In Elementalist philosophy, there are two meanings to life. The lesser of the two, the Minor Aspiration, is personal. The greater of the two, the Major Aspiration, is superpersonal. This Major Aspiration applies to every person, no matter whether or not they accept it.
The Major Aspiration reflects the ultimate Will of God: to be entertained. Not knowing suffering or ignorance, God experienced boredom in God’s natural state, and it was to alleviate this boredom that God dreamed up the Great Fractal.
God dreamed up the Great Fractal and, so as to best explore it, split Godself up into an infinite number of fragments. Each of these fragments is an individual consciousness. You, the reader, is one of these fragments of consciousness. The contents of your consciousness are the roadmap of your journey through the Great Fractal.
In accordance with the Third Tenet of Elementalism, the Great Fractal is understood to be the eternal and infinite interplay of the dance between masculine and feminine and the battle between good and evil. This is, in the simplest possible terms, the formula for the entertainment of the gods.
In much the same way that we humans are fascinated and entertained by the dramas of others, so too are the gods entertained by our travails. There’s little difference between a human being reading a book such as Anna Karenina and a higher-dimensional being observing the family dramas of a group of humans on Earth.
The ultimate reason for anyone to do anything is to entertain the gods. Therefore, any person who has lived in such a manner to have caused the gods to look upon them is esteemed. It’s never clear precisely how the gods can best be entertained, but it’s not supposed to be clear, because that would be boring. Every person must learn to determine the will of the gods for themselves. It’s more interesting that way.
It is, however, possible to make some guesses. If the Major Aspiration is to entertain the gods, and if the gods are like us but greater, it follows that the gods are best entertained by godlike heroism. This heroism is best expressed in the overcoming of challenges and obstacles.
Some of the most heroic actions one can undertake are those in service of one’s Minor Aspiration. If a person’s Minor Aspiration is to get rich, they might be willing to overcome some tremendous challenges and obstacles to get there. Likewise if a person’s Minor Aspiration is to start a family, or to become famous. A wholehearted attempt to achieve one’s Minor Aspiration has a good chance of also achieving one’s Major Aspiration.
A common cliche suggests that the most boring thing possible is to watch grass grow, or paint dry. This is because both grass and paint are bound to develop within extremely limited bounds. It is much more entertaining to observe that which overcomes its apparent limitations, especially that which surprises as it does so.
A child born crippled is not born into any shame in the eyes of the gods, as long as it overcomes. The gods are more impressed by a cripple who overcomes than by a prince who wastes his position. The gods are more impressed by those who unexpectedly overcome than by any amount of grandeur or wealth.
Ultimately, the gods are most entertained by will, which is one reason why will is represented by mercury as the element immediately below the divine gold. Sometimes it seems as if a sufficient concentration of will sends a signal that passes through space and time, and which the gods perceive like a frequency of sound in dimensions above, calling them to pay attention.
This is why it is said that “Fortune favours the brave”. In reality, the gods favour the willing.
A person can reject the Major Aspiration if they like – they have the freedom to do so. They can elevate the Minor Aspiration to a position higher than the Major Aspiration any time they wish to. But the beauty of the Major Aspiration is that it applies even to people who explicitly reject it. A person can explicitly declare that the favour of the gods is meaningless – and the gods will be just as well entertained by that person’s life. Perhaps even more so.
Insofar as it’s possible to judge other people for behaving correctly or otherwise, it’s best to compare them to the Major Aspiration. It’s usually pointless to ask if a person is behaving morally, because morality depends on the fashions of the time, and is ever-changing depending on who seized power last. The imperative to entertain the gods, however, is eternal.
The Aspirations exist to guide the thoughts and behaviours of the Elementalist. Biological motivations exist and personal intentions exist, but both fall under the subtle influence of spiritual aspirations. The Major Aspiration is an imperative that transcends not only times and places but also dimensions. All Elementalists aspire to entertain the gods, and to that end aspire to overcome.
This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.
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You addressed the scenario when a person puts the minor aspiration above the major. But what happens in the other case, would the Gods be entertained if a person forsakes any minor aspiration he/she has after realizing the truth that the major aspiration is all that matters? And hence fights (or dances in) the situation presented to them, displaying immense gratitude (i.e. without any personal ambition of their own) ?
In my opinion, if you are able to feel gratitude for life despite all the suffering in the world, then you are a champion at overcoming difficulties. I think the gods would find such a person immensely entertaining, especially wrt to whether or not they can keep it up.