Although New Woke dogma has it that all of the different human racial groups are precisely identical on all measures of psychological ability and aptitude, the VJM Publishing reader knows this to be crap. A proper understanding of human biodiversity demands that the unique nature of each of the various racial groups is understood individually. This essay explains.
White people are from the northern reaches of human civilisation. Near the Earth’s poles, sunlight strikes the surface at an sharp angle, resulting in much weaker sunbeams than near the equator. Also near the Earth’s poles, the seasonal variation is much more extreme, leading to extremely long and harsh winters.
The combination of weak and sometimes non-existent sunlight means that the skin of the inhabitants of the northern reaches evolved to be white. Light-coloured skin is an advantage in polar regions because it is more sensitive to sunlight. This makes it possible for light-skinned people to absorb enough sunlight to generate their Vitamin D requirements, something that dark-skinned immigrants to Northern Europe struggle with.
The polar climate not only explains the physical expression of white people, but also our psychological expression.
Psychologically speaking, the closer one comes to the poles the more autistic people become, and the closer one comes to the Equator the more psychotic people become. This is most clearly expressed by the polar populations behaving in a more orderly fashion, and the equatorial populations behaving in a more disorderly fashion.
The manifestations of this distinction are obvious. Polar societies are clean, tidy and regimented, with a strong rule of law, and the houses of people who live in these societies tend to also be clean and tidy. Equatorial societies, by contrast, are dirty, shabby and chaotic, and so are the everyday lives of the inhabitants of those societies.
This increased propensity for order in polar societies is mostly an adaptation to the cold climate. Cold weather punishes disorderly behaviour. Anyone who goes outside without the right clothing soon becomes sick. Anyone who doesn’t maintain their house to a high standard freezes. Anyone who fails to chop enough wood or store enough food for the winter dies. In the cold North, an inability to impose order upon one’s physical environment means death.
Following from this naturally high level of orderliness, white people are great at any cultural expression dependent on order. Anglo-Saxon legal culture has created many of the world’s most peaceful and least corrupt jurisdictions. Northern European science is responsible for most of humanity’s technological and medical advancements. The combination of Anglo-Saxon and German engineering built spacecraft that took men to the Moon.
However, there’s a flipside, and it’s why we cannot simply say that more orderly cultures are superior to less orderly ones.
White people are terrible at spirituality. No white person has ever founded a mainstream religion (although we’ve tried with Elementalism). The founders of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism were all from equatorial climates, and this is even true of the founders of the Abrahamic death cults. For most white people, spiritual talk is mental illness, and spiritual people are insane.
This lack of spiritual aptitude is our great weakness – so great that it has destroyed us and any chance we had of living happily.
Most religious white people superstitiously worship Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef, believing this ancient rabbi to be God in human form. This mindless adulation of a long-dead rabbi would be laughable were it not for the fact that white people will happily kill other whites who refuse to bow the knee. Events such as the Thirty Years War saw some six million whites killed by their fellows over different interpretations of Abrahamism.
Truly spiritual white people, such as the users of traditional spiritual sacraments like cannabis and psilocybin, are shunned by their societies. White autism has rendered the average white person incapable of understanding or appreciating true spiritual insight when presented with it. As such, most white people are entirely cut off from the divine.
This spiritual weakness has had a range of devastating effects. Worshipping Rabbi Yeshua does nothing to alleviate one’s natural fear of death. As a result, our prodigious intellects are chained to animalistic desires. We use our minds for little other than acquiring wealth in the mistaken belief that our unhappiness comes not from spiritual poverty, but from not owning enough stuff.
White people take enormous amounts of psychiatric medication because we are deeply unhappy. However, we are not unhappy because our outer worlds are disorderly, but because our inner worlds are disorderly. Our hearts are not in tune with God, as the hearts of psychotics are. Understanding this godlessness is the key to understanding white people.
In the same way that blacks ought to become more autistic, and thereby more capable of imposing order upon the physical, white people ought to become more psychotic, and more capable of imposing order upon the metaphysical. The way forward for whites is for us to overcome our natural autism and learn to connect more deeply to the world behind the appearance of the physical.
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