The mass media has been a part of our lives for over a century now, even longer if one considers newspaper and wireless radio. And the whole time, it’s made us more and more detached from reality. The grotesque separation from reality that characterises Clown World wouldn’t be possible without the input of the mass media.
In normal world, the mass media serves to inform. A person doesn’t have the time to research all day, so they buy a newspaper to keep them accurately informed about the issues of the moment. They can then have meaningful conversations with other people who have been likewise illumined.
In Clown World, mass media serves to regiment public opinion in favour of the globalists who own it.
The main benefit to the globalists of controlling the mass media is that they can normalise the vacuous, soulless, rootless consumerist lifestyle that generates them the most profits. It’s no accident that watching television or Hollywood films puts people in the mood to consume – they were designed to have that effect.
Globalists also use their control of the media to manufacture consent for open borders.
An image of a drowned Syrian boy on a Turkish beach was beamed into the heads of every Clown World resident in 2015. The implication was that anyone who believes in borders is a child killer. After making people too afraid to speak up in favour of their national interests, the globalists then flooded the West with Third World immigrants, further destroying wages and pumping up house prices.
Consent for open borders is also manufactured by the mass media refusing to pay due attention to crimes committed against Westerners by immigrants. Coulter’s Law states that, in the case of mass shootings, the longer the mass media takes to tell us the race of the shooter the less likely they are to be white. The general rule is that crimes committed by whites are pushed front and centre; crimes committed by non-whites are hushed up.
None of this would be a problem if people were less gullible. If people were willing to think for themselves and to question authority, the mass media would be much less dangerous. In the depths of Clown World, however, most people believe this media to be made up of objective journalists who are employed to tell the truth.
This perception is maintained by further brainwashing. Anyone who suggests that the mainstream media cannot be trusted is written off as a “conspiracy theorist”, their concern dismissed as a possible sign of paranoid schizophrenia or similar. Distrusting the mainstream media is considered a moral defect, revealing a particularly malicious kind of antisocial intent.
In Clown World logic, there’s a small step between questioning the television and shooting up your school.
In reality, the mass media is owned lock, stock and barrel by international banking and finance interests, and they hire people to produce globalist propaganda. There no objectivity in it, any more than in the media publications of North Korea. There is truth in it, but it’s merely seasoning. The propaganda is the main fare.
That is why nationalists like Donald Trump get targeted so heavily. The mass media serves as a 24/7/365 wrecking machine, tirelessly ripping down anyone the globalists decide they don’t like. Eventually the whole world realises that to stick one’s head above the parapet is to attract the machinegun fire of reputational damage.
One feature of Clown World making the mass media more dangerous is that it’s difficult to find entertainment outside of it. Back in the day, one usually had a group of friends, neighbours or workmates who entertained each other with music or games. Either that or one spent time in Nature, hiking, hunting or fishing.
In Clown World, all those needs are met by screen interaction.
In Clown World, however, the mass media offers very little by way of pure information. Everything presented in it has been designed and calculated to manufacture consent for the objectives of its owners. This effect is so profound that the mass media can be described as the apparatus of propaganda.
Whoever controls the apparatus of propaganda controls the behaviour of the populace as surely as whoever controls the mouse cursor controls what happens on the laptop screen. They simply direct the talking heads on the screen to tell the populace what other people are thinking. The people who consume this media decide that, since everyone else thinks that way, they’ll think that way too. And so entire countries are regimented.
Today’s mass media works on a dopamine cycle. People get a dopamine hit from the feeling of being in touch with the dramas of the world, and they don’t get one if they fall out of touch. It’s a thrill to see footage of foreign conflicts. It’s a thrill to hear an expert say that someone else is an idiot because they believe something false. These dopamine hits keep people coming back.
The technologically advanced nature of today’s mass media means that it’s available all the time. Many people wake up and check their phones before they even get out of bed. The average Clown World citizen is plugged into the media matrix in almost every waking moment. The result is that there’s very little possibility of original thought outside of this totalitarian brainwashing apparatus.
Overcoming the nefarious effect of the mass media on our minds and behaviour requires two major steps. The first is to “unplug from the Matrix”, which requires aggressively curating what comes to our attention. The second is to find quality alternative media sources to replace the mainstream garbage.
This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in January 2021.
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