The Fourth Tenet Of Elementalism

1. The natural state of consciousness is one of perfect bliss, and only by wilfully forgetting this fact does consciousness experience suffering.

2. This is the Fourth and Absolute Tenet of Elementalism.

3. Existence is fundamentally blissful, but the uniformity of this blissfulness gets boring the further it stretches into eternity.

4. Consciousness dreamed up the Great Fractal for the purpose of entertainment.

5. In a state of perfect bliss, the only entertainment can be suffering.

6. All of the Great Fractal has been formed by consciousness that has wilfully forgotten itself, and thereby forgotten its fundamentally blissful nature, and thereby come to suffer.

7. The formula of the Great Fractal is consciousness minus consciousness that has wilfully forgotten itself.

8. Where consciousness has forgotten itself most completely are those areas closest to the Winter Pole of the Great Masculine Axis.

9. This almost-complete forgetting causes a suffering so immense that consciousness does everything it can to change its perceptions.

10. This suffering contains within it the seed of anger, which arises to protect consciousness from the suffering.

11. This anger leads to masculinity, this being the will to impose order upon chaos.

12. This masculinity contains within it the seed of order, this being the will to prevent chaos from causing suffering.

13. The will to prevent chaos from causing suffering leads to an almost-complete remembrance of the true nature of reality and the Four Tenets of Elementalism. Here we are very close to the Summer Pole of the Great Masculine Axis.

14. This almost-complete remembrance of the true nature of reality causes a pleasure so intense that consciousness does everything it can to maintain its perceptions.

15. This pleasure contains within it the seed of joy, which arises as a consequence of gratitude.

16. This joy leads to femininity, this being the will to impose chaos upon order.

17. This femininity contains within it the seed of chaos, this being the will to prevent order from causing suffering.

18. This will leads to re-forgetting the true nature of reality, and therefore leads us back to the Winter Pole of the Great Masculine Axis.

19. To understand this process perfectly, consult the Quadrijitu.

20. Understanding the Fourth Tenet of Elementalism is to understand that all suffering must be temporary, for all suffering is based on the material illusion, and all material phenomena are transitory.

21. The Universe is therefore a fundamentally alright place to be. Understanding this truth is to understand the subtlest and most profound essence of Elementalism.

22. The fundamental alrightness of the Universe is true before anything else is.

23. Elementalist perfection is to radiate the truth that the Universe is fundamentally an alright place to be. To radiate such a truth liberates consciousness from suffering and always entertains the gods.

24. Understanding the Fourth Tenet leads naturally to ataraxia.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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The Fundamental Masculine Attitude

1. The Fundamental Masculine Attitude is the will to impose order upon chaos.

2. Masculinity is depicted as red, which represents the rage arising from the suffering caused by excess chaos.

3. The will to impose order upon chaos is ultimately inspired by the rejection of suffering. The masculine assumes authority of the local environment and imposes an order that keeps the suffering out.

4. The Fundamental Masculine Attitude is expressed in the material world through both the masculine and the feminine elements.

5. Masculinity in the aspect of clay involves determination to survive. This aspect of masculinity imposes order upon death, and thereby upon life.

6. Masculinity in the aspect of iron involves physical rectitude. This aspect of masculinity imposes order upon the body.

7. Masculinity in the aspect of silver involves intellectual rectitude. This aspect of masculinity imposes order upon the mind.

8. Masculinity in the aspect of gold involves spiritual rectitude. This aspect of masculinity imposes order upon the spirit.

9. Masculinity in the aspect of earth involves the fortification of order. This involves making order even more orderly, so that chaos is doubly suppressed.

10. Masculinity in the aspect of water involves the vitalisation of order. This involves strengthening order where it exists but is weakening.

11. Masculinity in the aspect of air involves the refinement of order. This involves smoothing out the cruder aspects of the existing order so that it’s less objectionable.

12. Masculinity in the aspect of fire involves the inspiration of order. This involves the inspiration of the will to impose order upon chaos.

13. For the masculine, even sexual reproduction involves the imposition of order upon chaos, because the sperm cell carries little apart from information.

14. Successful application of the Fundamental Masculine Attitude leads to rectitude.

15. A failure to apply the Fundamental Masculine Attitude leads to the feminine leading the masculine, which leads to chaos and suffering.

16. It can therefore be said that the essence of masculinity is rectitude, which is the same as the will to impose order upon chaos.

17. A respectable man is one who has rectitude. Through this quality, all other good qualities of masculinity are possible.

18. The Fundamental Masculine Atittude is also known as the Overcoming Will, because it’s the energy that leads a person or a group up the right-hand side of the Quadrijitu.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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The Masculine Elements

1. The masculine elements are waypoints along the Great Masculine Axis.

2. These elements reflect different frequencies.

3. There are an infinite number of ways of dividing the Great Masculine Axis into elements. Some of these configurations make more sense than others. The most popular are the twofold, fourfold and sevenfold divisions.

4. The sevenfold division of the Great Masculine Axis is represented by the Mithraic Ladder, which depicts how lead ascends to tin, how tin ascends to iron, how iron ascends to copper, how copper ascends to silver, how silver ascends to mercury and how mercury ascends to gold.

5. The first element, at the lowermost point of the Great Masculine Axis, is lead, immortalised as Cronus. The frequency of this element is saturnine.

6. Alchemical lead is soft, dull and grey. It represents the lowest possible frequency and the reality that life is fundamentally a battle for survival against the natural world.

7. The second element, immediately above lead on the Great Masculine Axis, is tin, immortalised as Zeus. The frequency of this element is jovial.

8. Lead ascends to tin by becoming brighter. This reflects that winning the battle for survival against the natural world is inherently pleasurable.

9. Alchemical tin is soft, bright and grey. It represents a very low frequency and the will to simple pleasure and entertainment.

10. The third element, immediately above tin on the Great Masculine Axis, is iron, immortalised as Ares. The frequency of this element is martial.

11. Tin ascends to iron by becoming harder. This reflects that anyone who overcomes the natural world must then clash with those others who overcame the natural world.

12. Alchemical iron is hard, dull and blue. It represents a low frequency and the will to dominate physically.

13. The fourth element, immediately above iron on the Great Masculine Axis, is copper, immortalised as Aphrodite. The frequency of this element is capricious.

14. Iron ascends to copper by becoming colourful. This reflects that the purpose of physical domination is to attract women.

15. Alchemical copper is hard, bright and red. It represents a moderate frequency and the will to romance and to make love.

16. The fifth element, immediately above copper on the Great Masculine Axis, is silver, immortalised as Artemis. The frequency of this element is brilliant.

17. Copper ascends to silver by becoming brighter. This reflects that knowledge brings order to the material world.

18. Alchemical silver is hard, bright and white. It represents a high frequency and the will to dominate intellectually.

19. The sixth element, immediately above silver on the Great Masculine Axis, is mercury, immortalised as Hermes and Athena. The frequency of this element is mercurial.

20. Silver ascends to mercury by quickening. This represents how true intelligence readily perceives the divine behind all things, and, by doing so, apotheosises.

21. Alchemical mercury is liquid, bright and grey. It represents a very high frequency and the will to exult oneself.

22. The seventh element, at the uppermost point of the Great Masculine Axis and immediately above mercury, is gold, immortalised as Apollo. The frequency of this element is radiant.

23. Mercury ascends to gold by becoming radiant. This represents how knowledge of the divine, and the will to know the divine, are the greatest of all goods.

24. Alchemical gold is soft, bright and yellow. It represents the highest frequency of all and the will of the divine.

25. Apotheosis is a matter of transforming the lead of one’s station of birth into the gold of unity with the will of the divine. This requires passing through all of the masculine elements, in turn.

26. The will to apotheosise is the most popular of all the Minor Aspirations.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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The Great Masculine Axis

1. The Great Masculine Axis is the axis connecting the Summer Pole of the Quadrijitu with the Winter Pole.

2. This axis represents how rectitude enters the material world from the mind of the divine, as a consequence of the will of the divine.

3. The nature of the masculine is to distinguish vertically. This it does by distinguishing between good and bad, valuable and not valuable.

4. The Great Masculine Axis distinguishes all fragments of consciousness from each other on the basis of which has the most rectitude.

5. All of the fragments of consciousness that exist within the Conceivable Universe have their own unique frequency, depending on their degree of rectitude.

6. The higher the frequency a fragment of consciousness has, the higher it is on the Great Masculine Axis.

7. The Great Masculine Axis is a hierarchy of spiritual rectitude.

8. The Summer Pole of the Great Masculine Axis is equivalent to a frequency of 1.

9. The Winter Pole of the Great Masculine Axis is equivalent to a frequency of 0.

10. All frequencies, without exception, can be found somewhere between these two poles.

11. The red and blue dots represent how rectitude and devotion can be found, in varying proportions, all throughout the material world.

12. The red and blue dots also represent how an absence of rectitude and devotion can be found, in varying proportions, all throughout the material world.

13. The Great Masculine Axis is represented materially by the lightningbolt, whose genius lights up the whole world.

14. The Summer Pole of the Great Masculine Axis is superficially understood to be good, the response to which is devotion.

15. The Winter Pole of the Great Masculine Axis is superficially understood to be evil, the solution to which is destruction.

16. The Summer Pole of the Great Masculine Axis is fundamentally understood to be theognosis, the response to which is also devotion.

17. The Winter Pole of the Great Masculine Axis is fundamentally understood to be theoamnesis, the solution to which is rectitude.

18. The Great Masculine Axis explains the different level of will among all beings. Rectitude is understood to be a prerequisite of the capacity to exercise one’s true will.

19. The Great Masculine Axis can be broken into any number of points. The three most common arrangements are twofold (good and evil), threefold (good, neutral and evil), fourfold (gold, silver, iron and clay) and sevenfold (gold, mercury, silver, copper, iron, tin and lead).

20. The purpose of combining the feminine elements at the correct proportions is to climb the Great Masculine Axis. Depending on the physical environment, certain frequencies will be more harmonious than others.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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