VJM Publishing – Happy To Admit We’re Propagandists!

In the West we like to pretend that our communications are not propaganda. Not only does the mainstream media tell the truth, but our politicians are also honest. Propaganda is something that totalitarian regimes engage in, not the free press of Western countries. VJM Publishing is the only media outfit willing to admit that this narrative is horseshit.

Ironically, the narrative that only the bad guys use propaganda is itself propaganda. Our authorities have claimed that all of the Nazi rhetoric was propaganda, all of the Soviet rhetoric was propaganda, and now all of the Chinese rhetoric is propaganda. Their rhetoric of lies contrasts sharply with our rhetoric, which is all based on the truth.

Of course, the Nazis told their people that Allied rhetoric was propaganda, and the Soviets told their people that Western rhetoric was propaganda, and the Chinese told their people that Western rhetoric was propaganda. The enemies of our rulers have exactly the same opinion about our communications that we have about theirs.

It’s all bullshit.

Western rulers have a long history of telling lies to gain support for their objectives. From the lies about Germans bayonetting Belgian babies in World War One, to the lies about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, to the lies about Saddam Hussein building weapons of mass destruction, Western populations have been bathed in propaganda ever since we were old enough to be dumped in front of a radio or television.

Not a single one of us knows life without a constant barrage of propaganda.

The truth is that all sides use propaganda – and they must. As Edward Bernays said, if you don’t use propaganda, your enemy will. And that enemy propaganda will destroy you, as it will normalise hatred for you in the public opinion. Every political position must be propagandised for, otherwise it will be propagandised against, making support for it untenable.

In light of these facts, VJM Publishing are happy to admit we’re propagandists. We don’t even pretend to be the reader’s sole source of truth. VJM Publishing merely publishes our narratives, and if you don’t like it, you’re free to argue with us about it! Debate us at any time!

VJM Publishing propagandises for two major causes.

The first is alternative centrism. This is the revolutionary political philosophy that solves the problems created by existing political traditions. Alt centrism not only rejects the existing political establishment, but it also rejects the alt left and the alt right, who are both considered dangerous extremists. As we have previously argued, alt centrism is a philosophy whose time has come.

Alt centrism does away with the bickering and resentment of those who hold the other five political positions, in favour of a focus on understanding the motivations of those five groups of people. Understanding their motivations, it’s easier to see where those motivations can be fairly accepted, and where they must be rejected. These applications are expressed in alt centrist theory as the Five Acceptances and the Five Rejections.

The second is Elementalism. This is the revolutionary religious and spiritual philosophy that solves the problems created by existing religious and spiritual dogmas. Much like alt centrism, Elementalism takes the good aspects of existing religious and spiritual traditions and combines them into one coherent philosophy, best expressed in the book Elemental Elementalism.

Elementalism cleverly draws a neat distinction between the traditions of the past and the traditions of the future. The religious dogmas of the Age of Pisces are jettisoned in favour of a modern conception of the perennial philosophy. Elementalism is the religion of the Age of Aquarius, and at VJM Publishing we unashamedly work to promote it.

No matter what we propagandise for, we are happy to admit that we’re propagandists. We want you to think more positively about alt centrism and about Elementalism, and we want you to tell other people about these ideas. Why deny it? To deny that we are propagandists would be like when Jacinda Ardern denied that she told lies – a falsehood so obviously false that to assert it is ludicrous.

VJM Publishing is so happy to admit that we’re propagandists that we go by the epithet “God’s Propagandists”, and Vice-President Vince McLeod goes by the epithet “God’s Propagandist”. We embrace our roles as propagandists for truth, freedom and justice.

None of this means that we tell lies. To the contrary – our reputation as an honest and accurate source of information is invaluable to us. As the ongoing collapse of the mainstream media demonstrates, propaganda is ineffective if its source has a reputation for lying. So to be the most effective propagandists we can be, we strive for truth and accuracy. This is why our latest work, Best of VJMP 2021, has 16 pages of references!

As long as VJM Publishing exists, we will propagandise in support of scientific and spiritual truths.


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