The basics of our political education teach us that the right is in favour of the land-owning class while the left is in favour of the working class. As such, the right is in favour of the status quo and wants to maintain it, whereas the left is in favour of change and wants revolution. Given these basics, it’s hard to understand why the left opposes the ongoing truckers’ protests in Canada and New Zealand. This essay explains.
It’s rare that one sees the left united for any reason, but they are currently united against the truckers’ protests. Leftist hangouts like Reddit are full of abuse directed at the truckers (see screenshot at top of page), calling them “fuckwits”, “cunts”, “scum”, “feral lunatics” and any other derogatory epithet they can think up. Leftists are currently cheering on the Police looking to break up the protests in Canada.
On a surface level, it seems strange that a movement claiming to represent the working class would refuse to support that class when it stands up against oppression. The energy behind the truckers’ protests mostly comes from anger at oppressive coronavirus measures, in particular mask and vaccine mandates. The protests are therefore anti-fascist, which is precisely what the left claims to be.
It’s doubly stange if one considers that the left threw themselves behind the Black Lives Matter protests of recent times, even though those protests killed people and burned down cities. Why would the left support something as pointlessly destructive as the BLM protests but then say that the truckers’ protests were “a redneck paradise of delusion and ignorance”, as Martyn Bradbury did?
The reason for the left’s refusal to support the truckers’ protests is that most of the truckers are from the white working class.
The truth is that the left hates the white working class. Utterly despises them. The left believes that the working class should give all their power and support to the leftists and then fuck off back to labouring. The attitude of today’s left towards the working class is less like that of brothers in solidarity and more like that of farmers towards their cattle.
In fact, the working class has been driven out of leftist movements all over the Western World. There are no working-class whites in either the Green or Labour parties of New Zealand. Today’s left is almost entirely comprised of middle-class discontents. These discontents, on account of their great class privilege, have lost touch with reality.
The result of this lost touch with reality has been the inability to see the massive hypocrisy in their current positions.
The left claims to be for the working class, but they hate the white working class most of all. Leftist dogma has it that the reason why the non-white working class is poor is because of racist oppression. The non-white working class hasn’t been given their opportunities to ascend the status ladder yet, but the white working class has already been given these opportunities and has squandered them. As such, the white working class doesn’t deserve help or support.
Today’s left has redefined ‘working-class’ to mean ‘those at the top of the progressive stack‘. This term refers to a hierarchy of victimhood, in which people at the top deserve the most support and people at the bottom the least. The overwhelmingly white and male truckers are at the bottom of this stack. As such, they are enemies and not allies. The truckers, being white and male, ought to know their place, which is to be broken, submissive and penitent.
The end result of the leftists’ rejection of white, working-class men is that those men no longer have a voice in the political system, despite having done more than any other group to build the Western World and to keep the lights on. There are only two places this can lead.
The first, apparently desired by leftists, are that those white working-class men are exterminated, or at least marginalised even further into total irrelevance. The second, already predicted by VJM Publishing, is that those men throw their support in behind an anti-Establishment movement.
When a genuine anti-Establishment movement arises, those supporting these truckers’ protests will support that movement. When they do, they will face opposition from the Establishment’s apparatus of propaganda in the mainstream media. Foreshadowing of this opposition can already be seen in the Establishment’s reaction to the truckers’ protests. Working-class protesters must now understand that the left has abandoned them.
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Interesting article… just wish it weren’t so close to the truth.
These are terribly divisive days for NZ and likely to get worse…