Enemies Of The New Zealand Nation II: The Astor Foundation


This bite-sized essay is a deep dive into the Astor Foundation, one of the major Jewish charitable foundations which promotes the anti-white agenda within New Zealand. We will limit our scope to the Astor Foundation, its officers and its operations with what documentation is available. The analysis will first analyse the offices of the organization, followed by financial statements and alongside any news or web publications we can find to piece together what this secret organization does and why it shrouds itself in mystery.

The Astor Foundation was founded by David Levene, with two other officers directing the organization until David’s death in 2021. It is now directed by David William Tibby, Juliet Moses and Michael Friedlander. It is managed by Gael Keren, either full time or part time basis.

David Levene

David Levene (Red Sea Pedestrian) was a paint magnate who took over his father’s small paint shop on K Road at the age of 23 in 1952, turning it into a large paint manufacturer, selling his products at numerous stores across New Zealand. After selling the business in 1994 to Skellerup Group, the firm employed 1,000 people, had 52 stores and turnover of $150 million. Using the proceeds of the sale, he established Lewis Holding Group, a property investment and management firm, focused on commercial real estate. He also invests in biotech (pharmaceuticals, because these tend to have huge payoff if they succeed) and software startups (same story). He seems to have become a philanthropist later in life, funding various causes, including anti-white NGOs. He died in 2021 aged 91/92. He was a financial backer of the Astor Foundation primarily.

He produced ads promoting miscegenation in the early 90s, pursuing strategies of undermining ethnic solidarity of the majority.

His obituary, written by Juliet Moses, gives the following description of David – “Like many Jewish leaders and thinkers, Sir David was not by any stretch a religious man, but he was proudly Jewish. He was devoted to his tribe, felt a strong sense of peoplehood, fervently supported Israel as the Jewish people’s homeland, was acutely aware of the injustices that the Jewish people have suffered over millennia and continue to suffer, and whether he did so consciously or not, as with many secular Jews, he embodied many Jewish values in the way he lived his life.” – Of note here is the use of secular language to imply an ethnic attribute to Judaism. We do not use Secular Christian to describe white post-Christian individuals.

David was extremely concerned about growing antisemitism around the world. I believe this was driven by his personal experience – he told me last year about the antisemitism he experienced as a school boy […] In 2015 that concern, encompassed and interwoven with a love and vision for his beloved country, inspired him to create the Astor Foundation, a charity that promotes social cohesion in New Zealand, in respect of which he then brought on Sir Michael Friedlander, and I was honoured to be a trustee of alongside them both.”

David William Tibby

David Tibby (profession unknown, presumed toadstool merchant) was a lieutenant of David Levene, having taken over in directing Lewis Holdings. He is very likely related, either through blood or through marriage to David’s daughters. Either way, he now seems to be the managing director for a number of property management and ownership shell companies underneath Lewis Holdings. These are in turn owned through two trusts, Julia Trustees Limited and ROIE Trustees Limited. These trusts appear to primarily be tax dodging vehicles for transferring wealth upon the death of David Levene.

Michael Friedlander

Michael Friedlander (the Platonic form of the counter-Semitic caricature) is a commercial lawyer and property magnate based in Auckland. He owns Samson Corporation, a commercial real estate corporation. He was formerly a partner in Keegan Alexander Law. He is also a director of the Friedlander Foundation. It appears Samson Corporation is a multigenerational family company which his two sons now direct. He seems to be a financial backer of the Astor Foundation primarily.

Juliet Moses

Juliet Moses (note Jewish physiognomy) is a Jewish ethnic activist and commercial lawyer in Auckland. Originally a spoilt Saint Cuthbert’s girl (1978 to 1990), she graduated with a B.Com/LBB in 1996 from the University of Auckland. Her endless twitter tirades about opponents of Jewish privilege are incredible, as are her pieces for various newspapers and publications.

She seems to be the leading board member for this organisation, providing legal advice, acting as the spokeswoman and one of the organisers. Analysis of material she has published suggests her husband or partner is Mark Jennings. I deduce this from the articles in Zionist publications and websites – the body language in photos together suggests a level of comfort typical of couples rather than acquaintances.

I highly recommend any readers take the time to read through her various essays on various Jewish news sites which reveals she is concerned with absolutely no-one other than her own ethnic group.

Here are some snippets of her commentary. She only cares about and shows interest in Jewish issues and sees other groups as mere enemies or tools for her use.

Goldberg first noted, in replying to Joy Behar’s statement that ‘they don’t like history that makes white people look bad’ that ‘Well, this is white people doing it to white people’. She then claimed that the Holocaust was ‘not about race’, repeating this over the objections of her co-hosts. She declared that it was simply about ‘man’s inhumanity to man’” – Comments on Whoopi Goldberg, who is not Jewish by descent, talking about the Shoah as an ethnic event for her people.

The joke is that most Jewish festivals can be summed up as, They tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat. Actually, it does exemplify much of what it is to be Jewish: the almost overpowering weight of history and persecution that is embedded in our shared consciousness; our miraculous survival as an ancient people through to the modern era” – Discussing her strong sense of Jewish identity.

The genesis of the Jews as a people is in the Levant, where Israel is today, in the second millennium BC. Around the first millennium BC, they founded a sovereign state there. Under successive occupations, they were forced into exile throughout the diaspora, but continued their practices, preserved their heritage and coalescence as a people” – On preserving their heritage and separateness from their host nations.

That’s what it is to be Jewish, to feel connected to people and events unconnected to you in time and/or place, an unbroken line between the liberation of slaves in ancient Egypt.” – On the ethnoreligious nature of Judaism.

While white supremacists chant “Jews will not replace us”, anti-Zionists chant “free Palestine from the river to the sea”. Despite how Marc Lamont Hill may try to spin it, that is an unambiguous battle-cry to violently replace Jewish self-determination and Jewish life in our homeland.”” – On Jewish ethnic nationalism, which Moses clearly believes in for her own ethnic group.

To equate Zionism with Nazism is antisemitism. To falsely accuse Israel, the one Jewish nation state, of human rights violations while ignoring or excusing others’ real human rights violations, is antisemitism.”Defending Zionist terror of Palestinians.

To deny Jews as a collective people the same rights as are given to any other people – the right to self-determination, the right to self-defence, is antisemitism. To deny the indigeneity and history of the Jewish people in their ancient homeland is antisemitism.” – Hypocritically advocating for ethnic nationalism for her own people, while she leads an organisation which advocates for the suppression of the majority ethnicity of New Zealand.

What of those 700,000-odd Jews in Arab and Muslim states who, after the establishment of the modern state of Israel, had their property confiscated and fled for their lives to the nascent Jewish homeland?”Remembering a racial suffering which Jews suffered collectively, no individualist treatment of Muslims here. When whites are ethnically cleansed from their neighbourhoods by racial aliens who ruin their communities, no tears are shed by Moses.

Antisemitism is, as Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks has said, not about the Jew; it’s about people who cannot accept responsibility for their own failures and have instead to blame someone else.” – Promoting individualist failure for gentiles, collective grievance for Jews in the same article.

Mark Jennings

Mark Jennings is a media overlord, currently the founder and Managing Director of Newsroom. From 1995 till February 2016, Jennings was TV3’s Head of News and Current Affairs. Finding information on him has been difficult, but his position explains how Marc Daalder and Elliot Weir found employment with Newsroom. He is supposedly the husband of Juliet Moses, which explains the positions taken by Newsroom on Zionist and Jewish issues as well as why so many anti-whites work for Newsroom.

In order from left to right: New Zealand Jewish Council representative Juliet Moses, Jewish Federation of New Zealand President Rob Berg, Former Labour Leader Andrew Little, Labour’s former Hamilton East candidate and former Labour Party candidate Sehai Orgad (formerly involved with the Israeli disinfo intelligence organisation, Middle Eastern Media Research Institute, MEMRI, who originate the MEMRI TV memes) and Astor Foundation CEO Gael Keren.

Gael Keren (CEO of the Astor Foundation)

Gael Keren is a highly involved activist Jew, daughter of Arnold Triester, former milliner, capitalist and hatmaker. She seems to be a highly active full-time Jewish activist acting as the executive trustee for the Astor Foundation. She seems to be a back-end work horse figure who is paid to do the footwork of fighting opponents of world Jewry. In 2015, she filed complaints to the Broadcasting Standards Authority about conflict in Jewish occupation in Palestine.

Year-by-Year Breakdown of Revenues, Expenditure and Operations

We will break down the year-by-year revenue, expenditure and operations of the Astor Foundation. The aim is to explore what they were or are doing with these funds.


An analysis of the revenue stream suggests serious donations to this organization by some private donor. Regular annual contributions summarized to over 175K every year. We can consider this in relation to their expenses below.


We account here for the balance of accounts to roughly estimate how much money the Astor Foundation is turning over and what it spends that money on.

The Jews’ initial actions when this institution was first founded are relatively innocuous-seeming. However, we will break down what is worth noting about these.

Dr. Gill Hicks is the Founding Director of “M.A.D. For Peace”, an essentially Jewish organisation, formed after the 7/7 bombings in London. She seems to be heavily involved as a liberal face for the counter-jihad scene.

The refugee engagement programme run here is driven by two influences. Firstly, there is a soft diplomatic engagement and relationship-building aspect to this, enabling these Jewish organisations to build co-operation for their own interests with other minoritarian groups. Secondly, it provides a means to subvert the majority population which might otherwise notice them. The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies runs programmes of the same name and purpose in Australia.


Serious money for a charity without a website to receive in its first year. There are no contact details outside the Charity Register. It is therefore likely that the initial donations are primarily by the wealthy Jews who are directors on the Board. These donors also receive an equivalent tax break for donations to charities under tax law. As such, these funds are used for culture distortion rather than the public good of the State.


Operations were significantly expanded during this time period. Let’s break these down:

Simon Henderson is an energy policy expert in the retinue of the Bernstein Program on Gulf and Energy Policy at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. This is plainly a Jewish think tank focused on Palestinian Occupation Forces’ interests in the region, primarily providing academically-flavoured propaganda for advancing Jewish money power against Iranian interests in the region.

Interfaith dialogue is another community engagement and consensus building programme. There is one instance of this programme I could find, a Zoom meeting focused on anti-racism during the Black Lives Matters riots of summer 2020. What is interesting is who shows up here. The Jewish Religious Studies Professor at VUW Paul Morris, Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon, Juliet Moses of the Astor Foundation and NZ Jewish Council, and Anjum Rahman of the Inclusive Aotearoa Collective and the Islamic Womens Council. The focus of the conversation is how to focus government policy on proportional engagement and recognition of all ethnic minorities and how to prevent the ethnic majority crushing them. Evidently, this fits into the minoritarian coalition building strategies pursued by the Astor Foundation.

The Secondary School Teachers’ professional development seems to be a part of the effort by the Astor Foundation and other Jewish organizations to enforce a Shoah week to ensure we never forget about the swimming pools, theatre and orchestra at Auschwitz. It is primarily part of their immune-response-suppression psychological conditioning that makes goyim feel wrong for questioning or opposing Jews.

Targeting Year 12s with this sort of ‘leadership’ programme seems to be part of the “#JustOneWeek” campaign to include the Shoah in political indoctrination of children.


The interesting factor here is the decrease in donations. I couldn’t find a clear answer as to why, but I suspect the backers of this subversive Jewish organisation were dissatisfied with its results.


“Facilitators to execute on programmes” seems to be a baseline salary plus cost of any employed help.

The cost of Alan Dershowitz (major defender of Harvey Weinstein and devoted his entire legal career to Judeo-Right and Zionist efforts) seems to be a speaking fee. Flights plus accommodation from the US for a short stint (say a week) would not be that high. I’d ball park guess at 12K NZD for the speech.

Left: Shabbos Goy Douglas Murray. Right: Alan Dershowitz.

The Public Discourse Freedom of Speech strategy pursued by Jews in New Zealand reflects an understanding of their dominance of mainstream social media platforms overseas. By acting as the ‘vanguard’ of free speech, Jews provide a false outlet for free speech advocates since they use their institutions like the Free Speech Union to primarily prosecute minor government institutions like universities and councils. An example is the refusal to speak out and defend Vince McLeod for selling ‘It’s Okay to be White’ apparel on Trade Me when the Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt and the Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon were using media to attack him.

But it deflects from the obvious use of Jewish power on Facebook, Twitter or elsewhere while ensuring free speech advocates here are channeled down a kosher path. This is easy to observe with the active censorship on Kiwiblog (owned by the Jewish David Farrar) regarding Jewish occupation matters. We will dig further into this in future.

The “Centenary Commemorations” effort will be a part of the larger effort to include Shoah content in national memory and to increase the sacredness of the Greatest Lie of the 20th Century.

Both of these reflect how Jewish subversion works. Forming institutions and controlling them enables you to direct energy and public sentiment in directions away from yourself and into matters that support you.

In the case of the Free Speech Union, it is about preventing pro-Palestinian activists shutting down Jewish events on campus and preventing any counter-Semitic feeling developing in response to Jewish-enforced censorship.

By contrast, digging deep roots inside our national memory efforts allows you to advocate for the grafting of alien Shoah material onto the meristems and branches of our Western cultural memory.

Both methods are subversion in different forms, one is direct control and the other is indirect influence.



What matters here is the efforts to rearrange the budget. The donations to the Shoah Centre of NZ seems to be for keeping the Shoah Temple afloat while the ‘Christchurch Terror’ donation is related to the March 15 event. These were part of a larger donation by numerous Jewish organisations to build community solidarity with Muslims in the Occident.

The effort is to build a minoritarian coalition which they can depend on against the white majority. This is a classic subversion play. When faced with a majority which overwhelms them, Jews always ally with other minorities to subvert that majority using the other minority groups as a bludgeon and a shield for themselves. This classic strategy is known as Bioleninism and is explored in detail here.

These entries mostly relate to continuity of previous programmes. However, they have expanded to facilitating a Shoah Memorial Day for the date of the Auschwitz liberation (27th January 1945). This shows continued subversion and manufacturing of opinion using money power to worship the Great Lie of the Shoah.

The speaker this year is another Jewish activist dedicated to fighting the enemies of the Zionist Occupation Force in Palestine. The citizenships he wears are notable. Dr. Johnathan Spyer is from a Russian family, born in the United Kingdom and made aliyah, as a permanent citizen of the Jewish Occupation in Palestine, in 1991, and yet is able to ride British taxpayer funds on a media tour. He is also an endless promoter of the Syrian gassing conspiracy theories to justify intervention by Western forces under Zionist direction.

Operations slowed down in this year due to the donations sapping funds from operational activities.



The public event made of the Shoah Memorial Day is a continuity of the efforts to sanctify the pseudo-religious status of the Shoah to gentiles – a continuity of the same education and influence efforts, refugee engagement efforts and continual press engagement as previous years, all of which are purposefully focused on grafting the Greatest Lie onto our past.

The speaker, Behnam Ben Taleblu, is a Jewish activist from another NGO, the Foundation for the Defence of Democracies, a neoconservative institute which lobbies for endless overseas warfare by United States on the enemies of Israel.

The Shared Table Project is an innocent-sounding community engagement effort. What is contradictory here is that this same organisation funds speaking tours by counter-jihad and national security-related neoconservatives from the U.K. and U.S. This shows a dual engagement approach of attempting to raise the profile of these national security organisations which advance the Zionist cause’s hard edge while engaging in soft diplomatic relations with local Muslim groups for minoritarian coalition building.

The study group seems to have been a paid vacation for Mark Jennings and Juliet Moses, as well as a few other journalists, to learn about the Zionist Occupation in Palestine. It was likely to improve their views and to influence subsequent reporting in favour of that Occupation.

The most noteworthy portion here is the relationship building with Meng Foon. He seems to be deeply tied in with Jewish organizations for mutual purposes given that the Human Rights Commission advances the same anti-white agenda.



Continuity of the same subversion policies as previously, however this time they have changed the refugee focus slightly for more minoritarian engagement with the ‘Refugee Student Graduation Ceremony’ and the ‘Refugee Mentoring Programme’. These are fundamentally about bringing alien races into New Zealand to subvert and undermine the majority.

The manufacturing of the Shoah myth onto the national memory through this public event is part of how the subversion works.

It conditions you to think of the Shoah as a sacred, pseudo-religious event which irrationally invokes emotions of sacredness when questioned. If you feel irrational emotional responses to these events, or to certain words, it is due to conditioning of these ideas. It is subversion and should be stopped.

It seems the ‘#JUSTONEWEEK’ initiative is the next step in this education influencing campaign. It is about ensuring every child receives his yearly Holocaust indoctrination, to once again always remember that Jews are sacred and beyond any criticism because they had to be imprisoned for a few years once. For context, roughly 234,000 Jews died, primarily of starvation and disease, after the vicious strategic bombing campaigns of the American and British Governments reduced food production to starvation levels for almost all of Continental Europe. By contrast, 67,000 Frenchmen died as a result of strategic bombing by the “Allies” of the French, significantly more than the British total of 40,000 during the Blitz. Moreover, roughly 3,000,000 Bengalis died of an intentionally exacerbated famine due to policy decisions made by the British Government at the time. The exaggeration and hyper-focus on this event is only possible because of the subversive influence of Jewish money power enforcing and creating these ridiculous tales.

From the eulogy of David Levene by Juliet Moses,

Race Unity Commission twenty years ago, to give high school students a voice in the national conversation about race relations in Aotearoa, and JUSTONEWEEK of Holocaust Education launched last year, 375 teachers from 262 secondary schools have signed up for this new secondary school teaching resource developed by the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand.”

Unclear what the various small programmes are exactly, but they seem to cost quite a lot without any real signification of what they are. These alone justify an audit by the Charities Register.

What should we conclude about the Astor Foundation?

The Astor Foundation started as merely a pro-Jewish imperialist organisation run quietly and covertly by a small cabal of wealthy Jews. It has emerged with its tentacles spread with strategic intent across our society to push its agenda on the education of our children, on our media institutions which we depend upon to perceive the world and to support the importation of alien races into our home. It presents no public face with any websites, contact details or news articles outside Jewish news websites. This is what subversion through NGOs looks like. The Astor Foundation aims to subvert our society, promotes an anti-white agenda on us and it must be stopped.

What should be done with the Astor Foundation?

The Astor Foundation must be treated by the New Zealand Government as a foreign agent organisation working on behalf of Israel, attempting to subvert and influence our politics on behalf of a tiny minority of the population, who consistently agitate for their homeland along ethnonationalist lines while undermining the majority ethnic interests here in New Zealand. Further investigation by appropriate authorities will reveal more than has been publicly gathered here.

Additional investigations into the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand, Humanity Matters (run by Deborah Hart, Board Chair of the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand) as well as Meng Foon and Anjum Rahman will be done in future to investigate this conspiracy to subvert our nation.


David LeveneBiographic piecehttps://files.catbox.moe/1shk75.pdf


North Harbour Clubhttps://archive.is/XTg1w

Michael FriedlanderDrunk Driving Convictionhttps://archive.is/ijinp

Former Law firmhttps://archive.is/0IwZf

Samson Corphttps://archive.is/phqUO


David William TibbyQuadrant Propertieshttps://archive.is/pXPUX

Company Listhttps://archive.is/ERO81

Scale Uphttps://archive.is/NW3aU

Juliet MosesLawyer Briefhttps://archive.is/npxyu

Her Twitterhttps://archive.is/IvXUw

Mark Jenningshttps://archive.is/ulUCN

Married Couplehttps://archive.is/JvOOy

FSU Holohoaxhttps://archive.is/WOuZS

Interfaith Abrahamic Councilhttps://archive.is/n4a5x

Counter Semite Blackshttps://archive.is/IVpjp

Eulogy of David Levenehttps://archive.is/49M5q

Hezbollah Kvetchhttps://archive.is/RqWFG

Baroness BTFOhttps://archive.is/Ctqvq

Self victimizationhttps://archive.is/RnpJu

Insane fearhttps://archive.is/tPplw

Political Partieshttps://archive.is/7sxLS

Study Group with Jenningshttps://archive.is/JvOOy

Study Group with Jennings debriefhttps://archive.is/ulUCN

Zionist obsessionhttps://archive.ph/7doeX

Whoopi Goldberghttps://archive.ph/ha59v

Gael KerenMoney to CHCHhttps://archive.is/ay8Cx

Mad about airtimehttps://archive.is/1tUAE

Journalists to israelhttps://archive.is/IH0oa


Mark JenningsTwitterhttps://archive.is/CzQLK


Astor Foundation Financials






Simon Henderson
Behnam Ben Taleblu
Shared Table Project



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Why The Government Lets Violent Criminals Run Rampant

Many were stunned by the news this week that Daniel Havili, who killed Fau Vake with a coward’s punch in Auckland, was sentenced to a mere 33 months’ imprisonment. Havili will, in all likelihood, be released after serving a little over a year. Considering the historical severity of sentences for killing people, this is very close to getting away scot free.

This incredibly light touch comes in the wake of other soft sentences for violent assaults. In one notorious recent case, Mongrel Mob chapter president Terry Berryman was sentenced to 23 months’ imprisonment for an 18-man gang home invasion that stomped on a man’s head in front of his children. Most of the gang members involved were not prosecuted.

This has prompted many to ask: why such light sentences for such barbaric crimes?

These sentences seem incongruous with the fact that cannabis growers such as Harley Brown get a similar amount of time in prison for growing medicinal cannabis. Brown was sentenced to 27 months’ imprisonment for a piddling amonut of cannabis – at most $100,000 worth. This is for an “offence” that not even 51% of the New Zealand population believes should be an offence.

Other working-class whites, like Philip Arps, don’t even have to grow cannabis. Arps was sentenced to 21 months’ imprisonment for sharing the Christchurch mosque shooting video.

So why do violent criminals almost get a free ride from the courts, when peaceful people get smashed? Why would sharing a video attract a similar sentence to a gang leader doing a home invasion in which children are subjected to the sight of their father getting his head stomped?

The answer lies in understanding the motivations, intentions and aspirations of the ruling class.

Everyone who knows anything about psychology knows that violent criminals cheer at such weak sentences as the ones listed above. For professional criminals, arrests and prison time are just part of the cost of doing business. The lighter the sentencing, the lower the expenses. Therefore, the lighter the sentencing, the more crime pays.

These weak sentences mean that criminals can freely intimidate other people with threats of violence, knowing that the judicial consequences will be minimal. When sentences are as weak as they are in the West today, violent criminals get to reign in terror over the vulnerable (usually working-class) communities in which they reside. Even if the Police deal to them, they’ll be out again soon enough, and in most cases barely inconvenienced.

This end result – widespread terror – is not accidental. It is, in fact, the entire goal of having a justice system in which violent criminals are left to run rampant. In a state of terror, both individuals and populations are unusually willing to forfeit their rights, needs and desires. As such, it’s easier to rule over a terrorised population than a free one.

The Government allows violent criminals to run rampant in New Zealand for one simple reason: to terrorise the rest of us into submission.

VJM Publishing wrote in a previous article why the Government lets in terrorists like the New Lynn supermarket stabber Ahamed Samsudeen. The reason is the same. They let violent criminals run loose for the same reason that they let terrorists run loose: to maximise the degree of fear the average person feels.

Widespread fear makes the population submissive, and is necessary for any authoritarian government to maintain control. Without the fear, the population would rise up against authoritarianism and overthrow it. The fear beats them down and makes them suspicious of their neighbours and workmates, so that no-one organises any resistance.

The control system has many ways of spreading fear through the populace – the foremost of which is the mainstream media – but violent criminals serve this purpose as well as terrorists do.

The surge of adrenaline people get from seeing a patched gang member in public, and the adrenaline fatigue that inevitably follows it, primes people’s minds to submit. Engendering this submission, as George Orwell showed us, is the end goal of all political action and is the ultimate aspiration of the control system.


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How They Bred Us For Docility

George Carlin was right when he said that we have owners, who own us. The world is not really a patchwork of nations, but a series of farms, in which human livestock breeders have created a population of docile animals that can be milked for profits and taxes, forever. This essay explains how we’ve been bred for maximum passivity so that we never challenge our owners.

The basic modus operandi is for the human livestock breeders to tell blatant lies, to force those lies on the population, and then to destroy anyone who resists the lies. The resisters will always be the most aggressive of the herd, so by destroying them the herd is selected for docility.

This process began in the West with Christianity. Every Westerner with a functioning brain knows that Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef is not the exclusive god who we are all obliged to worship else we burn in eternal hellfire. But for 1,200 years, between the murder of Hypatia and the Greco-Roman Renaissance, anyone who questioned the exclusive divinity of Rabbi Yeshua was either murdered or ostracised.

Because the people questioning the Christian lies were the intelligent, the honest and the courageous, and because these people were destroyed by the human livestock breeders, the net result was that the genes coding for intelligence, honesty and courage became less frequent, and the genes coding for stupidity, dishonesty and cowardice became more frequent.

This was all by design.

After centuries of people getting killed for speaking the truth, Westerners learned not to think for themselves. Thinking for yourself was dangerous, because it led to you getting killed by Christian mobs. So we learned to look to authority to tell us what’s true and what isn’t true. Along the way, we became passive, submissive, weak.

From around 1600, when Christianity started to lose its deathgrip on Western society, people became able to speak out against it without getting punished. The murder of Giordano Bruno by Christians in 1600 marked the end point of a period that had begun with the murder of Hypatia. Although Christians kept murdering people for not following their cult, their zealotry waned as it lost support, and the natural aggression of Westerners returned.

The period from 1750 to 1950 was marked by extreme volatility. Revolutionary movements sprang up all over the West, with people everywhere happy to risk death for freedoms. The end result was, by 1950, the highest standard of living for the common man that history had ever known. So the ruling class, terrified of where this could have led, launched the War on Drugs to beat people back down.

The War on Drugs was effectively just another form of the same breeding-for-docility process that Christianity had been. Just as intelligent people knew that Rabbi Yeshua was not exclusively divine, people also knew that cannabis and magic mushrooms were not so harmful that users deserved to go to prison for using them. But the ruling class pushed the War on Drugs on us anyway, for the same reason they pushed Christianity on us.

Intelligent, honest and courageous people continued to use cannabis and the psychedelics despite the legal status of these sacraments. And the authorities continued to persecute them with prison or even death, as they did to non-Christians for centuries. The net result was similar: a strong selection pressure in favour of submission and docility.

Mass immigration is a third example of the same phenomenon. Everyone knows that the mass immigration of Third World cheap labour does not increase the standard of living of the average native. But, as with Christianity and the War on Drugs, anyone speaking out against the lies was smashed. People weren’t murdered or imprisoned for opposing mass immigration, but they were ostracised from polite society, which had the same dysgenic effect.

Finally, in recent years, we have Covid “vaccines”. Without even ascertaining that the vaccines are effective, Western authorities have persecuted anyone not taking them, shutting them out of normal life, barring them from accessing many shops and services, and hounding them through the mainstream media.

Those resisting the vaccine mandates have been treated in a similar fashion to those resisting Christianity, the War on Drugs or mass immigration: they have been shunned and abused. As past resisters have been demonised as heretics, druggies or Nazis, people resisting vaccine mandates have been dubbed “anti-vaxxers” and have been blamed for killing people’s grandmothers.

These four examples are all forms of the same phenomenon: the ruling class pushes something obviously false, knowing that only the docile will go along with such an obscene falsehood. The intelligent, the honest and the courageous stand up to resist the falsehoods, and are duly smashed by the authorities and their lackeys in the justice system.

The end result is a population brutalised into submission, bred for docility in the same way that aurochs were bred into modern cattle.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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Your Fear Is Their Power

The world is more afraid than at any other time since 1945. Fear might be a natural response to the dangers of the world, but the world itself has never been less dangerous for the average person. This apparent paradox can be explained by the fact that the vast majority of this moment’s fear is artificially created. This essay explains by who and why.

Fear inclines people to submission. It leads them to bend the knee to whatever local power is in charge at the time. Fear induces the weak to fall in line with authority. As such, authorities make every effort to generate as much fear among their subjects as possible. The essence of authoritarianism is fear.

This is why political religions such as Christianity and Islam have sought to slaughter as many heretics/infidels as possible. Murdering non-believers spreads terror among them, which makes them less likely to resist. The reason why most of Europe became Christian and most of the Middle East became Muslim is because they were terrorised into submission by the violent atrocities committed by followers of these cults.

The origin of fear is biological: it’s a natural reaction to an overwhelming threat. We evolved to feel anger and rage towards threats that we could destroy, and fear towards threats that we couldn’t. In this sense, anger is the masculine expression and fear the feminine expression of the same underlying sentiment: a rejection of life.

Back in the biological past, those who did not feel fear when confronted with a stronger, dominant primate were destroyed by them. Those who did feel fear, and who thereby submitted, were allowed to live. Over time, this led to a species that learned to bend the knee to those capable of inducing fear. This tendency is the reason for all the terrorism in the world.

Our current ruling class understands this and preys on those same sentiments. Their strategy is to terrorise the masses into submission so that we don’t organise to force our will on them. The more fear we feel, the less likely we are to meet our fellow man in the bonds of love necessary to create a united front against our oppressors.

There are three ways that this terrorisation is achieved, one for each of the three basic divisions of the human being. This means to terrorise body, mind and soul.

Bodily terror is induced by deliberate destruction of the physical environment. This is achieved in several ways, but the most important of these is the mass importation of foreign violent criminals into Western cities and towns. The ruling class knows that these foreigners will rob and rape the natives to a much higher degree than the natives will rob and rape each other – but that’s precisely why they let them in.

For a native Westerner to walk down a Western street, and to see a Muslim or African staring back at him with a face full of hate, causes the kind of fear that induces that Westerner to submit. The reason for the mass importation of Muslims and Africans to the West in recent decades is not, as is commonly claimed, to fortify the pension system. It is to terrorise the native Western population into submission, and thereby to fortify the position of the Western ruling classes.

Mental terror is induced by the apparatus of propaganda, which, in all Western countries, is controlled by the international banking and finance interests that comprise most of the ruling classes. The spearhead of this apparatus of propaganda is the television, which spews out fear and hate 24/7. The average American watches television for 166 minutes every day. Most of this time, they’re being taught to fear the outside world.

The mainstream media brings endless news of war and crisis and death and torture, and directly to the living room of everyone with a television. Although most television watchers are unaware of the effect these impressions have on their minds, the truth is that the subconscious of each of them is terrified by all this bad news, and comes to believe that the world is a fearful and awful place.

Combined with the fear generated by the destruction of public spaces after they are filled with hostile foreigners, the end result is an unwillingness to go outside at all, much less organise in the streets against the ruling class.

Spiritual terror is induced by what is called the Clown World Fork: either a person worships Yahweh, or one is not allowed to worship anything. All genuine spiritual traditions are strongly discouraged. Anyone who consumes spiritual sacraments to commune with God, as their ancestors did for thousands of years, goes to prison.

The Abrahamic cults were invented specifically to induce spiritual terror. Most Westerners have it smashed into their heads as children that they must worship Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef, son of Yahweh, or burn in eternal hellfire. Atheistic materialism is presented as the alternative, but it has the same ultimate effect: to induce terror of death. This terror follows naturally from the presumption that consciousness is extinguished with the death of the physical body.

All of this bodily, mental and spiritual terror induces submission, which affords the ruling class the ability to impose their desired order. This is the meaning behind the occult phrase “Ordo Ab Chao” (order out of chaos). The terror induced by physical, mental and spiritual chaos leads to submission, and that submission gives the ruling class the opportunity to propose their desired solutions and to have the masses gratefully accept them.


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