The strangest item in the New Zealand popular consciousness this week was the story about the University of Canterbury sociology lecturer Dr. Anne Scott. It seems like Dr. Scott was dismissed for having unorthodox religious beliefs, in particular “spiritualist beliefs”. She appears to have been another victim of the fact that, in Clown World, any genuine spiritual wisdom is considered to be mental illness.
Everyone alive today is subject to what is known as the Clown World Fork. This is the major cause of strife in Clown World today.
The Clown World Fork is that only two attitudes towards the divine are allowed. Either you declare yourself to worship a dead rabbi nailed to a tree and call it God, or you declare the world to be a soulless, meaningless slaughterhouse of unending despair and horror. Anyone who asserts any other attitude is mentally ill, and can get forked.
This fork, or something similar to it, has been observed long ago by other commentators. Cyril Scott, in An Outline Of Modern Occultism, noted that only a minority saw appeal in occult philsophy: those who thought both that mainstream religion was illogical, and that materialism was empty and soulless. However, as mentioned above, being in this minority comes with social risks.
Dr. Scott fell victim of the Clown World Fork. She bravely tried to assert a third path, away from mindless superstition and mindless nihilism, and towards using reason to uncover spiritual truths. Unfortunately, the modern university system is no place for any kind of original thinker, and she was duly shunned.
Our society is grounded on three spiritual falsehoods, and anyone who denies any one of them is likewise shunned. Christians are allowed to pretend to deny these falsehoods, as long as other people understand that those Christians aren’t really serious. These three spiritual falsehoods are reinforced by all official conduct and by all popular culture. To question any of the three is to be considered psychotic.
The first falsehood is that the brain generates consciousness, and so, with the death of one’s physical body, one’s consciousness will be extinguished. The second falsehood is that this physical world is all there is, and the worlds seen in dreams and visions are illusory. The third falsehood is that neither consciousness nor the physical world is divine in any sense, both being mundane expressions of physical causes.
All of these falsehoods are known to be falsehoods by anyone who has studied occult philosophy – but therein lies the problem. Anyone who realises that any of these three assertions are false is labelled mentally ill by the Clown World herd. In Clown World, it’s taken as granted that only the mentally ill would question one of these three great spiritual dogmas, and so these terrible metaphysical lodestones continue to weigh us down.
The Western World of 2021 is in desperate need of a spiritual revolution.
During the recent cannabis referendum debate in New Zealand, the mainstream media featured people making most of the arguments that VJM Publishing has also made for cannabis law reform. One argument they didn’t make, however, was that cannabis is a spiritual sacrament that helps people reconnect to the divine, and therefore ought to be legal on spiritual grounds.
Arguably, cannabis is already legal under Sections 13 and 15 of the NZ Bill of Rights Act, which enshrine the right to religious practice. Unfortunately, no-one except for VJM Publishing made this argument. Alternative spiritual practices are highly taboo in Clown World society, as evidenced by the case of Dr. Scott. As such, the prevailing narrative is that cannabis causes mental illness, not that it grants spiritual insight.
As anyone who has ever dealt with the mental health services has learned, the Establishment will not allow any talk of spirituality. Anyone who denies one of the three assertions mentioned above is considered mentally ill – and no discussion will be had. This goes triple for anyone who came to deny one of those assertions after doing a psychoactive drug. Such people cannot escape the label of mental illness, because the three false assertions are believed with such obstinate righteousness that even questioning them is an outrage.
The natural reaction, upon learning that society is built on false metaphysical assumptions, is to become anxious. It is terrifying to realise that society has got the basics wrong and that we’re causing a massive amount of unnecessary suffering to ourselves for no rational reason. It’s horrifying to realise that Plato, the founder of Western civilisation, wrote about his belief in reincarnation in Timaeus, and yet this belief is routinely casually dismissed by far, far, far lesser minds.
Western society today has no conception of “took a spiritual sacrament, became wiser, is now operating on a higher plane.” It’s merely “took drugs, went mad.” Clown World, being the combination of soulless corporate whoring and soulless anti-intellectual rabble rousing, has no ideological space for anything spiritual. All talk of spiritual insight, all questioning of the three great dogmas, is merely mental illness. Anyone expressing such sentiments needs sedative medication, or, at least, to get kicked out of their job.
Such is the wretched state of spirituality in Clown World.
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