Why Kiwis Hate The Police III

After decades of waging the War on Drugs against us, the reputation of the New Zealand Police in the eyes of the New Zealand people was already low, but this month it took a crash dive into depths never before plumbed. The actions of the New Zealand Police this month showed clearly that they are the enemies of the New Zealand people, willing to follow any order to harm Kiwis in the service of the authorities.

The first disgrace was when the Police flew a helicopter over a property in Coromandel to spray poison on a dying cancer sufferer’s medicinal cannabis plants. The unnamed cancer sufferer had been given pharmaceuticals for their suffering, but found them ineffective in comparison to cannabis, so began growing cannabis to produce a medicine that would help them overcome the cancer pain.

It’s hard to imagine a lower dog act than to destroy a sick person’s medicine. Only the most wretched of authoritarians would think that was justifiable. But the New Zealand Police will happily follow orders to destroy the medicine of other Kiwis. All they require is for an authority figure to say that the medicine is actually a dangerous drug, and they go on the attack.

The second disgrace was their use of violence against peaceful protesters on the Wellington Parliamentary lawn during the ongoing anti-mandate protests. At one point, officers went in and dragged a woman out by her hair. At another point, a Maori youth got his head squeezed by a full weight press from another officer. While not necessarily disgraceful by the standards of Anglo countries, it certainly was by the standards of anyone who expects a K-selected quality of policing.

As this video shows, New Zealand Police officers feel no shame at what they do. This is partly because police officers in all countries deal with the scum of society, and sometimes inadvertently generalise those experiences to the population at large. But it’s also at least partly because some of those officers are malicious and sadistic inside their own hearts, and enjoy the opportunities their job gives them to abuse people and get away with it.

The officer in the above video is representative of the New Zealand Police. Most New Zealand Police officers have similar sentiments towards the New Zealand public, as proven by the fact that no officer is willing to speak out against the abuses they commit. Like the staff of concentration camps, New Zealand Police officers just go along with the crimes committed by their fellows.

The New Zealand Police have demonstrated that they’re willing to cause any amount of suffering to Kiwis if they are given the order to do so. They have no concept of “fellow citizens”. There is no solidarity towards us, the New Zealand people, on behalf of the New Zealand Police. The New Zealand people are, as the officer put it in the clip linked above, The Great Unwashed.

If they were given orders to mow us down like dogs, Tiananmen Square-style, they would obey those orders.

Ultimately, however, it’s not their fault. As the Police say themselves, “the job is fucked.” It need not be, but it is. The Police should be taking orders from wise and benevolent leaders, but such people are not in power. Those in power are globalist authoritarians like World Economic Forum lackeys Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron. These authoritarians are at war with their people – at war with us – and the Police are just tools at their disposal.

The Police, deep down, know that their actions place them in the same moral category as the criminals they claim to be protecting us from. So we must help them heal. The strategy must be to win in the same way Gandhi defeated the British – through good vibes and good cheer. The Camp Freedom protesters on the Parliament lawn are already showing how this can be achieved – with music, singing and dancing.

Part of reconciling the Police with the people must be ending the obviously failed and sadistic War on Drugs, which has already ended in many American states. It’s insane for Police to be spraying poison on people’s cannabis plants when states such as Washington and Oregon have already advanced beyond medicinal cannabis to medicinal psychedelics. Even Thailand, whose cannabis laws were infamously much harsher than New Zealand’s 20 years ago, has now legalised growing cannabis at home.

Colorado legalised cannabis in 2014, and they now have a $US 2.2 billion annual cannabis market. The anti-mandate protests aren’t about cannabis, even though a lot of it has been smoked in Camp Freedom. But the cannabis issue is one of several contributing to the frustration and rage that have fuelled these protests. That Ardern’s Government hasn’t taken the simple and easy measure of legalising cannabis, when all the evidence supports the idea, has convinced many that our ruling class aren’t interested in our well-being.

Until some kind of reconciliation occurs, the New Zealand Police need to be considered an occupying army, acting to bring the New Zealand people into a state of subjugation on behalf of the international banking and finance interests who own the governments of the world.


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One thought on “Why Kiwis Hate The Police III”

  1. The callous Police violence of 3 March adds even more fuel to your argument. The fact NZ Police is an agency of the Crown, not the people, means a reconciliation with the people is technically futile. Since its pre-curser days as the Armed Constabulary, Police officers have been routinely executing violence against normal citizens and families for various vested interests. A complete constitutional reform is now necessary in order to empower the people to police themselves and to protect themselves from government over-reach. #reformnzpolice

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