There are three layers to the control system which rules over us and which keeps us in a state of submission. These layers reflect the basic strategies that the rulers of the control system use to paralyse our ability to resist the abuses they heap upon us. The three layers can be arranged in descending order, from the most subtle coercion to the crudest.
The first and most subtle layer of coercion involves the the priesthood, which imitates gold.
This layer is subtle because it relates to the spirit. Here, the control system takes measures to sap the will of their victims, making them unwilling to resist or avenge abuses. These measures are made possible through being dressed in the trappings of spirituality. The incomprehensibility of divinity means that such measures, associated with the transcendent and eternal, are ever-effective.
One of the most effective of these measures is brainwashing people to think that, if they don’t obey the priests, they will reincarnate in Hell. Anyone disobeying the dark priesthood of the control system is told that they risk the wrath of God. The masses are told that they are morally obliged to kneel down and submit to the established powers, by divine order.
Spiritually brainwashing people to be submissive is most apparent in the constant preaching in favour of weakness and passivity. The top layer of the control system always preaches that the right course of action is to do nothing and wait for Jesus to come back, or to wait for the End Times. Meanwhile, the rulers of the control system wage war after war, massacring people in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Vietnam, Korea, Europe and dozens of smaller theatres.
The priesthood admonishes us to forgive our abusers, even when those abusers have no intention of ceasing. In doing so, they condition us to accept being abused. Through the workings of the dark priesthood, the control system induces us to submit to evil. The trouble for the controllers is that, today, most people no longer follow priests, which is where the second layer of the control system comes in.
The second layer of coercion is the mainstream media and major banking and financial interests, representing the silver.
The dark priesthood works to subjugate people’s wills, but if the people are intelligent enough, they will see through the lies of false religions. This is when the mainstream media steps in. If the priesthood is there to weaken people’s souls, the mainstream media is there to weaken their minds. This mental destruction is achieved in two major ways.
The first is by spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt. For all the politicians crying about misinformation being spread by foreign actors on social media, the number one source of misinformation is the mainstream media itself. Mainstream journalists and reporters only tell the Establishment’s side of the story, normalising the control system and its objectives at the expense of the people controlled.
The second is by destroying the reputations of anyone who resists the control system. As soon as any genuine leaders stand up among the people, the mainstream media deploys every slur it can think of – Nazi, white supremacist, nutjob, terrorist, extremist, radical – to induce the masses to withdraw their support.
The banking and financial interests also play a role here. Not only do they fund the mainstream media, but they also work to subjugate the population with debt. The mainstream media normalises the idea of half-million dollar mortgages, and then the banking and finance interests suck labour out of people for decades. The average person’s gigantic debt makes them unwilling to take risks to upset the status quo.
The third layer of coercion is the law enforcement bodies, representing the iron.
If the control system can’t subjugate the population by weakening their souls or their minds, the population will tend to become enraged. The worse they are governed, the more enraged they become. If things get really bad, people often start demonstrating and protesting physically, by occupying public space. This terrifies the controllers of the control system because they’re afraid of a revolution in which they get guillotined.
In such cases, the control system sends the hard iron of the Police forces in to smash dissenters physically – a low-frequency defence to a low-frequency threat. Examples abound, most recently with the Wellington lawn protests getting broken up by Police (or, as Anarkiwi phrased it, the February Revolt was put down).
The layer of iron is the control system’s most fundamental layer. As Robert A. Heinlein put it, violence is “The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.” Although the control system tries to engender submission first with spiritual lies and then with intellectual lies, these both stop working once people become wise to them. At this point, the control system sends in the batons and water cannon.
The control system knows that the more subtle the control, the less resentment it generates, and that resentment is liable to spill over into civil unrest. Hence, in libertarian societies they tend to be reluctant to send the Police in to smash protesters. The smart approach – and the control system is smart, even if it’s evil – is to suppress the masses with the most subtle measures first.
The danger for the control system in the short term is that faith in both mainstream religion and mainstream media have never been lower. This means that general satisfaction with the control system has never been lower, and therefore that the risk of severe unrest has never been higher. The immediate future of Clown World is likely to involve more violence.
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