“If by ‘democracy’ we mean the form which the Third Estate as such wishes to impart to public life as a whole, it must be concluded that democracy and plutocracy are the same thing under the two aspects of wish and actuality, theory and practice, knowing and doing. It is the tragic comedy of the world‑improvers’ and freedom‑teachers’ desperate fight against money that they are ipso facto assisting money to be effective. Respect for the big number—expressed in the principles of equality for all, natural rights, and universal suffrage—is just as much a class‑ideal of the unclassed as freedom of public opinion (and more particularly freedom of the press) is so. These are ideals, but in actuality the freedom of public opinion involves the preparation of public opinion, which costs money; and the freedom of the press brings with it the question of possession of the press, which again is a matter of money; and with the franchise comes electioneering, in which he who pays the piper calls the tune. The representatives of the ideas look at one side only, while the representatives of money operate with the other. The concepts of Liberalism and Socialism are set in effective motion only by money. … the Jacobins had destroyed the old obligations of the blood and so had emancipated money; now it stepped forward as lord of the land. There is no proletarian, not even a Communist movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, in the directions indicated by money, and for the time being permitted by money—and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact. The great movement which makes use of the catchwords of Marx has not delivered the entrepreneur into the power of the worker, but both into that of the Bourse.”
Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, Volume 2, pp 401
Dissidents who live within the GDP zone formally known as New Zealand face a perplexing array of institutions and individuals which are opposed to their interests. Within the state, without the state, in the academia, in the realms of business and the bourse, we face coalitions of groups and interests which we need to understand properly in order to achieve our objectives. In this essay and others which are to come, I will detail provide insight into our enemies, who they are and what motivates them. First, I will provide a rundown of what we know of the person. Second, I will explore why they do what they do and what their objective is.
Today, we will talk about Marc Daalder. Who is Marc Daalder? Well, from what I have been able to establish here is a timeline of Marc Daalder:
1996 – Marc Daalder is born to Ivo Daalder and Eliza Harris. Ivo Daalder was serving as Director for European Affairs on the National Security Council staff under President Bill Clinton. He has one sibling.
2012 – Marc writes articles for the high school newspaper at the International School of Brussels, a school which costs approximately $70,000 NZD per year for 2020 fees. His father is posted to Brussels as the United States Permanent Representative to NATO.
2012/2013 – Marc graduates from high school.
2013 to 2018 – Marc attends Amherst College, an extremely selective private liberal arts college with a $USD82,008–$84,458 ($NZD123,022-126,710) tuition fee per year (2020 fees). He writes for the Amherst Disorientation Guide and is later the editor in chief of the publication. He is also an organizer for the Amherst United Left.
2017 – Marc spends either one or two semesters at Victoria University of Wellington.
2018 – Marc graduates from Amherst College with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in History.
2018 – Marc begins to work for the Detroit Free Press as an intern journalist.
2018 – Marc emigrates to New Zealand, to work as a freelance journalist and to work as a research assistant investigating education reform in New Zealand.
2019/2020 – Marc writes extensively on issues within New Zealand, with a focus on the dissident right.
What can we say about him from this? He comes from an incredibly privileged background. Even on his father’s federal government salary, I do not believe he could afford to send his son to such unbelievably expensive school without the assistance of interested parties wishing to purchase favour with Marc’s father. From my analysis, further work into Marc’s connections and influence via his family or friend networks is not possible at this stage. It is fair to say he is a rich globalist with Jewish privilege from his international upbringing.
The Views of Marc Daalder
Now that we have this timeline out of the way, what can be said about Marc? I will derive what he believes from an analysis of his written material. I will prove three things with this analysis.
- His strong Jewish identity, which deeply defines his writing.
- His objective to write for gentile audiences and frame issues in favour of Jewish perspectives, often at the expense of white goyim.
- His endless pursuit of ethnic self-interest.
From this, I wish to demonstrate to the reader that he should not be taken seriously as a journalist, that he is pushing a pernicious agenda against the people of New Zealand and should not be listened to accordingly.
Marc on Israel
On the subject of Israel, Marc is strongly in favour of the Jewish state. He fully believes that Ashkenazi Jews, who are heavily admixed with Europeans, are the indigenous people of Palestine. This delegitimises and colonises the indigenous Christian and Islamic peoples of Palestine, who have resided in that land for millennia. In the same article, he advocates for Jews to work with ‘indigenous’ peoples of the world against the majority white population.
In a display of mental gymnastics or Talmudic pilpul, he says “Jews have been fortunate in what we have achieved, in part because we have not been subjected to quite the same colonialist and imperialist attitudes that mark Western interactions with indigenous people. Nonetheless, if we are to seriously embrace our identities as an indigenous people, we must commit ourselves to helping those without our privilege.”
Contemplate this statement for a moment. He is saying that Jews pass as white while he denies that Israel is a settler-colonial state of European Jews, instead they are native to the land. He argues in turn that Jews should engage in a strategy of Bioleninism as well as subversion of their host populations, a.k.a. the native people of whatever nation they are burrowed in. For an explanation of Bioleninism, see these references.
On the actual issue of Israel and Palestine, Marc seems to advocate for a two-state solution and recognizes that the security situation within Israel is untenable. It is an oddly principled stance and after reading every article I could find on the matter by Daalder, I confidently do not believe he wishes for continued military conflict between Israel and Palestine. However, he believes that the confiscated land of the Palestinians upon which Israel’s colonial-settler state exists today is completely legitimate in the hands of the settlers; while he seems to believe the European peoples of New Zealand do not share a similar legitimacy despite a significantly longer history of existence.
Such is his standard hypocrisy on these matters.
Marc on Genetics/Ancestry
On the subject of genetics and ancestry, Marc seems to believe Jewishness is an ethnoreligious matter. He states his nose and dark curly hair as genetic factors he inherited from his ancestors. He also wrote about the Jewish genetics of a Washington woman in a 2018 article on the accuracy of ancestry tests. It is worth remembering there were accusations at the time that these genetic testing companies were inserting false ancestry information into genetic tests ordered by white people. In these articles, he seems to believe that Jewishness is an ethnic matter.
Marc on POX
On the subject of people of colour, Marc seems to believe in the antisemitic canard of the Jewish alliance with blacks. He assumes POX must vote for the Democrats, and he reports alternative facts of voter intimidation and violence preventing POX from voting. He also reveals an oddly conspiratorial belief in Jews backing or running black organizations such as the NAACP, SPLC and BLM.
He wrote an article on the conspiracy of Jews backing and organising the Black Lives Matter movement, which collapsed after the shooting of five police officers by a BLM activist ruined the public image of BLM, and the advocating for Boycott, Divest and Sanction of Israel killed the funding for the movement.
He extensively refers to the blood libel of Leo Frank, the rapist and murderer of a 13-year-old white girl, Mary Phagan. Leo Frank, who was eventually brought to justice in a fit of raging anti-Semitism, had been represented by the best white gentile lawyers available, who attempted to pin the murder on an innocent black janitor.
In another piece, he wrote of promoting an alliance between Muslims and Jews against the white majority on the basis of the racial history of being denied entry into the United States during the 1930s. This is on the grounds that the United States refused to take more than 30,000 Jews during an economic depression, then the door must be held open for other alien peoples. This would be a reasonable position for an ethnic minority struggling against the tide of cultural domination if it were not for the fact that Marc believes he is “white-passing” and therefore can pretend to be a fellow white gentile.
Marc on Christianity
On the subject of Christianity, Marc seems to believe that the Christian faith drives anti-Semitism. He doesn’t seem to like that the majority of the US population celebrate Christmas as part of their faith, and seems to strangely believe that a supermajority of people are engaging in anti-Semitism because their cultural forms are expressed on products which they purchase. When he says “Christian”, he is dog-whistling “white”.
From the article: “For a long time, this change was minimized by the adoption of ‘Judeo-Christian’ as a new adjective for American religion. Jews, in this view, might not actually celebrate Christmas, but they could be comfortably grandfathered in as honorary members of the Christian tradition. But in recent years, this tolerance has been eroding as the notion of a ‘War on Christmas’ gains traction, to the point that even so benign a figure as Garrison Keillor could complain about the Jewish conspiracy to replace Christmas carols with non-denominational holiday songs, like ‘White Christmas'”. It is worth noting that the vast majority of Christmas songs were written by Jews, so it is odd that he attacks these carols.
When Christians United for Israel, a good goyim organization, came out speaking of George Soros as a “Nazi Collaborator”, Marc wrote an article condemning goys for not knowing that it is anti-Semitic to attack someone on the grounds that they were a Nazi. Regardless of the ridiculous ideological knots that Conservatives must tie themselves in to talk about values, policies and ideas imposed by Jews without talking about Jews; the Soros is a Nazi meme is the result of wanting to appeal to white audiences about issues they have an interest in while attempting to placate Jews, who often advocate for the other side. Pro-tip: Call them out on being ethnonarcissist Jews advocating against white people.
Marc on Demographic Shift
Marc seems to believe in the concept of intentional demographic shift when writing for the Jewish Magazine, The Forward. He says at the end of an article: “The War on Christmas is really a War for Inclusivity, and it is essential as we look towards remaking and repairing American culture going forward from this divisive election. To abandon multiculturalism or identity politics because Middle America (White) rejected them is to simply surrender after years of hard work. No, the work must continue and the war must be fought”. For a man who vehemently denies the ‘White Genocide conspiracy theory’, why does he seem to be promoting it in the Jewish Forward?
Marc on the Shoah
Marc seems to believe that gentiles must be policed for their thoughts by Jews or else it becomes a dangerous world for Jews. He writes extensively on Pewdiepie, normalising Nazism while marginalising others. Stating his perspective on the media: “The realm of cultural media, and particularly that oriented at young people, ought to be the focus of Jews and allies concerned about Nazism and anti-Semitism . . . . we must be vigilant and strenuous in our assertions that (noticing Jews) is not acceptable discourse”.
He also implies that without the Shoah myth, Jews would somehow be threatened, saying the following: “But just as dangerous to Jews is the way that the Holocaust is regularly disrespected and denied in a variety of cultural media.”
Speaking of the author Jonathan Green’s discussion of the death of Anne Frank, he wrote: “Even if we put aside the fact that Green once said that Frank ‘just died of illness like most people’ while ignoring the conditions of the concentration camp she died in.” There is nothing untrue about the statement that she died of typhus during March 1945. Yet he continues, accusing Green of “his continual de-Judaizing of Anne Frank and the Holocaust.” How does mentioning the nature of the unfortunate death of a teenage girl remove the Judaism from her?
This strong religious belief in the Shoah and the extreme elevation of the event into a holy status is evident in his blog posts on the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand Website. Gentiles joking about or diminishing the Shoah is an attack on the legitimacy of the event according to Marc. I wonder whether Jews like Sacha Baron Cohen contemplate this as they attack whites through comedy?
Marc on Spanish Colonisation
With his devout faith in the Shoah, he also believes that a few hundred to a few thousand Spanish adventurers managed to genocide 7 million natives in Hispaniola. What is it with 6 ± 5 million? It is a ridiculous claim to make, yet he throws this accusation at white people in an act of vile contempt.
Having read the History of the Conquest of Mexico by William H. Prescott, it is worth noting that the 500 Spanish conquistadors exploit the assistance of 200,000 natives who didn’t enjoy the brutal oppression of the Aztecs. Even then, such a genocide was not a logistical possibility.
Marc’s History of Doxxing
Marc has a long history of targeting white working-class men, starting with a police officer in Detroit. This seems to be part of a long trend – targeting white men who act in favour of their own people in the same spirit as Daalder himself acts in favour of Jewish ethnic interest. He has actively doxxed other people using his privileged position as a journalist.
Marc on Censorship
It is worth noting that he believes there must be censorship of “extremist” content, yet he believes in an ethnocentric Jewish-focused world view. He has written in a blog article that he is explicitly motivated in pushing for censorship of Holocaust fact-checking. This might also explain the desire to suppress all other conspiracies for fear that allowing silly conspiracies to flourish may open people to questioning the Shoah and in turn diminishing Jewish power. He openly discusses the desire to engage algorithmic suppression and artificial intelligence for suppressing perspectives which do not agree with the journalistic consensus. To quote Spengler: “What is the truth? For the multitude, that which it continually reads or hears.”
This is a cunning trick by a clever sleight of hand, in which articles are “fact-checked” against journalist sources, which report on matters in accordance with what the media ownership, stakeholder interests and writer desires. A journalist is in so doing given the power to decide what is fact and what is not. Yet this can be abused, as was the case with the fairy-tale WMDs used as a pretext to justify the invasion of Iraq by neoconservative political actors and journalists such as Jeffrey Goldberg.
It is worth reminding the reader that Newsroom, the current employer of Marc, is owned by Oaktree Capital Management at the time of writing. When media promote these new standards of censorship, it is acting in the interest of empowering these journalists, the neoliberal status quo and the bourse. He cries out for such censorship to retrench as a gatekeeper of the truth, to be given the privileged position of fact-checkers and not the fact-checked. He will not be fact-checked by other journalists as we goyim are, we are instead to be censored and suppressed via algorithmic gatekeepers as Marc insists.
What to ask from here?
So why does Marc Daalder believe in censorship? Does Marc debate censorship of the discourse for the benefit of all people, or solely for the benefit of his ethnic group? Why is he so intent on ensuring certain views are not seen by others? Is he trying to conceal the truth so that he may wield more influence and power? Does he not insist on the right to attack others for their beliefs which are often controversial, while he acts in an ethnocentric fashion, something widely condemned by contemporary liberal society?
In the assessment of this author on the beliefs of Marc Daalder, he is a vile, privileged and ethnonarcissistic Jew who uses his position as a journalist to advocate for the suppression of other peoples.
Themistocles is a writer and thinker with an interest in history, philosophy, mathematics and investigative journalism.
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How did the little worm get a job at Newsroom? One of the directors is married to one of the country’s top Zionist propagandists, but that can’t be it, as surely as Stefan Molyneux, a Jew who claims Jews have the highest IQs, is a white, and not a Jewish, supremacist.
Imagine if I turned up in New York a few months before 9/11, a foreigner barely out of my teens with no previous connection to New Zealand, and was immediately granted a prominent reporting role at a top media outlet, let’s say the NYPost, covering the historical event that was to befall that city a few months later… with my other reporting concerning social engineering and geopolitics, my daddy being one of the main players! It would make me extremely lucky in respect of my chosen profession, would it not, to be granted that opportunity, especially with so many local reporters out of work – as they are everywhere -and the local nature of the tragedy, in a place with such a strong local identity. Alas I, a foreign greenhorn barely out of my teens, would be unlikely to be embraced by New York as a important voice if not the legitimate voice from Ground Zero on the events of that awful day.
I don’t have the “X” factor! For politeness’s sake, let’s call it talent.
Marc’s innate talents, comparatively, are such that us clam shuckers and potato farmers can only wonder at them, and how they – totally reasonably, if not naturally, inevitably, genetically(?) – led to Marc fulfilling an equivalent role in respect of 3/15 to the one that would be denied me in respect of 9/11! 3/15? Never again! Let March 15 and the Christchurch Call bring an end to global anti-antisemitism (cough), I mean Islamophobia, once and for all. Nothing about us without us! If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Leave (((no one))) behind!!!
I meant to write:
…a foreigner barely out of my teens with no previous connection to *New York
A nasty little rich foreign Jew, brought up around the primary players of globalist power, who spends his time hunting Kiwis who question the behaviour of members of his race and denigrating the majority of the population of New Zealand as beneficiaries of privilege and white supremacy. Daalder expects state intervention or otherwise the total destruction of the life of those who question Jooish behaviour just as he works within a well positioned and funded network, a place he was granted after levers were pulled at the highest levels (why, in advance of what?) to destroy incrementally, progressively, anyone who speaks up for Athenian values and / or is critical of other forms of thought, like the fundamentally Jewish, Talmudic phenomenon of identity politics.
As long as standards of correctness are what people must live up to rather than truth the mob will always choose the murderer over the truth teller. Those who seek to rule at any cost and to subvert the Democratic will of the people will always encourage that the mob choose the former over the latter.
A live example with New Zealand’s supremacist Zionists stepping forward to use the “hate speech moment” since the mosque attacks to attack any competition that will not submit to total Zionist domination!
Marc Daalder’s job at Newsroom was arranged by Juliet Moses when in Israel during a meeting with Ivo Daalder.
Moses’ partner is Newsroom head Mark Jennings.
I read Juliet Moses differently. There was an article in Tablet about the dangers of Wokeism which she referred to and copped a lot of flack for it.
She was a stand-out at the anti-terrorism hui.