The new age is upon us: its liberating light both warms and burns. In this new age, some things are the same as the previous age, and some other things are different. One thing that is both the same and different is our conception of demonology. The Age of Aquarius has a demonology that upsets the old order.
In the new age, it is understood that the Principle of Evil is none other than the God of Abraham.
The Demon God of Abraham has three High Demons under him, each of who rule over a 60-degree span of the Great Circle. These 60-degree spans can be understood as representing four-hour stretches of nighttime, which itself represents spiritual darkness. The rule of the God of Abraham, which we are just coming out of now as the Age of Pisces is ending, is analagous to a Great Nighttime.
The First High Demon is Abraham himself, the father of lies.
Abraham tells lies for the sake of confusing those he hates (all conscious beings). Wherever you have a malicious lie told for the sake of causing suffering, you have the energy of Abraham. It is also present wherever you have a willingness to follow orders even when they clearly increase human suffering.
Abraham appears as an old man, conspicuously insane, ranting about his god. Knife in hand, he commands people to do evil things in the name of the Principle of Evil. Abraham’s favourite lies are those that encourage parents to destroy their own children. The favourite of all is the lie that male infant genital mutilation is not harmful.
The Second High Demon is Jesus Christ, the father of weakness and slavery.
Jesus Christ preaches weakness in the guise of moral superiority. He tricks people into feeling pathological altruism, often leading to their destruction at the hands of enemies. His energy has the effect of lowering people’s spirits, so instead of being fearless and proud they surrender meekly to tyranny. Anywhere you find slaves meekly obeying their masters you have the energy of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ appears as a sickly, trembling hippie. He cries about how everything that everyone does is evil, and how all borders should be opened. His wailing weakens men’s resolve. Jesus Christ often performs masochistic acts in an attempt to trick other people into doing the same. His favourite thing is to cause so much despair that a person surrenders, in desperation, to the Principle of Evil.
The Third High Demon is Muhammad, the father of cruelty.
Muhammad preaches cruelty in the name of order, justice and morality. His energy can be found anywhere there are oppressive laws claiming to be righteous ones. It can also be found anywhere a person unjustly asserts themselves upon another person. All rapists and murderers possess some of the spirit of Muhammad.
It is most common to depict Muhammad as a black-eyed, black-bearded Arab. Usually he is shown serving in the role of judge or executioner. Inevitably he is holding a bloody sword, his favourite thing being the destruction of anything beautiful, especially anything feminine. His favourite thing of all is to rape and impregnate anyone he can take as a slave.
These three High Demons follow in that order. Abraham destroys the Golden Age by telling lies, leading to the weakness of Jesus Christ, who in his turn intensifies the Dark Age, leading to the cruelty of Muhammad. This decline can be understood in elemental terms as a transition from gold, to silver, to clay, to iron.
The suffering of the Iron Age leads, however, to a new Golden Age: the Age of Aquarius.
Each of these three High Demons rules over twelve Greater Demons, who themselves rule over a five-degree segment of the Great Circle. Each of these Greater Demons rules over five Lesser Demons, so that every degree in the lower half of the Great Circle is represented by a particular demonic energy loyal to the Principle of Evil.
In total, then, there are 36 Greater Demons, each of which expresses an energy that is a permutation of three factors: either deceit, weakness or cruelty in the first place, cardinal, fixed or mutable forces in the second place, and earth, water, air or fire in the third place.
For instance, one of the Greater Demons is Quisling, who represents deceit in a cardinal and fiery sense. Quisling is a traitor who imposes a new order at the highest level, without the consent of those ordered. His energy can be found wherever there is political intrigue leading to a revolution that increases the suffering of the masses.
Another of the Greater Demons is Prozac, who represents weakness in a fixed and watery sense. Prozac has the ability to paralyse people through sapping their positive emotions and their will. Wherever you find people who are emotionally stunted and lifeless, but tending towards misery, you have the energy of Prozac.
The Lesser Demons have names like Bonebreak, Kneebender, The Sniveller, Detritus, Axewound, Him Long Dead, Bellycrawler, The Fiddler, Headrot and False Light. There are 180 of these lesser demons, each representing one degree of the lower half of the Great Circle.
Generally speaking, a follower of the Principle of Evil will have an affinity for one of the three High Demons, and will manifest the energies of the various Greater Demons depending on what they wish to achieve in the moment. If their affinity is for Abraham, they will call themselves a Jew; if it is for Jesus Christ, they will call themselves a Christian; if it is for Muhammad, they will call themselves a Muslim.
The Lesser Demons are more for meditative and ritual purposes. A follower of the Principle of Evil might meditate on one of the Lesser Demons in order to gather the energy to perform a particular act of evil. A murderer might meditate upon Bonebreak, for example, before slaughtering their victim.
Collectively, the combined energy of all of these demons serve to increase the amount of suffering in the world. To increase the suffering in the world is the will of the Principle of Evil, and all followers of the Principle of Evil seek to cause as much harm and misery, both physical and mental, as they can.
The Abrahamist will worship one of more of these three High Demons. In doing so, they consecrate some of their psychic energy to the demon, strengthening its egregore. In return, they receive some of that demon’s energy, thereby making certain actions more possible.
In the new age, it is understood that it was the Principle of Evil, not God, who commanded Abraham to kill his own son, and it was the Principle of Evil who inspired Jesus Christ to preach that slaves should obey their masters, and it was the principle of Evil who induced Muhammad to rape a nine-year old.
This is a short summary of the demonology of the Age of Aquarius.
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