There’s Nothing As Profitable As Human Suffering

Everyone’s trying to figure out quick ways to make a buck. The world today is so complicated, however, that it’s not easy to see where the potential for generating profits lies. As this essay will elucidate, there’s one easy rule that one can follow to find wealth: there’s nothing in the wide world as profitable as human misery and suffering.

Broadly speaking, there are four different kinds of suffering, and all of them are immensely profitable.

Physical suffering in the form of hunger is the basis for the profitability of the food industry. Travellers will be aware that almost every city on Earth has a McDonald’s. The suffering caused by being exposed to the elements creates the profitability of the accommodation industry. Travellers will also be aware of how much of their travel budget goes on accommodation.

The reason why medicine makes such immense profits (in America particularly, but also elsewhere) is because they know that people will pay any amount of money when the alternative is death. Colossal amounts of money are generated by prolonging the suffering of terminally ill people, especially in cases where there is no hope of recovery. Even people who aren’t dying will fork out huge sums to have their physical suffering ameliorated.

Emotional suffering in the form of mental ill health is the basis for the profitability of the pharmaceutical industry. The sale of anti-psychotic pills such as Olanzapine brings in billions of dollars every year. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiolytics bring in similar amounts, and all of this profit is made possible by the psychotogenic nature of modern society.

This emotional suffering also allows for great profits from alcohol and tobacco sales. In order to profit from a mentally ill person, it’s not necessary to prescribe them pharmaceuticals. One can still make heaps of money off them by selling them drugs at a supermarket or chemist. As long as they are suffering enough, they will pay hard cash just for a temporary journey into oblivion.

Intellectual suffering in the form of boredom is the basis for the profitability of the entertainment industry. The sheer tedium of modern life, which has made everything as predictable and safe as possible, has created a powerful desire for stimulation in any form possible. Sports, television, video games and music all depend for their profitability on people suffering from the dreary monotony of the everyday.

This intellectual suffering also exists in the form of an unslaked thirst for truth. Because our modern media is full of absolute garbage, and our Governments full of lying swine, it’s impossible to trust anything popular. Therefore, simply speaking the truth can be enough to generate profit – but only as long as enough ignorance exists to cause suffering.

Finally, spiritual suffering in the form of ignorance is the basis for the profitability of the religious industry. The vast majority of people can be induced into a state of terror at the thought of their inevitable physical death, and almost all consider this to be the natural state of the human animal. In reality, a fear of death only affects people who are unenlightened.

The material world is nothing more than ephemera, and this is understood by those who have seen beyond. Therefore, the death of the physical body does not impact consciousness. An enlightened person will understand, then, that death is nothing to be feared, and that only through attachment to these temporary ephemera do we suffer.

None of any of this would be too much of a problem, were it not for the fact that most human suffering today is artificially created, specifically for the purpose of generating greater profits.

Housing shortages are almost always artificially generated, for the simple reason that restricting the supply of a limited good inevitably increases its price. Therefore, the people who already own property have an interest in both restricting new builds (which would increase the supply of competitors) and increasing immigration (which increases demand for housing).

Most mental illnesses, likewise, are artificial creations. The suffering they cause is, of course, very real – but their creation is usually the result of the way that society is structured. Not every human being is naturally capable of coping with the demands of being chained to a desk all day from age five, and having to beg to be allowed to take a piss. Many of them crack.

The television, newspaper and radio industries literally make money by causing human suffering. This is because advertisers will pay these people money to run ads that cause suffering to their audience, in the hope that those audience members will be induced to spend money on the advertisers’ products. To that end, the advertisements’ ceaseless refrain is how ugly, fat, stupid, smelly and disgusting everyone is.

This grim reality is particularly true in the case of spiritual suffering. The Abrahamic cults have always had a policy of destroying and suppressing true spiritual practice. This is why Christians destroyed the Eleusinian Mysteries at the end of the fourth century, why they persecuted “witches” in the Middle Ages, and why they criminalised the use of spiritual sacraments such as magic mushrooms in the 20th century.

Christians have always known that the more suffering in the world, the more likely people are to turn to the Church, at which point their wealth can be leeched off them in exchange for a temporary feeling of absolution. To that end, they generally oppose any measure that would reduce the suffering of the people – New Zealand Christians are behind both the movement opposing the cannabis referendum and the movement opposing the euthanasia referendum.

The widespread conspiracy to create more human suffering for the sake of profits is nothing less than a crime against humanity, and perhaps the most atrocious one of all time. Unfortunately, those profits are so great that people will always be tempted to engage in this conspiracy. There’s nothing as profitable as human suffering, and if profits aren’t great enough then suffering will be created to generate them.


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The Law of Assortative Reincarnation

Some people, upon being told that consciousness survives the death of the physical body, say: so what? The really interesting question is what the order of reality looks like on the far side of death. This essay discusses an ancient concept – the Law of Associative Reincarnation.

A person’s frequency of consciousness determines the sort of reality they manifest. This is true in life, and it’s true in death.

In life, this rule is known as the Law of Attraction. This holds that (among other things) a person’s frequency of consciousness repels both higher and lower frequencies, so that people tend to attract other people like themselves. Angry people attract angry people, humble people attract humble people and curious people attract curious people.

This law holds that the energy you put out into the world will be the same as the energy that comes back to you from the world. Reality will come to manifest itself according to your thoughts, because thoughts lead to actions. If you dwell on bad things, they will come. If you dwell on good things, they will come.

In death, we might call this rule the Law of Assortative Reincarnation. This is a very similar concept to the biological concept of assortative mating. This refers to the observation that, in sexually reproducing species, mating tends to occur between individuals that have important things in common. Tall people tend to mate with other tall people, pretty people with other pretty people, smart people with other smart people etc.

In order words: we attract, on the other side of death, the same sort of beings that we attract on this side of death. This we do by means of the frequency that we project into the world.

When a person’s body dies, their ego dies with it, and so the person no longer has the part of the mind that lies and makes unjustified excuses for itself. After death, consciousness returns to God – and to God’s judgment. Being without ego, people don’t question God’s judgment on the other side of death. Consequently, they accept their fate.

Although God is without malice, the fact is that every person, when stripped of ego, will agree that they ought to get what they deserve. The fairest thing for every sentient being is to live in a reality filled with beings on the same frequency of consciousness as themselves. God facilitates this. Some call this the Law of Karma, and this law underpins both the Law of Attraction and the Law of Associative Reincarnation.

The frequency of consciousness that a person is at when the death of the physical body occurs is the same frequency of the part of the Great Fractal that that person will reincarnate into. All the beings that populate the next world that a person reincarnates in are fractal expressions of that person’s own frequency of consciousness – and that person is a fractal expression of all those other beings.

The Law of Assortative Reincarnation holds that people reincarnate into worlds with the same frequency as themselves. This means that people reincarnate into worlds populated by beings at a similar frequency. Some will be lower, and some will be higher, but the average will be similar to one’s own. Thus, each being is assigned to the part of the Great Fractal that is appropriate for their frequency of consciousness.

Shocking at it may sound to some, the Universe is perfectly just – but only at high levels of resolution, such as when one observes chunks of multiple lifetimes. At low levels of resolution, such as a mere decade, it can appear extremely unjust. This is why short-sighted and materialistic people are often preoccupied with some grievance or other.

This means that people really do get what they deserve. People who are cruel will adopt a frequency that reflects cruelty. Consequently, they will attract cruel people into their lives and will repel kind ones. People who are kind will adopt a frequency that reflects kindness. Consequently, they will attract kind people into their lives and repel cruel ones. This is true on both sides of death.

A person may or may not get punished legally for acts of cruelty, but they always get punished spiritually. This is because acts of cruelty transmute a person’s consciousness into a cruel frequency, and that attracts similar beings, who then inevitably treat the cruel person the way they treated others. It’s impossible to transmute one’s consciousness into a cruel frequency and attract kind people. It might be possible to temporarily do it by tricking them, but they will never intuitively trust a cruel person.

If a person wants to go to heaven after they die, or at least wants to reincarnate in a world with less egregious suffering than here on Earth, they need to perform enough works of alchemy to transmute their consciousness into a level where it would be heavenly to be around that person. Are you the sort of person whose frequency would create a heaven? If not, you don’t deserve to live in one.

Understanding the Law of Assortative Reincarnation means that one would never complain about the nature of life on this Earth. This Earth may be cruel, and it may be brutal, but the reason why everyone incarnated here is because of the frequency of consciousness that we cultivated in our past lives.

If a person thinks that the world is too cruel (and who doesn’t?), it’s impossible to change things by suicide. Committing suicide simply means that one will incarnate in a world where other beings are inclined to commit suicide. Because suicide is a cruel thing to do, one will therefore incarnate around other cruel beings and will not have escaped the cruelty of Earth.

The correct thing to do is to transmute one’s frequency of consciousness from the basest, most egotistical level to the highest and most noble one. This will ensure that one attracts other beings on that level, whether on this side of death or the other. The easiest way to do this is to focus on alleviating the suffering of one’s fellow sentient beings.


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Has Firearms Confiscation Failed Like Cannabis Prohibition?

The amnesty period for the recent firearms confiscation in New Zealand has just ended. Early estimates suggest that fewer than half of the recently-banned firearms have been handed in, which means that some 100,000 Kiwis are now criminals. This essay asks: if the New Zealand people aren’t going to obey the new firearms law because they don’t consider it legitimate, is enforcing it even feasible?

No people are obliged to obey immoral laws.

Intuitive recognition of this natural law of morality is why cannabis prohibition has failed in New Zealand. The people of New Zealand feel that they have the inherent right to use cannabis, and therefore they don’t care about the manmade laws prohibiting it. The people who follow and enforce these laws, not the ones that break them, are the ones who shall incur the karmic debt.

This widespread refusal to submit to cannabis prohibition has made the law unenforceable. Not only do Kiwis continue to use cannabis, but they regularly collaborate to help each other evade law enforcement. Although people getting ratted out for cannabis offences is still very common, it’s not routine like it is for offences that actually harm people. So for every cannabis user arrested, a hundred more people become cannabis users.

In a system such as ours, our politicians are supposed to be representatives of the public will. Therefore, the New Zealand people feel that politicians who do not follow the public will are acting in bad faith, and that these politicians do not need to be respected. Overseas, such sentiments regularly lead to violence and civil unrest. Consequently, our politicians try to make sure that they’re seen respecting the public will.

This is part of the unwritten contract that prevents we, the people, from killing them. We have the right to kill anyone trying to enslave us, as per the Iron Tenet of anarcho-homicidalism, and anyone refusing to accept our legitimate will is trying to enslave us. The ruling class understand this, which is why they are now giving way on the question of cannabis prohibition.

The problem is that it’s starting to look as if the public will is against the new firearms prohibitions. The New Zealand Council of Licenced Firearms Owners estimates that, although some 56,000 weapons have been surrendered, there are still 100,000 that have not been. There are also suggestions that, of the 56,000 rifles surrendered, many were effectively useless anyway.

The question raised by the refusal to hand in the now-prohibited firearms is this: if the New Zealand people refuse to submit to the new firearms prohibitions, are these laws any more enforceable than the cannabis laws? In other words, is it possible that widespread defiance of the new firearms prohibitions could lead to their withdrawal in the future?

There are already counter-movements to the firearms crackdowns.

The New Conservatives have promised to repeal the recent changes to the firearms laws. VJM Publishing has declared the ownership of weapons to be an inherent human right granted by God, as part of the Sevenfold Conception of Human Rights. Predictably, a large proportion of rural dwellers are against tightening firearms prohibition, with many having stashed weapons away.

There is one major difference between the cannabis laws and the firearms laws. It’s much harder to prohibit something that grows in the ground from a seed than it is to prohibit precision instruments that have to be manufactured overseas in a dedicated factory and then imported.

The New Zealand Police might calculate, therefore, that if they smash a few Kiwis in high-profile firearms raids, and co-ordinate this with a mainstream media propaganda campaign calling the targets “white supremacists,” the remainder will submit.

After all, it took ninety years of utter futility, wasting billions of dollars and many millions of manhours, before it was admitted that cannabis prohibition was a failure. So there’s no reason to think that the New Zealand ruling class will lightly give up their ambitions to render the population harmless through firearms prohibition. Even if it has failed, they will not readily admit it.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what laws are forced on us by our ruling classes. The Police will attack any Kiwi that the ruling class tells them to attack, but if repeated attacks don’t change the people’s behaviour, then there’s good reason to think that it won’t ever change. This has already been proven true with the failed attempts to prohibit homosexuality, prostitution and cannabis use.

The next few years will see a battle between the will of the ruling class, expressed through the actions of the New Zealand Police, and the will of the Kiwi nation who will be targeted by those actions. If the New Zealand people utterly refuse to co-operate with the new firearms prohibitions, then the ruling class might be forced to concede that those prohibitions are unenforceable.


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Who Are The Forces Of Evil In The Cannabis Referendum Debate?

Now that the cannabis referendum question has been announced, the real battlelines have finally been drawn. Every decent person understands that the forces of evil are lined up against the Cannabis Legalisation And Control Bill, but the question remains: who are they? Dan McGlashan, author of Understanding New Zealand, describes the opponents to cannabis law reform in New Zealand.

The easy way to tell who is for and who is against cannabis is by looking at the correlations between various demographics and their support for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party in the 2017 General Election.

This can be done by importing the demographic data from the Electoral Profiles on the Parliamentary website into a statistics program such as Statistica, and then calculating a correlation matrix. Such an approach was the basis of my analysis in Understanding New Zealand, in which I calculated the correlations between all demographics and voting preferences and every other.

The strongest correlation between voting ALCP in 2017 and being in any demographic is the one between voting ALCP in 2017 and being Maori. This was a gigantic 0.91, which suggests that the vast bulk of Maori people are in favour of cannabis law reform. The strength of this relationship can be seen from looking at the ALCP vote in the Maori electorates, which is around twice as high as the ALCP vote in general electorates.

Maoris are strong supporters of cannabis law reform for several reasons. The primary reason is because cannabis suits them better than alcohol, to which they have little genetic resistance. The fact that white people have thousands of years of genetic resistance to alcohol, and Maoris don’t, mean that the normalisation of alcohol culture is grossly unfair.

The other super-powerful correlation with voting ALCP in 2017 was with regular tobacco smokers. This was 0.89, suggesting that if a person is a regular tobacco smoker they are all but certain to be a supporter of cannabis law reform.

The reason for this correlation is that it’s mostly only people with mental problems who smoke tobacco, and these same people smoke cannabis for its medicinal effects. If a person has PTSD or anxiety, it’s often the case that tobacco and cannabis both have a similar medicinal effect.

One less strong, but still powerful, correlation was between supporting the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party and being New Zealand born – this was 0.73. It will come as a surprise to many, but cannabis use is an implicit part of the New Zealand identity. It’s as much a part of who we are as rugby, beaches, barbeques and ethnic confusion. Therefore, people who are born and raised in New Zealand are much more likely to support cannabis law reform than those born elsewhere.

These correlations suggest that the average cannabis user is the salt-of-the-earth working-class Kiwi. This is proven by the correlation between voting ALCP in 2017 and being employed in working-class professions, such as community or personal service worker (0.77), labourer (0.71), machinery operators and drivers (0.70) or technicians and trades workers (0.43).

The pro-cannabis forces, then, are basically the people who are at the coal face of the tough jobs in New Zealand. People who work repetitive jobs or jobs with heavy social contact are the ones who tend to have the strongest need to destress at the end of the day, and it’s for them that cannabis law reform would be the most beneficial.

This gives us a good idea of who the forces of evil are.

Many of the opponents to cannabis law reform are old people. The correlation between voting ALCP in 2017 and median age was -0.57. It’s necessary to note, however, that the correlation between voting ALCP and being on the pension was only -0.18, i.e. not statistically significant. This means that the relation to age and support for cannabis law reform is not linear – it rebounds among pensioners.

This replicates a pattern seen overseas. People tend to be anti-cannabis the older they are, up until the point where they are so old that their life starts to revolve around medicines and doctors. At this point it’s common for people to get exposed to cannabis and to come to appreciate its medicinal effects. So the brainwashing only lasts until there’s an element of personal interest in it, at which point it’s discarded.

Christians make up another strong anti-cannabis bloc. The correlation between voting ALCP in 2017 and being Christian was -0.37. Christians have always hated cannabis users, in particular because cannabis is the natural spiritual sacrament of the Eurasian people. This is why Bob McCoskrie, funded by Church money, is taking the leading role in the anti-cannabis campaign.

Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists are all significantly opposed to cannabis law reform as well. The correlation between voting ALCP in 2017 and belonging to any of these religious groups was at least -0.30. As mentioned above, this is because cannabis is a spiritual sacrament, and therefore its use is directly against the interests of organised religion.

Predictably, then, there is a strong negative correlation between voting National and voting ALCP. Interestingly, the correlation between voting ALCP in 2017 and voting National in 2017 (-0.70) is more strongly negative than the correlation between voting ALCP in 2017 and voting Conservative in 2017 (-0.40). This underlines the degree to which National voters are not motivated by conservatism so much as actual malice.

The forces of evil, then, in the cannabis law reform debate are the same old, religious bigots who have opposed every other attempt at making society better. They’re essentially the same people who opposed homosexual, smacking and prostitution law reform, and they’ll oppose everything in the future too, because any change makes them piss their pants.


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