive the two apart.

19. Low-vibration people attract low-vibration people, because they can commiserate with each other.

20. When a low-vibration person meets a high-vibration one, the low-vibration one tends to come across as pitiful and resentful. These energies drive the two apart.

21. A fragment of consciousness of any given frequency carves channels of probability through the Great Fractal so that fragments of consciousness of similar frequencies naturally flow towards it.

22. The will of any fragment of consciousness tends to attract an environment that matches that will.

23. The Law of Attraction, then, reflects the fact that energy tends to take the path of least resistance. Thus, it would be surprising if there were no Law of Attraction!

24. The Law of Attraction is another way of saying that people’s Minor Aspirations tend to become fulfilled, subject to the fulfillment of the Major Aspiration.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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A Promise To My Working-Class Chinese Friends

I understand that the ruling elites of my country want war with you. This is apparent not only from the strategic situation but from the propaganda those elites are pushing on us, the citizens of the West. This propaganda is intended to stir us up into a war frenzy, a killing frenzy, which those ruling elites then intend to direct at their rivals in China. This letter is therefore my promise to you.

When I say “ruling elites of my country” I also mean the ruling elites of the world, because they are the same people. I’m referring to the international banking and finance interests, primarily Anglo-American, who took control of the world after defeating their national socialist and international socialist oppositions in World War II and the Cold War.

These banking and finance interests, thanks to their control of the mainstream media, have total control of the minds of Westerners. Everything we think is what they tell us to think. Everything we value is what they tell us to value. If they tell us that China is a threat to the world and we need to destroy it, we will howl for your destruction. But I will not.

The last time there was a real threat to the control of the world by Anglo-American banking and finance interests, in the form of national socialist Germany, those banking and finance interests instigated war. They were happy to conscript working-class men from my country, send them to the other side of the world, and force them to kill working-class men from Germany.

They do the same even when there isn’t a real threat, such as with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or Moammar Gaddafi’s Libya. Both nations were destroyed because they refused to submit to the global order. The destruction of these nations were two of the worst crimes committed this century, but the perpetrators of them will suffer no penalty, because they were acting on the orders of the same international banking and finance interests who control the application of justice.

China today practices the same nationalist socialism that was practiced by Germany and Libya. As with Germany and Libya, freedom from international parasites has unleashed a wave of creativity and generated immense wealth. Everyone knows that China, on its current trajectory, will soon surpass the West on many important measures of power. This brings with it a sharply increased likelihood of conflict.

The same moneylenders who goaded the Anglosphere into war against Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Germany and others – and always based on lies – are about to start goading us into war against you. It’s already clear that the apparatus of propaganda is conditioning us to consent to a war against you. They want us manning the missile launchers and the aircraft carriers, waiting for them give the signal.

This letter is to confirm that I will never, ever take part in military action against you.

I do not say this because I am a coward – I have seen people die and have made peace with the fact that my physical body will also die one day. Neither do I say this because I am a traitor – my nation is a natural extension of my clan and family and therefore an extension of myself, and so my goodwill lies with it. My motivations are spiritual. I am concerned with behaving in accordance with the will of the divine.

Not only am I willing to promise that I will never take up arms against you on the lies of globalists, I am willing to go one step further.

I promise that if a conscription officer should come to my house to tell me that I have to kill you, I will instead kill that conscription officer on the spot. It doesn’t matter how. I will push him down the stairs, bronco stomp his ribcage in, smash his brains out with a brick. I will do this in full knowledge of the fact that I will be executed for it. Then I will cut his head off and put it on YouTube, explaining my actions.

The explanation: better to die than to be used as a tool for evil!

I cannot promise that I can succeed in influencing the course of events, because our enemy has an entire media apparatus in service of their aims, and this apparatus demonises men like me, smearing us as insane and dangerous. My people would kill me if the television told them to, and just as readily as they would kill you. However, this I can promise: the truth has at least one friend in New Zealand.


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The Elementalist Conception Of Good And Evil

1. The ultimate good is to entertain the gods.

2. The ultimate evil is to cause the gods to avert their gaze from you.

3. The penultimate goods are knowledge of the divine and knowledge of the world beyond.

4. The penultimate evils are ignorance of the divine and ignorance of the world beyond.

5. What common men call good and evil are merely fashions.

6. One age holds women up, another one holds them down. One empire holds women up, another one holds them down. One sect holds women up, another one holds them down.

7. One age holds users of spiritual sacraments up, another one holds them down. One empire holds users of spiritual sacraments up, another one holds them down. One sect holds users of spiritual sacraments up, another one holds them down.

8. One age holds dissidents up, another one holds them down. One empire holds dissidents up, another one holds them down. One sect holds dissidents up, another one holds them down.

9. One age holds the feminine up, another one equates it with evil. One age holds the masculine up, another one equates it with evil.

10. One empire holds the feminine up, another one equates it with evil. One empire holds the masculine up, another one equates it with evil.

11. One sect holds the feminine up, another one equates it with evil. One sect holds the masculine up, another one equates it with evil.

12. Everything that common men call good and evil are merely fashions. Usually these fashions are reactions to previous moral fashions.

13. The measure of the swing towards good is the measure of the swing towards evil. The measure of the swing towards evil is the measure of the swing towards good.

14. The Normie will label something good if it furthers his Minor Aspiration. The Normie will label something evil if it hinders his Minor Aspiration.

15. The Elementalist will label something good if it furthers his Major Aspiration. The Elementalist will label something evil if it hinders his Major Aspiration.

16. Forcing conceptions of good and evil on a person achieves, in the realm of silver, what violence achieves in the realm of iron.

17. To force a conception of good and evil on another person is to descend from the realm of gold into the realm of silver.

18. The gods are immensely entertained by those who overcome the conceptions of good and evil forced on them by other people.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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