There are many different ways of gaining power in the modern world: military, technology, politics, religion, media, among others. Some of these reins of power are held by people with malicious or narcissistic intent, and some are held by those who wish to end the suffering of all sentient beings. VJM Publishing is an attempt to gain control of the apparatus of propaganda for the good guys.
There’s good reason why people say “the pen is mightier than the sword”. Big muscles and powerful weapons are all but useless without a mind to guide them. Control the mind, control the body, as the silver magicians have been saying for thousands of years.
The powerful men of our time are not great warriors who can split skulls with single axe blows. The powerful men of our time are the psychologists who use the apparatus of propaganda to massage public opinion into accepting or rejecting whatever it is the psychologists desire (or, in any case, the powerful men hire these psychologists).
Control of the apparatus of propaganda means control of the very thoughts that course through the minds of the citizenry.
With sufficient control, you can get people to believe that war is peace, or that slavery is freedom – or that diversity is strength. You can get them to desire any product or political solution, even if such desires directly harm them. To control the apparatus of propaganda is to get the entire populace marching to the beat of your drum.
This brings with it multiple problems.
The most obvious today is the fact that the mainstream media is almost entirely owned by foreign banking and finance interests. Many people operate under the assumption that the mainstream media is owned by entities within the nation, and are therefore beholden by common national interests to a certain level of solidarity. This is not so.
Our mainstream media is owned by people who are indifferent to the suffering of the New Zealand nation, who they see as little more than a five million-strong herd of livestock. These people are concerned only with the profit that can be wrought from advertising sales, and from the propaganda value that control of the media confers.
These foreign banking and finance interests direct their employees in the mainstream media to manipulate public opinion, often in ways that do not benefit the public. They do this by propagandising in favour of issues that have the potential to increase the profits of those banking and finance interests. In practice, this amounts to propagandising in favour of issues that increase mortgage borrowing, which means anything that increases demand for housing.
This propagandising seeks to normalise ideals like opening borders to mass immigration, or children leaving home permanently at age 18, or ticking up overseas holidays on the mortgage, or getting divorced on a whim, or the idea of having multiple guest rooms or carports because normalising any of those things will cause mortgage spending to increase and therefore bank profits to increase.
This is also why the mainstream media relentlessly runs stories that encourage people to mindlessly consume – because the more indebted people are, the more mortgage profits are made. If they can get everyone wanting a bigger house or a flasher car, then at least some of those people will get mortgages to finance these wants, and that means greater banking profits.
Very often, the will of those banking and finance interests goes against the will of the people who are on the receiving end of the media. In such cases, the mainstream media has to shape the opinion of the public without that public’s knowledge or consent. The psychologists who operate the apparatus of propaganda know how to do this – the major unknown variable is the will of their owners.
The amount of damage that the apparatus of propaganda can do, if in the wrong hands, can be seen by the example of the Bonnier Group in Sweden.
Through maintaining control of most of Sweden’s apparatus of propaganda over several decades, the Bonnier family was able to induce the Swedish people to support immigration policies that were suicidal for Sweden, but which supported the Bonnier family’s ideological desire for open borders and cultural Marxism.
The Bonnier family instructed the Swedish mainstream media to normalise the mass immigration of Muslims and Africans, and they duly did so. Despite that the idea was never supported by a majority of the population, control of the apparatus of propaganda was able to create the impression that it was, and other influential figures such as politicians followed along out of fear of becoming unfashionable.
Control of the apparatus of propaganda enables the ruling class to threaten other people with ostracisation if they don’t go along with the values being normalised by the propaganda. This is a great power, because it plays on very deep and primal human fears. This enables the propagandists to have a powerful influence on people’s behaviour and speech, whether those people are conscious of it or not.
If the Western World is to survive the challenges of the 21st century, the apparatus of propaganda has to be reclaimed from global finance and banking interests, and from their ideological fellow travellers. Once the apparatus of propaganda is back in the hands of the people, and being used for the benefit of the people exclusively, it will naturally return to being an instrument that informs rather than one that confuses and misleads.
We at VJM Publishing, the Asylum at the Top of the Mountain, are propagandists for alt-centrism, and this we are without shame, believing it to be the Will of God. Our allies such as Anarkiwi, while they may disagree with us on a great many things, share a fundamental desire to reduce the amount of suffering in the world, and a fundamental belief that this can best be achieved by correctly informing people with the truth.
Alchemically speaking, the apparatus of propaganda can be represented by gold. The silver represents the mind, and this may be what guides the muscles, but the mind is itself guided by the will, and hence that which controls the will is the highest of all. Control of the apparatus of propaganda confers some degree of control over the will of the populace, which is where it gets its awesome power.
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