Diversity Fatigue

A new psychiatric condition has befallen Clown World: diversity fatigue. Diversity fatigue is believed to affect the majority of Westerners at time of writing, but is especially strong in major metropolitan centres like London, New York, Paris and Los Angeles. It’s also strong in consumers of mainstream corporate media. This essay explains.

The simple way to understand diversity fatigue is that it’s like future shock but for demographics. Like future shock, it’s a state of becoming mentally and physiologically overwhelmed by reactions to undesired change. The difference is that diversity fatigue is caused by long-term exposure to high levels of tension brought about by diversity.

Diversity of races and cultures means diversity of moral values. This demands greater energy expenditure as each individual has to remain aware of a multiplicity of different ways of doing things. Instead of being able to relax and assume that the person one is interacting with is on the same wavelength, one must constantly expend energy on determining what might offend them.

The major symptom of diversity fatigue is withdrawal.

This initially manifests as a kind of learned helplessness. This occurs when people realise that they can no longer escape diversity. After years of seeing one’s social environment become more diverse and, at the same time, become more violent, insecure and chaotic, people start to tire of new diversity initiatives, and of seeing diverse faces in public areas.

The most acute form of learned helplessness occurs when people realise that diversity is being pushed on them by powerful forces that can barely be comprehended, let alone resisted. People become NEETs, or unhinged conspiracy theorists, when they realise that diversity is a weapon wielded against advanced societies by globohomo.

Understanding the truth, but not being able to speak it, people surrender. Not knowing what sort of humour is still politically correct, people stop making jokes. On a micro level, the individual begins to withdraw from their immediate environment, and retreats into their own heads. This process is often accompanied by intense dissociation.

Withdrawal also occurs on the macro level, with people physically moving away from diversity (usually by moving from an urban to a rural area). Some describe this as ‘white flight’, but it isn’t so much a race-based pattern as a wealth-based one. Wealthy browns and blacks tend to get out of the ghetto as fast as they can, whereas working-class whites tend to get stuck there themselves.

There are several major causes of diversity fatigue.

One of the most obvious is the increased demand on mental energy from being exposed to foreign languages, cultures and moral schedules, sometimes multiple such. A person has to strain their attention in order to determine which language is being spoken, or which cultural or moral values are currently prevailing, which costs energy.

This process is amplified when the fashionable classes invent new words, or moral imperatives, that everyone has to keep up with or be shunned from society. The New Zealand ruling classes are doing this right now by turning the local dialect of English into an English-Maori creole, and then ostracising anyone who can’t or won’t speak it, inevitably accusing them of racism first.

Related to this are the increased mental energy demands from exposure to all manner of novel threats. Some of these threats are physical, in the form of violence or theft, but others are social, such as threats to one’s reputation if one doesn’t keep up with the latest moral fashions. Because diversity usually brings with it higher levels of violence or property crimes, people in diverse societies are forced to spend extra energy maintaining vigilance.

Other energy drains come from demoralisation.

The major source of demoralisation in Clown World today comes from constantly being called racist by authority figures. In this regard, racism serves the same niche that sexual desire served 500 years ago – an excuse that authority figures use to browbeat us into submission. Where the medieval priest told everyone they were evil because they had sexual thoughts, now our moral leaders tell everyone they are evil because they believe in racial differences.

This relates to the other major source of demoralisation: all the lies one is asked to accept. Every honest person knows that different races have different gene frequencies, and that human behaviour patterns are mostly genetic, and therefore different races naturally have different behaviour patterns. It’s humiliating to have people constantly demand that one ignore the evidence of one’s own eyes, and pretend that human biodiversity isn’t real.

Physiological exhaustion and demoralisation combine to give us the ever-present “It’s all so tiresome” mindset that is true diversity fatigue.

Unfortunately for us, our rulers appear to have understood that diversity makes the populace fatigued and thereby less willing and able to come together to resist exploitation and injustice. Amazon understands that diverse workplaces are less likely to unionise, and by a similar logic, diverse electorates are less likely to oppose their ruling classes.


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