Why You Incarnated Here

Many an Earthling has looked around themselves and asked: “What the fuck am I doing here?” This planet is so horrific that it can seem as if it must be a place of punishment. Planet Earth is, indeed, one of the Hell Realms. The explanation for why we incarnated here, and not somewhere better, is a fundamental part of Elementalist philosophy.

The Law of Assortative Reincarnation teaches us that the frequency of the consciousness of each of us is matched after death with the frequency of the part of the Great Fractal that we reincarnate into in the next life. High-frequency souls that tend to produce bliss in their near environment incarnate into blissful parts of the Great Fractal, while low-frequency souls incarnate into awesome parts of the Great Fractal.

Spiritual adepts can sense that, because everything incarnating into this realm must die, and because most deaths are extremely painful, this is not one of the higher realms. This world is, in fact, one of the Hell Realms, in which consciousnesses come to suffer for the sake of purifying themselves.

In order to incarnate into one of the higher realms, such as the Heavenly Realms, a consciousness has to be high-frequency enough to match the beings in that Heavenly Realm. Those beings don’t want – and don’t deserve – to spend time around a selfish, abusive, retarded low-frequency consciousness. Low-frequency consciousnesses ought to quarantined along with the rest of their kind.

A high-frequency consciousness can be trusted to behave in a way that does not unjustly cause suffering to other consciousnesses. It will not act sadistically, only causing harm to prevent greater harm. That high frequency, then, is like an entry ticket to otherwise exclusive places: the higher realms.

A low-frequency consciousness, by contrast, cannot be trusted to behave correctly in one of the higher realms. As such, they incarnate into a lower one, so that the suffering inherent to that realm is sufficient to motivate them to raise their frequency. The lower the frequency of the consciousness, the less subtle the lessons have to be.

In much the same way that the body raises its temperature to fight off a fever, a soul can purify itself by entering into a high-intensity environment. The further away from God’s natural state of bliss one incarnates, the more awesome the experience, and therefore the greater the impression one’s lessons make upon one’s consciousness.

All of us incarnated into this realm because, in our previous lives, we allowed our consciousness to fall to a particularly low frequency. Because this world is a slaughterhouse in which animals kill each other all the time, we know that, in our previous lives, we must have acted with murderous intent (or perhaps suicidal intent).

The 24/7/365 abbatoir that is Planet Earth exists because we killed other beings in our previous lives.

Your author can remember one such deed. I was a duke, in some kingdom across the Great Fractal from here, and had a great many loyal underlings. One of them I sliced up with a sword, suspecting him of plotting against me. In reality, he was entirely innocent. Because of the severity and the unjustness of this slaying, I incurred an enormous karmic debt.

For this grotesque act of evil I was cast down into this lowly realm, to incarnate into a deeply traumatised family for which violence was seen as normal.

Deeds like these – of homicidal selfishness – consign souls to Hell Realms in which killing and death is a part of everyday reality. Hence, we incarnate on Earth, doomed to die, doomed to watch that which we love die, doomed to constantly feel the shadow of death across our hearts. We suffer here until our consciousnesses are purified enough to allow us entry into a higher realm.

The vibrations of the beings in the higher realms are much the same as the vibrations of the beings in this realm. But their frequencies are all higher than the frequencies of the beings in this realm. As such, in the higher realms, it is much less common to see hatred, fear and violence.

Ultimately, all of us incarnated here because this is where we deserve to be. We don’t deserve to be in the company of either higher or lower consciousnesses than our own. As such, we ended up here, in a world full of violence and death, but a world that could be much worse. May all of us summon the will to overcome, and to purify our consciousnesses so that we may rise above the Hell Realms.


This chapter refers to the text of Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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The Three Layers Of The Control System

There are three layers to the control system which rules over us and which keeps us in a state of submission. These layers reflect the basic strategies that the rulers of the control system use to paralyse our ability to resist the abuses they heap upon us. The three layers can be arranged in descending order, from the most subtle coercion to the crudest.

The first and most subtle layer of coercion involves the the priesthood, which imitates gold.

This layer is subtle because it relates to the spirit. Here, the control system takes measures to sap the will of their victims, making them unwilling to resist or avenge abuses. These measures are made possible through being dressed in the trappings of spirituality. The incomprehensibility of divinity means that such measures, associated with the transcendent and eternal, are ever-effective.

One of the most effective of these measures is brainwashing people to think that, if they don’t obey the priests, they will reincarnate in Hell. Anyone disobeying the dark priesthood of the control system is told that they risk the wrath of God. The masses are told that they are morally obliged to kneel down and submit to the established powers, by divine order.

Spiritually brainwashing people to be submissive is most apparent in the constant preaching in favour of weakness and passivity. The top layer of the control system always preaches that the right course of action is to do nothing and wait for Jesus to come back, or to wait for the End Times. Meanwhile, the rulers of the control system wage war after war, massacring people in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Vietnam, Korea, Europe and dozens of smaller theatres.

The priesthood admonishes us to forgive our abusers, even when those abusers have no intention of ceasing. In doing so, they condition us to accept being abused. Through the workings of the dark priesthood, the control system induces us to submit to evil. The trouble for the controllers is that, today, most people no longer follow priests, which is where the second layer of the control system comes in.

The second layer of coercion is the mainstream media and major banking and financial interests, representing the silver.

The dark priesthood works to subjugate people’s wills, but if the people are intelligent enough, they will see through the lies of false religions. This is when the mainstream media steps in. If the priesthood is there to weaken people’s souls, the mainstream media is there to weaken their minds. This mental destruction is achieved in two major ways.

The first is by spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt. For all the politicians crying about misinformation being spread by foreign actors on social media, the number one source of misinformation is the mainstream media itself. Mainstream journalists and reporters only tell the Establishment’s side of the story, normalising the control system and its objectives at the expense of the people controlled.

The second is by destroying the reputations of anyone who resists the control system. As soon as any genuine leaders stand up among the people, the mainstream media deploys every slur it can think of – Nazi, white supremacist, nutjob, terrorist, extremist, radical – to induce the masses to withdraw their support.

The banking and financial interests also play a role here. Not only do they fund the mainstream media, but they also work to subjugate the population with debt. The mainstream media normalises the idea of half-million dollar mortgages, and then the banking and finance interests suck labour out of people for decades. The average person’s gigantic debt makes them unwilling to take risks to upset the status quo.

The third layer of coercion is the law enforcement bodies, representing the iron.

If the control system can’t subjugate the population by weakening their souls or their minds, the population will tend to become enraged. The worse they are governed, the more enraged they become. If things get really bad, people often start demonstrating and protesting physically, by occupying public space. This terrifies the controllers of the control system because they’re afraid of a revolution in which they get guillotined.

In such cases, the control system sends the hard iron of the Police forces in to smash dissenters physically – a low-frequency defence to a low-frequency threat. Examples abound, most recently with the Wellington lawn protests getting broken up by Police (or, as Anarkiwi phrased it, the February Revolt was put down).

The layer of iron is the control system’s most fundamental layer. As Robert A. Heinlein put it, violence is “The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.” Although the control system tries to engender submission first with spiritual lies and then with intellectual lies, these both stop working once people become wise to them. At this point, the control system sends in the batons and water cannon.

The control system knows that the more subtle the control, the less resentment it generates, and that resentment is liable to spill over into civil unrest. Hence, in libertarian societies they tend to be reluctant to send the Police in to smash protesters. The smart approach – and the control system is smart, even if it’s evil – is to suppress the masses with the most subtle measures first.

The danger for the control system in the short term is that faith in both mainstream religion and mainstream media have never been lower. This means that general satisfaction with the control system has never been lower, and therefore that the risk of severe unrest has never been higher. The immediate future of Clown World is likely to involve more violence.


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The Basics Of Understanding White People

Although New Woke dogma has it that all of the different human racial groups are precisely identical on all measures of psychological ability and aptitude, the VJM Publishing reader knows this to be crap. A proper understanding of human biodiversity demands that the unique nature of each of the various racial groups is understood individually. This essay explains.

White people are from the northern reaches of human civilisation. Near the Earth’s poles, sunlight strikes the surface at an sharp angle, resulting in much weaker sunbeams than near the equator. Also near the Earth’s poles, the seasonal variation is much more extreme, leading to extremely long and harsh winters.

The combination of weak and sometimes non-existent sunlight means that the skin of the inhabitants of the northern reaches evolved to be white. Light-coloured skin is an advantage in polar regions because it is more sensitive to sunlight. This makes it possible for light-skinned people to absorb enough sunlight to generate their Vitamin D requirements, something that dark-skinned immigrants to Northern Europe struggle with.

The polar climate not only explains the physical expression of white people, but also our psychological expression.

Psychologically speaking, the closer one comes to the poles the more autistic people become, and the closer one comes to the Equator the more psychotic people become. This is most clearly expressed by the polar populations behaving in a more orderly fashion, and the equatorial populations behaving in a more disorderly fashion.

The manifestations of this distinction are obvious. Polar societies are clean, tidy and regimented, with a strong rule of law, and the houses of people who live in these societies tend to also be clean and tidy. Equatorial societies, by contrast, are dirty, shabby and chaotic, and so are the everyday lives of the inhabitants of those societies.

This increased propensity for order in polar societies is mostly an adaptation to the cold climate. Cold weather punishes disorderly behaviour. Anyone who goes outside without the right clothing soon becomes sick. Anyone who doesn’t maintain their house to a high standard freezes. Anyone who fails to chop enough wood or store enough food for the winter dies. In the cold North, an inability to impose order upon one’s physical environment means death.

Following from this naturally high level of orderliness, white people are great at any cultural expression dependent on order. Anglo-Saxon legal culture has created many of the world’s most peaceful and least corrupt jurisdictions. Northern European science is responsible for most of humanity’s technological and medical advancements. The combination of Anglo-Saxon and German engineering built spacecraft that took men to the Moon.

However, there’s a flipside, and it’s why we cannot simply say that more orderly cultures are superior to less orderly ones.

White people are terrible at spirituality. No white person has ever founded a mainstream religion (although we’ve tried with Elementalism). The founders of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism were all from equatorial climates, and this is even true of the founders of the Abrahamic death cults. For most white people, spiritual talk is mental illness, and spiritual people are insane.

This lack of spiritual aptitude is our great weakness – so great that it has destroyed us and any chance we had of living happily.

Most religious white people superstitiously worship Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef, believing this ancient rabbi to be God in human form. This mindless adulation of a long-dead rabbi would be laughable were it not for the fact that white people will happily kill other whites who refuse to bow the knee. Events such as the Thirty Years War saw some six million whites killed by their fellows over different interpretations of Abrahamism.

Truly spiritual white people, such as the users of traditional spiritual sacraments like cannabis and psilocybin, are shunned by their societies. White autism has rendered the average white person incapable of understanding or appreciating true spiritual insight when presented with it. As such, most white people are entirely cut off from the divine.

This spiritual weakness has had a range of devastating effects. Worshipping Rabbi Yeshua does nothing to alleviate one’s natural fear of death. As a result, our prodigious intellects are chained to animalistic desires. We use our minds for little other than acquiring wealth in the mistaken belief that our unhappiness comes not from spiritual poverty, but from not owning enough stuff.

White people take enormous amounts of psychiatric medication because we are deeply unhappy. However, we are not unhappy because our outer worlds are disorderly, but because our inner worlds are disorderly. Our hearts are not in tune with God, as the hearts of psychotics are. Understanding this godlessness is the key to understanding white people.

In the same way that blacks ought to become more autistic, and thereby more capable of imposing order upon the physical, white people ought to become more psychotic, and more capable of imposing order upon the metaphysical. The way forward for whites is for us to overcome our natural autism and learn to connect more deeply to the world behind the appearance of the physical.


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10 Years Of VJM Publishing On Amazon – And The Plan For The Next 10 Years

It was ten years ago today that VJM Publishing launched our first book on Amazon. Titled Stop Smoking Cigarettes with the Token Economy Method, it is a short Kindle book describing how to use a clinical psychology technique known as the token economy method to overcome cravings for tobacco cigarettes. It hasn’t sold many copies, but it has two 5-star reviews, showing that it greatly helped at least two people.

Since then, we have published 15 other books on Amazon, all of which are available in paperback form as well as Kindle (see sidebar to right). In general, these books have received good reviews, especially the most recent one, Clown World Chronicles, which has a 4.5-star rating across GoodReads and Amazon.

All in all, the last ten years have been pretty good for VJM Publishing. We have produced a decent number of high-quality books, but have been hampered by a lack of the funds necessary to promote our work in today’s pay-for-play media landscape. The way forward from here will be about finding new ways to bring our work to a wider audience.

The plan for the next ten years is to keep producing quality books and to keep building our company reputation. We are already shadowbanned from both FaceBook and Google, banned outright from most Reddit subs and the mainstream media will never feature us, so we have two major strategies to stay relevant over the next decade.

The first strategy is to prioritise alt tech.

Getting shadowbanned from our erstwhile main sources of traffic has been difficult. Luckily, there are alternatives. The main alternative has been podcasting: VJM has already made multiple appearances on the Jackson Fowler podcast, the Chad Chaddington podcast, and the Bobbing Along podcast. Not only that, but we have also started our own VJM Publishing podcast!

Apart from the podcasts, we’ve been able to establish a decent presence on Gab, and have just expanded into Telegram. The Gab presence has been particularly fruitful, as our posts there regularly get more reactions, comments and shares than on FaceBook, despite that we only have one-eighth of the subscribers on Gab. Alt tech today is as reluctant to ban wrongthinkers as FaceBook and Google were ten years ago, so we will use them more in the future.

The second strategy is to expand in meatspace. This involves two sub-strategies.

The first sub-strategy is to buy land that can be used as a physical base for operations – a literal asylum in the mountains. This involves increasing VJM Publishing’s income over the next ten years to the point where we can afford the land and, once the land is purchased, to establish a temple and monastery dedicated to Elementalism.

Elementalism is the name given to the religion we launched with the publication of our book Elemental Elementalism. This was founded as a Dharmic religion for the Age of Aquarius, one which promulgated the perennial spiritual truths that have been mostly forgotten after the twin onslaughts of the Abrahamic death cults and nihilistic materialistic atheism.

Elementalism needs a physical space that can serve as a holy ground for followers of this religion, the religion of the new age of the world. It is to achieve that end that VJM Publishing intends to raise $2,000,000 over the next 10 years. The goal is to buy a secluded campground somewhere that can serve as a temple and monastery.

With a temple and monastery established, VJM Publishing will be in a position to take in spiritually-minded people who can’t find a place in Clown World. These people will be able to stay at this holy ground and help work towards providing spiritual truth and solace to the benighted masses of the world.

The second sub-strategy is to sell copies of Elemental Elementalism in the street.

This will involve a kind of spiritual evangelism, not like the Abrahamic crusaders and jihadists, but like Socrates’s effort to enlighten his fellow Athenians. Here we will strike up discussions with passing citizens, and debate them about philosophy, in an effort to shine a light upon the ignorance of the modern age.

With copies of Elemental Elementalism in hand, VJM Publishing will take to the streets to spread the truth about the nature of reality and the Good News of Elementalism to as wide an audience as possible. The Good News of Elementalism is the doctrine that Clown World so desperately needs. Although we expect to encounter massive opposition, as Socrates did, we know that the truth will win in the end, as it always does.

The next ten years will see the religion of Elementalism take root and expand all over the world. We will be pushing it as hard as possible from our offices here in New Zealand, working towards the goal of acquiring enough money to buy land for our temple and monastery. Herein we intend to follow in the footsteps of Pythagoras, who established a philosophical monastery ancient Greece.

This second sub-strategy supports the first. It will be through demonstrating the power and truth of Elementalism through street evangelism that we are most likely to encounter a generous donor with the wealth necessary to help us buy land. Promoting Elemental Elementalism is the most effective way to light a fire in the soul of such a person.

In summary, the next ten years of VJM Publishing operations will be similar to the first in the sense that we will focus on producing quality informational material and promoting this to the masses. But they will be different in the sense that we will explore alternative methods of promotion, as well as developing real estate in the physical world instead of just online.


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