The rise of Billy Te Kahika continues to confound many. An article in E-tangata magazine described it as “The rise of Maori MAGA“. As this article will examine, what Te Kahika is trying to achieve with the New Zealand Public Party is not original. He is walking a similar path to that taken by American President Donald Trump.
The parallels between Te Kahika and Trump are many. The most obvious parallel is that both are despised by the mainstream media.
The mainstream media savaged Trump from the beginning. From the moment Trump won the Republican nomination they ripped into him, declaring him a menace to human civilisation. The major news shows became the Two Minutes’ Hate from 1984, only directed at Trump instead of Emmanuel Goldstein.
The reason for this mainstream media hate was that, being a nationalist, Trump was a genuine outsider. All nationalists are outsiders in today’s system, because today’s system represents the complete victory of globalist interests. Globalist narratives, especially around foreign investment, trade and mass immigration, are now standard.
In New Zealand, the mainstream media has turned its guns on Te Kahika. The New Zealand Herald wrote a hitpiece smearing him as a conspiracy theorist, The Spinoff wrote a hitpiece smearing him as a conspiracy theorist and Stuff called this “the conspiracists’ election“. Chris Trotter’s column for The Daily Blog this week howled for the Government to keep an eye on the maverick Maori.
Astute observers will have noted that Billy Te Kahika is hated by the same people who hate Donald Trump.
Vinny Eastwood is entirely correct when he says that the New Zealand mainstream media is owned by international banking and financial interests. These interests own almost every media outlet, apart from the independents like The Vinny Eastwood Show and VJM Publishing (who are, predictably, written off as “conspiracy theorists” by the mainstream).
Ownership of the mainstream media by international banking and financial interests is why those media are always pushing globalist narratives. The reason why they keep pushing mass immigration and refugee resettlement is because banking and finance interests profit from increased housing demand. The reason why they excoriate nationalists and freethinkers is because they threaten this extremely profitable arrangement.
Like Trump, Billy Te Kahika speaks honestly about how the mainstream media lies, and how it works with the Government to manipulate public opinion. Like Trump, the mainstream media treats the nationalist Te Kahika as a direct enemy. The international banking and financial interests hate nationalists above all.
All this explains why Te Kahika has so much support among Maoris. The E-tangata article linked at the top of this page, in its hysteria about white supremacists, neglects to mention the powerful nationalist sentiments held by Maori people. It is these sentiments that make people fall in behind Te Kahika.
Despite the relentless and enduring attempt made by mainstream political and media interests to divide the New Zealand people into a Maori part and a white part always at each other’s throats, the vast majority of Maoris have rejected separatist narratives. They think primarily in terms of roots. This means that they feel strong bonds of solidarity with white people who also have deep roots in New Zealand.
Dan McGlashan proved in Understanding New Zealand that Maoris are strong supporters of the nationalist New Zealand First party, more so than the supposed “old white racist” demographic (who tends to vote National). This, more than any other factor, explains why a nationalist like Te Kahika has so much support among Maoris.
At this point it could be countered that Te Kahika is a long way from winning, so it doesn’t matter anyway. His best result in any preferred Prime Minister poll so far was 1%, and even then he rounded up. But Trump was himself once a rank outsider.
Before he won the Republican nomination, Trump was priced at $100 to win the Presidential election on BetFair. To say he was an outsider is an understatement. He was an outsider among outsiders, perhaps even a joke candidate. But what he said resonated.
The public felt that Trump was brave enough to speak truths that had been kept from them by the corrupt political and media establishments. Although Trump was sometimes wrong – as when he accused Barack Obama of being born in Kenya – he was right enough of the time for people to see him as an alternative to the Establishment. In a time when the Establishment is hated, that was enough.
Every intelligent person knows that the political and media establishments lie all the time. The lies they told to justify the War on Drugs are exemplary. The lies they told to justify the Iraq War are obscene. The lies they continue to tell, in order to prop up a financial system that sees so many young people without hope of owning a home and raising a family, are murderous.
These lies are effective when the entire apparatus of propaganda is under globalist control. The problem today is that people like Trump and Te Kahika can use social media to evade that control. Josef Goebbels’s second principle of propaganda states that “Propaganda must be planned and executed by only one authority”. Te Kahika’s livestreams, like Trump’s tweets, get around all the gatekeepers.
When a people deprived of truth finally gets to hear some, the effect is like rainfall on a parched landscape. It makes the entire world come to life. This is the main reason why Te Kahika has got so much traction: he offers truth to those who have been deprived of it by the mainstream media. Te Kahika could go as far as Trump did: all the way to the highest position in the land.
The real Trump Effect was that the mainstream media’s hatred for Trump increased his support. Because the mainstream media are a collection of the most wretched, most shameless liars to ever exist, it stands to reason that if they tell you someone is bad, that person is probably good. As the mainstream media now turns itself to destroying Te Kahika, they might find that they propel him to victory instead.
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great opinion piece thanx
And like Trump Te Kahika is as crooked as a 3 dollar bill. The party accountant has accused him of fraud, there are funds unaccounted for, and he paid cash to stay at the 5 star luxury hotel in Sky City Casino.
Is this true
So laughable, Trump speaking the truth, really, If Billy Te Kahika is not bad enough, along comes another misfit Jami Lee Ross. They are simply feeding the crap that the white supremist from the USA, used in the trump campaign. Take a poor demographic, find the conspiracy theories that are popular, then add some more fear mongering. Honestly, that the Maori would believe anything from these Snake oil salesmen, is mind boggling.
Great to see hope the Advance public Party is instrumental in getting rid of this government
Get rid of the corporate nanny state,1080 poison, fluoridation , industrial mono-culture, corrupt bureaucracy and Justice system.
Phil Paterson South Westland