VJMP Reads: Gaddafi’s Green Book I

Muammar Gaddafi’s The Green Book was published in 1975, and was intended to be read by everyone. Gaddafi was murdered in 2011 for opposing the same people that Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy opposed, i.e. globohomo. This book is therefore of immediate interest to anyone else who opposes globohomo.

Part I is titled ‘The Solution of the Problem of Democracy: The Authority of the People’. This is divided into ten chapters.

In the first, ‘The Instrument of Government’, Gaddafi points out the inherently tyrannical nature of electoral democracy as practiced in the West today. Up to 49% of the population can have a government that they did not vote for imposed on them. He writes that “dictatorship is established under the cover of false democracy.”

In the second, ‘Parliaments’, Gaddafi decries the parliamentary system as a “misrepresentation” of the people. Democracy must mean the authority of the people, and not an authority that presumes to act on behalf of the people. As soon as the election is over, the representative assumes sovereignty from the people. The people have the right to destroy the parliamentary assemblies that have taken their sovereignty away.

“The most tyrannical dictatorships the world has known have existed under the aegis of parliaments.”

In the third, ‘The Party’, Gaddafi decries the modern political party as “the dictatorship of the modern age”. He states that “A party’s aim is to achieve power under the pretext of carrying out its program.” Any party not in power will seek to harm the nation so as to undermine their opposition. Moreover, a country governed by one party is not meaningfully different to countries governed by one sect or by one tribe.

In the fourth, ‘Class’, Gaddafi argues that leadership based on class suffers the same problems as leadership based on party, tribe or sect: it can only ever represent a minority. Even if the working class replaced the others, differences in material wealth or prestige between working-class factions would soon lead to the old class system reasserting itself. As before, so after.

In the fifth, ‘Plebiscites’, Gaddafi observes that the people’s expression is limited to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Referendums are often used to cover up for the failures of democracy. The solution lies, he writes, in finding an instrument of government that is not subject to either internal conflict or underrepresentation of the people it governs. This instrument can only be the authority of the people.

In the sixth, ‘Popular Conferences And People’s Committees’, Gaddafi declares that direct democracy is indisputably the ideal form of government. It’s just impractical. Gaddafi’s Third Universal Theory divides the population into Basic Popular Conferences, each of which chooses a secretariat from among their number. The population then appoints People’s Committees to replace government administration.

In the seventh, ‘The Law of Society’, Gaddafi contends that the natural law of any society must be based in either tradition or religion. Constitutions are artificial, thus invalid. He argues that human beings are essentially the same everywhere, and therefore natural law is applicable to all. Ruling systems must follow natural law, and not the reverse. So all laws must be grounded in tradition or religion.

In the eighth, ‘Who Supervises The Conduct Of Society’, Gaddafi appeals again to his Basic Popular Conference model. No one group can claim the right to police society, therefore society has to police itself. If the people organise themselves into Popular Conferences, however, they can supervise themselves.

In the ninth, ‘How Can Society Redirect Its Course When Deviations From Its Laws Occur’, Gaddafi notes that if a system is dictatorial, resistance to it must take the form of violence. Because the use of Basic Popular Conferences and People’s Committees means that the system is not dictatorial, it can be reformed without violence. Because the system encompasses all, there are no outsiders to direct violence against.

“Violence and revolution are carried out by those who have the capability and courage to take the initiative and proclaim the will of society.”

In the tenth chapter, ‘The Press’, Gaddafi states his belief that the press is primarily a means for society to express itself, and therefore does not belong to individuals or corporate interests. He points out that media sources can only ever speak for their owners and not for society. As such, private publishing or information enterprises must be banned. Only People’s Committees are permitted to act as the media.

Gaddafi finishes this first part of the book by noting that the strongest party in the society is always the one that rules.


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VJMP Anzac Day Address 2021: A Radical Proposal For The Future Of Anzac Civilisation

The future of Western Civilisation is starting to look grim. It appears as if we are transitioning into tyranny – as Plato and Aristotle warned was the inevitable fate of democracies. This proposal suggests that the Anzac Empire intentionally position itself as the last bastion of free civilisation, in stated opposition to globalist tyranny.

The cancer of identity politics has destroyed both America and Europe. No-one knows who they are anymore. No-one can agree on anything anymore. The resulting confusion has led to a permanent state of low-level civil war. Aristotle explained in Politics how this state inevitably leads to the rise of a dictator, as people realise that only a ruthless strongman can get anything done.

This cancer has also infected Anzac civilisation. Over recent decades, a concerted effort has been made to erase our culture and to create a division between the white settlers and the natives. Today’s mainstream media pushes a narrative of white Anzacs battling for supremacy against the natives, as if any victory for one side inevitably meant a defeat for the other.

However, the low population of Anzacistan means that the emotional pressure of this cancer is weak. In the same way that the low population of revolutionary America allowed it to make rapid ideological changes that took it on a greatly different path to Europe, so too can we make rapid ideological changes that take us on a greatly different path to the rest of the West.

Americans have been enslaved by a power structure that has deliberately pit them against an implacable African minority. Europeans have, likewise, been enslaved by a power structure that has deliberately pit them against an implacable Muslim minority. It is apparent that this globalist power structure has a similar plan to divide and conquer Anzac civilisation.

That is, unless we organise to stop them.

It’s time for a revolutionary vanguard of Anzac nationalists to stand up and take control of the direction of our civilisation. In doing so, we must explicitly reject the neoliberal totalitarianism that has befallen the West over the past four decades. We must explicitly reject the debt slavery, the open borders, the soulless consumerism and the struggle sessions. We must plot a new course through this new century.

This proposal is for the Anzac people to recognise:

1 – That the current order of the world is disintegrating;

2 – That this disintegration will cause immense suffering to those peoples of the world who rely on good order to provide a decent upbringing for their children;

3 – That the most effective way for those people to avoid this suffering is to reassemble in the Southeastern corner of the world and bring a new political order into being.

The great waves of colonisation, from Europe and elsewhere to the New World, primarily attracted a certain type of person. The landed gentry and the peasantry mostly stayed behind, unwilling or unable to change their environment. Those who did make the move were mostly those from the rising middle classes. This is why people from the New World today are more masculine than their Old World counterparts.

People from the New World, in comparison to people from the Old, are extraverted, adventurous, assertive, dynamic and determined. These are the kind of people who build new countries. They are the same ones who built Australia and New Zealand, and we can enlist them to build an Anzac Empire.

This Anzac Empire could rise by intentionally attracting 100 million or so of the most creative, ambitious and tenacious people from America and Europe as they collapse into brazilianised cesspits over the next 80 years. In doing so, we would chiefly appeal to the young and educated people who are currently getting strangled by their moribund home economies and suicidal popular cultures.

This proposal would make the lands of Anzac into one great citadel of civilisation, where the valued learnings of the past can be preserved as the rest of world disintegrates into chaos. By attracting the most intelligent people from the formerly wealthy parts of the world, we will ensure a rise akin to that of America during the 19th and 20th Centuries.

In 1860, the population of America was just over 30 million, roughly the same as that of the Anzac Empire today. A century later, the American population was 180 million and the nation was established as the most powerful military, economic, scientific and cultural force since the Roman Empire.

The Anzac Empire could undergo a similar transformation – from middle power to world’s leading nation – over the next century. All we would have to do is maintain (or, even better, improve) the genetic and cultural infrastructure of these lands by encouraging immigration from high-IQ cultures that look after their children, and discouraging immigration from low-IQ cultures that don’t look after their children.

First of all, we need to clear the current crop of scum out of our ruling institutions. This will require that our revolutionary vanguard swear never to work with, accommodate or appease any globalist or authoritarian elements. Any and all such elements must be forever excluded, because their presence will prevent the rest of us from introducing a fair set of laws that suit our genetic and cultural temperament.

One of the laws of this new empire must be that anyone promoting the mass importation of cheap labour, or immigration from r-selected countries, is sentenced to death. Anyone championing mass immigration for the sake of pumping up house prices must die so that the Anzac people – and the world – may live.

Other laws can follow the Sevenfold Conception of Inherent Human Rights.

This radical proposal for the future of Anzac civilisation is that the K-selected and noble people of the world fall back to our Southeastern corner, so as to best outlive the deluge of chaos and misery that the ongoing population explosion of the r-selected is inflicting upon the rest of Planet Earth. Let the Anzac Empire become an eternal citadel of all that is valuable in the world, the worthy heir to the Greco-Roman-Anglo culture that preceded us.


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Bernardo Kastrup Is The Nikolaus Copernicus Of Our Time

The Polish astronomer Nikolaus Copernicus is remembered as one of the greatest scientists of all time. The publication of his On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres declared, in contradiction to the assertions of the authorities of the day, that the Earth and the other planets revolved around the Sun. This heliocentric theory caused such a change in thought that it was later dubbed the Copernican Revolution.

Up until Copernicus, Western astronomers had followed what was called the Ptolemaic model. Otherwise known as geocentrism, this model asserts that the Sun revolves around the Earth. The Ptolemaic model accorded with the religious dogma of the day – that the Earth was the centre of the Universe – but had trouble accounting for some of the observed phenomena. This led to an ever-more complicated set of apologetics involving epicycles and other distractions.

Copernicus, however, was not the first person, or even the first Westerner, to realise that the Earth rotated around the Sun. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristarchus figured it out 2,300 years ago, only for this knowledge to be mostly lost when Christians destroyed Western Europe at the onset of the Dark Ages.

Heliocentrism was, for many centuries, an occult secret, one that could not be spoken openly for fear of persecution by religious fanatics. Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for promulgating the theory, and Galilei Galileo was put under house arrest for the same. Contradicting the Church, when the Church claims to speak for God, is blasphemy.

That the Sun is the center of the Solar System was not the only thing forgotten by the Christian Dark Ages.

Bernardo Kastrup is a Dutch philosopher and computer scientist who has risen to prominence recently for his theory of metaphysical idealism. Kastrup’s theory of reality is summarised in his second Ph.D thesis, where he writes: “there is only cosmic consciousness.”

Kastrup’s theory is detailed, but to summarise crudely, he asserts that consciousness is the prima materia, and all other phenomena arise from consciousness. Many have made similar assertions, but Kastrup’s brilliance lies in his ability to systemically and concisely refute the assertions of materialists. Kastrup’s philosophy has shown that materialism makes no sense.

Much like the truth of heliocentrism, it was also known to the ancients that consciousness is the prima materia. This is a truth expressed by the First Hermetic Principle, otherwise known as the Principle of Mentalism, which states simply: “All is Mind”. It is also expressed in the Bhagavad Gita, in passages such as “never have you existed not”.

It was, more particularly, a truth known to all the initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries. They understood that, as Persephone entered into Hades and then returned to the world above, so too has the consciousness of each one of us entered into the Hades of the material world, only for it to inevitably return again to the world above after the death of our physical bodies.

The true spiritual and intellectual elite of the world have always known that the Earth revolved around the Sun – it was just impossible to say this because it contradicted the dogma of the authorities of the day. Copernicus’s genius was that he was able to describe the truth in a logical and mathematical manner that could not be denied.

The true spiritual and intellectual elite of the world have also always known that consciousness is the prima materia. It has also been impossible to say this because it has also contradicted the dogma of the authorities of the day. Bernardo Kastrup has likewise described the truth about the primacy of consciousness in a way that is hard to argue against.

Ultimately, Copernicus’s gift to the world was to remind us that the darkness of Earth was not the prime reality, but rather the light of the Sun. Kastrup’s gift might be similar, in that he has reminded us that the darkness of the material is not the prime reality, but rather the light of consciousness.


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The Geopolitical Order Of The Coming Age Of The World

A medieval map of the world conceptualised it as a cloverleaf, in which Jerusalem occupied the central node, with three major areas of political influence spreading out from it. In the 16th Century, it seemed like the three major areas of the world were Europe, Asia and Africa, with America looking on from afar.

Occupying a place at the confluence of several major trade routes was the basis for Jerusalem’s rise to prominence. It allowed them to gather massive amounts of taxes, and to easily send Abrahamic missionaries to all parts of the world. Eventually, so many of those missionaries had reached Europe that it fell under the dominion of the God of Abraham.

In the World Age stretching from the end of the Egyptian Age to now, otherwise known as the Age of Pisces, the God of Abraham reigned triumphant, and the world seemed to be centered on Jerusalem.

The Age of Pisces, however, is ending, and the Age of Aquarius is beginning. This term refers to a new spiritual age, but, as per the Second Hermetic Principle, these spiritual changes will be reflected in the material world. A new spiritual order will mean a new geopolitical order. There are several clues as to what that new order might look like.

The coming geopolitical age of the world will have a similar structure to the old, in that there are three major powers, each of which is either allied or at war with the other two. The major difference is that the new geopolitical order will be based around the East instead of the West.

The shape of this new world will be like a three-leaf clover based around Singapore. Instead of Jerusalem, Singapore will be the highly wealthy trade hub at the centre of the world. Instead of Europe, Asia and Africa, the world powers will be China, India and the Anzac Empire.

That Singapore will be the centre of the new age of the world is guaranteed by the fact that whoever controls Singapore controls the Malacca Straits, and whoever controls those straits controls a chokepoint that not only connects the Pacific and Indian Oceans but which also oversees half of the world’s shipping. The Malacca Straits are the Levant of the new age – they are where worlds collide.

That China and India will play major roles in the new order of the world is appropriate for two major reasons: their vast populations and their previous historic influence. At time of writing, in 2021, both of these nations possessed immense untapped potential.

The populations of China and India will wane as they continue to become wealthier. The Chinese birthrate is already below replacement level, and below one child per woman in major centres like Shanghai and Beijing. The Indian fertility rate has fallen to replacement level, and looks set to fall below that in coming decades.

Both of these major powers will be moderately economically advanced by the time the new age of the world is underway (instead of being highly advanced in the cities and backwards elsewhere). Their great power and influence will come from their vast populations, which should still be around a billion each by the end of the century.

The birthrate of Anzacistan has also stabilised (although it’s higher than that of wealthy Chinese and Indians), but the Southeasterners have one crucial advantage over India and China: they can take mass amounts of immigration.

The population of Australia and New Zealand combined is, in 2021, only 30 million, but that is similar to the American population of 1860. So although the combined Anzac GDP might be only 1.6 trillion, compared to India’s 2.6 trillion and China’s 14.8 trillion, the Anzac Empire has vast untapped potential in the form of underpopulated land.

By 1890, the American population had grown to 60 million, and by 1930 it had swelled to 120 million. If the Anzac Empire would enact policies that allowed for a similar level of population growth, then, assuming the average quality of the genetic infrastructure was maintained, it could be a force as powerful as today’s Russian Federation by the end of the 21st Century.

Africa and Europe will continue to decline into irrelevance. As of today, both Britain and France could project more power into Singapore than any of China, India or an Anzac Empire. In the new age of the world, both Britain and France will fall away, ruined by their suicidal decision to accept mass Muslim and African immigration. Africa doesn’t have the genetic infrastructure to ever become a power.

In the beginning of the new age, the Anzac Empire would work very closely with America. This is a natural alliance on account of the shared culture, history and values of the two nations. It would also work very closely with Singapore (New Zealand’s ban on foreign buyers of property has two exemptions: Australians and Singaporeans), for similar reasons.

As the new age progresses, the Anzac Empire will become a great power in its own right, and America will once again take more of a support role in a wider Pacific sense. The basic geopolitical order of the new age of the world is all but certain at this point, barring any major upheavals.


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