Towards A Demonology Of The Age Of Aquarius

The new age is upon us: its liberating light both warms and burns. In this new age, some things are the same as the previous age, and some other things are different. One thing that is both the same and different is our conception of demonology. The Age of Aquarius has a demonology that upsets the old order.

In the new age, it is understood that the Principle of Evil is none other than the God of Abraham.

The Demon God of Abraham has three High Demons under him, each of who rule over a 60-degree span of the Great Circle. These 60-degree spans can be understood as representing four-hour stretches of nighttime, which itself represents spiritual darkness. The rule of the God of Abraham, which we are just coming out of now as the Age of Pisces is ending, is analagous to a Great Nighttime.

The First High Demon is Abraham himself, the father of lies.

Abraham tells lies for the sake of confusing those he hates (all conscious beings). Wherever you have a malicious lie told for the sake of causing suffering, you have the energy of Abraham. It is also present wherever you have a willingness to follow orders even when they clearly increase human suffering.

Abraham appears as an old man, conspicuously insane, ranting about his god. Knife in hand, he commands people to do evil things in the name of the Principle of Evil. Abraham’s favourite lies are those that encourage parents to destroy their own children. The favourite of all is the lie that male infant genital mutilation is not harmful.

The Second High Demon is Jesus Christ, the father of weakness and slavery.

Jesus Christ preaches weakness in the guise of moral superiority. He tricks people into feeling pathological altruism, often leading to their destruction at the hands of enemies. His energy has the effect of lowering people’s spirits, so instead of being fearless and proud they surrender meekly to tyranny. Anywhere you find slaves meekly obeying their masters you have the energy of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ appears as a sickly, trembling hippie. He cries about how everything that everyone does is evil, and how all borders should be opened. His wailing weakens men’s resolve. Jesus Christ often performs masochistic acts in an attempt to trick other people into doing the same. His favourite thing is to cause so much despair that a person surrenders, in desperation, to the Principle of Evil.

The Third High Demon is Muhammad, the father of cruelty.

Muhammad preaches cruelty in the name of order, justice and morality. His energy can be found anywhere there are oppressive laws claiming to be righteous ones. It can also be found anywhere a person unjustly asserts themselves upon another person. All rapists and murderers possess some of the spirit of Muhammad.

It is most common to depict Muhammad as a black-eyed, black-bearded Arab. Usually he is shown serving in the role of judge or executioner. Inevitably he is holding a bloody sword, his favourite thing being the destruction of anything beautiful, especially anything feminine. His favourite thing of all is to rape and impregnate anyone he can take as a slave.

These three High Demons follow in that order. Abraham destroys the Golden Age by telling lies, leading to the weakness of Jesus Christ, who in his turn intensifies the Dark Age, leading to the cruelty of Muhammad. This decline can be understood in elemental terms as a transition from gold, to silver, to clay, to iron.

The suffering of the Iron Age leads, however, to a new Golden Age: the Age of Aquarius.

Each of these three High Demons rules over twelve Greater Demons, who themselves rule over a five-degree segment of the Great Circle. Each of these Greater Demons rules over five Lesser Demons, so that every degree in the lower half of the Great Circle is represented by a particular demonic energy loyal to the Principle of Evil.

In total, then, there are 36 Greater Demons, each of which expresses an energy that is a permutation of three factors: either deceit, weakness or cruelty in the first place, cardinal, fixed or mutable forces in the second place, and earth, water, air or fire in the third place.

For instance, one of the Greater Demons is Quisling, who represents deceit in a cardinal and fiery sense. Quisling is a traitor who imposes a new order at the highest level, without the consent of those ordered. His energy can be found wherever there is political intrigue leading to a revolution that increases the suffering of the masses.

Another of the Greater Demons is Prozac, who represents weakness in a fixed and watery sense. Prozac has the ability to paralyse people through sapping their positive emotions and their will. Wherever you find people who are emotionally stunted and lifeless, but tending towards misery, you have the energy of Prozac.

The Lesser Demons have names like Bonebreak, Kneebender, The Sniveller, Detritus, Axewound, Him Long Dead, Bellycrawler, The Fiddler, Headrot and False Light. There are 180 of these lesser demons, each representing one degree of the lower half of the Great Circle.

Generally speaking, a follower of the Principle of Evil will have an affinity for one of the three High Demons, and will manifest the energies of the various Greater Demons depending on what they wish to achieve in the moment. If their affinity is for Abraham, they will call themselves a Jew; if it is for Jesus Christ, they will call themselves a Christian; if it is for Muhammad, they will call themselves a Muslim.

The Lesser Demons are more for meditative and ritual purposes. A follower of the Principle of Evil might meditate on one of the Lesser Demons in order to gather the energy to perform a particular act of evil. A murderer might meditate upon Bonebreak, for example, before slaughtering their victim.

Collectively, the combined energy of all of these demons serve to increase the amount of suffering in the world. To increase the suffering in the world is the will of the Principle of Evil, and all followers of the Principle of Evil seek to cause as much harm and misery, both physical and mental, as they can.

The Abrahamist will worship one of more of these three High Demons. In doing so, they consecrate some of their psychic energy to the demon, strengthening its egregore. In return, they receive some of that demon’s energy, thereby making certain actions more possible.

In the new age, it is understood that it was the Principle of Evil, not God, who commanded Abraham to kill his own son, and it was the Principle of Evil who inspired Jesus Christ to preach that slaves should obey their masters, and it was the principle of Evil who induced Muhammad to rape a nine-year old.

This is a short summary of the demonology of the Age of Aquarius.


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Clown World Chronicles: What Is ‘Solipsism’?

Clown World is a mess for many reasons: physical, emotional, economic, political, spiritual. Some of the reasons are philosophical. These philosophical reasons relate to popular delusions that have arisen as a result of faulty logic. One of the most harmful of those delusions is solipsism.

Solipsism is the belief that the only consciousness that exists is one’s own. To the solipsist, the material world may or may not be real, but other people are not conscious. All other humans are what is called a philosophical zombie – a non-conscious being.

There is soft solipsism, which is the belief that the existence or otherwise of other consciousnesses is unknowable. There is also hard solipsism, which is the belief that it is known for certain that other consciousnesses don’t exist.

Solipsism is a major philosophical issue, for reasons that become apparent when one thinks through the implications.

Developmental psychologists believe that infants are born solipsistic, and this explains why they are so selfish. Most of them, however, grow up to assume that other people are conscious. This assumption is made by way of analogy. I have a body, and I am conscious. Other people have bodies, therefore they must be conscious too.

When most people reach what Jean Piaget called the formal operational stage, at the start of adolescence, they gain the ability to start thinking in abstract terms. When they do, they often question previous assumptions. If they do this, they soon realise that they don’t actually have any hard proof, whatsoever, that other people are conscious.

The realisation that consciousness has never been detected or measured by any scientific instrument leads to the realisation that no-one really knows if other people are conscious. One’s own consciousness might be entirely alone in this universe, surrounded only by shadows. This is arguably the most terrifying existential thought of all time.

Some people respond to this thought by becoming a variant of solipsist, i.e. someone who believes that they might be the only consciousness in the world. These people believe that other bodies might exist, but those bodies are not conscious and so there is no-one who experiences the suffering or joy of that body.

Others adopt a strange kind of balance position. Other bodies exist, and those bodies may or not be conscious, and so there may or may not be anyone who experiences the suffering or joy of that body. Therefore, that suffering doesn’t need to be taken as seriously as one’s own, because one knows for certain that one’s own suffering is experienced.

The degree to which a person discounts the suffering of other people is the degree to which they are a danger to those others. These beliefs – that one might be the only consciousness in the world, or that only one’s own consciousness is valuable – lie behind all kinds of atrocities and crimes.

If one thinks about it logically, a person’s level of empathy is related to whether or not they think other people are conscious. If other people aren’t conscious, or if their consciousness is of a lower quality, then there’s no reason to take their suffering into account when making decisions. Any measure that decreases the suffering of conscious beings while increasing the suffering of non-conscious beings is permissible.

This logic underpins exploitation of all kinds, from that of animals to that of people considered subhuman. The idea that animals/women/black people aren’t conscious (usually expressed as the idea that they don’t have souls) has underpinned exploitation since the beginning of civilisation. Today, exploitation continues under the logic that, although animals/women/black people may be conscious, the quality of that consciousness is significantly lower.

A psychopath acts as if theirs was the only consciousness that existed. This leads them to act as if other people’s suffering doesn’t matter. As a result, they take decisions that are characteristically psychopathic, such as causing great suffering to other people for marginal benefit to themselves. All exploitation is quasi-psychopathic in nature, and solipsism encourages this exploitation by justifying it.

Solipsism, then, is a major social issue. An increase in solipsism will lead to people making more selfish decisions, which will in turn lead to an increase in suffering. Social decline and solipsism follow each other. If everyone was a solipsist, this world would be hellish, because no-one would ever take other people’s suffering into account. It would be purely dog-eat-dog.

In a normal, healthy state of reality, living beings can sense the consciousness of others. This leads them to behave in ways that minimise the suffering of those others. In Clown World, people are so self-obsessed that they might as well be solipsists. Materialism and spiritual decay have led us to a state where many people are indifferent or oblivious to the suffering of other people. The result of this apathy is Clown World.

There are two ways to solve the problem of other minds.

The first is faith. This is the way that most people overcome solipsistic dilemmas. One simply has faith that other people are conscious. With sufficient faith, questions about whether the brain generates consciousness don’t need to be asked. The risk is that faith wavers, which can lead to ‘solipsistic crises’ where the existence of other consciousnesses is doubted.

The second is gnosis. This way is extremely difficult, and very few have done it. Gnosis involves knowing that other consciousnesses exist. To realise this requires stepping outside the bounds of ordinary consciousness and having a mystic revelation. The risk here is that one can stray too far from normal society. It’s difficult to live the mystic truths and not be considered insane by the masses.

The advantage of the gnosis method is that it leads to a life that’s in tune with the Tao. The person who has achieved theognosis knows that God self-expresses as the multitude of different beings that inhabit this world (and more). As such, the enlightened consciousness regards all other beings as expressions of God, their suffering equally meaningful as one’s own.


This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in January 2021.


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Clown World Chronicles: Spirituality In Clown World

As a society declines, usually the first thing that disappears is spirituality. Once a society loses touch with God, and starts adopting superstitious religion in place of genuine spiritual tradition, it’s only a matter of time until they lose everything else. Spirituality is the cornerstone that we’re missing in Clown World, and the lack of it causes many of our problems.

The elementary problem is what can be described as the Clown World Fork: either worship Jesus as God, or not believe in God. This is the fundamental spiritual dilemma facing the denizens of Clown World. Because the spiritual foundations of the West are rotten with Christianity, the spiritually inclined have great difficulty finding an alternative to Jesus-worship.

Those who are born into Christianity have the option of worshipping Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef in place of God, thereby opening themselves up to a lifetime of doubt and confusion. All of them who have a spiritual sense will intuit that they are worshipping an idol, and this will lead them into misery and despair, and usually away from the religion.

Those who are not born into Christianity, or who reject it, have the option of becoming atheists. Such people tend to be big fans of Richard Dawkins (who, while a genius evolutionary biologist, is no theologian). This atheism brings with it the belief that consciousness is extinguished upon the death of the brain, and consequently also leads to misery and despair.

Worshipping God as God is not permitted. Understanding that the material world is an illusion and that consciousness survives the death of the physical body is right out. Any such genuine spirituality is dismissed – or worse. This has led to an immense dissatisfaction among the more open-minded people. Anyone with an innate spiritual sense is all but guaranteed to suffer from the Clown World Fork.

Most cruel of all, there is no easy way for these people to get solace. Back in the day, spiritual misfits were able to find others of their kind in secret societies, or were at least able to disconnect from the world in monasteries, but today they are simply flung into the void – if they’re lucky. They might also get directly persecuted by a psychiatric system that is almost entirely staffed by hard-core materialists.

In Clown World, all talk of genuine spirituality is considered mental illness. Not only has science proven that God doesn’t exist, but psychiatric science has advanced to the point where we know that anyone who believes in God is mentally ill. Anyone who speaks of direct knowledge of God is considered to be on the verge of losing their mind completely.

In the opinion of the mental health system, anyone speaking of God is psychotic and therefore a danger to themselves and others. They probably need to be medicated until they come back into their bodies again and realise that there is no God. At this point, they will once again feel the yawning existential despair that marks normality.

This approach is why entheogens such as LSD and psilocybin, the latter of which has been used for millennia to reconnect with God, are considered to be psychotogenics rather than spiritual sacraments. It’s true that consuming these sacraments can be a bad idea for the wrong sort of person, but for a person who is properly prepared, an infinitude of spiritual insight can be gained.

Being properly prepared is a matter of doing the correct spiritual work, which in practice means a lot of meditation and wrestling with one’s shadow. But spirituality in Clown World seldom recognises either as avenues to spiritual wisdom. In fact, the remnants of Abrahamism tend to dismiss meditation as an avenue to demonic possession. Sitting still and peaceful with a headful of propaganda and advertising jingles is not easy, and in Clown World there are few with the requisite capacity for delaying gratification.

In Clown World, spirituality has degraded to such a point that all discussion about life after death is terrifying. So terrifying that it’s traumatic to raise the subject. If a person starts talking about taking a psychedelic and having an ego death experience, they are liable to trigger panic attacks among their listeners.

It’s common for people in Clown World to have never devoted any real time or thought to the question of their demise, inevitable though it be. Most people go from work to television to bed then back to work, with very little time devoted to contemplation. The few groups that are contemplative are dogma-bound.

Despite this, the need for spirituality is as great as ever. The yearning for answers still expresses itself, in several ways.

We may have killed the Christian God in the late 19th Century, but superstitious behaviours remain. Christianity has been reborn as social justice warrior culture. Instead of flagellating ourselves, we degrade ourselves with struggle sessions. Instead of having original sin because of our lust, we have original sin because of our racism. Instead of fighting heathenry, we fight white supremacy.

Things are so desperate that some are even turning to Islam as a solution to Clown World’s degeneracy problems. This desperation is encapsulated in the phrases “Islam is right about women” and “Islam is right about homosexuals”.

The suffering caused by the fear of death and by nihilism is immense. It’s the primary reason why we live in such a shabby and plastic world. Clown World spirituality leaves no-one fulfilled, and does more to mislead than it does to assuage anyone’s torment. The first sign of Clown World ending will be the introduction of a new spiritual tradition.


This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in the middle of 2020.


If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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VJMP Reads: Free Speech Under Attack III

This reading carries on from here.

Chapter Seven in Free Speech Under Attack is ‘Banning a Political Pamphlet’ by Tim Wikiriwhi. This is a polemic against Andrew Little’s efforts to introduce hate speech legislation and to ban the 1Law4All pamphlet about the Treaty of Waitangi. Here, Wikiriwhi – himself Maori – supports the sentiments of the pamphlet by agreeing that the British settlement of New Zealand was a net positive for the Maori people.

This essay is quality in its invective, describing Peter Dunne as an “obsolete politician” and making use of the adjective “ham-fisted”. It demolishes the social justice warrior case that British colonisation lowered the quality of life in New Zealand, and makes an impassioned case for the value of free speech. The SJWs won’t be able to scream “Racist!” at Wikiriwhi, so they will likely ignore him.

The Treaty of Waitangi and British colonisation, bringing the advantages and restraints of civilised government to New Zealand for the first time, were the best things that ever happened to New Zealand and the Maoris benefitted enormously from them.

Chapter Eight is ‘Islam and Free Speech’ by Robert Stanmore. This essay discusses the various measures taken by Muslims to shut down free speech in the guise of preventing blasphemy. Stanmore recounts Muslim attacks against free speech in several Western nations, whether by using violence, intimidation or the law. He (correctly) points out that the Koran encourages Muslims to kill non-believers.

Stanmore encourages us here to learn from the example of Britain and Canada, where Muslims are numerous enough to influence the law by threat. In the vast majority of cases, Muslim immigrants show no sign of willingness to conform to the expectations of their host nations, and show every sign of willingness to force their hosts to conform. This is a danger we should be extremely wary of.

Chapter Nine continues in a similar vein. This short chapter is called ‘The Fraud of Islamophobia’. Here, Stanmore recounts the multiple admonitions to violence found in the Koran, and how Muslims are reluctant to reject these verses. Disappointingly, he ignores the violence inherent in the Bible, and the murderous way that Christianity itself has spread.

Stanmore even makes the laughable assertion that Christianity is inherently a peaceful religion akin to Buddhism or Hinduism. Despite these errors, he is able to list a number of scriptural horrors within the Koran that suggest Islam is not compatible with a modern Western way of life. A “religious hatred” law is unacceptable.


If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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