Category: conspiracy
Sheeple Are The Weapons Of Kings
It’s natural for children to fight. Children fight in all times, all places and all classes. Some children grow up to become obsessed with weapons, and learning how to assert themselves using those. A small minority of children come to realise that they can put a wall of fighters between them and their enemies. This small minority grows up to become the magicians of the realm of silver.
The lower a man’s rank in the great dominance hierarchy that is our society, the more he will use himself as a weapon. Most men fall within the realm of iron, in which whoever can personally kick the most arse is the most highly ranked. But the leaders of men, those who can distinguish themselves above the herd through the demonstration of some merit, soon gain the loyalty of multiple arse-kickers. In doing so, they enter the realm of silver.
The realm of silver is all about directing the men of iron. If the men of iron are the tools, the men of silver are the hand that guides them. Every man of iron eventually realises that kicking arse is far easier than figuring out whose arse needs to be kicked. That latter task requires a great deal of mental energy, and so it’s outsourced to the man of silver.
In order to maintain his position in the realm of silver, the silver magician needs a unifying narrative. This is a story or myth that serves as a rallying call to those under his influence. It is the metaphysical equivalent of a standard. This unifying narrative imposes order upon a mass of people by regimenting their minds in the same direction.
Those who adopt a narrative from above, without thinking about it, become the sheeple. In this context, it doesn’t matter what the narrative is. In any case, the narrative will always act as a call to solidarity on behalf of some group that considers itself under attack. This group, brought to order under the narrative of one or more silver magicians, is the herd (of sheeple).
The sheeple get milked and fleeced by their ruler, and, at the worst of times, they also get butchered.
As mentioned above, the higher a person’s rank in the great dominance hierarchy, the more they will use other people as tools. Those at the top of the system use people who themselves use people. The king will have a personal herd of aristocrats who themselves each control a herd of underlings. This makes the king a mercury magician, above the realm of silver but still subordinate to influence from the realm of gold.
The ruling class, then, use herds of sheeple against each other. The larger and more aggressive the herd, the more political power its master has. Political influence begins when a person can muster a herd. A gangbanger who can bring twenty loyal men together loses to the chieftain who can muster a hundred, who loses in turn to the warlord who can muster half a thousand.
Many of the clearest examples of this can be seen in religious conflict, such as when Hypatia was murdered by a mob of Christians enraged by a shit-stirrer named Peter. Any priest of true standing ought to be able to whip up a mob willing to destroy any blasphemer or heretic the priest points to. It was through wielding such mobs as weapons that the Roman Catholic Church enforced their 1,200-year reign of terror.
Cancel culture, as described in Clown World Chronicles, is just a modern version of this phenomenon. When New Zealand Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt used his platform in the mainstream media to encourage baizuos to contact TradeMe and tell them that the ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ t-shirts sold by VJM Publishing were racist, and succeeded in getting them delisted, it was little different to how religious leaders historically silenced wrongthinkers by stoking mobs against them.
The way to make people into sheeple is to control their minds. This can be achieved either quantitatively, through repetition and brainwashing, or qualitatively, through logical and rational argumentation, or both. In practice, the more a herd is organised by quantity the dumber and larger it will be, and the more it is organised by quality the smarter and smaller it will be.
The reason why the Jews have historically held so much power is that they have had a slave army of hundreds of millions of sheeple known as Christians, who believe that Jews have been chosen by God to enlighten the world. The average Christian will defend Jews at all opportunity, will promote Jews ahead of his own kind and will follow directions from a Jew as if it was the Word of God.
The beauty of modern representative techno-democracy is that you can build up a herd by mutual consent. It’s possible to talk to people online until some of them come to look up to you and, if this is done for long enough, you will sooner or later have your own herd. The degree to which this herd will obey you is a function of the degree of solidarity they have with you, but that’s a subject for another essay.
The ugliness of modern representative democracy is that building up a herd mostly comes down to control of the apparatus of propaganda, and that mostly comes down to television control, and that mostly comes down to money. Effectively, the more money you have, the more you can buy loyalty. All it takes is for you to pay a few dozen journalists to tell their sheeple that you are the next big thing, and that’s usually enough to make it so.
The simple way to protect yourself from becoming a sheeple is to ask yourself, every time a media figure tells you something, “Who owns this person?” Almost inevitably, the media figure turns out to be taking a wage from an editor who tells them what they can say, and that editor is themselves taking a wage from an owner who tells them what they can say that their journalists can say.
The more complicated way is to seek out gold magicians and take a narrative from them instead.
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Why They Let Terrorists In (And Why They Keep Them In)
After the latest terror attack, this time involving a knifeman at an Auckland supermarket, it was discovered that the terrorist, Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen, was born overseas and had been given a refugee visa to stay in New Zealand. Efforts had been made to deport him, but the New Zealand Government insisted he stay. Why? This essay explains.
It’s a grievous error to think that the kind of people who make up the Government are motivated to alleviate the suffering of the New Zealand people, or that the democratic selection process is some kind of meritocracy that promotes philosopher-kings. Such errors occur because that’s how people think things ought to be, and they naively conflate what ought to be with what is.
This line of thinking causes great confusion when people consider why Western governments allow mass immigration of people from violent, low-IQ cultures. Considering that certain immigrant groups (Muslims and Africans in particular) commit an enormous amount of violence and sex crimes wherever they go, why do our rulers keep letting them in?
The usual explanations involve economics, particularly references to the GDP growth imperative, or conspiracy theories about Jews. The reality is even more sinister – you could commit to a zero-growth economy, and get rid of all the Jews, and the Western ruling class would still hold the borders open to terrorists.
Explaining why requires accurately understanding the motivations of the people who comprise the government.
The main motivation of the people making up every government in the world is to stay in control. What gets politicians out of bed in the morning is the desire for control and power. They want to be in charge, usually because they are deeply afraid on a spiritual level, and that fear is assuaged by power, as most fears are.
Having terrorists run amok helps the New Zealand Government maintain control in two major ways.
The first way is that it spreads fear. When a person hears of a stabbing frenzy at a supermarket, the logical thought is that more terrorists might be out there, waiting to attack again. The resulting anxiety costs energy, because a heightened state of physiological arousal must be maintained. The Government wants you to waste your energy in this manner, because it keeps you down.
In this sense, Islamic terrorism has simply replaced fear of the Soviet Union, which replaced fear of the Third Reich, which replaced fear of scientific and technological advancement, which replaced fear of the Devil. It’s now The Big Fear, which the powers that be can stoke whenever they like, simply by devoting television time to it. All that was needed was for Muslims to kill and rape enough people, and then the ruling class had another demon to threaten the plebs with.
Our rulers have long observed, from the example set by Europe, that Muslim immigrants murder, rape and destroy everywhere they go. So those rulers deliberately opened our borders to those same immigrants, and moved them into working-class neighbourhoods, as a kind of biological weapon.
The New Lynn Countdown stabbing is just one example of the inevitable friction created – something our ruling class is insulated from, having long ago retreated to their exclusive neighbourhoods, where violent immigrants are not allowed.
The second way is that it wastes money. As George Orwell wrote in Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, a people with surplus wealth will inevitably seek to use that wealth to obtain more freedom. Maximising control means minimising freedom, and, therefore, maximising control means minimising wealth. In the world of 1984, wealth was wasted by neverending wars and intrusive regulation and surveillance – just like in our world.
Emil Kirkegaard discovered that there was a strong positive correlation between an immigrant’s net fiscal contribution to their new society and the IQ of their home nation. There was a similarly strong correlation, only negative, between an immigrant’s net contribution and the Muslim percentage of their home nation. Low-IQ and Muslim immigrants cost the societies that receive them a great deal of money – but that’s precisely why the ruling class lets them in.
Low-IQ and Muslim immigrants, like compulsory te reo classes, the War on Drugs and rolling coronavirus lockdowns, suck up all the surplus wealth created by society. This keeps people from enjoying the leisure time that might see them come together and share their dissatisfaction with the government. This shared dissatisfaction is what leads to popular revolution, so if the Government can make the people too poor to express such dissatisfaction, they can secure their position against those they rule.
The supermarket terrorist was followed around-the-clock by a crack unit of Police called the Special Tactics Group, which was why he was taken down in roughly one minute. But these elite law enforcement officers don’t come cheap. There are believed to be at least 30 suspected terrorists being shadowed by the STG. The total cost must run into the tens of millions.
Allowing mass Muslim and African immigration, and allowing the many terrorists among their number to stay in the country until they attack someone, directly increases the fear and poverty of the New Zealand people. In doing so, the New Zealand Government makes us much easier to control. Not only do we become more compliant to directions from authority figures, but we also become more willing to police each other.
Had the Government simply been mistaken about the long-term consequences of allowing mass Muslim and African immigration, they would deport people like Samsudeen as soon as they realised they were terrorists. But they don’t deport them; they keep them around. They would only do this if keeping them around served a deeper purpose. Fear and poverty is that purpose.
The New Zealand Government imports terrorists, and keeps them here, for essentially the same reasons the governments of Europe let so many Muslims and Africans in, and America allowed itself to undergo The Muttening. The more the masses can be set against each other along fracture lines within the wider population, the less energy those masses have left over to direct upwards at the ruling class. Diversity really is strength – but not for us.
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Rhodesia: Where New Zealand Is Headed
There exists a globalist plan to destroy New Zealand, and that plan is being executed on multiple fronts as this piece is being written. The plan is not unique to New Zealand (although some details are), and New Zealand is far from the first target. The globalist plan is to do to New Zealand what they once did to Rhodesia.
Had Marxists not destroyed Rhodesia, it would in all likelihood have become the first First World African country. In the mid 1970s, whites were some 8% of the population and as wealthy as Americans. The campaign to destroy it, led by Judeo-Communists like Joe Slovo, was launched for real in the 1960s, but was in fact a continuation of Communist efforts, best understood in the context of the Cold War.
As elsewhere, this campaign of destruction was externally financed by globalist interests, and its propaganda component involved the relentless demonisation of white settlers as colonial invaders, thieves and butchers. By stirring up anger and resentment among the black population, these globalist interests succeeded in first paralysing the country’s economy and then ethnically cleansing the whites.
In the mid 1970s, there were over 300,000 white Rhodesians; by today, there are fewer than 30,000. The white Rhodesian population has effectively been wiped out. The GDP per capita of Zimbabwe is now lower than in hellholes like Congo, Sudan and Syria. The globalist Eye of Sauron has then turned to South Africa, with similar results that are still ongoing.
Now that Rhodesia is gone and South Africa all but destroyed, the attention of the Marxists will turn to New Zealand. There’s only one thing Communists hate more than wealth: wealth produced by white colonials. New Zealand, like Rhodesia and South Africa, was desperately poor before white people settled it, and soon became wealthy. Its very existence is therefore regarded by Communists as a testament to white supremacy.
As far as those Communists are concerned, New Zealand delenda est.
The plot to destroy Rhodesia centred around Robert Mugabe. The plot to destroy New Zealand has no Mugabe as yet, but it has a likely candidate in Rawiri Waititi. Like Mugabe, Waititi gets his support chiefly from Brown Communists. Also like Mugabe, his modus operandi is to incite this racial proletariat into a frothing rage seeking revenge, and then to graciously accept some kind of donation from the Establishment in exchange for calling the dogs off.
Debbie Ngahere-Packer, Willie Jackson and Marama Davidson are all further examples of this established pattern of well-funded anti-white race grifters being pushed to the exclusion of more reasonable people. The globalist Marxist interests that want to destroy New Zealand plan to empower these grifters, primarily through platforming them in the mainstream media (which is owned by international banking and finance interests).
These race-baiters will then use their access to this audience to spew hate, weakening the chances of national co-operation.
The plan is to set the white and Maori populations against each other, like the white and black populations were set against each other in Africa. To this end, globalist interests are funding (and will continue to fund) a propaganda campaign designed to stir up resentment between the two populations. This propaganda campaign will have two prongs.
The first is stirring up Maori resentment. This is primarily achieved through blasting them with an ‘us and them’ narrative that claims all land in New Zealand is stolen, and that Maoris never benefitted in any way from white settlement. This narrative also suggests that ‘revenge oppression’ is entirely justified – that it’s fair to discriminate against white people for any arbitrary reason, because doing so rebalances the scales of historical oppression.
As in Rhodesia, popularising such narratives will mostly be achieved by external funding of malcontents like Waititi, Jackson et al., who will then incite hate among their followers. The globalists will prominently feature these malcontents and their slimy rhetoric in the mainstream media, leading other Maoris to adopt race consciousness and to abandon class consciousness.
The second is stirring up white resentment by relentlessly screaming ‘Racist!’ at them. If white people ever complain about Government largesse going to middle-class Maoris instead of to working-class white people, the mainstream media will howl them down with cries of racism. The narrative is that working-class whites have to suffer for the historical crimes of their ruling classes. If they don’t accept this, they’re racist.
This will split the white population down the centre, between a working-class half that struggles without any help, and a middle-class half that doesn’t give a shit. So, rather than focussing on the bigger picture, the working-class whites give into despair while the middle-class ones drift off into a haze of mindless consumerism akin to an opium session.
The net result of these two prongs is that Maoris and whites, instead of seeing each other as the yin and the yang of a healthy nation (as per Esoteric Aotearoanism), see each other as the enemy. This makes supraracial organisation impossible. Maoris may organise as the Maori Party, and whites may not organise at all. The country is left crippled.
With resistance neutralised, the globalists can then swoop in and sweep the whites out. This was the plan used to destroy Rhodesia, it is the plan being used to destroy South Africa, and it will be the plan used to destroy New Zealand.
If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.
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