Day of The Pillow

The Western World has a severe structural problem, and it’s getting worse. We have a great millstone around our necks in the form of the Baby Boomers. This economic burden has grown much heavier in recent years, and it promises to keep growing heavier, perhaps until the rest of us are crushed. This essay discusses how we can solve the Boomer problem.

In New Zealand alone, it is believed that pensions will cost the taxpayer over $16,000,000,000 this year. It’s impossible to say how much they cost “every year” because the cost keeps sharply rising. By 2023, a mere four years away, Government pension spending is expected to rise by another $4,800,000,000. This total figure would represent almost a quarter of total Government spending.

The Supported Living Payment, by contrast, which is the welfare given to all the disabled people in the entire country, was a little over $1,500,000,000 in 2016. In fact, all of the other benefits put together are less than a third of what the Government pension costs. Many people find this fact astonishing, as we are constantly being fed stories about lazy bludgers on the unemployment benefit. The truth is that the vast majority of lazy bludgers are on the pension.

The younger generations are being sucked dry by the Boomers. Many Boomers are retiring at age 65 in full health and with 20-30 years left to live, and usually with a freehold house to their name, but are still claiming their $370 per week. It’s an obscene theft of resources.

Boomers claim that they’re merely getting what they’re due, that they were promised a pension and by Christ they’re going to get one, even if it means the impoverishment of every generation to follow. But there was never, ever any agreement on the part of the young that they would get sucked dry to provide an extravagant retirement for Boomers.

Moreover, this fifteen-billion dollar redistribution of wealth in favour of the Boomers doesn’t take into account how much extra health spending they absorb. In Britain, the over-65s take up two-fifths of all health spending. Crown spending on health in New Zealand is currently running at about $16,000,000,000 per year, and two-fifths of that would represent about another $6,500,000,000. What’s more, this figure, like overall pension expenses, is also rising sharply.

This means that the over-65s already impose a twenty billion-dollar burden on the rest of us Kiwis. The yearly cost for the entire West runs to multiple trillions. For the average taxpayer, this represents an individual burden on the order of $8,000 yearly. That every working adult gets taxed several thousands of dollars yearly to pay for pensions is one of the reasons why birthrates are so low among Westerners in their 20s.

It isn’t just that Boomers are old. They’re also morally defective. Never in the history of the West has there been a generation that was happy to sacrifice the wellbeing of their children for their own comfort. Never before has there been a generation that willingly left their offspring worse off. The self-centred and egotistic nature of the Boomers is simply unparalleled. They are not anything like the generations that won World War II.

However, there is historical precedent for dealing with situations like this.

Sometimes, when an old person is hanging on to life well beyond the point where life can be meaningfully lived, they become subject to a “mercy killing”. In American Indian culture, people who got to this point were left for the wolves. In Old Norse culture, people who got to this point were put on an ice floe and pushed into the sea. In Anglo culture, people who get to this point are often smothered in their sleep by pillows.

This essay suggests that the time may be approaching when we need to do this on a generational level. It’s time for the Day of the Pillow.

Involuntary euthanasia might sound harsh. However, the Boomers brought this upon themselves. You can’t enslave an entire population and expect them to work themselves to death to finance an extended, luxury retirement for you. If you do, you have to hope that you can keep getting away from it, because if that population ever manages to throw the shackles off they will come looking for revenge.

This is not to suggest that Boomers need to be euthanised en masse. There could be a law that says, for example, that once you accept an old-age pension, you have 5 or 10 years before you get euthanised. This would discourage intergenerational theft by ensuring that only the people who had genuinely come to the end of their working lives would claim the pension.

A more civil way of ending the stranglehold that Boomers have on the West would be stripping the right to vote from anyone who took a Government pension (this newspaper has argued this point at length elsewhere). Retirement should mean retirement. If a person is too infirm to work, then they’re too infirm to be making decisions about the future of the nation.

Yet another solution is to introduce a universal basic income for all at a rate similar to the unemployment benefit, and to lower the pension to this new figure. This would ensure that the younger generations were no longer subjected to indignities for the benefit of the old. Everyone would then be on an even playing field.

The Day of the Pillow is not something that needs to happen. There are much less brutal ways to free the young from the unreasonable burden that the Boomers have placed on them. However, if the Boomer generation continues to exploit the rest of us unnecessarily, we will need to take measures to defend ourselves and our ability to pay for our own needs.


If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 is also available.

How and Why to Use the TOR Browser

Censorship in New Zealand is reaching levels that would be unbelievable to Kiwis a few years ago. The latest involves the New Zealand Chief Censor pressuring local Internet Service Providers to block access to sites that the Censor deems not to be in the public interest, such as 8chan. This article discusses how to circumvent censorship of online free expression.

New Zealand is not the first country whose Government has suppressed our natural right to free speech. Power trippers and control freaks all around the world have given in to the temptation to do so, reasoning that free speech is a potential risk to their authority. As Joseph Stalin once said: “Ideas are more powerful than guns. We do not let our enemies have guns, so why would we let them have ideas?”

Unfortunately for us Kiwis, the Sixth Labour Government has chosen to exploit the atmosphere of terror created by recent mass shootings both here and overseas. They have used this as an excuse to strip away our rights, in particular our firearms rights and our right to free expression. As this column has mentioned elsewhere, they simply don’t care about such things.

It’s not clear that the Labour Government directed the Chief Censor to pressure ISPs into banning 8chan, but they have shown no indication that they disapproved. In any case, the censorship fits neatly into the wider Labour Party goal of cracking down on free expression. It’s all but certain that the Chief Censor knew that his actions had the approval of the War Criminal’s Apprentice and her Cabinet.

Even though 8chan hosts orders of magnitude less violence and hate than any of FaceBook, Twitter or mainstream television news, and even though Section 14 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act establishes that all New Zealanders have the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form, 8chan has been targeted. They will not be the only ones. The day may come when VJM Publishing, despite being alt-centrist, gets banned.

Luckily for those who value free speech, there are technological ways around these governmental abuses. One of the foremost of these is the TOR browser.

TOR stands for The Onion Router. This isn’t the place for a technical description, but it’s enough to say that TOR confuses surveillance attempts so thoroughly that the user can surf the Internet anonymously. The purpose of it is to conceal the user’s identity and online activities from surveillance and data tracking. If someone is trying to spy on what websites you are visiting, all they will be able to see is that you are using TOR.

Another advantage of using TOR is that it’s possible to access sites that are censored. Although this currently applies to little other than 8chan, you could bet money on the fact that the Sixth Labour Government are going to censor everything they can, and anyone who disagrees will be labelled a white supremacist collaborator alongside Brenton Tarrant, Anders Breivik and Adolf Hitler.

Getting hold of the TOR browser is a simple matter of going to the TOR Project website at and downloading the 54MB file. This is an install file, so double-click it once downloaded and follow the instructions like you would any other program. The installation isn’t difficult, it’s just a matter of running it and letting it do its thing.

Once installed, the purple TOR icon will be available. If you click on that, it will open the TOR browser, which is very similar to the Mozilla browser on which it is based. From there, it’s a simple matter of typing what you want to look for in the search bar, as you would any other browser. TOR is a bit slower than other browsers, owing to the methodology it uses to anonymise the traffic.

That’s about all there is to it – TOR is otherwise like a normal browser. While on the TOR network, it’s possible to find access to all kinds of illicit goods and services, not merely information. It’s not a good thing from the Government’s perspective that people become exposed to material of that nature, but that’s the risk they run when they violate our human right to free expression.

See also: The Basics of VPN Use, And Why Every Kiwi Needs to Know Them


If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 is also available.

The Asylum At The Top of The Mountain

This world is a crazy place, and getting respite is all but impossible. We are bombarded with lies from all directions, all the time. The newspaper lies, the radio lies, the television lies, and now the Internet is lying to us. Living in this whirlwind of untruth is enough to drive the most disciplined man to insanity. The good news is that a place of respite exists.

Who are VJM Publishing? You can’t be leftists, because you are against mass Muslim and African immigration, believe in the right to own firearms and believe in God. You can’t be rightists, because you promote comprehensive drug law reform, a universal basic income and strengthening the negotiating position of workers. You can’t be centrists, because you’re not pathetic and mealy-mouthed.

So who are you?

In the real world, there are many topics that one cannot speak about, at least not with full openness. One may not speak of how psychedelics and cannabis are spiritual sacraments, or of the inherently violent nature of Abrahamic religion, or of the etiology of homosexuality, or of the correlation between race and intelligence, or of the unsustainable nature of capitalism, or of the well-documented structural brain difference between men and women. All of these subjects are taboo – only the television may speak of them.

At the Asylum at the Top of the Mountain, all those taboos are left behind. Here, it doesn’t matter what your political views are, not in the least! Every political ideology is considered both a work of brilliance and idiocy. Every political activist is considered both a genius and an imbecile. Alt-centrism is the overriding philosophy, and we follow the Five Rejections and the Five Acceptances.

At the Asylum at the Top of the Mountain, anyone who wants to bring politics into an intelligent discussion about science, philosophy or spirituality can go fuck themselves!

Here, the highest moral imperative is to see reality accurately. If you can’t deal with the biological reality of human existence, or the transitory nature of the human experience, you will be ripped down. The Asylum at the Top of the Mountain is not a place for virtue signallers. It is a place for truthseekers, even if those truths should cause suffering to those who bear them.

There will never, ever be public awards bestowed on VJM Publishing. No Government will ever hail us as the honest men and women that this benighted world so desperately needs. No media will ever honour us as speakers of truth, no priest, rabbi or imam will ever praise us. Any person who desires such accolades best turn away now, lest they waste their energy climbing to us!

We can only ever be the Asylum at the Top of the Mountain. We can only ever be a tiny space, walled off from the madness, inside which a small number of exceptional people can find like-minded company. Entry to the Asylum is not difficult, but finding it is. Its light may burn eternal, but it is equally subtle.

It’s obvious that civil war is coming to the West. The population is already divided into intractably opposed groups. Anyone trying to make a right-wing argument on Reddit gets banned; anyone trying to make a left-wing argument on 4chan gets ridiculed. Not only is the middle ground vanishing, but neither side appears willing to restore it.

The Asylum at the Top of the Mountain is for those who are before and after this great impending conflict. We know the education system is fucked – merely a drone factory. We know the media is fucked – merely propaganda for corporate interests. We know religion is fucked – all spiritual knowledge was lost centuries ago. The Asylum is for those outside of time.

We know all this is not going to blow over, but rather come crashing down in a maelstrom of fire and blood. Our entire societies and economies are built on a unsustainable Ponzi scheme that demands new people be stuffed into them like so much coal into a furnace. The cracks have been showing for decades, and the bursting is inevitable.

Very well. We wait for it here in the Asylum, and then we will return to the World.

When the inmates of the Asylum at the Top of the Mountain return to the scorched earth of tomorrow, we will do so with the intent of bringing the light of God to a devastated people. Therefore, those we seek now are those who carry that light within themselves. We are not interested in religious people, who look for that light in the outside world. Such people belong in the valleys below.

In the New Century, it will no longer be possible to speak of Magic Jews on sticks and fiery pits of eternal torment for freethinkers. Spirituality will return to the world, and with it will come genuine knowledge about eternity and its laws, and the true, infinite nature of the human condition. Although such things cannot be spoken of now, their time will come, as the apocalypse burns away all falsehoods.

When this time comes, the men and women from the Asylum at the Top of the Mountain will be there. We will be ready to transmute the light of God into actions that alleviate the suffering of other sentient beings. New life will form from the ashes, and new order will form from the rubble. As it does, we will be there.


If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 is also available.

New Zealand Can No Longer Look to Britain For Moral or Cultural Guidance

New Zealand is a small country of fewer than five million people, and we do not have a lot of intellectual depth, neither presently nor historically. For these reasons, it has been tempting, perhaps even necessary, to look for moral direction from overseas. All well and good, but this essay argues that New Zealand ought to immediately stop looking to Britain for it.

Our history of looking to Britain for guidance is a long one. After all, we’re a British colony.

The problem is that today’s Britain is fucked. It’s not even a shell of the great Empire it once was, the one that unified the trade routes of the whole world into a single maritime system and which did so much to diminish the practice of slavery in the world. The culture that produced great minds such as Watt, Hume, Smith, Faraday, Wilberforce, Darwin, Mill, Locke, Dickens, Whitehead, Orwell and Huxley has rotted away. Only a carcass remains.

One could argue (as we have done elsewhere) that the British exported most of their alpha males to the colonies, because only the hardiest and most adventurous preferred hewing a new life out of untouched wilderness to sitting comfortable in Europe. This had a heavily dysgenic effect for the remaining British population, which is now every bit the dystopia depicted as Airstrip One in 1984.

Jacinda Ardern spent several years serving as a senior policy adviser in Tony Blair’s Government. Incredibly, Ardern wasn’t put off by the fact that Blair had helped to orchestrate the invasion of Iraq – an event that killed over a million people. The War Criminal’s Apprentice was happy to work under this mass murdering psychopath and learn his, and the modern British, ways of governing.

Like so many Kiwis, Ardern has returned from Europe with the idea that New Zealand ought to do things a lot more like they do things. This was a great thing up until the turn of the century, because Europe was the result of thousands of years of great minds working to determine the best way to live. Ever since then, Europe has rapidly gone down the toilet. This process has intensified in recent years, and nowhere more so than Britain.

Scottish comedian Mark Meechan, stage name Count Dankula, was found guilty of a hate crime in 2018 and risked six months’ imprisonment for posting a YouTube video of his dog giving a Nazi salute. Despite that the video was clearly a joke, he was still put in a cage for his impudence. The country that produced comic luminaries like John Cleese, Rik Mayall and Rowan Atkinson now arrests people for making the wrong jokes.

Attracting Police attention from one’s social media posting has become an everyday occurrence in modern Britain.

Getting arrested for making an anti-Muslim post has been a fact of life for several years now, with thousands of people being charged with public order offences like “inciting religious hatred” for criticising Islam. Ardern seems more than happy to adopt this totalitarian mentality wholesale, instituting a mass harassment campaign of her critics.

Worst of all, however, are the numerous child rape gangs that have flourished in Britain because of a national unwillingness to investigate Muslim criminals, out of fear of being seen to be prejudiced (a form of dhimmitude). The most infamous of these was the Rotherham child exploitation scandal, which saw 1,400 British girls raped by a Muslim grooming gang over a period of 35 years.

Britain has completely lost its moral compass, and we should not be following them anymore. Better to take our lead from places in Far East Asia. 60 years ago, South Korea had near-African levels of poverty, and as recently as 1980 the GDP per capita was barely over USD2,000 per year.

As of 2017, their GDP per capita is now higher than New Zealand’s. This they achieved not by inflating the housing market through mass immigration but from adding value through improving human capital and investing in technology, research and development. They have done much that we could learn from.

Some will argue that these Far East Asian countries are doing well because of their high native IQs. But that’s precisely the point. South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan make high-IQ decisions, and because of those decisions their standard of living is now significantly higher than that of Western countries.

We need to stay a high-IQ people, and we can’t do that by following the British obsession with the mass importation of cheap labour. Therefore, it’s time to go it alone.

We Kiwis are the offspring of two of the most adventurous and masculine races in the history of the world. The Polynesians that rowed here from other Pacific islands, and the Northern Europeans who sailed here and provided the impetus to build New Zealand into a wealthy modern nation, comprise two of the hardiest and most alpha peoples .

The hybrid vigour of these two makes us something truly special – special enough that we can rely on our own abilities to navigate the world and to determine our path forwards. We can turn our backs on the soulless, materialistic greed and nihilistic apathy of modern Britain, while aspiring to maintain the spirit of adventure that made New Zealand into a First World country.

Fundamentally British we might still be, but we can no longer look to them for inspiration. Great Britain is no more; what remains is fit to be euthanised. We need to cut our cultural ties with Britain immediately, and decide for ourselves what the way forward is going to be. This will involve intelligent public discussions about political issues, instead of blindly following international trends in the hope of getting approval from someone in a big country.


If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 is also available.