Who Are The New Zealand Public Party?

The New Zealand counterculture has been surprised recently by the sudden rise of Billy Te Kahika and his New Zealand Public Party. His appearances on the Vinny Eastwood Show have brought his name to everyone’s awareness, but who is Billy TK and what is his party about? This article explains.

Most of the details about the party can be found at their website. This offers a fairly comprehensive overview of NZPP policy.

The NZPP is transparently a protest movement. The ‘About Us’ section of their website states “The New Zealand Public Party was formed by Billy Te Kahika in response to the blatant injustice and tyranny being hurled upon the New Zealand people by the Labour/NZ First/Green government.” Their main intention appears to be to change the system.

Billy TK himself is a mysterious man. Rumours swirl that he was an SAS soldier, a 33rd-degree Freemason, a former United Nations lackey and even an NZSIS operative who is acting to mislead anti-Establishment voters. His rise has been swift, and out of the blue – there is no indication that he has previously been a member of any other party.

Te Kahika has recognised the difficulty of surmounting the 5% threshold, and to that end has made an effort to unite the smaller parties. The NZPP has already absorbed the Reset New Zealand Party, who had many of the same aspirations regarding a national Bill of Rights. He has also approached the New Zealand Outdoors Party, the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party and the Social Credit Party with offers to unite.

The bulk of NZPP philosophy can be found on the ‘What We Stand For‘ page of their website.

Their commitment to “Rebuild New Zealand Back Into A Democracy” promises to write a new New Zealand constitution, one for the people. This process will involve writing a “real Bill of Rights”. This Bill of Rights would underpin all other laws, so that other laws would have to accord with it. This would be very different to today’s system, where any supposedly guaranteed human rights can be abrogated whenever the government feels like it.

It seems from this, and from the disinclination to appear in the mainstream media, that the NZPP is a people’s movement and not another Establishment vehicle. Other minor parties have blatant agendas: the Maori Party wants to stir up racial tensions; the New Conservatives want a theocracy where everyone is forced to worship Jesus. The NZPP has no obvious agenda.

The NZPP would enshrine in law the superior importance of human rights over corporate profits. This would mark a radical departure from today’s model, where the people are effectively serfs who exist solely to meet the labour needs of the projects dreamed up by the ruling classes. No doubt such a proposal will be met with horror by New Zealand’s wealthy, for who human rights are impediments to profitability.

Housing is another major priority for the NZPP. They have identified the poor standard of New Zealand housing as one of the primary contributors to the suffering of the New Zealand people, stating that “healthcare begins at home”. This, when coupled with the human rights drive, would seem to pigeonhole the NZPP as an alt-left party.

This would be inaccurate, though, as they also have conservative policies, such as their stance on abortion. They think that the law recently passed by the Sixth Labour Government (which allows abortion up to birth) is extreme. Here they emphasise that people have the right to prevent unwanted conception, but also that they “cannot grant the killing of a person as a method of birth control”.

Christianity perhaps also influences Billy TK’s stance on legal cannabis, which he thinks New Zealand is “not quite ready for.” Despite this reluctance, he was more than happy to relate an anecdote to Vinny Eastwood about a family member benefitting from the use of it, and was more than happy to admit smoking it himself when younger. He may be lukewarm on legal cannabis, but is no Bible-thumping New Conservative.

It might also influence their most obviously alt-centrist policy, which is opposition to usury. Billy Te Kahika is strongly against usury, which means that he will be despised by the Establishment. However, in opposing usury he has the potential to win the support of large number of Kiwis, in particular the more conspiracy minded.

The NZPP approach seems like it is to cast a wide net, with the intention of bringing a large number of people together for the sake of forcing change on the Establishment.

What the NZPP offers is a centrist and anti-Establishment platform. This means that they avoid the major weaknesses of the previous anti-Establishment movements, who have shown themselves to be either too left-wing for the public (The Opportunities Party, the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, Social Credit) or too right-wing for the public (New Conservatives, ACT to a lesser extent).

Predictably perhaps, Billy TK has already generated a few enemies. These are mostly members or supporters of other parties who feel that the NZPP is acting to split the anti-Sixth Labour Government vote.

The NZPP’s most aggressive enemies are the New Conservatives, who, until now, had a lock on the anti-United Nations and anti-abortion voters. It’s likely that the NZPP steals many of these voters from the New Conservatives, on account of that Te Kahika is clearly more intelligent than either Leighton Baker or Elliot Ikilei. The NZPP also doesn’t have any awful policies, like New Conservatives’ proposal to increase penalties for cannabis use.

As of right now, it’s hard to say how well the NZPP would do in the election. They are striking all the right chords among New Zealand’s alternative thinkers, but it’s not certain that they will be able to register in time to contest the vote. Nominations for the election close on 21 August, about six weeks away. If Billy TK and the NZPP are to contest it, they will need to build momentum fast.


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Why Corporations Support Black Lives Matter When They Didn’t Support Occupy Wall Street

Western corporations are falling over themselves to show their support for Black Lives Matter. Professional sportsmen proudly display BLM logos on their shirts, television shows hold moments of silence for George Floyd, and the FaceBook and Twitter accounts of countless large entities have paid their respects. But no corporation did anything like this for Occupy Wall Street. This essay explains why.

The Occupy Wall Street movement began in September 2011 with a campout protest at New York’s Zuccotti Park. The protest was sparked by rising inequality in America, something that had increased sharply after the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-08. Bank bailouts had ensured that the wealthy avoided any of the suffering from the crisis, and that the poor took the entire burden.

OWS’s most famous chant was “We are the 99%”. This referred to OWS’s belief that the top 1% of Americans were hoarding a grossly disproportionate amount of resources and power. Their fundamental motivation was to express outrage at this state of affairs in the hope of forcing change to a more equitable system. They made demands such as getting corporations and corporate lobbyists out of politics, granting the working class a greater share of production and reforming the banking system to restrict speculation.

The movement appealed to an entire generation of young people, who were just then beginning to understand that they were going to have a lower standard of living than their parents did. These young people saw in OWS the potential to arrest the relentless decline of their living standards by enabling them to come together to assert their collective interests.

This terrified the American Establishment.

If there’s any one single thing that the Establishment fears, it’s poor people coming together on the basis of class. Class solidarity is the only way that the people can form a broad enough front to work against inequality without being divided and conquered into impotence. The formation and expression of class solidarity, then, is a direct threat to the interests of the ruling class.

In the wake of Occupy Wall Street, the 1% came together and decided upon a strategy to prevent this from happening again. They realised that they had to pre-emptively divide and conquer the people because, left to their own devices, the people would inevitably organise and demand their right to an equitable share of production.

The greatest fear of the Establishment was the coalescence of the 99% under one banner. Having previously observed the degree of animosity that existed on account of racial tension, a plan became apparent: to divide the 99% up along racial lines. This was primarily to be achieved by pushing a racial oppression narrative that claimed that white people owed blacks reparations for past injustices.

Because the 1% owns the mainstream media, they simply directed their employees in the media to start pushing that narrative. And they did. The mainstream media everywhere stopped reporting on class issues entirely, and started reporting only on racial ones. Any case of racial injustice was blown up to seem an atrocity, and overcoming it a pressing issue, while class inequality was ignored completely.

After some years of this, OWS’s narrative of the 99% versus the 1% was overwhelmed by the Establishment’s narrative of black versus white. People stopped thinking in terms of class solidarity, and started thinking in terms of race. This was all by design.

Thinking in terms of race can never, ever lead to justice for the simple reason that many blacks and browns are middle-class while many whites are working-class. Fighting to improve the position of middle-class blacks and browns instead of that of poor people is unjust, and fighting to worsen the position of working-class whites instead of that of rich people is unjust. This fact is understood deeply by intelligent people.

So all attempts to increase racial consciousness must be treated with the deepest suspicion, as suspected attempts to destroy class consciousness. Every time someone pushes race conflict or a racial issue, the astute observer ought to ask if this is an attempt to distract from class issues. In the vast majority of cases, any racial issue being pushed will not really be worth attention.

This divide and conquer has now been ramped up to such a degree that the mainstream media now acts as if each person is their race first and foremost. If you are white, you’re on team Bad Guy and have to pay compensation. If you are black, you’re on team Good Guy and get to claim compensation. Your skin is your uniform, and your moral standing is dictated at birth by that skin’s melanin content.

The 1% more or less succeeded in their scheme to destroy class consciousness after Occupy Wall Street. Today, more people are concerned about what happened to George Floyd than by the unaffordability of housing (which is now out of control). Thanks to the mainstream media, most people can tell you about Black Lives Matter but few know how far their house-buying power has fallen in recent decades.

This is the reason why all of the big corporations support Black Lives Matter when they didn’t support Occupy Wall Street. Black Lives Matter pushes a narrative of racial division, of Team Black against Team White, and in doing so it splits the 99% down the centre, leaving them powerless against the predations of the 1%. Anyone who decries this racial narrative in favour of a class one is accused of not paying full respect to the oppression of blacks and browns, and is smeared as a racist.

It’s a perfect recipe for rendering the working class incapable of taking collective action against their rulers.

The basic rule is that any future movement seeking to bring the lower classes together against the Establishment will be opposed, and any future movement seeking to set the lower classes against each other will be supported. It can be predicted that any future movement promoting racial grievances, gender grievances or grievances relating to sexual orientation will be promoted widely by the mainstream media and supported by major corporations.


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Clown World Chronicles: What Is ‘White Erasure’?

All over the West, destruction reigns. Statues are coming down, cities are being renamed, history is being rewritten. The destruction can seem so mindless, but there’s one thread running through it all. This article discusses that thread: the concept of ‘white erasure’.

White erasure, in short, is the genocide of white people. This occurs in four sequential stages.

The first is the demonisation of white people. This is achieved by preventing people from speaking favourably about white people (by calling it “racist”), while encouraging people to speak disfavourably about white people. Speaking disfavourably about white people involves insinuating that all white people are racist, and that their history is one of evil.

There are many examples of this in today’s world. Most notable is the outrage generated by the expression of innocuous statements such as “It’s Okay To Be White” or “White Lives Matter“. In both cases, the men making these statements were slammed as racists by their national mainstream media, the first even being compared to Christchurch mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant.

The latter case is especially incredible, as the statement about white lives was made days after a racist terror attack in Reading, England, that claimed the lives of three white people. The end point of the demonisation of white people is that anyone claiming that white people have a right to exist is a racist.

The second stage is minimising white influence in the institutions. This occurs in a variety of ways depending on the institution in question. In all cases, however, it begins with a commitment to diversity, where diversity is defined as a minimum of white people.

In the universities, it starts with offering scholarships to non-white people on the basis that they are not white. The usual argument given is that non-white people are poorer than whites, and therefore deserve help more, but this ignores the fact that working-class white people are also poorer than the white average, and there is no help for them.

A similar phenomenon exists in government. It’s now considered extremely important that the government supports diversity, so much so that even the conservative parties are judged on how many non-white members they have. Again, diversity here is not defined as viewpoint or ideological diversity but simply as an absence of white people. A black person who thinks the same way as middle-class whites is better than a working-class white who thinks differently.

The third stage is minimising the proportion of white people in the population. This is achieved in two major ways: mass non-white immigration and the suppression of white birth rates.

Mass non-white immigration inevitably leads to a lower and lower proportion of white people in the local population. The Brazilianisation of formerly white societies causes white people to fall back into gated communities, ceding public spaces. It has also led to the idea, now popular in Europe as well as in the New World, that Western countries are not inherently white ones. They are the common property of the whole world.

The suppression of white birth rates is achieved by the manufacture of an economic environment in which raising a family is all but impossible. In order for it to be possible, the minimum wage has to pay enough that a man can afford shelter and food for a family of at least two children, a wife and himself – on one wage. This seems ridiculous now, as it is a long way from the case today, but it was once standard.

Mass immigration plays a direct role in this, by destroying the negotiating position of the white working classes. The more desperate they are, and the more imported cheap labour they have to compete with, the lower the wage they will be able to negotiate. The lower the wage, the more precarious their condition, and the fewer children they will be able to afford to bring into the world.

The fourth stage is changing the environment to remove any trace of white influence or presence. This is a multifaceted approach, which simply seeks to erase any sign of white people.

This is all over the world today, especially in the frenzied and ongoing efforts to pull down all statues of white men. The logic is that all white men are guilty of the collective historical sins of the white race, and therefore no memorials to them can be left standing. Everything that reminds of white people is to be erased.

The problem is, as Solzhenitsyn put it, that the line between good and evil runs through every human heart. This means that there are no men who are perfectly innocent. Every historical figure is guilty of at least some sins. So sins can be found in any historical figure, as long as there is sufficient will to uncover them. Anyone can be cancelled.

Another major component of this stage is the movement to rename colonial streets, cities or territories. The idea here is that the “real name” of a place is the indigenous one, such that even native speakers of English are obliged to use it when speaking English. The ultimate goal of this is to remove all trace of white people, as if they had never been present.

The most difficult thing to grasp about all this is why white people are doing it to themselves. It isn’t easy to understand why – it seems at least masochistic, if not outright suicidal. This has caused a number of conspiracy theories to arise, including the usual anti-Jewish ones.

The brutal reality is that this is how life is at the end of an empire. The Roman Empire went through it, when the Christian mobs destroyed all the temples and holy places of the Greco-Roman religion. Their gods destroyed, the citizens lost touch with their conceptions of good and evil. A Dark Age, lasting centuries, was the result. It may be the same for us.

History goes in cycles, and the measure of the swing of the Great Pendulum of history to the left is the measure of its swing to the right. The last five hundred years has seen white people assert themselves upon the world with only the scantiest resistance. The next five hundred might see the world assert itself upon white people.

White erasure may end with a Holocaust of white people, or it could end with their gradual replacement, or it could lead to a resurgence of will that strikes a death blow to Clown World. There’s no way to know yet.


This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in the middle of 2020.


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Have Western Elites Secretly Converted To Islam?

People in the West continue to be utterly baffled by many of the decisions made by their ruling classes. When it comes to Islam, these decisions are especially hard to understand. This article raises a shocking possibility: that the upper echelon of the Western elites have secretly converted to Islam.

One of Queen Elizabeth II’s titles is “Defender of the Faith”. The faith in question is usually assumed to be Christianity, sometimes assumed to be Judaism. A possibility rarely considered is that the faith in question is Abrahamism, and the Queen defends whichever form of it is most convenient at the time. At the moment, that form may be Islam.

The main reason to believe that Western elites have converted to Islam is that they act like Islam is important to them, but they don’t act as if anything else is.

Many residents of Birmingham were surprised to hear the Muslim call to prayer in public this week, for the first time ever. The call to prayer is a dominance signal that signifies that a given area is under the control of Islam. As such, it’s not usually broadcast in public in the West. But the Birmingham City Council is now stacked with so many Muslims, and their allies, that they had the numbers to vote to broadcast it.

The reality is that so many Muslims live in Birmingham now that it can rightly be considered conquered Muslim territory in the same way that, for example, Lebanon is. The British elites, over the past 20 years, have sat back and allowed places like Birmingham to be overrun. Many are asking themselves: why?

That Western elites consider Islamic culture more important than the culture of their own people can be seen from the various “hate speech” laws becoming popular in the West. Even though the right to free speech is one of the most sacred Western values of all, our elites seem happy to chuck it in the garbage to appease the newcomers.

These hate speech laws are blasphemy laws in another form. They’re often pushed by Muslims, such as Scottish Justice Minister Humza Yousaf, to silence their critics. Yousaf has introduced hate speech legislation to Scotland that will effectively make it illegal to criticise Islam. The only real opposition to this comes from everyday Scottish people, and not from the elites that are supposed to be defending them.

Why would the Scottish elites allow a Muslim to first come to power, and then to pass a law shitting on the most sacred of Scottish values, if not because those elites were secretly Muslim themselves?

More proof for the idea that Western elites have secretly converted to Islam comes from the fact that Islam now arouses more passions among them than Christianity does.

More people visit mosques on a weekly basis in England than visit churches. Christian churches are usually near empty during services, while mosques are overflowing. Indeed, many British mosques are re-purposed churches, a dramatic and unmistakable sign of taking over.

In Britain, Liberal Democrat MPs have fasted for Ramadan in solidarity with Muslims. In New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave a special message to Muslims for Eid, but did not do anything similar for Christians for Easter. Such examples of politicians pandering to Muslims while ignoring all other religions are now widespread.

Western authorities are far more tolerant of Islamic religious practices than they are of their own indigenous ones. Muslims are allowed to preach hatred of infidels in mosques, are allowed to slaughter animals in a horrifically cruel fashion and are even allowed to mutilate the genitals of their offspring, but Westerners who use cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms as spiritual sacraments are put in cages.

This raises an obvious question: why did our elites convert to Islam?

This question cannot be answered without reference to the fact that Muslims worship the same god as the Christians: the genital-mutilating, woman-hating tyrant God of Abraham. So for our formerly-Christian elites, converting to Islam would entail nothing more than a change in appearances. The same psychopathic control-and-dominate mentality is present in both religions, as it is in all Abrahamic cults.

The most likely theory is that our elites have noticed that Christianity is dying, and intend to convert the population to Islam for the same reason they once converted them to Christianity: social control.

Christianity has been extremely useful to the ruling elites of the West over the past 1,600 years. It has enabled those elites to keep the plebs fearful, divided and willing to serve as cannon fodder for any imperial adventure that was going. It has kept them so ignorant that they have been willing to do almost anything, to almost anyone, as long as they were told it was God’s will.

But since World War I, the plebs have started waking up to these lies.

A wholesale conversion to Islam would give the elites the same level of control that they had when the population was Christian. It would once again allow them to dictate moral principles to the wider population, and would once again allow them to regiment that population’s moral sensibilities. The degree of temptation that the elites must have been under to do so is obvious.

The next question raised is: when did this conversion happen?

One theory has it that the conversion to Islam happened a long time ago – perhaps even during one of the Crusades. Some suggest that the Christian defeat at the Battle of Hattin in 1187 saw many Christians come to believe that God favoured the soldiers of Allah, and that the egregore of Muhammad had triumphed over that of Jesus Christ.

This theory holds that the Knights Templar, who were present in Jerusalem at the time, secretly converted to Islam and then returned to Europe. The secret societies they started were Christian on the outside, but on the inside they were controlled by devout Muslims.

This theory has it that the Shriners are the secret ruling cabal of the planet. This is based on the fact that, until recently, a man had to have completed the Scottish or York Rite systems of Freemasonry before they were allowed to join. In other words, a man had to have accumulated a considerable amount of prestige before the Shriners would take him in.

An astute observer will have already noticed the Shriner, with his conspicuously Islamic fez, occupying a central role in the image at the top of this page. This central role, in alchemical symbology, suggests a position closer to God than the men at the top of the pyramid who have merely completed the exoteric path, and are thus still on the outside. The Shiner is truly on the inside – he is the Inner Party.

Most people will tell you that the rulers of the Western World are mostly atheists and Christians, with a number of Jews mixed in. But the relentless Islamification of Western countries that we have seen over the past 20 years might be a sign that the ruling elites of the West have already secretly converted to Islam, wholesale.


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