The First Tenet Of Elementalism

The First Tenet of Elementalism: consciousness is the prima materia.

Consciousness is the original source from which all else manifests. Consciousness is eternal and immutable, being outside of time and space. As such, it is the one thing whose existence needs no explanation. Those asking where consciousness came from have based their question on illogical premises.

This is the first teaching of Elementalism, because it needs to be understood before anything else can be understood. Consciousness came first, before language, before thought, even before the division into masculine and feminine.

The mystery of consciousness is much simpler than most people today, lost in materialism, could hope to realise. The truth is that consciousness is more fundamental than the material world. It existed for an eternity before the material world first manifested, and will exist for an eternity after the material world unmanifests.

Because consciousness is more fundamental than language, it cannot be described in language. As such, there are no definitions of consciousness that make any sense. Anyone who is conscious knows what consciousness is, and therefore doesn’t need to have it defined. The Elementalist doesn’t try to define consciousness. The assumption is that anyone trying to define it doesn’t understand it.

Elementalism teaches that materialism is to ontology what Flat Earth Theory is to astronomy. It’s a nonsense theory that was only believed because an illusion was apparent. Every Elementalist understands that materialism is a primitive theory for those who don’t get it.

The idea that consciousness evolved from biological processes of natural and sexual selection will, one enlightened day, be categorised alongside the idea that the Moon is made of cheese. It’s an absurdity that was only accepted thanks to a profound collective misdirection.

Consciousness has always existed, since before there were even bacteria on Earth, because consciousness dreamed up the Earth, and not the other way around. The Elementalist knows that consciousness is the primary element of all those that exist. All else is dependent upon it. This is the First Tenet.

Consciousness, then, in its creative infinity, is the same thing as God. The consciousness possessed by the individual is an infinitely small fragment of the total glory possessed by God. All of us that are conscious (which is all of us) are God.

Accepting the First Tenet will require a radical shift in mindset for most people. The average Westerner is conditioned to believe that physical matter is the prima materia, and that their own consciousness is something that evolved out of ever-complexifying self-reproducing organic forms.

Knowing consciousness to be the prima materia, the Elementalist is unafraid of death, recognising the death of one’s body to merely be a change of physical form. Because consciousness is the prima materia, all else is mere perception, which rises and falls like the wind. That which perceives remains resolute in eternity.

Anyone who understands the First Tenet also understands the Good News of Elementalism, which is that consciousness, being the prima materia, necessarily survives the death of one’s physical body. This is called the Good News of Elementalism because it means that all suffering is transient, even the anxiety of death.

An Elementalist can immediately overcome any death anxiety by recalling the First Tenet. Meditating regularly upon the First Tenet will build a spiritual armour that defends from any fears grounded in biology. The one who meditates regularly upon the First Tenet will know that all of the horrors of this world are nothing more than the illusion of threat, and their combined power is nothing more than the ability to alter perception.

Understanding the First Tenet leads naturally to the Second Tenet, which describes what one is conscious of.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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Terrorism Works! For Proof, Compare The Treatment Of Cannabis Users To The Treatment of Muslims

The ruling classes of the West make a strenuous effort to deny the effectiveness of terrorism. They make a big show of not negotiating with terrorists, and claim always that their calculations are not influenced by terrorist atrocities. Their actions, however, demonstrate the exact opposite. The sad fact is that terrorism does work, and proof of this is all around us.

Everyone knows that cannabis users are peaceful people. The typical cannabis user is some kind of hippy who considers violence to be the last resort of the bestial. Violence at music festivals where people are smoking cannabis is almost unheard of, and when it happens it’s usually because someone brought alcohol or meth in.

Unfortunately, this peacefulness doesn’t work out very well for the cannabis users. The Clay Tenet of anarcho-homicidalism holds that violence is the basis of self-defence, and the unwillingness of the average cannabis user to get violent has led to a failure to defend themselves against abuse.

Governments all around the world are happy to abuse cannabis users for the flimsiest of reasons. In New Zealand, a referendum where 50.7% of the respondents voted to lock cannabis users in cages was taken as sufficient justification to do exactly that. Governments everywhere know that they can abuse peaceful people as much as they like.

This willingness to abuse cannabis users is not limited to governments. The corporate world is also happy to pile in. The New Zealand Herald, most conspicuously, took advertising money from Family First to spread malicious lies about cannabis users. Many other mainstream media outlets gleefully ran advertisements calling for the continued persecution of cannabis users, even when those advertisements were clearly lying.

Contrast the treatment of Kiwi cannabis users with the treatment of Muslims.

The Labour Party falls over itself to appease Muslims. After the Christchurch mosque shootings, the Sixth Labour Government grovelled profusely to the resident Muslim community. Jacinda Ardern even went as far as appearing in an Islamic headdress, even though a large proportion of Labour voters are from demographics hated by Muslims, such as homosexuals and professional women.

Labour has now gone so far to appease Muslims that it’s willing to destroy the most precious aspect of Kiwi culture: free speech. The latest authoritarian proposal is to put Kiwis in cages for up to three years for “offensive speech”, where the definition of ‘offensive’ is left wide open to interpretation by the fashions of the day.

This proposal has been pushed by prominent Muslims such as Anjum Rahman, who has long campaigned for the abolition of free speech in New Zealand. Muslims have pushed similar laws in other Western countries, following their religious imperative to eradicate the local cultures of every place they conquer. The most notable example is Scotland, where it has now been made illegal to speak ill of Islam in one’s own private dwelling.

Why would New Zealand institutions such as the Government and the mainstream media treat a foreign cult of hate with more respect and decency than their own cannabis-using kin? It’s very difficult to imagine the Sixth Labour Government passing a law affecting Muslims without consulting them, or the New Zealand Herald taking money to advertise an anti-Muslim political position.

So why do people grovel to Muslims yet put the boot into cannabis users at the first opportunity?

The simple answer is that people are cowards, especially people with ambitions to be seen as moral authorities by the wider public. As Christopher Ryan’s character put it in The Young Ones episode Cash: “These people respect strength.” Here, strength is defined in the basest possible terms, as the ability and will to cause physical suffering to one’s enemies.

The 1,400-year trail of corpses and carnage that Muslims have left throughout the world is enough to make clear to all that opposing their will comes with an implicit threat of violence. Many tens of millions have been faced with the choice of either submitting to Islam or having their throats slit, and the descendants of those who chose to submit now comprise some 25% of the world’s population.

That proportion of the 25% who live in Western countries have not been shy about using violence to intimidate their hosts.

The last six years in Europe have given us the November 2015 Paris attacks (130 killed), the July 2016 Nice truck attack (86 killed), the June 2016 Atatürk Airport attack (45 killed), the March 2016 Brussels bombings (32 killed), and the May 2017 Manchester Arena bombing (22 killed), among dozens of smaller atrocities. None have happened in New Zealand yet, but every intelligent person can see them coming.

The Labour Party knows that an unwillingness to institute hate speech laws will anger Muslims. They also know that there is a fair chance, if Labour does anger Muslims, that those Muslims will lash out with violence. As such, Labour has made a show of submitting to them.

They have no such concerns about cannabis users, who are peaceful people.

Had cannabis users in Europe murdered thousands of prohibitionists over the past decade, the cannabis laws in New Zealand would be entirely different today. No-one would have dared to come out opposing cannabis law reform in last year’s referendum, and without visible opposition the reform side would have won heavily.

The grim reality is that terrorism works, because it makes other people become compliant to your will out of fear of being targeted next.

The solution, however, is not for cannabis users to start committing acts of terror. The solution is for our legal system to recognise principle ahead of expediency. To achieve this, it has to be torn down and reformed based on a coherent ideology such as the Sevenfold Conception of Inherent Human Rights. With such a solid philosophical basis, our legal system can definitively put right ahead of might and thereby deter terrorism instead of encourage it.


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Why I Don’t Sing The Maori National Anthem

The ceremonies before an All Blacks match are an essential part of setting the mood to enjoy the theatre. But many people sing along to the words of the Maori version of the national anthem without knowing what it means. I don’t sing the words to the Maori version of the national anthem because they are an insult to my people.

The God of Nations referenced in the English version of the national anthem is not the same as the God of Abraham. The English version of the national anthem was written by Thomas Bracken, a Freemason, and as such the God referenced is the true divinity beyond all cultures. It is not Yahweh, the God of the Jews.

Governor George Grey commissioned a Maori translation of Bracken’s poem in 1878. This was performed by Thomas Henry Smith, an English immigrant and a Christian. Being Christian, and following the Christian imperative to destroy all other spiritual and religious traditions, Smith took the opportunity to erase all reference to God in his translation and to replace it with reference to Yahweh.

“E Ihowā Atua”, from the first line of the Maori version of the national anthem, means “O Jehovah God”. The Ministry of Culture and Heritage informs us that  “‘Ihowā’ is the standard version of God (Jehovah) and was the one used by Smith.” In other words, Smith, a Christian, twisted Bracken’s nondenominational anthem into an entreaty to the God of the Jews.

Now why would I, as a person who does not worship Yahweh, sing an entreaty to the Jewish God?

As a Ngati Porou, being asked to sing a song about Jehovah is an insult. It was in the name of Jehovah that the spiritual traditions of the Maori people were destroyed and replaced with base superstition. Early Christian missionaries eradicated all knowledge of Io Matua Kore, the god of this part of the world, to replace it with knowledge of Yahweh, the god of a foreign land.

This was a great crime, and one which has never been acknowledged, much less made up for.

I would happily sing the Maori national anthem if it were replaced by a entreaty that praised Io Matua Kore instead of the God of the Jews. The Maori version of the New Zealand national anthem needs to be rewritten, preferably by a Maori and not an English immigrant, and in such a way that removes reference to the God of the Jews and replaces it with the God of Aotearoa.

Then I would sing the Maori version of the national anthem with pride.


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Our Great War Is A Spiritual War

Brad Pitt summarised the challenges facing the Western World in the 1999 film Fight Club, when his character Tyler Durden said: “We’re the middle children of history, men. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives.” 22 years later, our Great War is still a spiritual war.

There exists a supercosmic spiritual force that wills suffering upon all conscious beings. This nameless Principle of Evil has inspired countless acts of sadism throughout the ages. It is at work everywhere a person acts with malice or indifference towards the suffering of their fellows.

This Principle of Evil is in eternal conflict with the Principle of Good, which seeks to alleviate the suffering of all conscious beings. The two are locked in a Great Spiritual War, one which profoundly affects the lives of every creature. The Principle of Evil seeks to cause those creatures to suffer, and the Principle of Good seeks to counter the Principle of Evil.

The influence of this Principle of Evil, as Solzhenitsyn understood, runs through the heart of every human being. It is not exclusive to any gender, race, nation, occupation or creed (although some creeds, such as the Abrahamic cults, worship the Principle of Evil and its demons). Therefore, this spiritual war is fought everywhere, in all times and places.

Every conscious being is conscripted into the war against this Principle of Evil, which seeks to cause them suffering. The easiest way for the Principle of Evil to cause suffering is by provoking passions. Every impulse felt by any conscious being creates a conflict: between the will to gratify that desire, and the will to alleviate suffering.

One of the main theatres of the Great Spiritual War involves keeping people ignorant about the spiritual truths of reality.

As Socrates and Buddha both laboured to point out, suffering is primarily caused by ignorance. The most effective way for the Principle of Evil to increase the suffering in the world is to spread ignorance, because ignorance empowers the passions. There are two main ways to spread ignorance: denying the truth, and asserting falsehoods.

Denying the truth involves denying the spiritual truths. The followers of the Principle of Evil deny the fundamental all-rightness of the Universe. They also deny the Law of Assortative Reincarnation. These two denials lead to extreme anxiety among those who are influenced to agree with them.

Asserting falsehood involves inserting lies in the space vacated by the destruction of the truth. The followers of the Principle of Evil do this by asserting things such as “Jesus Christ is God”, or “the brain generates consciousness”. These falsehoods serve to mislead people who might be searching for spiritual truths.

The combined result of denying the truth and asserting falsehood is mass spiritual confusion. The Principle of Evil preys on this confusion by tricking people into giving their power away. Once enslaved, they can be made to suffer without being able to resist.

One of the fronts of this theatre of spiritual warfare involves the legal status of spiritual sacraments.

The followers of the Principle of Evil are aware that people have used spiritual sacraments, such as cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms, for thousands of years to reconnect with the divine. In places such as India, where the native spiritual traditions were not eradicated by Abrahamic invaders, cannabis is still used as a spiritual sacrament.

In order to increase the amount of suffering in the world, then, the followers of the Principle of Evil have acted to destroy all genuine spiritual traditions. This is why they murdered Pythagoras and Hypatia, and it’s why they destroyed the Eleusianian Mysteries and the Library of Alexandria. It’s why their colonists have assiduously attacked the native spiritual traditions of every land they settled in.

This is also why Christians and Muslims came together to oppose cannabis law reform in New Zealand last year. By destroying the possibility of using cannabis as a spiritual sacrament, they worked to maximise the spiritual ignorance in New Zealand, and thereby the suffering. Abrahamists may spend a lot of time killing each other, but they’re capable of co-operating if the common objective is to attack ordinary people.

Victory in the Great Spiritual War entails the eradication of all Abrahamic traditions from the face of the Earth. This would result in the total defeat of the Principle of Evil, who, without worshippers, would be powerless to increase the suffering in the world. At that point, a new spiritual Golden Age would begin.

The first step is to reassert our freedom to use spiritual sacraments to reconnect with the divine. The truth – that cannabis, psilocybin and various other substances are spiritual sacraments – must be spoken widely once again. Their open, ritual use must retake a centre stage in our civic life.

With our natural connection to the divine re-established, we will once more come to act in accordance with the Will of God. This will lead to the minimisation of suffering in the world.


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