The Mainstream Media Is The Enemy Of The People

The ongoing Parliament lawn protests are the closest thing that New Zealand has ever seen to a true people’s revolution. Kiwis from all over the nation have descended upon Wellington to voice their displeasure at the tyrannical way this country is being run, and at the wholesale loss of human rights we have suffered under the Sixth Labour Government. Some have been surprised, then, to see the mainstream media come out in full support of the tyrants.

Ever since the convoys first launched from the ends of the country, the mainstream media has been cheering for the Establishment and writing everything they could to demonise the protesters and their supporters. Some have wondered why the mainstream media has not been more supportive of the protests. The simple answer is that the mainstream media are attack dogs of the Establishment, and the enemies of the New Zealand people.

Examples of the mainstream media attacking the New Zealand people for protesting their mistreatment abound.

Stuff propagandist Glenn McConnell smeared Counterspin Media as “Far-Right conspiracy broadcasters” despite that Counterspin’s reputation is much higher than that of Stuff. McConnell claimed that Counterspin’s hosts and interviews “focus on disinformation about the Government controlling the press”, even though the mainstream press runs the Government line on every single issue, including the protests.

Neoliberal attack merchants Newshub ran a piece claiming that the protesters had stolen matting from a skate park in Wellington, taking social media accusations as evidence. An unnamed Twitter user wrote “that’s definitely them” in reference to a photo of some similar mats at the Parliament lawn, and this was held up by Newshub as solid evidence that the Wellington protesters are thieves.

Labour Party propaganda organ The Spinoff claimed that tow truck operators had been “inundated with death threats” from protesters at the Wellington site. Tow truck operators, all of who are working-class like the protesters, have been reluctant to tow away the protesters’ vehicles. So The Spinoff manufactured a narrative that the reluctance of the towies was due to death threats from protesters.

Jewish supremacist Marc Daalder predictably tried to smear the protesters as far-right wing extremists, claiming in one NewsRoom piece that the convoy protests were “a vehicle for fringe and even violent extremist ideologies”. Daalder’s shamelessly anti-Kiwi rant contains several references to “extremism”, “white supremacists” and “conspiracy theorists”, and totally ignores the heavy Maori and white working-class representation in the protests.

The pattern to all these hit pieces is clear: the Government must be obeyed without question, and anyone speaking out against it is a far-right-wing extremist who deserves to be smashed. Why does the mainstream media propagandise on behalf of the Government to destroy an organic Kiwi protest movement? The answer is simple.

The mainstream media is the enemy of the people.

The truth is that the Government controls the mainstream press as totally and completely as they control the Police, and for the same reason: to keep the people under control. The only difference is that the Police control people physically, whereas the press controls people mentally. This mental control is exercised by relentlessly destroying the reputations of anyone who speaks out against the control system.

The mainstream media are paid by their owners to divide and conquer the people, to set the people against each other and to cause infighting. There are two major ways they do this: by spreading false narratives and by spreading fear. These two ways often work in unison.

The false narratives are generally intended to distract from the class narrative, and the most popular of these distractions is the race narrative. Every time there’s a race war angle that can be exploited, it is exploited. Just this week a high school student in Otago had her hijab pulled off, and it made front-page news. Students are beaten up every day in New Zealand high schools, but this doesn’t get reported on because there’s no race-hate angle to push.

The mainstream media loves most of all to combine false narratives with fearmongering, as they have done with the coronavirus narrative. Much like the racial narrative, the coronavirus narrative declares that a significant proportion of the population are subhuman on account of that they think incorrectly and that their wrongthinking endangers the rest of us.

Tyranny cannot exist without the support of the mindless masses. To that end, tyranny has to be normalised before it can be accepted. It’s a feature of every tyranny that the mainstream media serves as their propaganda arm, propagandising for acceptance of tyrannical actions and against the tyranny’s enemies.

The current situation in New Zealand – where the corporate media agitates against dissidents on behalf of the Government – is textbook fascism. The Government and the mainstream media work hand-in-hand to keep the Kiwi people suppressed. That mainstream media, then, is clearly the enemy of the Kiwi people, as they are the enemy of all nations ruled by globalist interests.

Government MP Michael Wood was quoted in Hansard today as stating “I would say that there is a river of genuine fascism in parts of the event that we see out the front of this Parliament today.” This is partially true. The full truth is that the fascism is displayed by the New Zealand Government when they set the Police and the mainstream media against the New Zealand people.


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2 thoughts on “The Mainstream Media Is The Enemy Of The People”

  1. Excellent article VJM. I’ve noticed a change in the coverage as livestreams of the actual protest have become more popular. The MSM can only shamelessly live to a point, as there is factual evidence to the contrary available to anyone on the internet.

    1. Cheers my dude! I bet the mainstream media still wishes they were back in the days where the whole country read the local newspaper every morning and watched the 6 o’clock television news every night.

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