The Elementalist Conception Of The Meaning Of Life

Elementalists believe, much like the Existentialists, that every person is entirely free to choose what the meaning of their life is. Broadly speaking, the meaning of life that a person chooses will fall into one of four categories, each corresponding to one of the feminine elements.

Some people choose domination. This corresponds to fire. These people have the most energy to expend. They strive to become professional sportsmen, business tycoons, politicians or military/law enforcement/security. People who choose this as the meaning of life are likely to see other people as weak.

Some choose exploration. This corresponds to air. These people are masculine, and like to go forward, but they are more subtle about it than the dominators. People in this group are more likely to become backpackers or psychonauts. If someone chooses exploration as the meaning of life, they are likely to see other people as boring.

Some choose pleasure. This corresponds to water. People who choose pleasure are feminine because they will shy away from adversity, but they are not entirely feminine, because they do not shy away from pleasure and are attracted to the possibility of it. If someone chooses pleasure as the meaning of life, they are likely to see other people as masochistic.

Some choose survival. This corresponds to earth. These people are feminine, and are prone to retreating. Life on this planet is hard enough without worrying about things like domination or exploration. Much better to just hunker down. If someone chooses survival as the meaning of life, they are likely to see other people as foolish. ‘Why take a risk if I don’t have to?’ is their motto.

In principle, every person could be assigned to one of these four groups based on how they choose or desire to live, even if they haven’t consciously chosen that group themselves. This is because every person who chooses to go forwards – in other words, every person who chooses to live – must have a reason to do so, and the potential range of those reasons is finite.

However, all of these reasons are only ever a Secondary Meaning to a life.

The Primary Meaning of every life is to entertain the gods.

Elementalists believe in higher dimensions that are populated by beings of higher frequencies. These beings are capable of observing us without our being aware of it, much like we might observe a creature under a microscope. To us, they are the gods: higher frequencies in higher realms of the Great Fractal.

It is to entertain these gods that our lives have meaning. The more righteously one attempts to full one’s Secondary Meaning of life, the more gloriously one fulfills the Primary Meaning. If our futile struggles to dominate or to explore the Great Fractal entertain the gods, then our lives have meaning despite being finite.

It needs to be emphasised at this point that all of us are mortal. So all of us are faced with a dilemma. Domination and survival are impossible because each of us will inevitably weaken with age and decline into death. Infinite pleasure is impossible because the agonies of aging and dying must befall all of us. Even exploration is meaningless because the memories of it will not survive death.

What this means is that every Secondary Meaning, i.e. every meaning that we could ourselves give to life, is ultimately futile and pointless.

Many never overcome this dilemma, withdrawing from life and saying No to it. Such people appall, disgust and bore the gods. Those who fail to overcome this dilemma are soulless; they don’t try to dominate or explore, they don’t seek pleasure and they don’t care if they live or die. These existential zombies have failed to understand the Primary Meaning of life.

Those who do overcome this dilemma behave in ways that entertain the gods. Their example is authentic, passionate acceptance, saying Yes to life. This pleases the gods, who see a spirit that may one day rise to stand among them in a higher dimension. In the Elementalist conception, man lives so that the gods might regard him as they once regarded Alexander.

This conception clashes head-on with others. Some of the most common competing ideas about the real meaning of life are religious ones: that we’re here to overcome evil, to purify our souls or to escape the world of suffering. But Elementalists reject all of these conceptions.

Overcoming evil cannot possibly be the Primary Meaning of life, because evil will always be a part of the world as long as it’s possible for God to will it. Struggling against evil might be a Secondary Meaning to life, especially if that struggle was one of survival, but the Primary Meaning would still be the entertainment value that one’s struggle provided the gods.

Neither can purifying one’s soul (understood by the Elementalist as raising the frequency of one’s consciousness) be the Primary Meaning of life. If it was, then life would be no longer possible once this had been achieved. Struggling to purify one’s soul, if that struggle be heroic enough, can serve as the Primary Meaning of life. Then again, so can struggling to degrade one’s soul. Both the rising beast and the falling angel entertain the gods.

Nor can escaping the world be the Primary Meaning of life. There’s ultimately nowhere for consciousness to escape to, other than reunion with God, and in such a case there’s no going forward without re-entering the world again. The problem with escaping samsara is that nirvana is batshit boring. Of course, however, struggling to escape the world can serve as the Primary Meaning of life should it entertain the gods.

The ancient Greeks understood the overwhelming importance of behaving heroically for the sake of the gods’ attention. They understood that the gods and goddesses watch over us from a higher place. This knowledge has been lost today, which is one reason why we live in such a pitiful manner, struggling for purpose and meaning.


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One thought on “The Elementalist Conception Of The Meaning Of Life”

  1. Your philosophical system is coming together nicely brother. This pathway of heroism is hidden far from Joe Blogg in this age of darkness – a shame to look on the west as its corpse is consumed by the demon-spawn of materialism.

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