Those who follow the NZ media scene may have noticed something unexpected: gang members getting platformed while VJM Publishing gets deplatformed. Why would murderers and rapists be given a voice in the mainstream media, while a non-criminal speaker of multiple languages with a postgraduate science degree is denied one? This essay explains.
Most consumers of media assume that the purpose of the mainstream media is to inform the masses. This is incorrect. This belief is naive, almost childish. The reality is that the purpose of the mainstream media is to shape public opinion. To that end, they platform people who help shape the desired narratives and they deplatform people who don’t.
Whose desired narratives? As explained in Clown World Chronicles, the current rulers of the world are known as globohomo, an alliance of international banking and finance interests (on the right) and globalist Commies and cultural Marxists (on the left). The globohomo alliance (a.k.a. the Globohomo Gayplex) wants the same thing as every other tyrannical, authoritarian ruler throughout history: submission.
This explains why gang members, like the Black Power boss pictured above, are platformed in the mainstream media.
As anyone familiar with gang members will know, they almost always prey on vulnerable people. This means the poor, the sick, the elderly or the young. Very seldom do they inconvenience middle-class people and never would they touch a member of the ruling class.
As such, gang members aren’t a threat to the people who own the mainstream media. To the contrary. Gang members spread fear and terror in the communities who would otherwise be most likely to come together to oppose Establishment oppression – the working classes and the disadvantaged. Those very same revolutionary elements that threaten tyrants everywhere are weakened by the presence of criminals.
As Ted Kaczynski said, “[the system] needs people who are docile and obedient and don’t make trouble.” The most effective way to create such a populace is fear. Gangs spread fear more effectively than almost anything, and that fear leads to paralysis in the face of authority. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it has to be accepted that gangs are a weapon of the Establishment, and they ultimately do the bidding of the Establishment.
VJM Publishing, by contrast, fights for the vulnerable. Our pages are full of essays and articles that champion the worker, the freethinker and the spiritual sacrament user. We openly state the very last thing things that the Establishment wants to be known: that consciousness survives the death of the physical body and that there’s nothing, fundamentally, to be afraid of.
This makes us an actual threat. The spiritual truths about the nature of reality are the most liberating things of all. Anyone who is truly aware of the immortality of the soul also understands that nothing that the Establishment can threaten us with in this life is truly terrible. Anyone who knows this can laugh off the fear-mongering propaganda that the mainstream media vomits out to keep us submissive.
The fact that we can back up our assertions with facts and evidence makes us a major threat. In fact, VJM Publishing articles are far more likely to reference actual scientific literature than any of the mainstream media. This is because VJM, having earned a postgraduate degree in psychology, actually understands the science, unlike the mainstream media presstitutes who just parrot whatever powerful people say.
Any intelligent and objective person would be more inclined to believe something VJM Publishing wrote than to believe something in the mainstream media. So the very presence of an outfit like VJM Publishing costs the Establishment millions of dollars per year through neutralising their propaganda.
As Josef Goebbels understood, even one single voice counter-signalling mainstream propaganda is enough to make people start asking questions. That’s why authoritarians all throughout history have made sure to control the narrative.
This is why TradeMe was hounded by far-left extremists into refusing to sell Clown World Chronicles on the grounds that it’s racist (while continuing to sell Mein Kampf). Clown World Chronicles is the most accurate criticism of the Western political Establishment ever written by a New Zealander, and that simply could not be permitted by that Establishment and their Antifa lackies.
In summary, gang members are platformed because they spread fear, mistrust, suspicion, hysteria and division, all of which serve the interests of those who own the mainstream media platforms. VJM Publishing’s message of good news, by contrast, directly opposes those interests. As such, we must remain underground while murderers and rapists are given centre stage.
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