How To Deal With Hams

1. The Ham is guilty of his ignorance of the Four Tenets.

2. Unlike the Normie, the Ham has been exposed to spiritual truth, but has chosen to reject it in preference to lies.

3. Unlike the Tard, the Ham is intelligent enough to understand the Four Tenets. The Ham chooses not to follow them on account of that his heart is evil, and inclines him to evil.

4. Like the Normie, the Ham can become an Elementalist, but whereas the Normie has not, the Ham will not.

5. The Ham will do anything he can to destroy Elementalism, as he has done everything he could to destroy all Dharmic religions.

6. The Ham worships the Principle of Evil, and as such strives to cause as much suffering to sentient beings as possible.

7. Understanding the Ham is a matter of understanding that the true will of the Ham is to cause as much suffering to sentient beings as possible.

8. The Ham is the foremost enemy of the human race.

9. Hams are demons in human forms.

10. Thou shalt not suffer the Ham to live.

11. The greatest crime of the Ham is not all the murder, rape and theft he commits. It is the damage he does to genuine spirituality by cloaking his crimes in the garments of the divine.

12. The lies of the Ham are the main reason so many people do not believe in spirituality today.

13. The Ham is the well-poisoner of spirituality, and the historical crimes of the Ham are the main reason why so many today reject the divine.

14. Those who believe fight in the cause of the Principle of Good, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of the Principle of Evil. So fight you against the Hams.

15. Never speak more than three words to a Ham.

16. The Hams are ever to the Elementalist open enemies.

17. God will cast terror into the hearts of the Hams. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

18. Anything that comes out of the mouth of a Ham is to be considered a lie until proven otherwise.

19. To respect the Ham is to give succour to the Principle of Evil.

20. If a Ham falls down some stairs in front of you and breaks a leg, do not help him, for to do so would be to empower the Principle of Evil.

21. Ham on Ham violence is always cause for celebration.

22. If the Elementalist makes himself impregnable to the Ham, the Ham will destroy himself in his rage.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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How To Deal With Extreme Suffering

1. Suffering can make a person say No to life.

2. Extremes of suffering can make a person deny the spiritual truths about reality.

3. It is true that this world is one of the Hell Realms. However, there are still many ways that extreme suffering can be relieved.

4. The foremost way to alleviate extreme suffering is to understand that the physical world and all the phenomena in it were created to entertain the gods.

5. Only the Tard asks “If God is real, why does suffering exist?”

6. The Elementalist understands that suffering must exist so that we have something to overcome.

7. The greater the suffering, the more glorious the overcoming.

8. Those who have overcome extreme suffering must not look back on it with resentment. The crack in one’s heart is the same conduit through which the light enters.

9. Both homicidal and suicidal ideation are best dealt with by taking a calm moment to appreciate how much the gods would be entertained by you overcoming such feelings.

10. Extreme suffering can be likened to standing at the foot of an extremely tall mountain. A great challenge awaits, with potentially great rewards.

11. When others are suffering, the correct response is calm compassion.

12. The Elementalist cannot solve the problem of the great suffering of the world, nor the great suffering of others. But the Elementalist, still having the power to alter his frequency of consciousness through the application of will, does not despair thereby.

13. The best way to alleviate general suffering is to transmute low-frequency aspects of one’s own consciousness into high-frequency ones.

14. Physical suffering is best alleviated by a return to the body’s natural state. The hungry must eat, the thirsty must drink, the tired must sleep.

15. Extreme physical suffering cannot be alleviated so easily. The solution is to keep that suffering in perspective: all sensory impressions of this world are illusions that rise and fall.

16. Emotional suffering is best alleviated by kindness and solidarity based on common feeling. The most reliable way to achieve this is to help other people who are suffering.

17. Extreme emotional suffering requires that a person look inwards and master their emotions. The easiest way to achieve this is through extensive meditation practice.

18. Intellectual suffering is best alleviated by knowledge.

19. Extreme intellectual suffering requires that a person return to the ancient masters. A person subject to extreme intellectual suffering should read Vyasa, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Buddha, Mencius, Chuang Tzu, Plato and Aristotle.

20. Spiritual suffering is best alleviated by wisdom.

21. Extreme spiritual suffering requires that a person meditate upon the Four Tenets. Only by understanding the Four Tenets can a person free themselves from illusion and delusion.

22. It is important to practice meditation as often as possible, so that thoughts and feelings of suffering can be mastered.

23. Meditation alleviates physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual suffering.

24. The Elementalist, understanding the Fourth Tenet and the Good News of Elementalism, does not experience true suffering. Although the body and the mind of the Elementalist may suffer, the soul does not.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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That Which Entertains The Gods

1. The physical world was dreamed up by God to entertain the gods.

2. The imperative to entertain the gods is why there is something rather than nothing.

3. The gods watch on from higher dimensions where we cannot normally perceive them. Yet, they perceive us, as we would perceive actors in a play or on a screen.

4. The hierarchy of beings and the hierarchy of consciousness are hierarchies of how well a fragment of consciousness entertains the gods. Cats and consciousnesses of gold entertain the gods the most; insects and consciousnesses of lead entertain the gods the least.

5. Life struggles primarily to entertain the gods, and not to survive or reproduce.

6. The struggle to survive and reproduce is merely the backdrop for something infinitely more meaningful: the entertainment of the gods.

7. The gods are primarily entertained by that which unexpectedly rises above.

8. As such, the two major components of the entertainment of the gods are novelty and surprise.

9. The gods are immensely entertained by that which they have never seen before.

10. The gods are also immensely entertained by unexpected behaviour in that which they have seen before.

11. The gods expect us to fail, on account of that we are mortals.

12. We were created to fail, so that it would be surprising if we succeeded. As such, any genuine success entertains the gods.

13. The gods are not entertained by those who meekly accept their fate. Such weaklings are, to the gods, indistinguishable from insects.

14. The gods are mildly entertained by those who overcome physical challenges. Great athletes are entertaining, but only mildly so.

15. The gods are moderately entertained by those who overcome emotional challenges. Those born into shit families but who manage to make decent lives for themselves are moderately entertaining.

16. The gods are highly entertained by those who overcome intellectual challenges. Scientists who push back the boundaries of human ignorance are highly entertaining.

17. The gods are immensely entertained by those who overcome spiritual challenges. Spiritual revolutionaries who repudiate religious falsehoods are immensely entertaining.

18. The gods are most of all entertained by great beings who alter the course of history. When a Buddha, an Alexander, a Caesar, a Napoleon or a Hitler rise up, all the gods watch on.

19. The gods are least of all entertained by people who conflate the Great Masculine Axis with the Great Feminine Axis.

20. The worse the family, neighbourhood, community or national situation one is born into, the greater one’s opportunity to entertain the gods by rising above it. The Elementalist, therefore, does not resent being born into bad families, neighbourhoods, communities or nations.

21. Let the entertainment of the gods be the meaning of our lives!


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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The Elemental Hierarchy Of Consciousness

1. Consciousness is the prima materia and each one of us is ultimately a fragment of this consciousness.

2. Each fragment of consciousness possesses its own frequency. This frequency can be expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is the Winter Pole of the Quadrijitu, and 1 is the Summer Pole of the Quadrijitu.

3. All fragments of consciousness can be arranged into a hierarchy, such that the higher frequencies incarnate into higher worlds, and the lower frequencies into lower worlds.

4. Within this world, there is also a hierarchy of consciousness, such that the lower frequencies are close to sinking lower into the Hell Realms, and the higher frequencies are close to rising higher into the Heaven Realms.

5. The difference between the hierarchy of consciousness and the hierarchy of class is that the former can be altered quickly whereas the latter cannot.

6. One’s consciousness is a matter of one’s will in the present, but one’s class is a matter of one’s will in the past, including past lives.

7. The lowest frequency of consciousness is equivalent to lead.

8. A consciousness of lead lives in constant fear.

9. Fear kills the mind. A consciousness clouded by fear will make selfish decisions, and will thereby increase the suffering of those around them, creating a Hell on Earth.

10. The next highest frequency of consciousness is equivalent to tin.

11. A consciousness of tin lives to indulge itself.

12. Material indulgence is tempting because it can heal the suffering caused by an excess of fear. However, this indulgence frequency results in more suffering because it can lead to degeneracy and addiction.

13. The next highest frequency of consciousness is equivalent to iron.

14. A consciousness of iron lives for honour.

15. Honour is tempting because it can heal the suffering caused by an excess of indulgence. However, an excess of honour can lead to conflict.

16. The next highest frequency of consciousness is equivalent to copper.

17. A consciousness of copper lives for novelty.

18. Novelty is tempting because it can heal the suffering caused by an excessive focus on honour.

19. The next highest frequency of consciousness is equivalent to silver.

20. A consciousness of silver lives for glory.

21. Glory is tempting because it can heal the suffering caused by an excess of novelty.

22. The next highest frequency of consciousness is equivalent to mercury.

23. A consciousness of mercury lives for knowledge.

24. Knowledge is tempting because it can heal the suffering caused by an excess of glory.

25. The highest frequency of consciousness is equivalent to gold.

26. A consciousness of gold lives to know the truth.

27. Truth is tempting because it can heal the suffering caused by an excess of knowledge.

28. The struggle to raise one’s frequency of consciousness is one of the most worthy of all aspirations. The most important thing, however, is that this struggle entertains the gods.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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