Why The Establishment Pushes Identity Politics

Observers have noticed that conservative forces have thrown themselves whole-heartedly behind the gay pride movement. This seems like a extraordinary change in attitude, considering that conservatives were for so many years the reason that homosexuality was banned. The explanation for this change is actually very simple.

All sections of the ruling class push identity politics in order to distract from class politics.

Politicians don’t really care if men fuck other men up the arse or not. What they care about is maintaining their position at the top of the dominance hierarchy. And the way to do that, as it always has been, is through divide and conquer. Split the masses up and set them against each other: that way, they don’t attack the people above them.

Identity politics, a.k.a. idpol, is the most effective way to divide and conquer. Instead of identifying with their class interests – and viewing the ruling class as their collective enemy – the masses are trained to identify with immutable, natural characteristics, such as race, gender and sexuality, and to hate “bigots” and “racists”. Class concerns are considered less important, and so fall from awareness.

The reason why all differences in economic outcomes between races are considered evidence of racism, and why all differences in economic outcomes between genders are considered evidence of sexism, is because narratives of racism and sexism are essential to divide and conquer the masses. So the ruling class has to whip the masses into hysteria about racial and sexual injustices.

Despite being the leader of a supposedly conservative party, Christopher Luxon can promote homosexuality because he knows that the battle for homosexual acceptance is a distraction from class politics. The more people worry about rights for homosexuals, the less energy they have to worry about rights for the working class. Therefore, promoting this battle serves the interests of the ruling class by weakening their enemies.

Ideally, the population could be manipulated into thinking that politics was all about race, gender and sexuality, and nothing else. Such an outcome would push class concerns to the bottom of the priority list. That way, the ruling class could continue to suck profits, taxes and rents out of the masses without those masses even thinking about coming together to resist.


The divide and conquer strategy is sophisticated. The ruling class has to be careful not to campaign for any issue that might inadvertently unite the masses. So they don’t campaign to prevent any actual injustices, like homelessness, the War on Drugs, mental healthcare access or the food inflation resulting from mass money printing in recent years.

Luxon has no interest in promoting cannabis law reform, because cannabis is mostly used by poor people and therefore the issue does not divide the working class as effectively as race, gender and sexuality. The Labour Party doesn’t promote cannabis law reform either, and for the same reason. Neither does the Maori Party, even though almost 80% of Maoris voted for legal cannabis in 2020. Representatives of all of these parties are members of the ruling class first and foremost.

The simple rule is that the ruling class promotes any issue that causes the people to fight and bicker with each other, and ignores any issue that causes the people to unite.

The fact that the working class doesn’t care about the right to fuck a 16-year old boy up the arsehole is precisely why the ruling class promotes pride parades. That way, the ruling class can scream “homophobe!” at anyone who thinks housing or wages are more important issues. Anything to keep the working class at each other’s throats.

And so, the more politicians fight (or pretend to fight) over race, gender and sexuality, the further the working class sinks into the swamp of wage slavery. Never before has more attention been paid to identity politics, and never before has the position of Western workers been worse. These two facts are directly related.

Although most don’t realise it, white people not being allowed to have a white identity is also identity politics. It might be assumed that the promotion of identity politics implies the promotion of a white identity. That is not the case. If every race were allowed to have an identity, we would all know our place and would get along reasonably well.

Maximum division necessitates that white people be denied an identity. This leads to a sense of injustice, which leads to anger. This anger is then directed away from the ruling class by the apparatus of propaganda, which the ruling class controls. This propaganda declares that any white person seeking a white identity is pilloried as a racist or a terrorist.

In summary, the ruling class pushes identity politics to divide and conquer the masses, and to distract from class issues. They have done this ever since the first wave of feminism in the 19th Century. Their efforts intensified after Occupy Wall Street.

The only realistic solution is for a new breed of politicians, who reject identity politics, to rise in the West.


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2 thoughts on “Why The Establishment Pushes Identity Politics”

  1. That too was my initial reaction when the right started to push identity politics, which seemed very anomalous at first. Bu the conservatives in the UK primary function is to enable the wealthy ruling class, and when they started getting into identity politics the ulterior motivation of distracting the people did seem viable, and if that was the aim it’s been hugely successful.

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