1. Justice is the principle that orders the social world and the virtue that orders the social world.
2. All understanding of justice in Elementalism is subordinate to the Law of Assortative Reincarnation and the Law of Attraction.
3. The Law of Assortative Reincarnation ensures that each fragment of consciousness incarnates in a part of the Great Fractal that is appropriate for its frequency.
4. As such, every deed of all one’s past lives still echoes in the nature of the world in which one incarnates.
5. Violent souls incarnate in violent worlds, gregarious souls incarnate in gregarious worlds, indifferent souls incarnate in indifferent worlds, withdrawn souls incarnate in withdrawn worlds.
6. The Law of Attraction ensures that, once incarnated, each fragment of consciousness attracts other fragments of consciousness that are appropriate for its frequency.
7. The frequency of each being attracts the equivalent good or evil energies; the vibration of each being attracts the equivalent masculine or feminine energies.
8. It doesn’t matter if the frequencies, vibrations or energies attracted by one’s consciousness cause suffering or not. On some level, whatever one’s frequency of consciousness leads to is justice.
9. Justice is met when the degree of suffering caused is equalled by the degree of suffering received. This can only happen in theory.
10. When observing unjust suffering, one can choose to act as an instrument of justice, or one can hold back and let karma deal with it. In either case, both the Law of Assortative Reincarnation and the Law of Attraction apply.
11. A person who punishes wrongdoers will incarnate in a part of the Great Fractal where beings are inclined to punish wrongdoers.
12. A person who refuses to punish wrongdoers will incarnate in a part of the Great Fractal where beings are inclined to refuse to punish wrongdoers.
13. Correctly applied justice moves a society up the Great Masculine Axis.
14. Incorrectly applied justice moves a society down the Great Masculine Axis.
15. Correctly applied justice moves an individual up the Great Masculine Axis.
16. Incorrectly applied justice moves an individual down the Great Masculine Axis.
17. The will of a society or an individual to apply justice through time is depicted by the Quadrijitu.
18. A society willing to apply justice is represented by the red of the Quadrijitu.
19. A society in the glory of the prior application of justice is the white of the Quadrijitu.
20. A society unwilling to apply justice is the blue of the Quadrijitu.
21. A society in the shame of the prior failure to apply justice is the black of the Quadrijitu.
22. Correctly applied justice is a gift to future generations.
This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.
A lot of noise is currently devoted to the question of reparations. Most of the talk is about reparations to American blacks, with the remainder to homosexuals or mental health patients. However, as this essay will examine, there’s one group of people whose claim to deserve reparations is stronger than that of anyone else: working-class people.
The working class has effectively been enslaved for millennia – and still is. In, fact, the entire societal infrastructure upon which all wealth rests has been built on the backs of the working class, and continues to be maintained by the working class. Without the efforts of people in this class, no-one else would live any higher than barbarians.
The entire essence of being a working-class person is that you don’t own land, and therefore cannot earn a living or an income from your own property. That means that you have to labour on someone else’s property, and that means you’re forced to accept whatever terms they lay down. As there are no commons to hunt anymore, the alternative is starvation.
Our entire economic system is built on the idea that the owners of the land also own all the productivity that takes place on it. Those who do the producing have no say, because the landowners employ police and security services who will use force to destroy the workers if they try to keep their productivity. The end consequence of all this: the workers are dependent on those owners for a wage.
This wage is the only difference between the worker and a slave. In theory, the worker gets enough of a wage so that, if they save diligently, they too can become a landowner one day. A slave, by contrast, is incapable of improving his position. In practice, the modern Western worker cannot improve his position either, as his wage only covers tax, rent/mortgage, food and a few other necessities.
So even though the worker is given a wage in lieu of being left to starve, his savings are so low that there’s little practical difference between him and a slave. The three lions of profits, taxes and rents take away the vast majority of his productivity, leaving him with only just enough money to keep him alive.
Even worse than the loss of productivity has been centuries of anti-working class prejudice that has seen countless people driven to the wall.
This prejudice continues today. In Britain, some 19,000 girls are raped every year by foreign grooming gangs. But because the vast majority of those girls are working-class, their suffering is ignored by the authorities. In Rotherham, official contempt for the suffering of the working class was so great that the Police covered up grooming gang rapes of working-class girls so as to keep racial tensions down.
This transparently unjust state of affairs has existed for centuries already, in some form or other. Because slavery is more profitable than paying a fair wage, the landowners have always sought to reduce the working class to a state as close to slavery as possible. And they’ve always succeeded to some extent. The working class has never, at any point in history, got a fair deal.
Perhaps the worst deal the working class ever got was to be forced wholesale into the slaughterpits of World War I and World War II. Working-class men comprised the vast majority of the soldiery in both wars, suffering most of the trauma, both physical and mental. The intergenerational consequences of this trauma persists today in a higher-than-baseline level of most mental illnesses among working-class people.
All this historical exploitation explains why landowners are so wealthy today, and workers so poor.
This reduction to penury has only been possible because of power differentials. As mentioned above, owning land makes it possible to own an enforcer class, which can then be used to take all the productivity away from the working class. If the working class tries to get a better deal through e.g. strike action, the enforcer class will break the strike up. Effectively, then, the working class has been robbed of most of its productivity for centuries.
If anyone deserves reparations, it’s the people who have had most of their productivity taken off them under threat of starvation for hundreds of years. The same group who has performed most of the hard labour but which has the least of the wealth.
The majority of the world’s wealth has either been produced by, or made possible by, the labours of the working classes. Despite that fact, the working classes of the West continue to languish in poverty. The average Western working-class person today, not having middle-class parents to inherit from, has almost no chance of gaining enough money on his wage to buy a home and raise a family.
If reparations are to be handed out, it should not be on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation but on the basis of need. This means that reparations ought to target working-class people.
The ideal reparations would come in the form of a universal basic income funded by a land tax. The land tax would hardly impact the working class, who can’t afford property on their wages anyway, while the univeral basic income would make it possible to both heal intergenerational trauma and to negotiate wages from a fair position.
The human rights of New Zealanders are outlined in the Bill of Rights Act. This legislation describes the ways in which the Government is, in theory, prohibited from causing harm to the New Zealand people. The astonishing and terrifying fact is that a number of these rights are being violated, right now, by the Sixth Labour Government – and only VJM Publishing cares enough to report on it.
In fact, almost all of our civil and democratic rights (i.e. Sections 12-18 of the Bill of Rights Act), plus some others, are being violated at time of writing.
The COVID-19 pandemic is being used as an excuse by the Government to ignore Section 11, which states: “Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.” The reality for many today is that they must take a coronavirus vaccine or lose their jobs. It’s illegal in New Zealand to coerce someone into giving up a human right on threat of losing their job, but such is the current hysteria around coronavirus that people are doing it anyway.
Section 13 was violated by the Operation Whakahumanu Police harassment campaign, and the ongoing threat of further harassment. Although Kiwis supposedly have “the right to adopt and to hold opinions without interference,” we can still have cops turn up on our doorstep to intimidate us into silence if we hold the wrong opinions. It seems that intimidation doesn’t quite meet the threshold of interference.
In the case of VJM Publishing, all it took was us selling t-shirts that said ‘It’s Okay To Be White’, and the Police came to our offices to interrogate us about our “concerning” opinions. If one authoritarian snitch claims that a particular opinion you hold is shared by the boogeyman of the moment, then suddenly you’re “ideologically adjacent” to that boogeyman and therefore a threat to national security.
Section 14, which deals with freedom of expression, has been violated in numerous ways. Apparently “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.” This section has been violated in more ways than just Operation Whakahumanu.
Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux’s attempt to speak in Auckland showed that public officials can override the New Zealand public’s freedom to receive information on a whim. Auckland Mayor Phil Goff decreed that the subject matter Southern and Molyneux intended to cover was too hot for the globohomo stronghold that is the Auckland economic zone, and the Canadian duo were duly banned from speaking.
The prohibition on the use of spiritual sacraments violates Section 15, which states that “Every person has the right to manifest that person’s religion or belief in worship, observance, practice, or teaching, either individually or in community with others, and either in public or in private.” This particular right was already being violated when the Human Rights Act was passed, and still is.
It’s illegal to practice the Greco-Roman Mystery religions, because these religions involve the use of spiritual sacraments which are illegal. Psilocybin-containing mushrooms, the basis of e.g. the Eleusinian Mysteries, are considered a Class A drug by the New Zealand “Justice” System. This means that the Police will destroy anyone exercising their right to manifest a Greco-Roman Mystery religion in worship, observance or practice.
A hierophant who shared a psychedelic sacrament in a group setting for the sake of communing with the divine, as our Indo-European ancestors did for thousands of years before the scourge of Abrahamism befell us, could face life imprisonment as a penalty, this being the maximum penalty for “supply of a Class A drug”. Life imprisonment for practicing one’s religion is about as severe a human rights abuse as one can get, yet it’s on our law books right now.
Section 16, then, which states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly” is violated in several ways. The most egregious recent example is the arrest and imprisonment for Billy Te Kahika and Vinny Eastwood on August 18th (they have still not been released). Apparently the COVID-19 Response Act means that Section 16 of the Human Rights Act goes out the window.
This is not to mention that Section 16 is also violated by the prohibition on gathering to hear Southern and Molyneux and by the prohibition on gathering to practice Greco-Roman Mystery religions. Peaceful assembly means nothing, it seems; if the Establishment considers you a threat, they will smash you.
Section 17 claims that “Everyone has the right to freedom of association” yet, in practice, only favoured groups are allowed that freedom. If you’re the Mongrel Mob, you can associate freely without interference, but if you’re Action Zealandia, you will find yourself getting targeted by the media (which is, in practice, merely the consent manufacturing arm of the Government).
It might seem strange that New Zealanders of European descent don’t have the freedom to associate without getting smeared by the media, when gang members can not only do so but also get positive press coverage. The only real response to this is to shrug and say “We’re in Clown World now.”
The COVID-19 Response Act has also kicked Section 18 in the arse. Section 18 guarantees that “Everyone lawfully in New Zealand has the right to freedom of movement and residence in New Zealand” but coronavirus hysteria has also seen this one get ignored. The Government doesn’t even have to explicitly override this section; they only have to order the Police to ignore it and they know the Police will obey.
Section 18 also means that the ad hoc roadblocks set up in some rural places are human rights violations. New Zealanders have the right to travel on public roads, which means that other New Zealanders do not have the right to arbitrarily block those roads. Chimping out over coronavirus because you watched too much television is not adequate cause to violate other people’s human rights.
Section 19 is violated in several ways today. This section claims that “Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993”. But in practice, anyone can discriminate or be discriminated against – all it requires is the political power (or lack of it) to persuade others to consider you a favoured (or unfavoured) group, a process described by Edward Bernays in Propaganda.
Old people get a big fat basic income of at least $370 per week not available to younger people, brown people get scholarships not available to whites (and sometimes preferential medical care), homosexuals get a level of media attention not available to heterosexuals and women and men both have exclusive spaces not available to the other. In theory, discrimination is illegal, but in reality anyone can freely discriminate against anyone else, as long as they have political power.
The only solution to these constant violations is to replace our toothless human rights system with the Sevenfold Conception of Inherent Human Rights, and empower the average citizen to enforce this conception with violence. This would involve the average citizen being taught about the Sevenfold Conception while at school and then, when an adult, given a state-issued semi-automatic rifle and instructions to use it on any politician threatening the rights outlined in that conception.
1. The objective definition of virtue is the ability to overcome suffering in order to achieve one’s Major Aspiration.
2. The subjective definition of virtue is the ability to overcome suffering in order to achieve one’s Minor Aspiration.
3. Virtue is will exercised in the service of the divine, when mercury is in line with gold.
4. Virtue is activated rectitude.
5. One is more virtuous the more one’s true will is aligned with the will of the divine.
6. The first failure of virtue is a failure to overcome the Underconditioned Self.
7. The second failure of virtue is a failure to overcome the Overconditioned Self.
8. The Underconditioned Self is the beast that rises up from below, and which represents chaos.
9. The Overconditioned Self is the angel that falls down from above, and which represents order.
10. A failure to overcome the Underconditioned Self leads to violence, rape, filth and mayhem.
11. This entertains the gods only somewhat, because it’s indistinguishable from animal behaviour.
12. A failure to overcome the Overconditioned Self leads to saying No to life.
13. This also entertains the gods only somewhat, because it’s indistinguishable from death.
14. The Great Fractal can be compared to a single line that threads its way throughout all possible physical and metaphysical space.
15. Likewise, the will of the divine threads through a person’s life. Abandoning it causes suffering; following it alleviates suffering.
16. The most virtuous is the person who zigs when the will of the divine is for them to zig, and to zag when the will of the divine is for them to zag.
This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.