The world is more afraid than at any other time since 1945. Fear might be a natural response to the dangers of the world, but the world itself has never been less dangerous for the average person. This apparent paradox can be explained by the fact that the vast majority of this moment’s fear is artificially created. This essay explains by who and why.
Fear inclines people to submission. It leads them to bend the knee to whatever local power is in charge at the time. Fear induces the weak to fall in line with authority. As such, authorities make every effort to generate as much fear among their subjects as possible. The essence of authoritarianism is fear.
This is why political religions such as Christianity and Islam have sought to slaughter as many heretics/infidels as possible. Murdering non-believers spreads terror among them, which makes them less likely to resist. The reason why most of Europe became Christian and most of the Middle East became Muslim is because they were terrorised into submission by the violent atrocities committed by followers of these cults.
The origin of fear is biological: it’s a natural reaction to an overwhelming threat. We evolved to feel anger and rage towards threats that we could destroy, and fear towards threats that we couldn’t. In this sense, anger is the masculine expression and fear the feminine expression of the same underlying sentiment: a rejection of life.
Back in the biological past, those who did not feel fear when confronted with a stronger, dominant primate were destroyed by them. Those who did feel fear, and who thereby submitted, were allowed to live. Over time, this led to a species that learned to bend the knee to those capable of inducing fear. This tendency is the reason for all the terrorism in the world.
Our current ruling class understands this and preys on those same sentiments. Their strategy is to terrorise the masses into submission so that we don’t organise to force our will on them. The more fear we feel, the less likely we are to meet our fellow man in the bonds of love necessary to create a united front against our oppressors.
There are three ways that this terrorisation is achieved, one for each of the three basic divisions of the human being. This means to terrorise body, mind and soul.
Bodily terror is induced by deliberate destruction of the physical environment. This is achieved in several ways, but the most important of these is the mass importation of foreign violent criminals into Western cities and towns. The ruling class knows that these foreigners will rob and rape the natives to a much higher degree than the natives will rob and rape each other – but that’s precisely why they let them in.
For a native Westerner to walk down a Western street, and to see a Muslim or African staring back at him with a face full of hate, causes the kind of fear that induces that Westerner to submit. The reason for the mass importation of Muslims and Africans to the West in recent decades is not, as is commonly claimed, to fortify the pension system. It is to terrorise the native Western population into submission, and thereby to fortify the position of the Western ruling classes.
Mental terror is induced by the apparatus of propaganda, which, in all Western countries, is controlled by the international banking and finance interests that comprise most of the ruling classes. The spearhead of this apparatus of propaganda is the television, which spews out fear and hate 24/7. The average American watches television for 166 minutes every day. Most of this time, they’re being taught to fear the outside world.
The mainstream media brings endless news of war and crisis and death and torture, and directly to the living room of everyone with a television. Although most television watchers are unaware of the effect these impressions have on their minds, the truth is that the subconscious of each of them is terrified by all this bad news, and comes to believe that the world is a fearful and awful place.
Combined with the fear generated by the destruction of public spaces after they are filled with hostile foreigners, the end result is an unwillingness to go outside at all, much less organise in the streets against the ruling class.
Spiritual terror is induced by what is called the Clown World Fork: either a person worships Yahweh, or one is not allowed to worship anything. All genuine spiritual traditions are strongly discouraged. Anyone who consumes spiritual sacraments to commune with God, as their ancestors did for thousands of years, goes to prison.
The Abrahamic cults were invented specifically to induce spiritual terror. Most Westerners have it smashed into their heads as children that they must worship Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef, son of Yahweh, or burn in eternal hellfire. Atheistic materialism is presented as the alternative, but it has the same ultimate effect: to induce terror of death. This terror follows naturally from the presumption that consciousness is extinguished with the death of the physical body.
All of this bodily, mental and spiritual terror induces submission, which affords the ruling class the ability to impose their desired order. This is the meaning behind the occult phrase “Ordo Ab Chao” (order out of chaos). The terror induced by physical, mental and spiritual chaos leads to submission, and that submission gives the ruling class the opportunity to propose their desired solutions and to have the masses gratefully accept them.
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