The Elementalist Exhortation Against Suicide

Camus wrote that humanity is constantly challenged by the ever-present prospect of suicide. To many people, it isn’t obvious why one should keep going in a world with as much suffering in it as this one. Elementalism exhorts people not to kill themselves, a position that is outlined in this essay.

The approach of many other ideologies is to say that committing suicide will cause you to go to Hell. There’s some truth to this, but it’s a crude and superstitious explanation, and as such is not convincing to most adults. Elementalism offers a much more persuasive admonition: to commit suicide is to cause oneself to be reincarnated in a world where people commit suicide.

At this point, a distinction needs to be drawn between tragic suicides and understandable suicides.

A tragic suicide is usually one where the suicide leaves behind people that cared for them. That is to say, the suicide increases the net amount of suffering in the world. The vast majority of suicides of young people are tragic ones, on account of that young people usually have a number of family and friends who care for them and who would be upset by their death.

An understandable suicide is one that does not increase the net amount of suffering in the world. An example might be when a person is so old that their remaining life is no longer worth living, but to continue is to suck up resources that could be used on someone else. If a person has outlived all their friends, their brothers and sisters, and their wife or husband, they might not be causing more suffering by ending their life.

Elementalists believe in the Law of Assortative Reincarnation. This is the belief that the consciousness of individuals and the consciousness of worlds are matched by a process of metaphysical assortment that occurs after the death of the physical body. A corollary of this is the belief that people incarnated into this world because they deserved to.

Fundamentally, it doesn’t really matter if a suicide is tragic or understandable, because one is not assorted into the next world based on categorical variables (such as suicide or natural death, believer or non-believer) but based on a continuous variable, namely one’s frequency of consciousness. Therefore, the assortment is much more precise than what most people think it is.

As stated above, a person reincarnates into the next world because the frequency of that person’s consciousness matches the frequency of that world. Thus, it can be stated that the actions of the beings in the next world will be reflective of your actions here in this one. If your actions here are violent, reckless and indifferent to human suffering, then the actions of the beings in the next world will reflect that.

So a suicide might well find that they reincarnate in the next world, and start to live a life in the hope and expectation that they can wring some joy out of it, only to have (for example) a child of theirs kill themselves at a vulnerable moment. Or perhaps they reincarnate in the next world and are left orphaned by a parent’s suicide. The extremely callous and violent nature of a tragic suicide means that being confronted with such things in the next life is all but inevitable.

Note that the above examples are only examples. It is not possible to say that simply because you do something in this world that it will get done to you in the next, therefore it’s not as simple as saying that suicide leads to suicide. But if you live a life on a frequency of murderous self-hatred that leads to suicide, you will manifest in the company of similar beings, and you might not like it.

More to the point, perhaps, someone who struggles with depression or despair and overcomes it will also find that their frequency of consciousness comes to reflect that. Therefore, the sort of people they will attract, both in this life and the next, will be the sort of person who suffers and then overcomes it. In other words, men and women of gold.

Gold is made by transmutation of energies. If a person can suffer and yet transmute that energy into something positive – so that the initial suffering eventually led to a net reduction of suffering – then they have successfully practised gold magic. The ability to transmute suffering into its opposite is the highest of all arts, and commensurately, the transmutation of suicidal suffering into its opposite is among the greatest of all achievements.

An Elementalist who properly understands these doctrines will be extremely disinclined to kill themselves, for these reasons. It would be much better to not kill oneself, and instead to take the opportunity presented by life in this place to raise one’s frequency of consciousness by transmuting suffering into joy. This is the true path of liberation.

Understanding the Law of Assortative Reincarnation is to understand that, in the next world, we will be enveloped in the very same energy that we expressed in this life. Therefore, the greatest imperative is to act to transmute suffering into its opposite, and the least imperative is to act to bring further suffering into the world.


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