George Carlin was right when he said that we have owners, who own us. The world is not really a patchwork of nations, but a series of farms, in which human livestock breeders have created a population of docile animals that can be milked for profits and taxes, forever. This essay explains how we’ve been bred for maximum passivity so that we never challenge our owners.
The basic modus operandi is for the human livestock breeders to tell blatant lies, to force those lies on the population, and then to destroy anyone who resists the lies. The resisters will always be the most aggressive of the herd, so by destroying them the herd is selected for docility.
This process began in the West with Christianity. Every Westerner with a functioning brain knows that Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef is not the exclusive god who we are all obliged to worship else we burn in eternal hellfire. But for 1,200 years, between the murder of Hypatia and the Greco-Roman Renaissance, anyone who questioned the exclusive divinity of Rabbi Yeshua was either murdered or ostracised.
Because the people questioning the Christian lies were the intelligent, the honest and the courageous, and because these people were destroyed by the human livestock breeders, the net result was that the genes coding for intelligence, honesty and courage became less frequent, and the genes coding for stupidity, dishonesty and cowardice became more frequent.
This was all by design.
After centuries of people getting killed for speaking the truth, Westerners learned not to think for themselves. Thinking for yourself was dangerous, because it led to you getting killed by Christian mobs. So we learned to look to authority to tell us what’s true and what isn’t true. Along the way, we became passive, submissive, weak.
From around 1600, when Christianity started to lose its deathgrip on Western society, people became able to speak out against it without getting punished. The murder of Giordano Bruno by Christians in 1600 marked the end point of a period that had begun with the murder of Hypatia. Although Christians kept murdering people for not following their cult, their zealotry waned as it lost support, and the natural aggression of Westerners returned.
The period from 1750 to 1950 was marked by extreme volatility. Revolutionary movements sprang up all over the West, with people everywhere happy to risk death for freedoms. The end result was, by 1950, the highest standard of living for the common man that history had ever known. So the ruling class, terrified of where this could have led, launched the War on Drugs to beat people back down.
The War on Drugs was effectively just another form of the same breeding-for-docility process that Christianity had been. Just as intelligent people knew that Rabbi Yeshua was not exclusively divine, people also knew that cannabis and magic mushrooms were not so harmful that users deserved to go to prison for using them. But the ruling class pushed the War on Drugs on us anyway, for the same reason they pushed Christianity on us.
Intelligent, honest and courageous people continued to use cannabis and the psychedelics despite the legal status of these sacraments. And the authorities continued to persecute them with prison or even death, as they did to non-Christians for centuries. The net result was similar: a strong selection pressure in favour of submission and docility.
Mass immigration is a third example of the same phenomenon. Everyone knows that the mass immigration of Third World cheap labour does not increase the standard of living of the average native. But, as with Christianity and the War on Drugs, anyone speaking out against the lies was smashed. People weren’t murdered or imprisoned for opposing mass immigration, but they were ostracised from polite society, which had the same dysgenic effect.
Finally, in recent years, we have Covid “vaccines”. Without even ascertaining that the vaccines are effective, Western authorities have persecuted anyone not taking them, shutting them out of normal life, barring them from accessing many shops and services, and hounding them through the mainstream media.
Those resisting the vaccine mandates have been treated in a similar fashion to those resisting Christianity, the War on Drugs or mass immigration: they have been shunned and abused. As past resisters have been demonised as heretics, druggies or Nazis, people resisting vaccine mandates have been dubbed “anti-vaxxers” and have been blamed for killing people’s grandmothers.
These four examples are all forms of the same phenomenon: the ruling class pushes something obviously false, knowing that only the docile will go along with such an obscene falsehood. The intelligent, the honest and the courageous stand up to resist the falsehoods, and are duly smashed by the authorities and their lackeys in the justice system.
The end result is a population brutalised into submission, bred for docility in the same way that aurochs were bred into modern cattle.
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