As Western society continues to collapse, the psychological health of Westerners continues to worsen. As it does, the rate of Loser Syndrome increases, which is the main reason why there’s so much visible trashiness in society today. This essay looks at the causes and effects of this phenomenon.
Loser Syndrome can be found wherever a person has a negative effect upon their social environment because of a weak psychological makeup. Losers are those who cause their family, community or nation more problems than they solve, usually because of a shitty attitude that makes them refuse to put their ego aside long enough to make any positive contribution to anyone else’s life.
It’s not fair to call people losers if they were born with genetic conditions or if they were abused or neglected as children and left with traumatic stress disorders. Such people may be unlucky, but they’re not necessarily losers, as they are still fully capable of entertaining the gods through striving to overcome their conditions. The loser does not strive to overcome; true Loser Syndrome can be understood as a psychospiritual phenomenon.
There are two aspects to Loser Syndrome.
The first is giving up on life. This involves rejecting the reality about life and its temporary nature. The loser has no ambitions apart from vague power fantasies. He mumbles, doesn’t make eye contact when talking, disrespects people, and generally lowers the tone of any environment he’s in. His eyebrows are either knotted in a surly scowl or relaxed in a dimwit gaze. He has surrendered.
Some losers are narcissistic enough to dress and groom themselves well, but give themselves away both through body language and through a child-like solipsism that makes them act as if they were alone in the world (a.k.a. Main Character Syndrome). A predilection for destruction over creation is typical of someone who has given up. As such, Loser Syndrome acts like a cancer in the wider social body, preventing it from thriving.

The second, and most important aspect, is an expectation that others will also give up on life. Anyone who tries hard to achieve something, anyone who strives, is sneered at and ripped down by those afflicted by Loser Syndrome. They would rather that everyone else sink to the lowest level of society, and become like them.
If the loser themselves cannot be venerated, no-one can. So anyone who venerates someone else has to be torn down. Such is the viciousness and depth of the resentment that Loser Syndrome is fuelled by. Those with it are always unhappy to see other people do well. The successes of their friends and family bring them no joy. In fact, such successes can often create further resentment.
Herein it’s clear that Loser Syndrome is a slave morality. Like the other slave moralities, Loser Syndrome lifts up the lowest and most execrable (other losers) and pushes down the honourable and the good (non-losers). The more society hates you, the more the loser likes you, and vice-versa.
If misery loves company, so does trashiness.
To some extent, Loser Syndrome and trashiness are similar things, however Loser Syndrome is unique for its aggression. Many trashy people are happy-go-lucky, whereas the genuine loser strives mightily to take everyone else down. Anyone happy, especially if they’re happy about themselves, has to be attacked.

In this sense, Loser Syndrome can be conceptualised as an advanced form of trashiness, in the same way that psychopathy is an advanced form of narcissism. Trashiness can be fun and light-hearted, but Loser Syndrome is a pathological intensification of trashiness that emanates low vibrations. Normal people can have trashy friends, but they can’t have loser friends, because those losers will either rip the Normies down or find a reason to turn on them.
Unfortunately for us, increasing economic pressures mean that Loser Syndrome is predicted to become more common.
The harsher the economic climate becomes, the fewer people get to enjoy a dignified standard of living, which means the more resentment exists. When inequality reaches such a degree that those born without talents see no hope of climbing the ladder, the destructive intent characteristic of Loser Syndrome will fully explode.
Loser Syndrome is ultimately a social contagion that is emblematic of collapse. No-one in authority seems to give a shit, so why should anyone else? Unfortunately, when someone does start giving a shit, and drives the losers out, chances are they will be an authoritarian psychopath who causes tremendous collateral damage. The loser, therefore, is the harbinger of widespread suffering.
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