Variable | Voting New Conservative 2020 |
Own or part own house | 0.712 |
Currently partnered | 0.700 |
Married (not separated) | 0.689 |
Voting National 2020 | 0.682 |
Voting ACT 2020 | 0.680 |
Two children | 0.654 |
Aged 75-79 | 0.651 |
Receiving income from NZ Super or Veteran’s pension | 0.648 |
Aged 80-84 | 0.645 |
Aged 70-74 | 0.636 |
Aged 60-64 | 0.631 |
Not studying | 0.625 |
Three children | 0.612 |
Aged 65-69 | 0.607 |
Aged 55-59 | 0.594 |
Level 6 diploma | 0.548 |
Aged 85+ | 0.544 |
Turnout rate | 0.524 |
Working as a technician or trades worker | 0.519 |
European | 0.499 |
Divorced/separated/widowed | 0.474 |
Working in other services | 0.468 |
Aged 50-54 | 0.458 |
Level 1 certificate | 0.402 |
Personal income $20,000-$30,000 | 0.396 |
Receiving income from self-employment or owning one’s own business | 0.377 |
Voting Sustainable NZ 2020 | 0.369 |
Working in construction | 0.366 |
Level 5 diploma | 0.366 |
Working as a manager | 0.363 |
Median age | 0.360 |
Voting Social Credit 2020 | 0.355 |
Level 4 certificate | 0.354 |
Working in retail trade | 0.347 |
Working in agriculture, forestry or fishing | 0.345 |
Voting NZ Outdoors Party 2020 | 0.337 |
Own house in family trust | 0.335 |
Not in the labour force | 0.323 |
Mean age | 0.320 |
Personal income $30,000-$50,000 | 0.320 |
Personal income $50,000-$70,000 | 0.311 |
Aged 45-49 | 0.301 |
Receiving income from interest, dividends, rent, other investments | 0.289 |
Voting New Zealand First 2020 | 0.287 |
Four children | 0.258 |
Level 2 certificate | 0.250 |
Working in manufacturing | 0.243 |
No NZQA qualifications | 0.242 |
Following Christianity | 0.240 |
Receiving income from ACC or private work insurance | 0.221 |
Percentage of voting age population enrolled | 0.174 |
Employed part-time | 0.171 |
Working in mining | 0.169 |
Working in electricity, gas, water or waste services | 0.140 |
Voting Labour 2020 | 0.134 |
Voting Advance NZ 2020 | 0.118 |
Working in healthcare or social assistance | 0.109 |
Personal income $10,000-$20,000 | 0.102 |
Percentage of males in electorate | 0.093 |
Percentage of electorate New Zealand-born | 0.071 |
Working as a labourer | 0.070 |
Working in rental, hiring or real estate services | 0.057 |
Voting Heartland NZ 2020 | 0.054 |
Working in wholesale trade | 0.051 |
Following no religion | 0.043 |
Voting ONE Party 2020 | 0.034 |
Working as a machinery operator or driver | 0.025 |
Aged 40-44 | 0.013 |
Following Spiritualism or a New Age religion | 0.012 |
Working as a clerical or administrative worker | -0.006 |
Voting The Opportunities Party 2020 | -0.051 |
Five children | -0.066 |
Percentage of electorate overseas-born | -0.071 |
Working as a sales worker | -0.086 |
Percentage of females in electorate | -0.093 |
Voting TEA Party 2020 | -0.100 |
Enrolled in an urban electorate | -0.104 |
Personal income $70,000+ | -0.108 |
Employed full-time | -0.130 |
Object to answering how many children | -0.150 |
Median personal income | -0.190 |
Aged 35-39 | -0.201 |
Enrolled in a North Island electorate | -0.206 |
Asian | -0.208 |
Following Hinduism | -0.209 |
Special voting Yes for euthanasia | -0.212 |
One child | -0.215 |
Receiving income from Supported Living Payment | -0.216 |
Following Islam | -0.217 |
Working in education or training | -0.230 |
Six or more children | -0.238 |
Following Buddhism | -0.239 |
Working in public administration or safety | -0.242 |
Working in transport, postal or warehousing | -0.248 |
Pacific Islander | -0.252 |
Doctorate | -0.253 |
Honours degree | -0.262 |
Mean personal income | -0.273 |
Working in professional, scientific or technical services | -0.294 |
Working as a community or personal services worker | -0.307 |
Working in financial or insurance services | -0.311 |
Voting ALCP 2020 | -0.312 |
Bachelor’s degree | -0.312 |
Working in accommodation or food services | -0.321 |
Working as a professional | -0.328 |
Aged 30-34 | -0.332 |
Voting Greens 2020 | -0.352 |
Working in arts or recreation services | -0.353 |
Master’s degree | -0.354 |
Following Judaism | -0.359 |
Receiving no source of income | -0.364 |
Following a Maori religion | -0.382 |
Voting Vision NZ Party 2020 | -0.420 |
Receiving income from Sole Parent Support | -0.427 |
Receiving income from Jobseeker Support | -0.435 |
Maori | -0.443 |
Receiving wage or salary | -0.449 |
Working in administrative or support services | -0.456 |
Working in information media or telecommunications | -0.460 |
Aged 25-29 | -0.471 |
Receiving income from Student Allowance | -0.481 |
Personal income < $5,000 | -0.499 |
Aged 20-24 | -0.523 |
Personal income $5,000-$10,000 | -0.530 |
No children | -0.536 |
Part-time study | -0.552 |
Level 3 certificate | -0.552 |
Voting Maori Party 2020 | -0.573 |
Enrolled in a Maori electorate | -0.574 |
Unemployed | -0.578 |
Full-time study | -0.602 |
Special voting Yes for cannabis | -0.660 |
Currently unpartnered | -0.700 |
Neither ownership of house nor house in family trust | -0.715 |
Never married | -0.768 |
This table is an excerpt from the upcoming 3rd Edition of Understanding New Zealand, by Dan McGlashan and published by VJM Publishing. Understanding New Zealand is the comprehensive guide to the demographics and voting patterns of the New Zealand people.