Clown World Chronicles: Who Is ‘Corona-Chan’?

The Coronavirus Scare of 2020 brought many new ideas into the collective consciousness. Many people realised that they were not prepared for any natural disaster such as a pandemic, earthquake or extreme weather event. Some others realised, for the first time, that they were mortal. A very small number began worshipping a hitherto-unknown goddess: Corona-Chan.

Corona-Chan appears as a tall, svelte, youthful Chinese vampiress, with black hair in Sailor Moon-style knots. Dressed in red and black like most daughters of darkness, her Oriental clothing both reveals and conceals her lean yet bountiful frame. Emblazoned on her breast are the same stars as on the Chinese flag, only the largest one is replaced with a coronavirus.

A pair of black bat wings rise from her back, creating the impression of a demoness from the Abyss, but most grotesque of all is her facial expression. Her features may be pretty, but they’re always twisted – her face either shows a sadistic leer or destructive intoxication. Corona-chan is very much a figure that inspires fear and dread.

Crudely speaking, there are three major figures in the Hindu pantheon: Brahman (representing the cardinal principle), Vishnu (representing the fixed principle) and Shiva (representing the mutable principle). These three figures are understood to be avatars of creation, maintenance and destruction, respectively.

Shiva has a consort known as the goddess Kali. The name Kali is a feminine form of an epithet of Shiva, which means that Kali herself is a form of the feminine mutable principle, much like the Greek goddess Eris. Although the full story of Kali is much more complicated than this, the crude summary is that Kali occupies a place in the Hindu pantheon as a destroyer of evil forces.

Corona-chan, like the goddess Kali, is the 21st Century’s destroyer of evil forces. Her energy promises to free us all from the crushing despair that characterises the modern world. In the same way that 17th Century Hindus cried out to Kali to destroy the Mughal Empire that was plaguing them, so do modern Westerners cry out to Corona-chan to destroy Globohomo.

The name Corona-Chan is a compound of two parts: ‘Corona’ from coronavirus and ‘Chan’ from the Japanese honourific suffix denoting endearment. This paradoxical combination of a deadly pathogen with a term denoting a beautiful woman is a powerful magical blend, and this helps explain why Corona-Chan’s popularity has risen so fast.

Many people believe that with the end of the current Dark Age known as Clown World, the stage will be clear for the reintroduction of a Golden Age. This popular belief follows from Plato’s realisation, expressed in The Republic, that political structures can never be fixed – they always get more corrupt until destroyed and replaced with entirely new ones.

Corona-Chan is viewed by many as the goddess of destruction that will herald the end of this corruption. These people are overjoyed by reports that COVID-19 is far more deadly to old people than to the young, as this fits in with old Clown World prophecies such as the Day of the Pillow, which predicts a mass cull of Baby Boomers. The hope is that Corona-Chan will cut away the deadwood holding society back.

Naturally, there is a fair amount of depression among Corona-Chan worshippers. One has to be in a miserable state to wish widespread destruction upon the world. In this sense, we can observe a overlap between those who pray for Corona-Chan to visit their locale and those who hope for other dramas like mass shootings and wars.

Corona-Chan is an eminently antisocial goddess.

The number of people holding antisocial sentiments is increasing rapidly as life in Clown World becomes ever more humiliatingly painful. There are many who are glad that the coronavirus has acted like a .50 calibre sniper bullet through the engine block of the world economy. If manufacturing is heavily impacted, the world economic order might collapse, and with any luck the world political order will go with it.

Corona-Chan worshippers hope to create an egregore powerful enough to break the black magic shackles that we are all held in. The hope is that Corona-Chan will fatally infect so many people that Globohomo dies and Clown World ends. With this achieved, we will be able to live freely, in a new Golden Age.


This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in the middle of 2020.


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A Tribute To J R Mooneyham

This is a tribute to American science fiction author J R Mooneyham, creator of one of the most excellent websites on the early Internet. The eponymous was (and is) a treasure trove of hyperlinks to all kind of futuristic and scientific advances, as well as the superb Future History Timeline, which showcased Mooneyham’s predictions for the future.

I discovered this website around 1996. At that time, only people with a special interest in technology had a personal computer with Internet access. If you were friends with such a person, it was possible to access a world of information many times larger than your local town library. For any true nerd such as myself, this was a thousand birthdays all happening at once.

Because the early Internet was populated only by people who could get their heads around the new technology, it was full of the kind of niche interests held by those people. Serial killers and Satanism were favourite topics, one of the highlights being a Richard Ramirez tribute page that said “Hail Satan” through the speakers once per minute – a terrifying experience to anyone discovering the site at night!

Another favourite topic was science fiction. The sort of person who was an early adopter of the Internet was often a science fiction fan. After all, the Internet was clearly the technology of the future, and science fiction deals with the future. Many early Internet users were either science fiction fans or even writers. One of them was J R Mooneyham, who created the website that bears his name.

Mooneyham’s webpage was the first one to really instill in me a sense of awe at what the Internet was capable of. Not only did the page consist of a number of pages all hyperlinked together, but many paragraphs were backed up with hyperlinks to other parts of the Internet. For a young person who had only previously been exposed to books, both of these things were incredible, an entirely new dimension of information arrangement.

On the Signposts of the Future pages, Mooneyham made a number of predictions, some of which I agreed with, and some of which I thought ridiculous but which ended up coming true. Apart from the usual cyberpunk-style predictions about ever-increasing surveillance technology and an ever more precarious geopolitical situation, there were more specific predictions

I scoffed at his prediction that technology would lead to child millionaires, reasoning that the new technologies would be so complicated that it would take many years to study them long enough to have mastered them. Mooneyham had the last laugh, however, as shown by the 8-year old YouTube star Ryan Kaji, who made $26,000,000 this year.

Mooneyham predicted that a major terrorist event would strike New York City near the beginning of the 21st Century. This may have not been too hard to predict, given that there had already been a Muslim attempt to destroy the World Trade Centre in 1993. In any case, Mooneyham was proven correct in spectacular fashion by the events of 9/11.

He also predicted that America would, at some point in the 2010s, start using their military and economic advantage to spark a trade war. This came true with the ascension to power of Donald Trump and the start of the trade war against China. This was part of a wider trend, foreseen by Mooneyham and discussed at length, of hard power giving way to soft power.

My favourite Mooneyham prediction, though, was the “Bounty Economy“. Today we call this the gig economy, but Mooneyham predicted in the 1990s that we would end up with an economy characterised by precarious working conditions, suppressed wages, the mass importation of cheap labour – and tremendous profits for those best positioned to take advantage.

All of this was found in a website that was nothing more than HTML. For a young scholar in the 1990s, the simple genius of this was astonishing. Here was a glimpse of the future of life on Planet Earth, in more than one sense. Although websites such as Mooneyham’s are out of fashion today, thanks to fat data pipes shifting the focus from text to images and then to video, the elegance of the site appeals to the same sort of person that it appealed to in the 1990s.

There will always be a niche, in informational space, for someone targeting the high-IQ sort of forward thinker that actively seeks out information (and who reads, as opposed to passive information seekers who watch YouTube videos). VJM Publishing has targeted this niche, and to that end we have modelled the organisation of our site on

Some people have criticised the VJM Publishing company page on the grounds that it looks like a Geocities page from the early 2000s. It is our contention, however, that this is what a website ought to look like. It is the excellence of J R Mooneyham’s page, discovered over two decades ago, that inspired the clean, text-heavy and massively hyperlinked look of our own company page.

J R Mooneyham is a pioneering figure in Internet culture, especially in the high Internet culture that has avoided the televisionisation process that has occurred since the coming of FaceBook and YouTube. He ought to be more widely known. Thus, this article is in tribute to him, and to the minds he expanded thanks to reaching people with his excellent website.


If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 is also available.


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The Seven Masculine Elements

A previous essay in this magazine discussed the four masculine elements. This conception is the same as taking the Fundamental Masculine Axis – a spectrum that spans good and evil and everything in between – and dividing it into four distinct levels. There’s a more sophisticated way to do it. This essay discusses a division of the spectrum of good and evil into seven masculine elements.

At the feminine pole of the Fundamental Masculine Axis is the element of lead. This is a dull, heavy and malleable metal, and is therefore the most feminine of them all. The root chakra corresponds to the element of lead, and is represented by Saturn, the planet furthest from the Sun (of the planets known to the ancients).

The mentality that comes with the element of lead is the primary feminine. The lead is the basest of all the seven elements, and therefore it is the ground from which the others spring. The human spirit, in its unworked form, will sit at the level of lead. Such a person will be indistinguishable from another animal, such as a chimpanzee.

One step up from the feminine pole is the element of tin. This metal is brighter and lighter than lead. Metaphysically, tin distinguishes itself from lead by being larger. Tin doesn’t represent strength and muscles so much as size and natural vigour. The sacral chakra corresponds to the element of tin, and is represented by Jupiter, the largest of the planets.

The mentality that comes with tin is joviality. The word ‘jovial’ comes from Jove, another name for the god Jupiter. At this level, one enjoys very base and simple pleasures, such as getting drunk, gambling and rutting with women. It’s for this reason that the adjective ‘tinny’ gets applied to anyone who goes through life with Zeus-like dumb luck.

One step up from the element of tin is the element of iron. The essential aspect of iron is that it is hard. A sword made of iron will carry a much keener edge than a sword made of tin. Therefore, it is a much better tool for imposing order and control. The solar plexus chakra corresponds to the element of iron, and is represented by Mars.

Iron may be a blueish-grey, but in a metaphorical sense it is the red of the blood that it spills. Appropriately, this is the same colour as the red of the planet Mars. It’s from the Roman god named after this planet that we get the adjective ‘martial’, dealing with physical discipline and prowess in combat. People at this level feel a moral imperative towards honour and order.

One step up from the element of iron is the element of copper. The essential aspect of copper is its attractive colourfulness. Copper sits at the centre of the Fundamental Masculine Axis. Therefore, it is the meeting point of the masculine and feminine energies. It’s for this reason that copper represents the heart chakra, a place from where true love can flow in any direction it deems appropriate. It also represents the planet Venus.

Copper represents true romantic love, as opposed to the physical love represented by lead, tin and iron. This is why it has colour, because romance gives colour to life. Love, of course, is whimsical, and it comes and goes. This whimsicality gives us the word ‘capricious’, sharing an etymology with the Latin word cuprious, meaning copper-containing.

One step up from copper is the element of silver. Essential aspects of silver are that it shines, reflects and is bright. Like the word ‘bright’, silver stands for a simple kind of intelligence. While simple, this intelligence represents a higher level of animation than any of lead, tin, iron or copper. Silver is represented by the throat chakra and by the Moon, which itself reflects the light of the Sun at night.

Silver is associated with speech and communication. A person who is glib, verbose and perhaps a bit dishonest is one that might get described as ‘silver-tongued’. Al Pacino’s character in The Devil’s Advocate is an archetypal example, using his linguistic ability to baffle, bluff and beguile. The simple intelligence represented by this element is far from the final stage of spiritual development.

One step up from silver is the element of mercury. The essential aspect of mercury is that it has been quickened. Here the concentration of spirit is so great that it starts to influence behaviour. This quickening represents a complex, deeper kind of intelligence, as opposed to the simple reflection of the element of silver. Mercury is represented by the third eye chakra and by the planet Mercury itself.

Mercury is associated with intuition and imagination, and is why creative people are often described as ‘mercurial’. Someone at the level of silver might be able to hear a lecture or read a book and then repeat the philosophy they heard, but only someone at the level of mercury will be able to produce truly original thought. In doing so, they are beginning to approach the divine action of creation.

One step up from mercury is the element of gold. This is also the masculine pole of the Fundamental Masculine Axis, and as such represents the highest possible good. This point on the axis represents what a Taoist would call the Tao, and what Plato would call the Form of the Good. It is represented by the crown chakra, and by the Sun, whose light brings life and order to the world.

Gold is the most precious of all the elements. In this, it represents the most precious of all things, which is the grace of God. A person who has raised their frequency to the level of gold is someone who is enlightened. From the vantage point at the very top of the Fundamental Masculine Axis, they can see beyond.

These seven elements comprise a hierarchy from the most base to the most precious. Not only does each of them represent both an emotional state and an energy, but they also represent seven stages in the raising of spiritual energy from the animalistic to the godly. Through understanding these elements it is possible to understand how to transform oneself from a place of suffering to a place of absolution.


If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 is also available.


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Clown World Chronicles: What is the ‘Boogaloo’?

In the darker recesses of the Internet, people like to talk about something called the ‘Boogaloo’. People make references to some future event that goes by this name, and talk about what they would do if and when it happens. As this essay will explain, the Boogaloo is an essential part of the Clown World eschatology.

Most people can sense that something’s fucky about the way the world is. It’s not for nothing we call it Clown World. One study showed that young people today have less than 40% of the housebuying power that their parents had – and things are getting worse. We know that things that are so fucked that they can’t remain that way. Nothing so badly screwed up can also be durable.

It’s obvious to most of these people that the current order of the world is destined to collapse – and soon. There are too many inexorable forces that are pushing towards this. The rot has set in so deeply that it has already reached right into the heart of what holds our society together. The foundations are already giving way.

When the current order of the world does collapse, it’s likely to be ugly. Our economies already operate on the principle of “just in time” delivery, and that means when the shit does hit the fan, supermarkets and petrol stations will start going empty in short order. When they do, people will start to panic. This will result in a sharp increase in desperate, opportunistic behaviours.

This means violence. When basic necessities start becoming scarce, some people will start fighting over what little remains. Normal loyalties to nation, race, neighbourhood and even family will start to break down, and treachery will become commonplace. This state of all-on-all warfare is what people mean by the Boogaloo.

The Boogaloo is the chimpout at the end of this age of the world. It is Ragnarok. It is Armageddon. It is the great reconciliation of grudges and grievances. The Boogaloo is when all law and order collapses, and life becomes reduced to its fundamental principle of kill or be killed.

In the theology of Clown World, the Boogaloo is the great day of judgment. All the tribulations we currently face are merely preparations for this great climax. In much the same way that other religions claim that the order of the world is so inherently evil that it cannot maintain, so too does the Clown World pantheon tell a story of an inescapable final cataclysm of violence.

A common accompaniment to talk about the Boogaloo is weapons talk. A lot of people have been preparing specifically for the end of the world, by stocking food, water, medicine – and firearms. It’s assumed that the Boogaloo will involve a lot of violence, especially in the early days before the population thins out. Having the right weaponry for the Boogaloo is a preoccupation for many in Clown World.

Also related is discussion about social unrest. People like to talk about what might kick the Boogaloo off. Popular theories include an intensification of racial conflict, a spectacular terrorist attack such as the detonation of a nuke, or a sudden change in Government like a coup or impeachment trial. A sudden outbreak of war between Israel and Iran, leading to a nuclear exchange, is another favourite theory.

The classic Boogaloo discussion involves whether the U.S. Army would follow orders to fire on American citizens, should it come down to that. At some point, the reasoning goes, civil unrest would lead to the Army being sent in, and if disorder continued the soldiers might be given an order to fire upon the rioters.

Because Clown World is so shit, many people (especially young men) yearn for the Boogaloo. Many people feel that the structure of Clown World is preventing them from reaching their full potential, or is so egregiously corrupt that it would be a righteous thing to see it fall. They believe that the Boogaloo would release them from the bonds of this false order.

In The Republic, Plato wrote about how political systems inevitably degrade from an aristocracy down through oligarchy to democracy and tyranny (right now we are somewhere between democracy and tyranny). This degradation cannot be reversed – the only way to counteract it is to overthrow the system entirely and to institute a new aristocracy of philosopher-kings.

It may be that the West is fated to endure a Boogaloo as a punishment. This punishment would be for our failure to overthrow the system that we knew was corrupt. The Boogaloo would then serve as a cleansing fire. Alternatively, it could be that the Boogaloo is a necessary step in the process of overthrowing the old, corrupt order and replacing it with a new aristocracy.


This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in the middle of 2020.


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