The ruling classes of the West make a strenuous effort to deny the effectiveness of terrorism. They make a big show of not negotiating with terrorists, and claim always that their calculations are not influenced by terrorist atrocities. Their actions, however, demonstrate the exact opposite. The sad fact is that terrorism does work, and proof of this is all around us.
Everyone knows that cannabis users are peaceful people. The typical cannabis user is some kind of hippy who considers violence to be the last resort of the bestial. Violence at music festivals where people are smoking cannabis is almost unheard of, and when it happens it’s usually because someone brought alcohol or meth in.
Unfortunately, this peacefulness doesn’t work out very well for the cannabis users. The Clay Tenet of anarcho-homicidalism holds that violence is the basis of self-defence, and the unwillingness of the average cannabis user to get violent has led to a failure to defend themselves against abuse.
Governments all around the world are happy to abuse cannabis users for the flimsiest of reasons. In New Zealand, a referendum where 50.7% of the respondents voted to lock cannabis users in cages was taken as sufficient justification to do exactly that. Governments everywhere know that they can abuse peaceful people as much as they like.
This willingness to abuse cannabis users is not limited to governments. The corporate world is also happy to pile in. The New Zealand Herald, most conspicuously, took advertising money from Family First to spread malicious lies about cannabis users. Many other mainstream media outlets gleefully ran advertisements calling for the continued persecution of cannabis users, even when those advertisements were clearly lying.
Contrast the treatment of Kiwi cannabis users with the treatment of Muslims.
The Labour Party falls over itself to appease Muslims. After the Christchurch mosque shootings, the Sixth Labour Government grovelled profusely to the resident Muslim community. Jacinda Ardern even went as far as appearing in an Islamic headdress, even though a large proportion of Labour voters are from demographics hated by Muslims, such as homosexuals and professional women.
Labour has now gone so far to appease Muslims that it’s willing to destroy the most precious aspect of Kiwi culture: free speech. The latest authoritarian proposal is to put Kiwis in cages for up to three years for “offensive speech”, where the definition of ‘offensive’ is left wide open to interpretation by the fashions of the day.
This proposal has been pushed by prominent Muslims such as Anjum Rahman, who has long campaigned for the abolition of free speech in New Zealand. Muslims have pushed similar laws in other Western countries, following their religious imperative to eradicate the local cultures of every place they conquer. The most notable example is Scotland, where it has now been made illegal to speak ill of Islam in one’s own private dwelling.
Why would New Zealand institutions such as the Government and the mainstream media treat a foreign cult of hate with more respect and decency than their own cannabis-using kin? It’s very difficult to imagine the Sixth Labour Government passing a law affecting Muslims without consulting them, or the New Zealand Herald taking money to advertise an anti-Muslim political position.
So why do people grovel to Muslims yet put the boot into cannabis users at the first opportunity?
The simple answer is that people are cowards, especially people with ambitions to be seen as moral authorities by the wider public. As Christopher Ryan’s character put it in The Young Ones episode Cash: “These people respect strength.” Here, strength is defined in the basest possible terms, as the ability and will to cause physical suffering to one’s enemies.
The 1,400-year trail of corpses and carnage that Muslims have left throughout the world is enough to make clear to all that opposing their will comes with an implicit threat of violence. Many tens of millions have been faced with the choice of either submitting to Islam or having their throats slit, and the descendants of those who chose to submit now comprise some 25% of the world’s population.
That proportion of the 25% who live in Western countries have not been shy about using violence to intimidate their hosts.
The last six years in Europe have given us the November 2015 Paris attacks (130 killed), the July 2016 Nice truck attack (86 killed), the June 2016 Atatürk Airport attack (45 killed), the March 2016 Brussels bombings (32 killed), and the May 2017 Manchester Arena bombing (22 killed), among dozens of smaller atrocities. None have happened in New Zealand yet, but every intelligent person can see them coming.
The Labour Party knows that an unwillingness to institute hate speech laws will anger Muslims. They also know that there is a fair chance, if Labour does anger Muslims, that those Muslims will lash out with violence. As such, Labour has made a show of submitting to them.
They have no such concerns about cannabis users, who are peaceful people.
Had cannabis users in Europe murdered thousands of prohibitionists over the past decade, the cannabis laws in New Zealand would be entirely different today. No-one would have dared to come out opposing cannabis law reform in last year’s referendum, and without visible opposition the reform side would have won heavily.
The grim reality is that terrorism works, because it makes other people become compliant to your will out of fear of being targeted next.
The solution, however, is not for cannabis users to start committing acts of terror. The solution is for our legal system to recognise principle ahead of expediency. To achieve this, it has to be torn down and reformed based on a coherent ideology such as the Sevenfold Conception of Inherent Human Rights. With such a solid philosophical basis, our legal system can definitively put right ahead of might and thereby deter terrorism instead of encourage it.
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There’s been many a drinking session where I might have risked blowing myself up for a smoke.
>Their actions, however, demonstrate the exact opposite. The sad fact is that terrorism does work, and proof of this is all around us.
(((Governments))) are terrorists, the biggest terrorists on the planet (worse than any ‘religion’ which is also an outbranch of their own brand of government ‘re-education’/terrorism). Of course they are going to say that terrorism doesn’t work. You would ‘know the secret of their success’ if you honestly thought terrorism worked.
All Governments are terrorists.
Terrorism works.
Everything big business has been doing lately is based on learning how to implement government style terrorism. But it is all still terrorism.
Just wait until big business really begins to role out the terrorism without any pesky limits like Bill of Rights or Magna Carta. Then humanity is going to know the true meaning of terrorism. They haven’t seen anything yet.