The Coronavirus Scare of 2020 brought many new ideas into the collective consciousness. Many people realised that they were not prepared for any natural disaster such as a pandemic, earthquake or extreme weather event. Some others realised, for the first time, that they were mortal. A very small number began worshipping a hitherto-unknown goddess: Corona-Chan.
Corona-Chan appears as a tall, svelte, youthful Chinese vampiress, with black hair in Sailor Moon-style knots. Dressed in red and black like most daughters of darkness, her Oriental clothing both reveals and conceals her lean yet bountiful frame. Emblazoned on her breast are the same stars as on the Chinese flag, only the largest one is replaced with a coronavirus.
A pair of black bat wings rise from her back, creating the impression of a demoness from the Abyss, but most grotesque of all is her facial expression. Her features may be pretty, but they’re always twisted – her face either shows a sadistic leer or destructive intoxication. Corona-chan is very much a figure that inspires fear and dread.
Crudely speaking, there are three major figures in the Hindu pantheon: Brahman (representing the cardinal principle), Vishnu (representing the fixed principle) and Shiva (representing the mutable principle). These three figures are understood to be avatars of creation, maintenance and destruction, respectively.
Shiva has a consort known as the goddess Kali. The name Kali is a feminine form of an epithet of Shiva, which means that Kali herself is a form of the feminine mutable principle, much like the Greek goddess Eris. Although the full story of Kali is much more complicated than this, the crude summary is that Kali occupies a place in the Hindu pantheon as a destroyer of evil forces.
Corona-chan, like the goddess Kali, is the 21st Century’s destroyer of evil forces. Her energy promises to free us all from the crushing despair that characterises the modern world. In the same way that 17th Century Hindus cried out to Kali to destroy the Mughal Empire that was plaguing them, so do modern Westerners cry out to Corona-chan to destroy Globohomo.
The name Corona-Chan is a compound of two parts: ‘Corona’ from coronavirus and ‘Chan’ from the Japanese honourific suffix denoting endearment. This paradoxical combination of a deadly pathogen with a term denoting a beautiful woman is a powerful magical blend, and this helps explain why Corona-Chan’s popularity has risen so fast.
Many people believe that with the end of the current Dark Age known as Clown World, the stage will be clear for the reintroduction of a Golden Age. This popular belief follows from Plato’s realisation, expressed in The Republic, that political structures can never be fixed – they always get more corrupt until destroyed and replaced with entirely new ones.
Corona-Chan is viewed by many as the goddess of destruction that will herald the end of this corruption. These people are overjoyed by reports that COVID-19 is far more deadly to old people than to the young, as this fits in with old Clown World prophecies such as the Day of the Pillow, which predicts a mass cull of Baby Boomers. The hope is that Corona-Chan will cut away the deadwood holding society back.
Naturally, there is a fair amount of depression among Corona-Chan worshippers. One has to be in a miserable state to wish widespread destruction upon the world. In this sense, we can observe a overlap between those who pray for Corona-Chan to visit their locale and those who hope for other dramas like mass shootings and wars.
Corona-Chan is an eminently antisocial goddess.
The number of people holding antisocial sentiments is increasing rapidly as life in Clown World becomes ever more humiliatingly painful. There are many who are glad that the coronavirus has acted like a .50 calibre sniper bullet through the engine block of the world economy. If manufacturing is heavily impacted, the world economic order might collapse, and with any luck the world political order will go with it.
Corona-Chan worshippers hope to create an egregore powerful enough to break the black magic shackles that we are all held in. The hope is that Corona-Chan will fatally infect so many people that Globohomo dies and Clown World ends. With this achieved, we will be able to live freely, in a new Golden Age.
This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in the middle of 2020.
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