The New Zealand Government is fairly benign as far as governments go. Despite that, the nature of government is to act as a force that commits crimes against the people it rules. Government officials often calculate that they must do so out of a duty to maintain order. This essay discusses the three worst atrocities the New Zealand Government has ever committed.
The third worst atrocity is waging a War on Drugs against the New Zealand people.
In doing so, the New Zealand Government unmistakably revealed a tyrannical mindset. It declared that the mind of every individual New Zealander belongs to the Government, and this Government has the right to decide what goes in those minds. The Government claimed the right to program those minds to best serve it, and it claimed the right to prevent those minds from deprogramming themselves.
The Sixth Labour Government has upheld this commitment to crushing cognitive liberty. Despite holding an absolute majority of Parliamentary seats, they appear content to keep destroying New Zealanders who use cannabis. A recent case in the Dunedin District Court saw a cannabis grower sentenced to a longer prison term than what other men get for killing people or for raping their own stepdaughter over several years.
Their excuse for doing so is respecting the will of the recent cannabis referendum. But in acceding to the No voters, they respect their awful reasons for voting that way. Dan McGlashan showed that the vast majority of No voters were poorly educated, and these people followed the propaganda and not the science. Many other No voters had stated that they voted the way they did because they hated cannabis users. It’s a crime for the New Zealand Government to respect such malicious sentiments.
The second worst atrocity is forcing mass Third World immigration on the New Zealand people.
After sacrificing themselves by the thousands in World War II, the returned servicemen of New Zealand expected that their Government would take care of them. Instead, the globalist victors of that conflict opened the borders of New Zealand to cheap Third World immigration. Anyone who objected was called a racist and said to be on Hitler’s side.
After seventy years of globalist immigration policy, New Zealand wages have collapsed so far that it’s all but impossible for a simple labourer to own a home to raise a family in. In 1992, it was possible to buy the average New Zealand home with the equivalent of 7,000 hours of labour at the average wage. By 2020, this ratio has become over 21,000 hours of labour to own the average house.
The mass importation of Third World cheap labour constitutes an atrocity for the destructive effect it has had on the ability of the New Zealand working class to lead decent lives. Even worse is the now constant threat of violence, property and sex crimes that New Zealand’s working class have to live with on account of sharing neighbourhood space with Third World imports who hate them.
The single worst atrocity ever committed by the New Zealand Government was the conscription of New Zealand men into military service during World War One.
The War on Drugs may have destroyed thousands of families and pushed many to suicide, and the mass importation of cheap labour may have wrecked communities all over the country and pushed many families into wage and rent slavery, but both evils pale in comparison to forcing unwilling Kiwi men to fight in a war that did not concern them.
Over 32,000 New Zealand men were conscripted into the abattoir of the Great War – some 3% of the national population at the time. Assuming a death rate roughly equal to that of the volunteer soldiers, around 3,000 of these conscripts would have lost their lives. To force men to kill and die in this manner, against their wills, is the worst atrocity the New Zealand Government has ever committed.
The great military strategist Basil Henry Liddell Hart, writing in Why Don’t We Learn From History?, ranked conscription as one of the worst evils of history. Not only did it make war more likely, as he realised in the aftermath of World War One, but it also led to widespread moral degeneration on account of normalising the use of force to compel people to act against their wills.
Many families are still suffering from the effects of World War One today. The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder incurred from being conscripted into a senseless slaughter, and made to kill other working-class people, was never healed. New Zealand’s appalling rates of child abuse can be directly traced back to the normalisation of cruelty and violence during World Wars One and Two.
At Gallipoli, Passchendaele, El Alamein and Monte Cassino we learned that cruelty and violence was how one exerts one’s will in this world. Unfortunately, we didn’t fully unlearn this lesson and heal. This is why child abuse rates in Sweden and Switzerland, who did not participate in these wars, are a fraction of what they are in New Zealand.
Most of this unhealed trauma was passed down to the Silent and Boomer generations, who then manifested it as anxiety, depression and a relaxed attitude to child abuse. These mental illnesses are less present in Generation X and the Millennials, but they still exist – a testament to the magnitude of the initial damage.
The New Zealand Government has never apologised for any of these crimes, and probably never will, because all of these abuses show the New Zealand people who the boss is. They stand as the three worst historical atrocities ever committed by the New Zealand Government.
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