The Elementalist Conception Of Order And Chaos

1. Order and chaos are loosely analagous to masculine and feminine, respectively. They are not, however, analagous to good and evil.

2. Order is determined, chaos is undetermined.

3. Thus, order is represented by a 1, chaos by a 0.

4. Good order is that which decreases the suffering of sentient beings. This is usually caused by order that guides, enlightens, nurtures, and safely directs emotions.

5. Legal prohibitions on causing injury or harm to other sentient beings are examples of good order.

6. Bad order is that which increases the suffering of sentient beings. This is usually caused by order which stifles, strangles and suffocates.

7. Legal prohibitions on spiritual sacraments are examples of bad order.

8. Good chaos is that which decreases the suffering of sentient beings. This is usually caused by chaos which liberates and entertains.

9. A spiritual revolution that destroys a rotten and corrupt religious structure is an example of good chaos.

10. Bad chaos is that which increases the suffering of sentient beings. This is usually caused by chaos which spreads fear.

11. The best examples of bad chaos are crimes such as violence, theft and abandoning one’s family.

12. An excess of either order or chaos is indistinguishable from death.

13. Life exists, and can only exist, in the space where order and chaos are correctly balanced.

14. The more masculine a person is, the more they will prefer order. A preference for order follows naturally from the Fundamental Masculine Attitude.

15. The more feminine a person is, the more they will prefer chaos. A preference for chaos follows naturally from the Fundamental Feminine Attitude.

16. The Elementalist seeks spiritual balance, and as such does not preference either order or chaos.

17. The Elementalist prefers order if order helps the Elementalist to achieve their aspirations.

18. The Elementalist prefers chaos if chaos helps the Elementalist to achieve their aspirations.

19. Neither order nor chaos induces any strong emotional reaction in the Elementalist. Like yang and yin, both order and chaos rise and fall. The Elementalist watches them both rise and fall without clinging to either.

20. The gods are most entertained by the correct balance of order and chaos. As such, their will is to impose order upon the excessively chaotic, and chaos upon the excessively orderly.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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The Elemental Hierarchy Of Class

1. As above, so below.

2. Within the human species there is great variation in physical and intellectual expressions. But this variation is not as significant as the variation in spiritual expressions.

3. This spiritual variation constitutes the true class hierarchy of the human race.

4. The Tard believes that class is a matter of material wealth. The Elementalist understands that class is a matter of spiritual wealth.

5. The lowest class is the peasant, representing lead.

6. Lead represents the base animal instincts that exist in all people before any spiritual development occurs. Humans at this level are indistinguishable from beasts.

7. People of lead kill, rape, steal and lie without any moral considerations. They justify anything and everything to themselves.

8. The next highest class is the reveller, representing tin.

9. Tin represents the will to enjoy one’s life at the expense of all other considerations. It is therefore a kind of extreme degeneracy.

10. People of tin are less criminal than people of lead but are liable to produce unwanted offspring and then abandon them. They are also likely to fall into poor health as a result of their indulgences.

11. The next highest class is the warrior, representing iron.

12. Iron represents the will to impose order upon the physical world. Unlike those in the lower two classes, the people of iron are capable of preventing the suffering of others. But unless they are guided by those of a higher class, those of iron are also capable of causing more suffering than either people of lead or tin.

13. People of iron are capable of protecting others with their physical courage, but are also liable to spread fear and suffering with unchecked wrath.

14. The next highest class is the romancer, representing copper.

15. Copper represents the will to make love. This is different to, and superior to, the mere sexual indulgence of the people of tin. The will to make love is the beginning of spiritual insight.

16. People of copper are capable of bringing great joy to others with their lovemaking skills, but are also capable of provoking unrequited lusts and resentments.

17. The next highest class is the socialite, representing silver.

18. Silver represents the will to interact harmoniously with others. As such, the socialite brings peace and good cheer, but cannot alleviate the spiritual suffering of his fellows.

19. People of silver bring a small amount of divine light into the world.

20. The next highest class is the scientist, representing mercury.

21. Mercury represents the will to understand the truth about the physical world. This makes it possible for the scientist to greatly alleviate the material suffering of his fellows.

22. People of mercury bring a moderate amount of divine light into the world.

23. The highest class of all is the philosopher, representing gold.

24. Gold represents the will to understand the truth about the metaphysical world. This makes it possible for the philosopher to greatly alleviate the spiritual suffering of his fellows.

25. People of gold bring a large amount of divine light into the world. They are often resented by the profane on account of that this light reveals the weaknesses in others.

26. The Elementalist class hierarchy is not one of wealth, power or privilege.

27. The Elementalist class hierarchy is one of spiritual rectitude.

28. The Elementalist will praise and respect people based on their spiritual rectitude, and not on their wealth, power or privilege.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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How To Deal With Tards

1. The Tard is innocent of his ignorance of the Four Tenets.

2. Unlike the Normie, the Tard cannot understand Elementalism. He is not intellectually capable of it.

3. If the Normie is like a younger sibling, to be gently nurtured to independence, the Tard is like a pet, who cannot be nurtured to independence.

4. Although the Tard cannot become an Elementalist, he is not thereby the enemy of the Elementalist.

5. As the Tard cannot understand the Four Tenets, he must be dealt with on the physical level.

6. Tards tend to react with confusion and indifference upon hearing about the Four Tenets. As such, it is best to engage with them on the simplest, most animalistic level.

7. Dealing with Tards therefore requires a degree of physical rectitude. This means maintaining physical strength and fitness.

8. Dealing with Tards is an excellent opportunity for the Elementalist to simplify their life and jettison unnecessary thoughts and behaviours. Let the Tard represent not tardation, but simplicity.

9. The most important thing when dealing with Tards is to impress Normies.

10. Tard-wrangling is a skill that the Elementalist must master.

11. The Tard should be gently mocked. Not mocked with hate, or bitterness, or a will to dominate, but mocked enough so that other people reject tardation.

12. The Tard is more dangerous than the Normie, but less dangerous than the Ham.

13. Like the Normie, the Tard is not inherently immoral. Herein he contrasts with the Ham.

14. The Tard uses spiritual sacraments to escape from his tardation, not to commune with God. Therefore, such sacraments are wasted on him.

15. The Tard is only permitted to exist because of slave morality. Therefore, like the Ham, and unlike the Normie, the Tard is fundamentally impermanent.

16. The Elementalist does not resent the Tard. The correct approach is to value the Tard for the opportunities he offers to raise one’s frequency of consciousness.

17. The greatest weaknesses of the Tard are his own animal instincts. Whereas the Normie has some degree of self-control, the Tard simply reacts.

18. The Tard fears little, because he doesn’t have enough imagination to fear. When his tardation catches up to him, it tends to be swift and brutal.

19. The best place for an Elementalist is as far away from Tards as possible.

20. The self-destructive nature of Tards means that the Elementalist is not obliged to oppose them. The Tards will do all the work themselves.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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How To Deal With Normies

1. The Normie is innocent of his ignorance of the Four Tenets.

2. The Normie is thrust into the world without much forethought.

3. The parents of the Normie are usually Normies themselves, and as such breed like animals.

4. The Normie can therefore be considered primarily a herd animal, mostly unthinking and instinctive.

5. The Normie is like a child in many ways, blindly trusting of authority figures.

6. The Normie is an artificial and not a natural creation. For the Normie to be possible, the institutions that teach spiritual truth must first have been destroyed.

7. Normies typically react with incredulity upon hearing about the Four Tenets. The Normie is not to blame for this.

8. The correct response to this incredulity is infinite patience.

9. Although the truth of the Four Tenets is the most obvious thing in the world to the Elementalist, this is not so for the Normie.

10. The Normie is most impressed by the certitude of the Elementalist. As such, it behooves the Elementalist to meditate regularly upon the Four Tenets.

11. The Normie is less dangerous than the Tard, and much less dangerous than the Ham.

12. Spiritual sacraments are the easiest way to get the Normie to understand the truth of Elementalism. Such sacraments have enlightened countless Normies throughout history.

13. The world is built on the backs of the Normie, and as such the Normie is to be cherished despite their ignorance.

14. Resolute patience is the way to win Normie hearts. Let them see that the Elementalist is entirely unconcerned by their ignorance of the Four Tenets.

15. The Elementalist treats the Normie as a man should treat his younger brother or sister.

16. The peaceful joy of the Elementalist inspires curiosity in the heart of the Normie.

17. The greatest weakness of the Normie is his fondness for television.

18. The greatest evil of the Normie is that he will destroy anyone the television tells him to destroy.

19. The greatest fear of the Normie is exclusion from the herd. The Normie will kill anyone, including his own offspring, if he thinks it’s necessary to prevent being excluded from the herd.

20. Keeping onside with the Normie demands continual propaganda from the Elementalist side. This demands infinite patience and generosity.

21. Let the Elementalist lead the Normie into the Age of Aquarius!


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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