The Ruling Class Is Manufacturing Consent For A War With China

Anyone following the zeitgeist will have noticed a sharp rise in anti-China rhetoric lately. Some will also have noticed that the mainstream media recently switched narrative on the origins of the Covid virus. Until recently, one could get banned from FaceBook for suggesting that the virus was made in a Chinese lab. Now FaceBook encourages the idea. Why? This essay explains.

This BBC article from March is typical of the new rhetoric. The British Government’s main propaganda organ is now openly declaring that China is committing a genocide against their Uighur population in Xinjiang. The American Government has followed the British lead, with the Biden Administration now formally stating that China is guilty of “genocide and crimes against humanity”.

Declaring China to be carrying out a genocide is a major step, because it means that many people will feel morally obliged to do something about it. It will also allow the Establishment to paint the Chinese Government as the moral successor to Nazism, and thereby to play on all the conditioned guilt around the Holocaust.

This sudden concern for the Uighurs seems extremely odd, as the Uighurs aren’t treated any worse than cannabis users are treated in most Western countries. Moreover, not even other Muslims care about the Uighurs, as demonstrated by the fact that Muslim trade delegations to China seldom raise the issue.

The plight of the Uighurs is being exploited for propaganda purposes. There will be a lot more mainstream media propaganda in this vein in coming years. The narrative will be Evil China. We will get daily reminders that China is oppressive and evil – because the Western Establishment is trying to manufacture popular consent for a war against them.

Although many Westerners consider their ruling classes to be omnipotent, the reality is that they still need popular consent for any major move. That popular consent lubricates the gears of the war machine; without it, those gears don’t turn. To that end, the ruling classes instruct their lackeys in the mainstream media to manufacture consent for those major moves in advance.

The next major move they wish to make is to smash China. The ruling class of the West intends to attack China now for the same reason it attacked Germany then: to stay on top of the pile.

Measured by PPP, the Chinese economy has already surpassed the American one. It’s apparent that China’s economic rise will soon give it the capacity to project power over Taiwan. The fear is that China will eventually gain the capacity to project power over Singapore, and thereby over the centre of the world.

Today, the Chinese economy is some 10% larger than the American one. By 2026, according to IMF estimates, the Chinese economy will be some 40% larger. It’s apparent to every Western military planner that, if they want to prevent China from becoming unmanagably powerful, they have to strike now. As Machiavelli wrote in The Prince: wars cannot be avoided, they can only be postponed to the benefit of one or the other party.

The ruling elites of the West have been faced with a stark choice. Either strike now, and put the rising challenger back in its place, or wait, and risk that China becomes too strong to deal with. Given that China has an average IQ of 105, and is not near as wealthy as other populations with similar IQs, logic suggests that they have the potential to become a lot more powerful yet. More logic suggests that, if all that is true, the time to strike is now.

The Western ruling classes followed that same logic to its inevitable conclusion a while ago. They have decided that war is preferable to falling further behind. To that end, they will do everything they can to stoke conflict. This explains the sudden intense increase in anti-China rhetoric from the mainstream media.

The war imperative is why Western powers are sending flotillas to patrol the South China Sea. Everyone understands that the attack on China will be a multinational affair, with America, Japan, Britain, Australia and India all involved at a minimum. The strategy now is to increase the provocation and intimidation, and wait for China to make a mistake.

The great risk is of a false flag attack similar to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. It’s entirely plausible that the Western ruling class blows up one of its own warships and tells the plebs that the Chinese did it – this was how they successfully manufactured consent for the attack on Vietnam.

If such a thing did happen, the mainstream media would scream 24/7 about the need for revenge against murderous Chinese aggression before it was too late. The narrative would be that anyone unwilling to destroy China is dishonouring the victims of the false flag attack, is endangering the rest of us and is therefore a traitor to the West.

Westerners be warned: if the mainstream media informs us about a sudden and inexplicable act of deadly violence carried out by the Chinese against Western targets, we need to steadfastly remain sceptical. Freethinking people might not be able to stop the herd stampede to war, but we might be able to limit the carnage.


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4 thoughts on “The Ruling Class Is Manufacturing Consent For A War With China”

  1. >Russian and Chinese elites are in on it, have been from the start of the 19th century.
    >Covid19 is a planned event.
    >Lock-downs are planned events.
    >Russian and Chinese propaganda in the west encourages unrestrained cultural upheaval.
    >Western corporates, the true ruling class, now globalized and filled with radicalized academics, openly push critical race theory, distorted liberalism, the porn industry and sexulization of children, race issues, feminization of males, masculinization of females.
    > All the instability, infighting leads to large scale societal collapse – see France and UK as prime examples
    >This all leading to a regional wars escalating to global wars of Eurasian vs Western blocs with their allies.
    >Financial, technological, infrastructure collapse under pressure put on limited natural resources by 8 billion people that cant be satisfied
    >Mass starvation in 3rd world, giant waves of population displacements hits Europe, USA, causes further collapse.
    >Rise of UN V2.0 to rule from Jerusalem
    >Enforced redistribution of wealth, global tax rate, global UBI, wealth transfer from 1st world to 3rd
    >Its all real.
    >Its all loosely planed.
    >Its all happening.
    >Has been ongoing since before the world wars
    >Watch Children of Men for the best visualization of our future in the west.

    1. If the vaccines end up sterilising people, then life will have turned out extremely similar to Children of Men.

      1. True that. I know the movie’s story-line was about a white liberal dying to safe the worlds only black baby from an evil white fascist government deporting millions of non-whites from the UK. O the fucking horror….but the milieu is pretty accurate….haven’t seen any other futurism that is tracking that close to reality.

        1. from wikipedia

          “In the year 2027, after 18 years of total human infertility, war, and global depression push society to the point of collapse as humanity faces extinction. The United Kingdom, one of the few remaining nations with a functioning government, is deluged by refugees fleeing from chaos in their own countries. In response to this mass influx, the UK has become a police state as the British Army arrests, imprisons or executes illegal immigrants.

          Theo Faron, a former activist turned cynical bureaucrat, is kidnapped by the Fishes, a militant immigrant rights group. They are led by Theo’s estranged wife, Julian Taylor, from whom he separated after their son’s death during a 2008 flu pandemic.”

          so 2027 minus 18 years is 2009 in this story-line. in 2008 there was a flu pandemic. What happened to make everyone sterile? The wiki doesn’t explain this but yeah, vaccines it could be.

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