1. Order and chaos are loosely analagous to masculine and feminine, respectively. They are not, however, analagous to good and evil.
2. Order is determined, chaos is undetermined.
3. Thus, order is represented by a 1, chaos by a 0.
4. Good order is that which decreases the suffering of sentient beings. This is usually caused by order that guides, enlightens, nurtures, and safely directs emotions.
5. Legal prohibitions on causing injury or harm to other sentient beings are examples of good order.
6. Bad order is that which increases the suffering of sentient beings. This is usually caused by order which stifles, strangles and suffocates.
7. Legal prohibitions on spiritual sacraments are examples of bad order.
8. Good chaos is that which decreases the suffering of sentient beings. This is usually caused by chaos which liberates and entertains.
9. A spiritual revolution that destroys a rotten and corrupt religious structure is an example of good chaos.
10. Bad chaos is that which increases the suffering of sentient beings. This is usually caused by chaos which spreads fear.
11. The best examples of bad chaos are crimes such as violence, theft and abandoning one’s family.
12. An excess of either order or chaos is indistinguishable from death.
13. Life exists, and can only exist, in the space where order and chaos are correctly balanced.
14. The more masculine a person is, the more they will prefer order. A preference for order follows naturally from the Fundamental Masculine Attitude.
15. The more feminine a person is, the more they will prefer chaos. A preference for chaos follows naturally from the Fundamental Feminine Attitude.
16. The Elementalist seeks spiritual balance, and as such does not preference either order or chaos.
17. The Elementalist prefers order if order helps the Elementalist to achieve their aspirations.
18. The Elementalist prefers chaos if chaos helps the Elementalist to achieve their aspirations.
19. Neither order nor chaos induces any strong emotional reaction in the Elementalist. Like yang and yin, both order and chaos rise and fall. The Elementalist watches them both rise and fall without clinging to either.
20. The gods are most entertained by the correct balance of order and chaos. As such, their will is to impose order upon the excessively chaotic, and chaos upon the excessively orderly.
This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.
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