Rhodesia: Where New Zealand Is Headed

There exists a globalist plan to destroy New Zealand, and that plan is being executed on multiple fronts as this piece is being written. The plan is not unique to New Zealand (although some details are), and New Zealand is far from the first target. The globalist plan is to do to New Zealand what they once did to Rhodesia.

Had Marxists not destroyed Rhodesia, it would in all likelihood have become the first First World African country. In the mid 1970s, whites were some 8% of the population and as wealthy as Americans. The campaign to destroy it, led by Judeo-Communists like Joe Slovo, was launched for real in the 1960s, but was in fact a continuation of Communist efforts, best understood in the context of the Cold War.

As elsewhere, this campaign of destruction was externally financed by globalist interests, and its propaganda component involved the relentless demonisation of white settlers as colonial invaders, thieves and butchers. By stirring up anger and resentment among the black population, these globalist interests succeeded in first paralysing the country’s economy and then ethnically cleansing the whites.

In the mid 1970s, there were over 300,000 white Rhodesians; by today, there are fewer than 30,000. The white Rhodesian population has effectively been wiped out. The GDP per capita of Zimbabwe is now lower than in hellholes like Congo, Sudan and Syria. The globalist Eye of Sauron has then turned to South Africa, with similar results that are still ongoing.

Now that Rhodesia is gone and South Africa all but destroyed, the attention of the Marxists will turn to New Zealand. There’s only one thing Communists hate more than wealth: wealth produced by white colonials. New Zealand, like Rhodesia and South Africa, was desperately poor before white people settled it, and soon became wealthy. Its very existence is therefore regarded by Communists as a testament to white supremacy.

As far as those Communists are concerned, New Zealand delenda est.

The plot to destroy Rhodesia centred around Robert Mugabe. The plot to destroy New Zealand has no Mugabe as yet, but it has a likely candidate in Rawiri Waititi. Like Mugabe, Waititi gets his support chiefly from Brown Communists. Also like Mugabe, his modus operandi is to incite this racial proletariat into a frothing rage seeking revenge, and then to graciously accept some kind of donation from the Establishment in exchange for calling the dogs off.

Debbie Ngahere-Packer, Willie Jackson and Marama Davidson are all further examples of this established pattern of well-funded anti-white race grifters being pushed to the exclusion of more reasonable people. The globalist Marxist interests that want to destroy New Zealand plan to empower these grifters, primarily through platforming them in the mainstream media (which is owned by international banking and finance interests).

These race-baiters will then use their access to this audience to spew hate, weakening the chances of national co-operation.

The plan is to set the white and Maori populations against each other, like the white and black populations were set against each other in Africa. To this end, globalist interests are funding (and will continue to fund) a propaganda campaign designed to stir up resentment between the two populations. This propaganda campaign will have two prongs.

The first is stirring up Maori resentment. This is primarily achieved through blasting them with an ‘us and them’ narrative that claims all land in New Zealand is stolen, and that Maoris never benefitted in any way from white settlement. This narrative also suggests that ‘revenge oppression’ is entirely justified – that it’s fair to discriminate against white people for any arbitrary reason, because doing so rebalances the scales of historical oppression.

As in Rhodesia, popularising such narratives will mostly be achieved by external funding of malcontents like Waititi, Jackson et al., who will then incite hate among their followers. The globalists will prominently feature these malcontents and their slimy rhetoric in the mainstream media, leading other Maoris to adopt race consciousness and to abandon class consciousness.

The second is stirring up white resentment by relentlessly screaming ‘Racist!’ at them. If white people ever complain about Government largesse going to middle-class Maoris instead of to working-class white people, the mainstream media will howl them down with cries of racism. The narrative is that working-class whites have to suffer for the historical crimes of their ruling classes. If they don’t accept this, they’re racist.

This will split the white population down the centre, between a working-class half that struggles without any help, and a middle-class half that doesn’t give a shit. So, rather than focussing on the bigger picture, the working-class whites give into despair while the middle-class ones drift off into a haze of mindless consumerism akin to an opium session.

The net result of these two prongs is that Maoris and whites, instead of seeing each other as the yin and the yang of a healthy nation (as per Esoteric Aotearoanism), see each other as the enemy. This makes supraracial organisation impossible. Maoris may organise as the Maori Party, and whites may not organise at all. The country is left crippled.

With resistance neutralised, the globalists can then swoop in and sweep the whites out. This was the plan used to destroy Rhodesia, it is the plan being used to destroy South Africa, and it will be the plan used to destroy New Zealand.


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3 thoughts on “Rhodesia: Where New Zealand Is Headed”

  1. Maori must adhere to the Waitangi Treaty and any Joshua Nkomo’s of NZ-Aotearoa – Remind them of what Maori did to the peace loving Moriori – long ago, before the White Man arrived. Add the traitor couple, British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington & Rob Mugabe in their Lancaster House Agreement (21 Dec, 1979) – In Carrington’s own words, “I was a fluke!” added with Rob Mugabe’s UK bodyguarding …

    Ian Smith: “I actually brought in a black government. I handed over to a black prime minister, Muzorewa. And if we could have had that, it would have been better. At Lancaster House, CARRINGTON said to me – when I told him that this constitution was going to bring in Mugabe and a communist government, he laughed at me – he said

    “My dear Mr. Smith,” looking down his Lordship’s nose at me, “you are totally wrong. We have given you a constitution which is going to ensure that the government in Zimbabwe, the first government, will be composed of Muzorewa, Nkomo and Smith.”

    I said to him, – “I’m afraid I must tell you, you don’t understand the African.”

    He was one of these arrogant Englishmen who thought he knew more about my country than I did! History proves he was wrong and I was right.

    So, if we had been allowed to continue with our philosophy, which was one of evolution as opposed to revolution, I think we would have succeeded.

    In actual fact I believe their tribal system is a better system than the western democracy which we forced onto them, because it is devoid of corruption, propaganda, nepotism. The leader is the leader of the family at Kraal level. They are never voted in. Just comes to the top as the father, of that extended family. You can’t influence him by trying to buy his vote, or by intimidation. That just wasn’t part of the system. He came right up to the top. They had honest government. I will tell you, and I would argue the fact, that in many cases under our western democracy we don’t have honest government. If you think of the power of television, especially in – I don’t want to be personal – but countries like the United States of America, the power of money, corruption. All right, I think one’s got to be practical and I’ve said that in time these people would gradually come in. Their children go to school and then go to university, as they do now. And I think you’ve got to say “OK, you understand what a constitution is, your fathers didn’t, they never heard of it!” Maybe we’ve got to bring them in to our system – but I believe it’s got to be evolutionary, as opposed to revolution.

  2. In the years before the Internet Communication to All the People, the ‘rule of thumb’ in destroying Communism (Bolshevik/Maoism) is by two systems in unification and progressive combo action of Guerrilla Fighting with Propaganda.

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