Correlations With Voting Advance NZ In 2020

VariableVoting Advance NZ 2020
Receiving income from ACC or private work insurance0.783
Level 4 certificate0.781
Personal income $10,000-$20,0000.763
Level 1 certificate0.736
Four children0.721
Percentage of electorate New Zealand-born0.718
Level 2 certificate0.706
Voting New Zealand First 20200.706
Voting ALCP 20200.684
Personal income $20,000-$30,0000.666
No NZQA qualifications0.648
Five children0.639
Working as a labourer0.629
Following a Maori religion0.629
Object to answering how many children0.586
Three children0.566
Level 5 diploma0.557
Receiving income from Jobseeker Support0.549
Working in agriculture, forestry or fishing0.544
Median age0.527
Voting NZ Outdoors Party 20200.511
Six or more children0.506
Receiving income from Sole Parent Support0.493
Mean age0.493
Voting Maori Party 20200.469
Enrolled in a Maori electorate0.468
Working in construction0.449
Following Spiritualism or a New Age religion0.439
Voting ONE Party 20200.389
Working in mining0.384
Working as a community or personal services worker0.379
Employed part-time0.347
Voting Vision NZ Party 20200.344
Aged 65-690.330
Receiving income from NZ Super or Veteran’s pension0.327
Following no religion0.326
Receiving income from Supported Living Payment0.322
Not in the labour force0.320
Working as a technician or trades worker0.315
Working as a machinery operator or driver0.309
Voting Social Credit 20200.301
Aged 60-640.298
Aged 70-740.292
Personal income $30,000-$50,0000.285
Aged 55-590.282
Working in manufacturing0.246
Working in other services0.242
Own or part own house0.233
Aged 75-790.222
Working in electricity, gas, water or waste services0.202
Working in healthcare or social assistance0.146
Working in transport, postal or warehousing0.142
Voting New Conservative 20200.118
Aged 80-840.108
Receiving income from self-employment or owning one’s own business0.086
Currently partnered0.085
Working in retail trade0.060
Percentage of males in electorate0.055
Not studying0.044
Working as a manager0.038
Enrolled in a North Island electorate0.034
Two children0.028
Voting ACT 20200.018
Aged 50-54-0.003
Voting Heartland NZ 2020-0.013
Full-time study-0.015
Working in administrative or support services-0.031
Never married-0.039
Level 3 certificate-0.040
Aged 85+-0.044
Working in accommodation or food services-0.044
Percentage of females in electorate-0.055
Personal income $5,000-$10,000-0.057
Special voting Yes for cannabis-0.061
Currently unpartnered-0.085
Working in arts or recreation services-0.099
Working in education or training-0.109
Level 6 diploma-0.122
Own house in family trust-0.128
Voting National 2020-0.130
Neither ownership of house nor house in family trust-0.152
Turnout rate-0.161
Married (not separated)-0.166
Voting Sustainable NZ 2020-0.171
Voting Labour 2020-0.191
Working in public administration or safety-0.202
Pacific Islander-0.209
Percentage of voting age population enrolled-0.212
Working in rental, hiring or real estate services-0.213
Aged 45-49-0.240
Following Christianity-0.289
Part-time study-0.304
Special voting Yes for euthanasia-0.308
Receiving income from interest, dividends, rent, other investments-0.308
Personal income < $5,000-0.314
Receiving no source of income-0.324
Receiving income from Student Allowance-0.326
Voting Greens 2020-0.358
Working as a sales worker-0.359
Voting The Opportunities Party 2020-0.360
One child-0.362
Mean personal income-0.411
Aged 20-24-0.434
Working in wholesale trade-0.453
Aged 25-29-0.466
Personal income $50,000-$70,000-0.468
Voting TEA Party 2020-0.471
Median personal income-0.472
Working as a clerical or administrative worker-0.485
Aged 40-44-0.487
Following Judaism-0.491
Employed full-time-0.517
Receiving wage or salary-0.537
Following Hinduism-0.542
Following Islam-0.548
Aged 30-34-0.551
Personal income $70,000+-0.555
Enrolled in an urban electorate-0.563
No children-0.571
Working in information media or telecommunications-0.582
Working as a professional-0.607
Working in professional, scientific or technical services-0.627
Honours degree-0.628
Working in financial or insurance services-0.639
Aged 35-39-0.650
Master’s degree-0.663
Following Buddhism-0.695
Bachelor’s degree-0.708
Percentage of electorate overseas-born-0.718


This table is an excerpt from the upcoming 3rd Edition of Understanding New Zealand, by Dan McGlashan and published by VJM Publishing. Understanding New Zealand is the comprehensive guide to the demographics and voting patterns of the New Zealand people.

Correlations With Voting The Opportunities Party In 2020

VariableVoting The Opportunities Party 2020
Voting Greens 20200.844
Honours degree0.750
Working as a professional0.730
Master’s degree0.656
Turnout rate0.625
Receiving income from interest, dividends, rent, other investments0.609
Special voting Yes for euthanasia0.602
Working in professional, scientific or technical services0.594
Part-time study0.581
No children0.571
Personal income $70,000+0.559
Bachelor’s degree0.547
Working in public administration or safety0.531
Working in arts or recreation services0.503
Mean personal income0.482
Following Judaism0.463
Working in information media or telecommunications0.436
Receiving income from Student Allowance0.426
Special voting Yes for cannabis0.422
Working in financial or insurance services0.400
Median personal income0.400
Aged 20-240.387
Following no religion0.383
Receiving wage or salary0.372
Voting Labour 20200.334
Voting Sustainable NZ 20200.322
Working in education or training0.313
Employed part-time0.312
Following Spiritualism or a New Age religion0.310
Working in accommodation or food services0.305
Level 6 diploma0.304
Aged 40-440.302
Aged 25-290.276
Enrolled in an urban electorate0.276
Aged 30-340.251
Employed full-time0.246
Aged 35-390.242
Percentage of females in electorate0.241
Own house in family trust0.227
Working in healthcare or social assistance0.223
Aged 85+0.222
Receiving income from self-employment or owning one’s own business0.217
Aged 45-490.198
Percentage of electorate overseas-born0.188
Voting ACT 20200.184
Never married0.159
Following Buddhism0.144
Level 3 certificate0.138
Personal income $5,000-$10,0000.122
Personal income $50,000-$70,0000.121
Currently unpartnered0.113
Voting National 20200.105
Percentage of voting age population enrolled0.104
Aged 80-840.092
Aged 50-540.090
Voting Social Credit 20200.074
Working in rental, hiring or real estate services0.071
Working as a clerical or administrative worker0.071
Own or part own house0.054
Working as a manager0.048
Aged 75-790.043
Aged 70-740.023
Receiving income from NZ Super or Veteran’s pension0.013
Aged 55-590.013
Aged 65-69-0.007
Aged 60-64-0.008
Working in mining-0.019
Not studying-0.026
Full-time study-0.033
Two children-0.037
Following Islam-0.039
Following Hinduism-0.046
Mean age-0.050
Voting New Conservative 2020-0.051
Voting ONE Party 2020-0.070
Working in retail trade-0.080
Working in other services-0.081
Voting NZ Outdoors Party 2020-0.084
Working as a sales worker-0.087
Working as a community or personal services worker-0.102
Receiving income from Supported Living Payment-0.106
Voting Heartland NZ 2020-0.106
Working in electricity, gas, water or waste services-0.109
Married (not separated)-0.112
Currently partnered-0.113
Neither ownership of house nor house in family trust-0.124
Enrolled in a North Island electorate-0.151
Median age-0.154
Voting New Zealand First 2020-0.168
Voting TEA Party 2020-0.178
One child-0.186
Percentage of electorate New Zealand-born-0.188
Personal income < $5,000-0.225
Percentage of males in electorate-0.241
Personal income $20,000-$30,000-0.260
Working in administrative or support services-0.283
Not in the labour force-0.297
Working in agriculture, forestry or fishing-0.305
Three children-0.308
Following Christianity-0.311
Working in wholesale trade-0.336
Voting Maori Party 2020-0.337
Voting ALCP 2020-0.338
Working as a technician or trades worker-0.339
Enrolled in a Maori electorate-0.343
Voting Advance NZ 2020-0.360
Receiving no source of income-0.360
Working in construction-0.368
Pacific Islander-0.372
Voting Vision NZ Party 2020-0.384
Personal income $10,000-$20,000-0.420
Personal income $30,000-$50,000-0.427
Receiving income from ACC or private work insurance-0.428
Level 2 certificate-0.438
Following a Maori religion-0.449
Receiving income from Jobseeker Support-0.451
Receiving income from Sole Parent Support-0.471
Level 1 certificate-0.478
Level 4 certificate-0.492
Working as a labourer-0.521
Four children-0.549
Working in transport, postal or warehousing-0.560
Object to answering how many children-0.595
Level 5 diploma-0.611
Six or more children-0.633
No NZQA qualifications-0.639
Five children-0.646
Working as a machinery operator or driver-0.670
Working in manufacturing-0.679


This table is an excerpt from the upcoming 3rd Edition of Understanding New Zealand, by Dan McGlashan and published by VJM Publishing. Understanding New Zealand is the comprehensive guide to the demographics and voting patterns of the New Zealand people.

Correlations With Voting Maori Party 2020

VariableVoting Maori Party 2020
Enrolled in a Maori electorate0.971
Following a Maori religion0.821
Voting ALCP 20200.807
Voting Vision NZ Party 20200.797
Receiving income from Sole Parent Support0.797
Receiving income from Jobseeker Support0.795
Full-time study0.651
Never married0.649
Six or more children0.592
Object to answering how many children0.588
Five children0.559
Currently unpartnered0.542
Percentage of electorate New Zealand-born0.527
Neither ownership of house nor house in family trust0.527
Level 3 certificate0.513
Working as a community or personal services worker0.512
Voting Advance NZ 20200.469
Receiving income from Supported Living Payment0.451
Level 2 certificate0.435
Receiving income from ACC or private work insurance0.432
Working as a labourer0.425
Working in transport, postal or warehousing0.416
Special voting Yes for cannabis0.391
Personal income $10,000-$20,0000.390
Personal income $5,000-$10,0000.375
No NZQA qualifications0.343
Four children0.340
Level 4 certificate0.329
Working in administrative or support services0.327
Working as a machinery operator or driver0.319
Level 1 certificate0.279
Personal income < $5,0000.262
Level 5 diploma0.235
Part-time study0.216
Receiving income from Student Allowance0.195
Receiving no source of income0.192
Following no religion0.178
Working in electricity, gas, water or waste services0.166
Voting ONE Party 20200.166
Following Spiritualism or a New Age religion0.164
Working in manufacturing0.161
Working in construction0.155
Receiving wage or salary0.154
Aged 20-240.153
Enrolled in a North Island electorate0.127
Working in arts or recreation services0.101
Working in education or training0.099
Personal income $20,000-$30,0000.077
Percentage of females in electorate0.077
Voting New Zealand First 20200.066
Pacific Islander0.064
Working in agriculture, forestry or fishing0.059
Working in public administration or safety0.048
Working in mining0.047
Working in accommodation or food services0.040
Personal income $30,000-$50,0000.030
Aged 25-290.025
Employed part-time0.020
Mean age0.006
Median age-0.007
No children-0.024
One child-0.032
Working as a sales worker-0.039
Voting Heartland NZ 2020-0.041
Voting NZ Outdoors Party 2020-0.041
Working in healthcare or social assistance-0.059
Working as a technician or trades worker-0.074
Mean personal income-0.075
Percentage of males in electorate-0.077
Three children-0.081
Median personal income-0.115
Aged 30-34-0.128
Working in other services-0.137
Working in information media or telecommunications-0.138
Voting Greens 2020-0.146
Working in retail trade-0.146
Not in the labour force-0.147
Employed full-time-0.159
Working as a clerical or administrative worker-0.195
Voting TEA Party 2020-0.200
Following Judaism-0.206
Working in wholesale trade-0.212
Special voting Yes for euthanasia-0.215
Working in financial or insurance services-0.224
Following Islam-0.233
Voting Social Credit 2020-0.234
Aged 35-39-0.234
Following Hinduism-0.256
Enrolled in an urban electorate-0.262
Working as a professional-0.272
Working in professional, scientific or technical services-0.283
Working in rental, hiring or real estate services-0.298
Aged 40-44-0.311
Master’s degree-0.312
Voting The Opportunities Party 2020-0.337
Bachelor’s degree-0.340
Personal income $70,000+-0.348
Following Christianity-0.355
Working as a manager-0.361
Following Buddhism-0.362
Voting Labour 2020-0.370
Percentage of voting age population enrolled-0.372
Honours degree-0.378
Personal income $50,000-$70,000-0.398
Receiving income from NZ Super or Veteran’s pension-0.426
Receiving income from self-employment or owning one’s own business-0.434
Own or part own house-0.435
Aged 45-49-0.442
Aged 65-69-0.452
Aged 55-59-0.453
Voting Sustainable NZ 2020-0.460
Own house in family trust-0.467
Aged 70-74-0.477
Aged 60-64-0.486
Aged 50-54-0.492
Two children-0.492
Aged 75-79-0.504
Aged 80-84-0.525
Percentage of electorate overseas-born-0.527
Currently partnered-0.543
Aged 85+-0.560
Voting New Conservative 2020-0.573
Receiving income from interest, dividends, rent, other investments-0.583
Not studying-0.639
Voting ACT 2020-0.641
Level 6 diploma-0.644
Turnout rate-0.690
Married (not separated)-0.693
Voting National 2020-0.709


This table is an excerpt from the upcoming 3rd Edition of Understanding New Zealand, by Dan McGlashan and published by VJM Publishing. Understanding New Zealand is the comprehensive guide to the demographics and voting patterns of the New Zealand people.

Correlations With Voting New Conservative in 2020

VariableVoting New Conservative 2020
Own or part own house0.712
Currently partnered0.700
Married (not separated)0.689
Voting National 20200.682
Voting ACT 20200.680
Two children0.654
Aged 75-790.651
Receiving income from NZ Super or Veteran’s pension0.648
Aged 80-840.645
Aged 70-740.636
Aged 60-640.631
Not studying0.625
Three children0.612
Aged 65-690.607
Aged 55-590.594
Level 6 diploma0.548
Aged 85+0.544
Turnout rate0.524
Working as a technician or trades worker0.519
Working in other services0.468
Aged 50-540.458
Level 1 certificate0.402
Personal income $20,000-$30,0000.396
Receiving income from self-employment or owning one’s own business0.377
Voting Sustainable NZ 20200.369
Working in construction0.366
Level 5 diploma0.366
Working as a manager0.363
Median age0.360
Voting Social Credit 20200.355
Level 4 certificate0.354
Working in retail trade0.347
Working in agriculture, forestry or fishing0.345
Voting NZ Outdoors Party 20200.337
Own house in family trust0.335
Not in the labour force0.323
Mean age0.320
Personal income $30,000-$50,0000.320
Personal income $50,000-$70,0000.311
Aged 45-490.301
Receiving income from interest, dividends, rent, other investments0.289
Voting New Zealand First 20200.287
Four children0.258
Level 2 certificate0.250
Working in manufacturing0.243
No NZQA qualifications0.242
Following Christianity0.240
Receiving income from ACC or private work insurance0.221
Percentage of voting age population enrolled0.174
Employed part-time0.171
Working in mining0.169
Working in electricity, gas, water or waste services0.140
Voting Labour 20200.134
Voting Advance NZ 20200.118
Working in healthcare or social assistance0.109
Personal income $10,000-$20,0000.102
Percentage of males in electorate0.093
Percentage of electorate New Zealand-born0.071
Working as a labourer0.070
Working in rental, hiring or real estate services0.057
Voting Heartland NZ 20200.054
Working in wholesale trade0.051
Following no religion0.043
Voting ONE Party 20200.034
Working as a machinery operator or driver0.025
Aged 40-440.013
Following Spiritualism or a New Age religion0.012
Working as a clerical or administrative worker-0.006
Voting The Opportunities Party 2020-0.051
Five children-0.066
Percentage of electorate overseas-born-0.071
Working as a sales worker-0.086
Percentage of females in electorate-0.093
Voting TEA Party 2020-0.100
Enrolled in an urban electorate-0.104
Personal income $70,000+-0.108
Employed full-time-0.130
Object to answering how many children-0.150
Median personal income-0.190
Aged 35-39-0.201
Enrolled in a North Island electorate-0.206
Following Hinduism-0.209
Special voting Yes for euthanasia-0.212
One child-0.215
Receiving income from Supported Living Payment-0.216
Following Islam-0.217
Working in education or training-0.230
Six or more children-0.238
Following Buddhism-0.239
Working in public administration or safety-0.242
Working in transport, postal or warehousing-0.248
Pacific Islander-0.252
Honours degree-0.262
Mean personal income-0.273
Working in professional, scientific or technical services-0.294
Working as a community or personal services worker-0.307
Working in financial or insurance services-0.311
Voting ALCP 2020-0.312
Bachelor’s degree-0.312
Working in accommodation or food services-0.321
Working as a professional-0.328
Aged 30-34-0.332
Voting Greens 2020-0.352
Working in arts or recreation services-0.353
Master’s degree-0.354
Following Judaism-0.359
Receiving no source of income-0.364
Following a Maori religion-0.382
Voting Vision NZ Party 2020-0.420
Receiving income from Sole Parent Support-0.427
Receiving income from Jobseeker Support-0.435
Receiving wage or salary-0.449
Working in administrative or support services-0.456
Working in information media or telecommunications-0.460
Aged 25-29-0.471
Receiving income from Student Allowance-0.481
Personal income < $5,000-0.499
Aged 20-24-0.523
Personal income $5,000-$10,000-0.530
No children-0.536
Part-time study-0.552
Level 3 certificate-0.552
Voting Maori Party 2020-0.573
Enrolled in a Maori electorate-0.574
Full-time study-0.602
Special voting Yes for cannabis-0.660
Currently unpartnered-0.700
Neither ownership of house nor house in family trust-0.715
Never married-0.768


This table is an excerpt from the upcoming 3rd Edition of Understanding New Zealand, by Dan McGlashan and published by VJM Publishing. Understanding New Zealand is the comprehensive guide to the demographics and voting patterns of the New Zealand people.