Clown World Chronicles: Who Is Waifu?

The suffering of Clown World brings with it great longing. Some people long for respite, others long for vengeance, others long simply for the warm embrace of a devoted wife. Those in the latter category might find themselves pining for the sweet touch of Waifu, one of the Elders of the Clown World pantheon.

As has been described earlier in this book, relations between men and women are at an all-time low. Not only is distrust and misunderstanding between them worse than ever, but young people are having less sex than ever.

This lack of positive relations with the opposite sex – one of the most fundamental pleasures in life – is one of the leading causes of the resentment that exists in Clown World. Worst of all, these poor relations aren’t primarily the result of autism or social fashion – they’re a function of will.

Many men feel that women are now hopelessly degenerate – that they’ve all turned into some kind of roastie. As such, they don’t want to be involved with the average woman. It doesn’t seem worthwhile to devote energy to a relationship with a woman who only wants to drink booze and who will leave you as soon as she gets bored. As such, many men have dropped out of the dating game – but their basic desire for female companionship has not abated.

This combination of feelings has led men to lust after their idea of a perfect woman, the opposite of the roastie. This is the Waifu.

Not being promiscuous, Waifu is deeply devoted to the one man. She is not at all interested in the “cock carousel”. Waifu doesn’t go out drinking with the girls. She’s more interested in social bonding for the sake of creating the perfect family. Her baking skills are more sophisticated than her cock sucking skills.

Waifu relates to Stacy as the Elder Goddess of the Positive Feminine Axis relates to the Younger One. Whereas Stacy is the unrealised positive feminine, Waifu is the realised form. Stacy has the potential to develop into a Waifu or to jump on the carousel and become a roastie. In Waifu, the waveform has collapsed into perfection.

Because so many men have withdrawn from the world to watch anime and to play video games, a large number of them have encountered idealised versions of female companions in those media. Naturally, many of those men come to fantasise about having some of these ideal women as real-life companions. Collectively, these ideal females form the spirit of Waifu.

‘Waifu’ is just a transliteration into Japanese of the English word ‘wife’. It comes from the idea that women in Far East Asia are more devoted, and far less degenerate, than their Western counterparts. Whether or not this is true, there are many Western men who have imagined themselves happy together with an ideal woman.

Waifu is the essence of all of these perfect fantasy wives, distilled into one divine form. She is the Elder Goddess of the Positive Feminine Axis because she represents the ideal feminine in its perfected form, i.e. as a self-actualised version of Stacy. Waifu is the natural companion of Boomer, who is able to sit back and chill thanks to Waifu’s devoted care.

In practice, there are two Waifus: a Western one and an Eastern one.

The Western one is known as the Tradwife. She is usually portrayed as a female Wojak variant, with lustrous blonde hair and wearing a blue dress with a daisy pattern. Sometimes the trad Waifu is depicted as Bavarian or Swiss, the idea being that these places have escaped the moral decay that has afflicted the Anglosphere.

The Eastern one is like the one shown on the waifu pillow in the image at the top of the page. This one is black-haired, usually Japanese, and inevitably depicted in anime form. She is usually blushing, being so wholesome that she considers it improper for another man to gaze upon her.

Many men feel that Clown World has cost them the opportunity to have a Waifu of their own. Much of the rage directed at society comes from this perceived loss. However, these men mostly don’t understand that relations between men and women have always been tough. Lysistrata proves that things were challenging even at the peak of Western civilisation.

This is why the common longing for a return to the 1950s is mistaken. For one thing, 1950s devotion was forced in many ways, which brought with it a great deal of resentment. This was often masked with drinking: 1950s relationships involved a great deal of alcohol and violence. A return to the 1950s would also require that males conform to 1950s workplace expectations, which no-one really wants.

For another thing, attracting a devoted wife is primarily a matter of demonstrating sufficient rectitude oneself. Regardless of how corrupt one’s environment is, there are always men and women who have enough spiritual fortitude to express themselves despite their surroundings. Those who are best able to do this are the gods of the Clown World pantheon.

The spirit of Waifu will always exist, and will always be worshipped, as long as there are men who are unable to find real-life women who can meet their emotional needs. And, even if they do she will still be worshipped, because those real-life women will appear to them as avatars of Waifu herself.


This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in the middle of 2020.


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Clown World Chronicles: Who Is The Great NPC?

His eyes are black dots peering lifelessly out from a pallid grey face. His nose is nothing more than a triangle; his mouth is nothing more than a straight line. Hairless on crown, hairless on face, he casts a ghoulish and nightmarish figure. He is the Great NPC, one of the Younger Gods of the Clown World pantheon.

NPC stands for Non-Player Character. It’s originally a Dungeons and Dragons term, and it refers to characters who are played by the Dungeon Master and not by one of of the other players (who play PCs, or Player Characters). With the rise of video gaming, NPC came to refer to a game character that was controlled by the computer.

In either case, NPC came to be understood as a metaphor for an apparently human being that had no mind of its own. The main characteristic of NPC behaviour is that it is extremely predictable. Having no mind of their own, NPCs don’t have motivations, intentions or aspirations above that which their controllers imbue them with. They are every bit the programmable machine.

An NPC has been so completely programmed – whether by the television, by their schooling, by their religious indoctrination or by peer pressure – that they have no original ideas of their own. Everything they say, and everything they think, is simply repetition of something they had been programmed to believe.

The NPC can never question the mainstream narrative. They are incapable of making their own truth judgments. Any time they are asked a question, they respond with what the herd thinks. If the herd wants to zig, then the NPC will say that it’s time to zig. If the herd wants to zag, then they will say that it’s time to zag.

Being so dumb, the NPC is prone to paralysing bouts of cognitive dissonance, something which is heavily mocked by Clown World denizens in meme form. At maximum intensity, this cognitive dissonance can cause the NPC to suffer an NPC Error, which is when the NPC’s central processing unit is overwhelmed by the demands placed on it and crashes.

Encountering an NPC can be a terrifying experience if one isn’t used to it, akin to encountering a zombie or something else that isn’t human. Like a Terminator, one can never be sure that they’re not about to turn on you, pitilessly tearing you apart for a reason only their controller understands. Not being in possession of a soul, the NPC cannot be in possession of empathy.

Fortunately, NPCs are harmless in most cases, at least when it comes to direct violence. The real danger is that their mindless repetition of programming can lead to the normalisation of inaccurate ideas, which can lead to harmful consequences. If the television can program enough NPCs to believe something, the dead mass of their bleating will penetrate into every corner of society, causing everyone else to believe that thing too. If that belief is wrong, people will suffer.

It isn’t easy to tell if any given person one encounters is an NPC (as has been discussed at length here, determining an NPC from a conscious person is far from straightforward). So it’s usually necessary to rely on one’s intuitive sense of whether there’s anyone home. An NPC can say any number of things that hint at deep thought and intelligence. But all of it is mere programming.

The number of NPCs in the world appears to be growing larger. One of the characteristic phenomena of Clown World is that the divine spark within us all has begun to weaken. If this spark weakens enough, a person no longer has the will to do good things in the world. At this point, they will simply drift through life on the waves of social fashions. If uninspired by the divine, Wojak falls down the Fundamental Axis, and declines into an NPC.

All NPCs are avatars of the Great NPC himself, the Younger God of the Negative Pole of the Fundamental Axis. He is a reminder of what can happen to Wojak if he falls under the influence of the Merchant. The Great NPC hates all freethinking and all questioning of dogma. If the Merchant is the owner of the Clown World plantation, the Great NPC is its overseer.

The Great NPC is the god that represents the power of the mindless masses. His ultimate goal is to turn the entire world into NPCs. The reason why NPCs get angry when conscious people disagree with them is because the NPCs are trying to intimidate those people into silence. The Great NPC wants the entire world marching to a single drummer, too afraid to break step.

In this sense, the Great NPC is fundamentally opposed to Pepe, the Younger God of the Positive Pole of the Fundamental Axis. Pepe’s role in Clown World is to break down the cancer with spontaneous humour and good cheer. His meme magic is the antidote to NPC thinking, because NPC’s can’t understand it. Much of the cultural warfare in Clown World boils down to shitposters loyal to Pepe taking on normieposters loyal to the Great NPC.


This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in the middle of 2020.


If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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Have Western Elites Secretly Converted To Islam?

People in the West continue to be utterly baffled by many of the decisions made by their ruling classes. When it comes to Islam, these decisions are especially hard to understand. This article raises a shocking possibility: that the upper echelon of the Western elites have secretly converted to Islam.

One of Queen Elizabeth II’s titles is “Defender of the Faith”. The faith in question is usually assumed to be Christianity, sometimes assumed to be Judaism. A possibility rarely considered is that the faith in question is Abrahamism, and the Queen defends whichever form of it is most convenient at the time. At the moment, that form may be Islam.

The main reason to believe that Western elites have converted to Islam is that they act like Islam is important to them, but they don’t act as if anything else is.

Many residents of Birmingham were surprised to hear the Muslim call to prayer in public this week, for the first time ever. The call to prayer is a dominance signal that signifies that a given area is under the control of Islam. As such, it’s not usually broadcast in public in the West. But the Birmingham City Council is now stacked with so many Muslims, and their allies, that they had the numbers to vote to broadcast it.

The reality is that so many Muslims live in Birmingham now that it can rightly be considered conquered Muslim territory in the same way that, for example, Lebanon is. The British elites, over the past 20 years, have sat back and allowed places like Birmingham to be overrun. Many are asking themselves: why?

That Western elites consider Islamic culture more important than the culture of their own people can be seen from the various “hate speech” laws becoming popular in the West. Even though the right to free speech is one of the most sacred Western values of all, our elites seem happy to chuck it in the garbage to appease the newcomers.

These hate speech laws are blasphemy laws in another form. They’re often pushed by Muslims, such as Scottish Justice Minister Humza Yousaf, to silence their critics. Yousaf has introduced hate speech legislation to Scotland that will effectively make it illegal to criticise Islam. The only real opposition to this comes from everyday Scottish people, and not from the elites that are supposed to be defending them.

Why would the Scottish elites allow a Muslim to first come to power, and then to pass a law shitting on the most sacred of Scottish values, if not because those elites were secretly Muslim themselves?

More proof for the idea that Western elites have secretly converted to Islam comes from the fact that Islam now arouses more passions among them than Christianity does.

More people visit mosques on a weekly basis in England than visit churches. Christian churches are usually near empty during services, while mosques are overflowing. Indeed, many British mosques are re-purposed churches, a dramatic and unmistakable sign of taking over.

In Britain, Liberal Democrat MPs have fasted for Ramadan in solidarity with Muslims. In New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave a special message to Muslims for Eid, but did not do anything similar for Christians for Easter. Such examples of politicians pandering to Muslims while ignoring all other religions are now widespread.

Western authorities are far more tolerant of Islamic religious practices than they are of their own indigenous ones. Muslims are allowed to preach hatred of infidels in mosques, are allowed to slaughter animals in a horrifically cruel fashion and are even allowed to mutilate the genitals of their offspring, but Westerners who use cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms as spiritual sacraments are put in cages.

This raises an obvious question: why did our elites convert to Islam?

This question cannot be answered without reference to the fact that Muslims worship the same god as the Christians: the genital-mutilating, woman-hating tyrant God of Abraham. So for our formerly-Christian elites, converting to Islam would entail nothing more than a change in appearances. The same psychopathic control-and-dominate mentality is present in both religions, as it is in all Abrahamic cults.

The most likely theory is that our elites have noticed that Christianity is dying, and intend to convert the population to Islam for the same reason they once converted them to Christianity: social control.

Christianity has been extremely useful to the ruling elites of the West over the past 1,600 years. It has enabled those elites to keep the plebs fearful, divided and willing to serve as cannon fodder for any imperial adventure that was going. It has kept them so ignorant that they have been willing to do almost anything, to almost anyone, as long as they were told it was God’s will.

But since World War I, the plebs have started waking up to these lies.

A wholesale conversion to Islam would give the elites the same level of control that they had when the population was Christian. It would once again allow them to dictate moral principles to the wider population, and would once again allow them to regiment that population’s moral sensibilities. The degree of temptation that the elites must have been under to do so is obvious.

The next question raised is: when did this conversion happen?

One theory has it that the conversion to Islam happened a long time ago – perhaps even during one of the Crusades. Some suggest that the Christian defeat at the Battle of Hattin in 1187 saw many Christians come to believe that God favoured the soldiers of Allah, and that the egregore of Muhammad had triumphed over that of Jesus Christ.

This theory holds that the Knights Templar, who were present in Jerusalem at the time, secretly converted to Islam and then returned to Europe. The secret societies they started were Christian on the outside, but on the inside they were controlled by devout Muslims.

This theory has it that the Shriners are the secret ruling cabal of the planet. This is based on the fact that, until recently, a man had to have completed the Scottish or York Rite systems of Freemasonry before they were allowed to join. In other words, a man had to have accumulated a considerable amount of prestige before the Shriners would take him in.

An astute observer will have already noticed the Shriner, with his conspicuously Islamic fez, occupying a central role in the image at the top of this page. This central role, in alchemical symbology, suggests a position closer to God than the men at the top of the pyramid who have merely completed the exoteric path, and are thus still on the outside. The Shiner is truly on the inside – he is the Inner Party.

Most people will tell you that the rulers of the Western World are mostly atheists and Christians, with a number of Jews mixed in. But the relentless Islamification of Western countries that we have seen over the past 20 years might be a sign that the ruling elites of the West have already secretly converted to Islam, wholesale.


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The Elementalist Understanding Of Free Will

The question of free will is one of the classic philosophical dilemmas. Do we have any choice over over our own behaviour? Or are we fated to perform certain actions because of our genes and conditioning? Traditional philosophy has explored a variety of approaches to this question, but Elementalism provides a new one.

The questions above are the basis of what is known as the free will vs. determinism debate.

The free will argument contends that people can do whatever they want to. People have a choice between good and evil, between selfless acts and selfish ones, and if a person’s true will is good they will do good. As such, people who do good can be treated as if their will is good, and vice-versa.

The determinist argument contends that a person’s future actions are restricted to a range determined by, among other things, a person’s genes and their conditioning. People don’t really have a choice about what they do, because they can only motivate themselves to act if the wiring of their brain creates an impulse to action.

This is an important philosophical question because, as alluded to above, the resolution of it determines how certain miscreants are to be treated. If free will exists, then criminals can be punished harshly. If not, then they have to be guided into making the right decisions by behaviour modification.

The Elementalist perspective, as is often the case, is that mainstream philosophy has missed the point entirely.

Elementalists believe that all of us are, fundamentally, individuated consciousness, and that these individual consciousnesses traverse the Great Fractal by way of matching frequencies. To the Elementalist, there is no material world – every individuated consciousness is aware of a set of perceptions, and each set of perceptions exists somewhere in the Great Fractal.

These sets of perceptions change as the frequency of one’s individual consciousness changes. Therefore, to change the world to that which one desires, it’s only necessary to change the frequency of one’s consciousness. This can be done through repeated exertions of pure will.

Because there is no hard material world, there is nothing forcing a human being to behave in any pre-determined manner. There aren’t really any neurotransmitters, or any limbic system, or any instinctual response brain circuitry or anything else involved in decision-making. There is just consciousness and the contents of consciousness. Life is but a dream, through which consciousness passes, forever.

Elementalists believe that anyone can get anything they wish for, whether in this life or in one to come, by matching the frequency of one’s consciousness with the frequency of the part of the Great Fractal in which that thing exists or is happening. In fact, Elementalists go as far as to believe that one inevitably lives a life that matches the frequency of one’s consciousness, whether this is wanted or not.

Accordingly, a person has to be careful about what their true will is – because they will get it.

If a person’s true will is to assert themselves violently over others, they will gravitate to a part of the Great Fractal where the order of reality is the violent assertion of power over others. Sometimes they will benefit from that, and sometimes they won’t – that’s how it goes when you wish for such things.

If a person’s true will is order, then they will get order. They will end up in a part of the Great Fractal where chaos is minimised. A person who ends up in such a place might not like it on account of that they find the order suffocating. In such a case, this will be reflected by their true will, leading to a change in the frequency of that person’s consciousness, in turn leading them to another part of the Great Fractal.

If a person’s true will is peace, their frequency will come to reflect this as it comes to reflect the sum total of that person’s actions in their life. This will cause them to gravitate to a part of the Great Fractal populated by peaceful beings. An individuated consciousness might experience this as bliss – or hellishly boring.

In summary, Elementalists believe implicitly in free will, so implicitly that they strive to perfect their mastery over it. Mastery over one’s true will is mastery over how one navigates the Great Fractal – either one drifts ignorantly through existence or one dances skillfully through.

The Elementalist conception of reality teaches that we are individual fragments of consciousness experiencing the Great Fractal, which we are free to explore in perpetuity. As such, there is no reason to assume any kind of determinism beyond the Seventh Hermetic Principle, or the Law of Cause and Effect.

What that means, in practice, is that one can only move through the Great Fractal at a pace and manner determined by one’s previous actions. The more heavily one’s karma weighs, the more restricted one will be to certain pathways, and the less nimbly one will be able to change direction. One’s karma is, of course, a reflection of one’s previously expressed true will.

Such arguments were no doubt understood by the monk in the image at the top of this page. Although he was a Buddhist, and not an Elementalist, he would have been aware that the material world is illusory and therefore that all sensations are transitory. As such, he would have possessed a great deal of the wisdom that Elementalists aspire to.


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