The Law Of Assortative Reincarnation (redux)

1. Knowing consciousness to be the prima materia, the Elementalist is not interested in the question of whether consciousness survives the death of the physical body.

2. The really interesting question is what the order of reality looks like on the far side of death.

3. A person’s frequency of consciousness determines the sort of reality they manifest. This is true in life, and this is true in death.

4. In life, this rule is known as the Law of Attraction. This holds that, among other things, a person’s frequency of consciousness repels both higher and lower frequencies, so that people tend to attract other people like themselves.

5. Desperate people attract desperate people, happy people attract happy people, angry people attract angry people, curious people attract curious people, sedulous people attract sedulous people, glorious people attract glorious people and humble people attract humble people.

6. In life, the Law of Attraction holds that the energy one puts out into the Great Fractal will be the same as the energy that returns to one from the Great Fractal.

7. In death, the same logic applies.

8. The rule that the energy one put out into the Great Fractal in life becomes the energy that returns to one from the Great Fractal after death is known as the Law of Assortative Reincarnation.

9. This is a very similar concept to the biological concept of assortative mating.

10. In other words: we attract, on the other side of death, the same sort of beings that we attract on this side of death. This we do by means of the frequency that we project into the Great Fractal.

11. When a person’s physical body dies, their ego dies with it, and so the person is no longer influenced by the part of the mind that tells lies to further its own impulses and which makes unjustified excuses for itself.

12. After the death of one’s physical body, one’s fragment of consciousness returns to God – and to God’s judgment.

13. Being without ego on the other side of death, people don’t question God’s judgment there. Consequently, they accept their fate without qualification.

14. Although God is without malice, the fact is that every person, when stripped of ego, will agree that they ought to get what they deserve.

15. The fairest thing for every sentient being is to live in a reality filled with beings on the same frequency of consciousness as themselves. God facilitates this.

16. Some call this facilitation the Law of Karma, and this law underpins both the Law of Attraction and the Law of Associative Reincarnation.

17. A person’s frequency of consciousness upon the death of their physical body is the same frequency as the part of the Great Fractal that person will next reincarnate into.

18. All the beings that populate the next world that a person reincarnates into are fractal expressions of that person’s own frequency of consciousness – and that person is a fractal expression of all those other beings.

19. The Law of Assortative Reincarnation holds that people reincarnate into worlds with the same frequency as themselves.

20. This means that people reincarnate into worlds populated by beings at a similar frequency. Some will be lower, and some will be higher, but the average will be similar to that of the person incarnating.

21. Thus, each being is assigned, when reincarnating, to the part of the Great Fractal that is appropriate for their frequency of consciousness.

22. The Great Fractal is perfectly just – but this is only apparent at high levels of resolution, such as when one observes series of multiple lifetimes.

23. At low levels of resolution, such as a mere decade, the Great Fractal can appear extremely unjust. This is why short-sighted and materialistic people are usually preoccupied with some grievance or other.

24. Truly, people get what they deserve.

25. People who are cruel will develop a frequency that reflects cruelty. Consequently, they will attract cruel people into their lives and will repel kind ones.

26. People who are kind will develop a frequency that reflects kindness. Consequently, they will attract kind people into their lives and repel cruel ones.

27. These facts are true on both sides of death.

28. A person may or may not get punished legally for acts of cruelty, but they always get punished spiritually, on this side of death or the other.

29. If a person wants to reincarnate into one of the Heaven Realms after they die, or at least wants to reincarnate into a world with less egregious suffering than here on Earth, they need to perform enough works of alchemy to transmute their consciousness into a level where it would be heavenly to be around that person.

30. Understanding the Law of Assortative Reincarnation means that one should never complain about the nature of life on this Earth.

31. This Earth may be cruel, and it may be brutal, but the reason why we all incarnated here is because of the frequency of consciousness that we cultivated in our past lives.

32. Should one wish to escape suffering, the correct thing to do is to transmute one’s frequency of consciousness from the basest, most egotistical level to the highest, most noble level.

33. The easiest way to do this is to focus on alleviating the suffering of one’s fellow sentient beings.

34. This will ensure that one attracts other beings on that level, whether on this side of death or the other side of death.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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Navigating The Great Fractal (redux)

1. The vastness of the Great Fractal cannot be described in words, but describing how to navigate through it is much simpler.

2. Those unfortunate wretches who don’t know how to navigate the Great Fractal are condemned to live lives of maddening confusion as they are hurled to and fro by the winds of change.

3. Because the materialist paradigm is currently dominant, most people are used to thinking about setting goals in terms of time.

4. According to the received wisdom, time passes, and eventually when enough time has passed and enough effort has been expended, the goal is achieved.

5. Elementalists understand that both the material world and time are illusions. So how, then, does one get from Point A to Point B?

6. Everything that one could possibly wish for is in the Great Fractal: every possible situation in every possible world. One simply has to find a way to navigate there.

7. Getting to where one wishes is not easy, primarily because most people are used to thinking of reality as a planet that one walks around, and are unused to thinking of reality as a metaphysical fractal that one navigates through.

8. Understanding this navigation is a matter of understanding frequency and how frequencies match with similar frequencies.

9. A person’s frequency is the frequency of their consciousness. This can be estimated on a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is pure unconsciousness (like an NPC) and 1 is pure consciousness (like Buddha).

10. The lower the frequency, the closer to psychopathic behaviour will be exhibited. The higher the frequency, the more it will ease the suffering of the beings around them.

11. A person’s frequency is the sum total of their actions, in both this life and in previous ones.

12. If that person has taken selfish actions that ignore the divinity of others, their frequency will be dark and heavy. If they have taken actions that respect the divinity of others, their frequency will be bright and light.

13. People incarnate into this world because the actions that they have made in previous lives has caused their consciousness to resonate at a particular frequency. This frequency happens to be a close match to the frequency of this world.

14. Every part of the Great Fractal has a frequency that matches closely to the frequency of consciousness possessed by its inhabitants.

15. Given that there are a practically infinite number of worlds in the Great Fractal, there is a world to match every possible frequency that a consciousness might resonate on.

16. In every person’s previous lives, they have been presented with a string of moral dilemmas, just as they have been in this one. In response to those dilemmas, they have made a variety of decisions.

17. The sum total of the correctness or otherwise of those decisions is now represented by every person’s frequency of consciousness.

18. Thus, if you have lived a life where you were selfish and cruel, you will incarnate in a universe populated with other beings on a similar frequency. And this will be perfectly fair – after all, you justified those behaviours by performing them yourself.

19. Therefore, you decreed that such actions were legitimate – even when they’re performed against you.

20. Elementalists call this process assortative reincarnation. It’s an application of divine justice, because every individual consciousness gets assorted to a universe that is appropriate to their frequency.

21. As such, navigating through the Great Fractal is simple. All one has to do is resonate at a frequency of consciousness that matches one’s desired destination.

22. Altering the frequency of consciousness at which one resonates is primarily a matter of applied will.

23. The longer and harder one applies one’s will to the achievement of a goal, the more one’s frequency of consciousness will alter to match the expression of that will.

24. If one’s frequency of consciousness matches one’s desired destination, eventually one will find oneself manifesting there, whether in this life or a life to come – this is actually unavoidable.

25. The laws of the Great Fractal demand that this must be the case, for it is unjust for a high frequency of consciousness to be cast among the lower, or for a low frequency of consciousness to be cast among the higher. This applies on the scale of both one lifetime and a hundred thousand.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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An Introduction To Great Fractal Theory (redux)

1. Great Fractal Theory starts with the First Tenet: the simple premise that consciousness is the prima materia.

2. As per the Second Tenet, everything that exists except for consciousness itself is part of the contents of consciousness, which are collectively known as the Great Fractal on account of that all possible contents of consciousness are fractal variations of each other.

3. Within the contents of consciousness are both the physical and metaphysical worlds.

4. The physical world is not truly real, although it may appear so to our fragments of consciousness.

5. The physical world has been dreamed up by consciousness, in the Great Act of Creation, and remains a dream.

6. Consciousness is therefore the creator of the physical world, in the same way that it creates the worlds we navigate in our nightly dreams.

7. Consciousness is the stage upon which the play of life takes place.

8. The physical world is most accurately understood as not being a place, but rather a matrix of self-similar fields of impressions that manifest in consciousness.

9. Each fragment of consciousness perceives a field of impressions that collectively creates the illusion that we are bodies living in a physical world, as opposed to the truth: that we are consciousness dreaming it up.

10. The essence of Great Fractal Theory is that all of the possible fields of impressions that consciousness could ever perceive are related to each other by way of a fractal matrix.

11. This matrix, known as the Great Fractal, contains every emotion, every thought, every desire and every sensory impression that could ever possibly manifest in conscious awareness.

12. The stories of our lives are not ones of rising up out of the dirt to become monkeys running loose on a rock in space, but rather stories of being fragments of consciousness navigating through an eternal and ever-changing Great Fractal of self-similar fields of sensory and mental impressions.

13. Consciousness is, right now, experiencing not only your current life but also all the possible gaps in between your birth and your death.

14. Your own personal fragment of consciousness may be living right now, in this current year, but other fragments of consciousness are living out every possible moment of your life, simultaneously.

15. If your life was divided into a billion chunks, each corresponding to a second or two of awareness, there is one fragment of consciousness for each of those billion chunks, each living its own life, usually unaware of the presence of the others.

16. Each of these billion fragments could themselves be divided into a billion fragments: a quintillion lives, each separated by one or two nanoseconds, rolling inexorably from birth to death like freight carriages on a railway.

17. One ends and one begins every few nanoseconds, and follows the exact path of the life that you are experiencing right now, past and future.

18. This is eternal recurrence: your current physical life will be lived over and over again, by another fragment of consciousness (sometimes even your own), forever, because it is an eternal part of the Great Fractal.

19. Every possible way that a human life can differ from another is another dimension of the Great Fractal.

20. There’s no reason, other than anthropomorphic conceit, to believe that only human beings are conscious.

21. Once it’s realised that consciousness is the prima materia and not a phenomenon of the brain, it becomes easy to understand that all other beings, indeed even insects and trees, are conscious like we are.

22. Therefore, every possible way that the life of any being can differ from the life of any other being is another dimension of the Great Fractal.

23. The number of dimensions in the Great Fractal is virtually infinite, and there are countless quintillions of beings for every dimension.

24. The entire Great Fractal is buzzing with consciousness.

25. Anything that can possibly be perceived by consciousness lies somewhere in the Great Fractal.

26. All moments of all lives of all possible beings in all possible worlds in all possible dimensions are contained within the Great Fractal, to be experienced by consciousness eternally.

27. Your current life is simply an infinitely small fragment of this incomprehensibly vast whole.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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The First Tenet Of Elementalism (redux)

1. Consciousness is the prima materia.

2. This is the First and Foundational Tenet of Elementalism.

3. Consciousness is the original source from which all else manifests.

4. Consciousness is eternal and immutable, being outside of time and space. As such, it is the one thing whose existence needs no explanation.

5. Consciousness came first, before language, before thought, even before the division into masculine and feminine or the division into good and evil.

6. People today only consider consciousness a mystery because they are lost in the trappings of materialism. This traps them in ludicrious misconceptions, such as the idea that the brain generates consciousness.

7. The simple truth is that consciousness is more fundamental than the material world. It existed for an eternity before the material world first manifested, and will exist for an eternity after the material world unmanifests.

8. Because consciousness is more fundamental than language, it cannot be described in language. As such, there are no definitions of consciousness that make any sense.

9. Anyone who is conscious knows what consciousness is, and therefore doesn’t need to have it defined.

10. The Elementalist doesn’t try to define consciousness. The assumption is that anyone trying to define it doesn’t understand it.

11. Elementalism teaches that materialism is to ontology what Flat Earth Theory is to astronomy. Every Elementalist understands that materialism is a primitive theory for those who don’t get it.

12. The idea that consciousness evolved from biological processes of natural and sexual selection will, one enlightened day, be categorised alongside the idea that the Moon is made of cheese.

13. Consciousness has always existed, since before there were even bacteria on Earth, because consciousness dreamed up the Earth, and not the other way around.

14. The Elementalist knows that consciousness is the primary element of all those that exist. All else is dependent upon it.

15. Consciousness, in its creative infinity, is the same thing as God.

16. The consciousness possessed by the individual is an infinitely small fragment of the total glory possessed by God.

17. All of us that are conscious (which is all of us) are God.

18. The average Westerner is conditioned to believe that physical matter is the prima materia, and that their own consciousness is something that evolved out of ever-complexifying self-reproducing organic forms.

19. Knowing consciousness to be the prima materia, the Elementalist is unafraid of death, recognising the death of one’s body to merely be a change of physical form.

20. Because consciousness is the prima materia, all else is mere perception, which rises and falls like the wind. That which perceives remains resolute in eternity.

21. An Elementalist can immediately overcome any death anxiety by recalling the First Tenet.

22. Meditating regularly upon the First Tenet will build a spiritual armour that defends from any fears grounded in biology or materialism.

23. The one who meditates regularly upon the First Tenet will know that all of the horrors of this world are nothing more than the illusion of threat, and their combined power is nothing more than the ability to alter perception.

24. Understanding the First Tenet leads naturally to the Second Tenet.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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