How Psychological Scientists Know The “Structural Racism” Theory Is Crap

The “structural racism” conspiracy theory is everywhere nowadays. Most media consumers take it for granted that white people are to blame for black and brown economic and academic underachievement. But people trained in psychological science, who understand the real causes of behavioural phenomena, know this theory is crap. This essay explains how they know.

Any quality scientist will tell you that the value of a scientific theory is a function of its predictive power.

This has always been the case. Back in the day, when learned people discussed astronomical phenomena, the greatest among those scholars were able to accurately predict solar and lunar eclipses. The theories that correctly predicted eclipse seasons were praised and committed to memory or written down; the theories that incorrectly predicted eclipse seasons, or failed to predict them, were denounced and forgotten.

This ongoing process of refining theories, based on which ones best predicted the outcomes of experiments, evolved into the scientific method. Today, the scientific method involves taking multiple different theories and subjecting them to experiments with various conditions. Then the scientist compares the theories to see which best fits the resulting data.

When the Western World opened its borders to mass immigration from Far East Asia in the 1990s, there were two major theories about how successful it would be.

The structural racism theory predicted that these immigrants would do poorly. This theory held that the low economic and academic achievement of blacks and browns was the result of white prejudice, and, since those whites had no reason to be less prejudiced against Asians, those Asians would also have low economic and academic achievement.

The biological realism theory predicted that these immigrants would do well. It had been known since shortly after World War II that Japanese, Korean and Chinese populations scored as highly as European ones on psychometric measures of intelligence. Because economic and academic achievement is primarily a function of intelligence, biological realists predicted that Asian immigrants would have high economic and academic achievement.

In fact, the majority of Far East Asian immigrants did very well upon immigrating to the West. They all faced some degree of prejudice from the native populations, but few of them were impacted heavily enough by this to remain poor; Asian Americans have the highest net wealth and highest average income of any American racial group.

This outcome repudiated the structural racism theory, and supported the biological realism theory. But this is not the only case where the latter showed itself to have more predictive power than the former.

Another test of theories involved the relative developmental prospects of China, India and Africa. After World War II, China, India and most of Africa were at a similar level of poverty, i.e. undeveloped. But the Western plan was to develop all of these territories to the maximum extent possible, as quickly as possible.

The structural racism theory predicted that all of these territories would develop at a similar rate. Absent the white oppression that had held them back during the Colonial Era, and absent the white oppression that held back blacks, browns and natives in colonial countries, there was no reason to assume anything other than uniform progression to Western levels of wealth.

The biological realism theory, by contrast, predicted that China would develop faster than India, which would develop faster than Africa. This prediction was based on the fact that psychologists knew the IQ scores of these groups were different.

The Chinese scored at a similar level to white people, or even higher. India was about one standard deviation below that. Africa was about one standard deviation below India. So the biological realists predicted that China would develop the fastest, Africa the slowest, and India in between.

By 2021, the GDP per capita (PPP) of China was $18,931, that of India $7,333, and most African countries between $5,000 and $1,000. These differences were just as predicted by the biological realists. The structural racism theories are left floundering for an explanation as to why high-IQ China has outstripped medium-IQ India and low-IQ Africa, when none of the three are controlled by whites. They are left spouting nonsense about “white adjacency”.

In summary, the biological realism theory of explaining group differences in economic and academic achievement has proven itself to have far greater predictive power than the structural racism theory. In fact, the structural racism theory has no predictive power, and can be rightly considered a conspiracy theory pushed for political reasons, and not a scientific one.


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The Ruling Class Is Manufacturing Consent For A War With China

Anyone following the zeitgeist will have noticed a sharp rise in anti-China rhetoric lately. Some will also have noticed that the mainstream media recently switched narrative on the origins of the Covid virus. Until recently, one could get banned from FaceBook for suggesting that the virus was made in a Chinese lab. Now FaceBook encourages the idea. Why? This essay explains.

This BBC article from March is typical of the new rhetoric. The British Government’s main propaganda organ is now openly declaring that China is committing a genocide against their Uighur population in Xinjiang. The American Government has followed the British lead, with the Biden Administration now formally stating that China is guilty of “genocide and crimes against humanity”.

Declaring China to be carrying out a genocide is a major step, because it means that many people will feel morally obliged to do something about it. It will also allow the Establishment to paint the Chinese Government as the moral successor to Nazism, and thereby to play on all the conditioned guilt around the Holocaust.

This sudden concern for the Uighurs seems extremely odd, as the Uighurs aren’t treated any worse than cannabis users are treated in most Western countries. Moreover, not even other Muslims care about the Uighurs, as demonstrated by the fact that Muslim trade delegations to China seldom raise the issue.

The plight of the Uighurs is being exploited for propaganda purposes. There will be a lot more mainstream media propaganda in this vein in coming years. The narrative will be Evil China. We will get daily reminders that China is oppressive and evil – because the Western Establishment is trying to manufacture popular consent for a war against them.

Although many Westerners consider their ruling classes to be omnipotent, the reality is that they still need popular consent for any major move. That popular consent lubricates the gears of the war machine; without it, those gears don’t turn. To that end, the ruling classes instruct their lackeys in the mainstream media to manufacture consent for those major moves in advance.

The next major move they wish to make is to smash China. The ruling class of the West intends to attack China now for the same reason it attacked Germany then: to stay on top of the pile.

Measured by PPP, the Chinese economy has already surpassed the American one. It’s apparent that China’s economic rise will soon give it the capacity to project power over Taiwan. The fear is that China will eventually gain the capacity to project power over Singapore, and thereby over the centre of the world.

Today, the Chinese economy is some 10% larger than the American one. By 2026, according to IMF estimates, the Chinese economy will be some 40% larger. It’s apparent to every Western military planner that, if they want to prevent China from becoming unmanagably powerful, they have to strike now. As Machiavelli wrote in The Prince: wars cannot be avoided, they can only be postponed to the benefit of one or the other party.

The ruling elites of the West have been faced with a stark choice. Either strike now, and put the rising challenger back in its place, or wait, and risk that China becomes too strong to deal with. Given that China has an average IQ of 105, and is not near as wealthy as other populations with similar IQs, logic suggests that they have the potential to become a lot more powerful yet. More logic suggests that, if all that is true, the time to strike is now.

The Western ruling classes followed that same logic to its inevitable conclusion a while ago. They have decided that war is preferable to falling further behind. To that end, they will do everything they can to stoke conflict. This explains the sudden intense increase in anti-China rhetoric from the mainstream media.

The war imperative is why Western powers are sending flotillas to patrol the South China Sea. Everyone understands that the attack on China will be a multinational affair, with America, Japan, Britain, Australia and India all involved at a minimum. The strategy now is to increase the provocation and intimidation, and wait for China to make a mistake.

The great risk is of a false flag attack similar to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. It’s entirely plausible that the Western ruling class blows up one of its own warships and tells the plebs that the Chinese did it – this was how they successfully manufactured consent for the attack on Vietnam.

If such a thing did happen, the mainstream media would scream 24/7 about the need for revenge against murderous Chinese aggression before it was too late. The narrative would be that anyone unwilling to destroy China is dishonouring the victims of the false flag attack, is endangering the rest of us and is therefore a traitor to the West.

Westerners be warned: if the mainstream media informs us about a sudden and inexplicable act of deadly violence carried out by the Chinese against Western targets, we need to steadfastly remain sceptical. Freethinking people might not be able to stop the herd stampede to war, but we might be able to limit the carnage.


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Infantilisation, Feminisation, Negrification, Uglification, Stupefaction, Pacification

Observing the collapse of the West into Clown World, six sociological trends stand out above all others. Each of these trends has been deliberately engineered by the ruling class to make their subject populations weaker and easier to control. All of them involve promoting one set of behaviours and attitudes over another, to the detriment of the subject population.

The first trend is infantilisation.

Infantilisation involves keeping people in a state of helpless dependency even into adulthood. In particular, this involves inducing them to think and behave like adult children. Emblematic of this trend is the 40-year old collector of Star Wars figurines. Infantilised people are encouraged not to solve their own problems, but instead to tug the skirt of the local authority. This is also true of scientific disputes. Independent thought is strongly discouraged.

It’s essential here that people be kept ignorant about the true nature of reality. Instead of being informed accurately about the scientific nature of humankind and of the world, people are presented with a Disneyfied, Tellytubby version of affairs. It is never admitted that life is suffering and that the good guys die in the end just like the bad guys.

The second trend is feminisation.

This involves forcing women and feminine energy into male spaces. Anything traditionally masculine has to give way to feminine involvement. This trend is why one sees so much mainstream media decrying “not enough women in X” or praising “first woman in X”. All male spaces have to be broken open.

Today this can be seen most obviously in sport. The obsessive promotion of women’s sport has had the effect of removing an avenue for masculinity. Now there are even female referees and commentators in male games. The forcing of women into the military is a more extreme, if less obvious, example. The end result is a generation of feminised males unable to inspire any physical resistance.

The third trend is negrification.

It’s rare to see a white family in the mass media nowadays. A long-running series like Friends, without token diversity, would be impossible today. Much as children have been forced into adult spaces and females have been forced into male spaces, so too have non-whites been forced into white spaces. This is also accompanied by propaganda about “not enough non-whites in X” or “first non-white in X”.

Following from the increasing proportion of non-whites in traditionally white spaces is a lowering of general standards. As a result, r-selected behaviours and attitudes are driving out K-selected ones. The growing cultural obsession with analingus is perhaps the most telling example – arse fetishism is almost non-existent in fully white countries.

The fourth trend is uglification.

This can be seen most clearly in music and architecture. Today’s popular music is almost antithetical to the high culture of Beethoven and Vivaldi. Orchestral music has been replaced with crude jungle beats that appeal to the brain stem. A similar phenomenon has taken place with architecture. Brutalism is a name given to the architectural style that emphasises minimalism and concrete, but it’s so common today that most people think it’s normal.

Uglification can also be seen in fashion. The most notable example today is the promotion of Lizzo, a monstrously obese woman, as a model of beauty. Genuinely beautiful women are starting to become rare in mainstream media. The combined effect of the uglification of music, architecture and fashion is that people have lost their conception of what beauty is. This has had severe moral consequences.

The fifth trend is stupefaction.

In the early days of the Internet, it was possible to easily find information about any subject. These times were known as the Golden Age of the Internet. But as the information superhighway became more commercialised, hobbyist and enthusiast sites were pushed to the bottom of search results in favour of big advertisers. As the ruling class put more and more advertising between the people and the information, the masses became dumber and dumber.

Part of stupefaction involves the promotion of unqualified people as authorities. Bill Nye, “The Science Guy”, only has a Bachelor’s degree, and is therefore less of a scientific authority than the author of this article. Unqualified people are promoted as experts everywhere in the mass media, lowering the quality of public discourse and popularising misconceptions and falsehoods.

The sixth trend is pacification.

Aldous Huxley warned that the ruling class would one day train the masses to love their servitude, and that’s exactly what has happened. We have been pacified by having just enough of our material needs met to prevent any real discontent. No-one really has to go without food or entertainment nowadays, and this has led to an oversatisfied population that is willing to accept all kinds of human rights abuses.

Pacification is the end result of the infantilisation, the feminisation, the negrification, the uglification and the stupefaction of the masses. All of these trends have created a population that is utterly incapable of resisting the abuses of the ruling class – this being, of course, the ultimate reason why they were all pushed.

In the tyranny to come, no adult spaces will be allowed to exist, no male spaces will be allowed to exist, no white spaces will be allowed to exist, no beautiful spaces will be allowed to exist, no intelligent spaces will be allowed to exist and no space for courage will be allowed to exist. In short, no place of order will be allowed to exist, because any order among the masses provides the basis for resistance.

Much of the logic behind Clown World is about forcing chaos into orderly spaces for the sake of destruction. The more the ruling class can sow chaos among their lower-class enemies, the less the lower classes are able to resist the depredations of the rulers. And so, the more infantilised, feminised, negrified, uglified, stupified and pacified society becomes, the harder it becomes to own a home and to raise a family on one wage.


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The QAnon LARP Was The Greatest Psyop Of All Time

Trust the plan. For four years, this simple three-word phrase paralysed all resistance to the Establishment. It was repeated over and over by followers of QAnon, a legendary poster on various underground imageboards, until it became a mantra. Those who repeated it seemed to be privy to some important secret plan to save the world.

Donald Trump came to power in 2016 on the promise of being an anti-Establishment President. The original three-word phrase, often spoken by him, was “Drain the Swamp”. Trump would drain the festering swamp that was Washington D.C. politics by ridding it of corruption. All we had to do was vote him into power and then wait for the wheels of justice to turn.

To that end, Trump was apparently working with military intelligence services to orchestrate a mass arrest of all the corrupt elements of the American Establishment. Trump supporters were led to believe that several tens of thousands of sealed indictments existed and, when the day came, these would all be unsealed and the bad guys would all be arrested.

Early in 2017 it started to dawn on people that Trump either couldn’t, or wouldn’t, do anything about the corruption in Washington. He got into power and then… nothing happened. Soon after that, people started asking themselves if they’d been had.

Enter QAnon.

In order to quench the rising discontent caused by Trump’s inaction, a psyop known as the QAnon LARP was put into action. It was launched upon the world in October 2017, with a semi-plausible horseshit story about how Hillary Clinton was about to be arrested. This story renewed hope that the international pedophile cabal might soon be brought to justice.

From this date, until Joe Biden assumed the American Presidency in 2021, imageboards were inundated with posts from a mysterious figure named Q. Many supposed Q to be a high-ranking intelligence officer, as Q apparently revealed classified information in their posts, known as “Q drops”. Q’s posts all furthered the idea that mass arrests were imminent.

The “trust the plan” narrative played a crucial role here. By constantly hearing this phrase repeated, many people came to be convinced that not only was there a plan, but also that it was a wise plan and that it was in the process of execution. It seemed that, out there in the shadows, good guys with white hats were closing the noose around the bad guys with the black hats. All we had to do was lend our moral support to the plan and to not interfere.

The ultimate effect of getting people to wait on some vague plan was paralysis. Any time that someone suggested taking some kind of action, others would bleat “trust the plan”, and all progress would be neutralised. There was no reason to take any action oneself if the white hats had everything under control. In such a case, it would be better to sit back and not interfere.

The QAnon LARP sucked in an enormous number of Christians. This is probably due to the fact that it targeted the same mentality that predatory Christian preachers target: the smug, self-righteous delusion that one is privy to secret knowledge. As the Christians have passively waited for Jesus to return, instead of taking action, so have the Q cultists passively waited for their own messiah figure.

Now Trump is gone, and Q is heard from no more. Most Q cultists have, by now, realised that they were taken for fools.

The whole QAnon LARP bears a close resemblance to another psyop from almost a century previous – Operation Trust. This was a counterintelligence operation conducted in the early days of the Soviet Union.

The goal of Operation Trust was to convince monarchist forces, who had recently been ousted from power in the Bolshevik Revolution, to believe that anti-Bolshevik forces were organising and were about to stage a counter-revolution. These monarchist forces were convinced that their allies were organising behind the scenes and would take action at any moment. As such, it was best not to interfere.

In reality, the Bolsheviks were strengthening their position, using the delay to purge monarchists from the civil service and the security forces. By the time the monarchists got wise to the ruse, it was too late. The Bolsheviks had consolidated their control, condemning the Soviet people to the Holodomor and the horrors of the Gulag Archipelago.

The QAnon psyop was no doubt conducted for similar reasons, and appears to have achieved a similar effect. In the belief that nationalist forces were about to strike against the globalists, the actual nationalist forces did nothing, and squandered the opportunity they had from Donald Trump occupying the American Presidency. With the globalist Joe Biden now in charge, the real noose – that around our necks – will tighten.


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