1. The natural state of consciousness is one of perfect bliss, and only by wilfully forgetting this fact does consciousness experience suffering.
2. This is the Fourth and Absolute Tenet of Elementalism.
3. Existence is fundamentally blissful, but the uniformity of this blissfulness gets boring the further it stretches into eternity.
4. Consciousness dreamed up the Great Fractal for the purpose of entertainment.
5. In a state of perfect bliss, the only entertainment can be suffering.
6. All of the Great Fractal has been formed by consciousness that has wilfully forgotten itself, and thereby forgotten its fundamentally blissful nature, and thereby come to suffer.
7. The formula of the Great Fractal is consciousness minus consciousness that has wilfully forgotten itself.
8. Where consciousness has forgotten itself most completely are those areas closest to the Winter Pole of the Great Masculine Axis.
9. This almost-complete forgetting causes a suffering so immense that consciousness does everything it can to change its perceptions.
10. This suffering contains within it the seed of anger, which arises to protect consciousness from the suffering.
11. This anger leads to masculinity, this being the will to impose order upon chaos.
12. This masculinity contains within it the seed of order, this being the will to prevent chaos from causing suffering.
13. The will to prevent chaos from causing suffering leads to an almost-complete remembrance of the true nature of reality and the Four Tenets of Elementalism. Here we are very close to the Summer Pole of the Great Masculine Axis.
14. This almost-complete remembrance of the true nature of reality causes a pleasure so intense that consciousness does everything it can to maintain its perceptions.
15. This pleasure contains within it the seed of joy, which arises as a consequence of gratitude.
16. This joy leads to femininity, this being the will to impose chaos upon order.
17. This femininity contains within it the seed of chaos, this being the will to prevent order from causing suffering.
18. This will leads to re-forgetting the true nature of reality, and therefore leads us back to the Winter Pole of the Great Masculine Axis.
19. To understand this process perfectly, consult the Quadrijitu.
20. Understanding the Fourth Tenet of Elementalism is to understand that all suffering must be temporary, for all suffering is based on the material illusion, and all material phenomena are transitory.
21. The Universe is therefore a fundamentally alright place to be. Understanding this truth is to understand the subtlest and most profound essence of Elementalism.
22. The fundamental alrightness of the Universe is true before anything else is.
23. Elementalist perfection is to radiate the truth that the Universe is fundamentally an alright place to be. To radiate such a truth liberates consciousness from suffering and always entertains the gods.
24. Understanding the Fourth Tenet leads naturally to ataraxia.
This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.
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