by Daymond Goulder-Horobin, The Exalted
I, like many others, I imagine, am in the midst of strategising how to unite the minor parties. I will write a proper document in due course. However, I want to share some of my thoughts to perhaps provide encouragement and thought to others working on how to bring unity amongst the minor parties.
The 2023 election is fast approaching, and we have a crisis of faith amongst the freedom parties we are trying to unite for one reason or another. I won’t go into detail. I’m certain if you’re reading this and you are wracking your brain trying to work out ways to bring unity, then you already know of them.
I will discuss two main barriers I propose which have to be sorted in quick order for a unified front against the establishment parties. They are the following:
1. Saviour Mentality
2. Sunken Cost Fallacy
Saviour Mentality
Don’t lie. I sense you reading this, believing you are the one, the one to save the world, the one perhaps chosen by God or whoever you claim to serve, to be the shepherd of the people. There are many, and who you serve is who you serve. We all want to be the one to save the Earth, to quell the darkness, to restore love and light back to the earth, and our egos want the glory that comes with it.
But is it so important to be the one that we would jeopardise our chances of victory to accomplish it? Would we prefer to hold off defeating them if we could claim the glory of victory for ourselves, so our names would shine brightest in the history books?
Let’s cut to the chase. Our objective is 5% of the vote. That gives us at least two candidates. Let’s aim a bit higher and go for 7% for good measure. This gives us three champions to push for the party vote, with a champion selected to campaign in each electorate. The collective must decide on which three champions to push specifically as potential MPs for Parliament.
And no, I won’t tell you who I think the champions are. Perhaps one could run a poll to see who the champions should be. The entire point is that leading up to the final showdown in about three months’ time is that we have this sorted, so have the discussion, who should the three champions be, and don’t forget these three champions can’t do it without our help.
This is a GROUP effort. It can be done alone, but certainly, it is much easier to work as a team. To restore order and light on the earth as one heart and one mind, we must work together and put our egos aside. Otherwise, history will repeat itself yet again.
Sunken Cost Fallacy
This is somewhat similar to the Saviour Mentality but from a different angle. Instead of believing that they are the one, these individuals foster the belief of being “The only one”. The only one because they claim experience and investment into their political party of 9-12+ years and believe they have an entitlement to hold a leadership position based on that alone.
Those in the Freedom movement need to stop being so attached to their political parties. Your parties are REGISTERED with the Government, meaning your party is ultimately a vehicle in their motorway, a cog in the electoral machine, bound by the same rules and regulations as the big parties.
Hence, I want to make a point about those that are of the mindset of “I’ve been with this party for years and I don’t want to unite to lose its identity” or “I’ve led and stood with this party for years. I won’t unite with some random newcomers”. Your party is part of their system. In fact, I want to call out those that believe “Well, I’ve been doing this for years. You should just join my party.” Well, you seem to have forgotten the part where you did not achieve the goal of getting into Parliament. You need to try something different.
A political party is merely a vehicle. I felt the energy shift once a party becomes registered. It is part of the Government’s design once you register a party. It is a tool, a ship, a means to an entry, but please stop making it more than that.
I believe in attacking the system that yearns and begs to control us from both from inside and outside and support all freedom parties. But remind yourselves that a registered political party is just a conduit to attack certain parts of the system, and all the rules that the party must follow are part of that system.
I will save my direct criticisms of the other parties for after the election, assuming we can all get along publicly. I will do my best to unite the minor parties but I emphasise that I will struggle alone, we must work together. I will end with a simple message to the freedom parties: “Drop your Pride.” We need to win this election and to do that takes the best of all of us. Drop your Pride and let’s enjoy ourselves, for we shall never be here again!
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I’ve jumped through about 8 parties over 14 elections (7 of them being minor and one of those not yet voted for).
My inbox is flooded with emails from the older parties that I haven’t unscribed from (the hype is like a bad Netflix series). Provincialize YES. If that could in any way buffer us from globalization tyranny, or at least get more people cultivating a sense of some agency.